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Skinship is out, says kotaku (new info on page 71)


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There is no servers for this. NoJ privatized the videos no matter where you are. You could only view them if you're logged into NoJ's account.

I wonder if those videos will ever be restored. They might as well delete them if they want to quietly hide them from the world.

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it's not even that, it's the fact that if they put it in it will be directly parodying one of the most popular erotic games out there (POPULAR, because I don't think any other sexual game has received as large of an audience as Huniepop) and that's just. Amazing. Especially after all the shit they risked to take out skinshipping.

Don't you just hate the thought that it fits.

I mean, they have the resources... it's scary.

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Your favorite game is Awakening. Did you purchase it at full price even though Tharja's butt got censored?

Whoa, hold on. Two years ago, Awakening released in February. That is about four to five months earlier than when the summer DLC got released. NOBODY would have had a second thought about buying Awakening in between the time of release and the censorship announcement, so the point is moot for early purchasers.

Though, even if we HAD known... boycotting the main game over an altered image... It wasn't that bad, so I couldn't see the point. Just, don't buy the DLC.

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I hear that we're the supposed island of sanity. Take that as you will.

As someone who plays her 3DS on public transportation. . .I'd be against this.

I WOULD support turning that finger into a pen, and drawing on a sketchbook that the character in question provides!

We are the bastion of Sanity in the fandom right now. Thats a scary thought, ja?

Well someone else waayyyy up-thread was proposing that instead of that (because mic could provide a lot of funky errors and non-response), that there be button pushing for dialogue choice. Like A for Hi, etc. So theres an idea. Drawing a thing for the character would be neat too. Anything that can interact with them (and still be family-friendly, i guess) would be neato. I want to interact in some way with my guys. Its why i was kinda down with the feature.

Yep. Even though I'm still waiting for official confirmation from Nintendo, I can safely say that my pre-order for the Special Edition of Fates is cancelled. There is absolutely NO way I'm wasting that much money on a game with stripped features. Honestly, the removal of skinshipping was uncalled for and they should see that not everyone's going to be okay with this kind of stunt.

We're not only missing out on a feature that was originally in the game and had no right being removed, but also on extra commentary from the characters. If they do end up replacing Skinship with something else that does give you that extra dialogue, then I'll be happy just buying one version, if not then I can wait until it's in the damn bargain bin.

You know, its shame you couldnt be, i dunno, charitable about it and sell your SE to someone who really wanted the game regardless. I guess thats just too much to ask, making another person happy.

I wish skinshipping never existed in the first place.

I dont think we are ever, ever going to see it again. If anything comes out of this whole mess, IS is like to get wise and not put features like that in future titles again.

I'm the truest true fan and you all know it.

I don't like the feature or the fact that the series puts in my opinion too much emphasis on pairings now but you know, that's the direction the series has went. I don't like it, but I also don't think that I can oversee what other people enjoy.

Despite you and i not agreeing all the time, this is why i think yer an ok dude.

Actually, I want everyone who's upset about the removal of skinship to weigh in on this. IMO what happened to Path of Radiance was far worse than anything Fates has announced, yet the series hasn't died because of it.

Im not sure id equate that tbh. Im not calling false equivalence, but its not quite the same instance, at least not the same motives behind it. (i dont think) The replacing of Maniac Mode to Easy mode is a doozy, (considering what it did to early copies of Radiant Dawn via transfers) but like, i dont feel it to be censorship if that makes sense. Thats more them thinking western audiences couldnt handle the difficulty. (which is silly) Thankfully, localization teams dont pull that kinda crap anymore with difficulty modes. I guess i can see your opinion though, because BOTH instances do kind of feel like "West is babby and cant handle it."

This may be opening a whole other can of worms, (feel free to ban me if necessary), but I would be interested in what those people would have to say about that Soleil support.

The arguments about not getting the same game as Japan did applies here too, and since you can apparently still invite people to your room, the absence of both has a similar effect on the gameplay of Fire Emblem.

Not really. Soleil's support with MU was never ever going to survive jumping the pond, mate.

I feel bad (not really) for the people who won't buy the game because skinship was cut. This is the first time it ever appeared in the series but NOW it's the deal breaker? I didn't even want it in the game but I bought the Japanese version anyway.

It aint a dealbreaker for me, but i do want to interact with my guys using the live2D models. So if they didnt replace it with something using the assets, yeah im gonna be a bit salty. Its not gonna result in me not getting the game, but you know...

Your favorite game is Awakening. Did you purchase it at full price even though Tharja's butt got censored?

Tharja's arse was so stupid though. Like, its not even bare, why censor that? I really wish things like that werent a big deal in society. But given reactions to Camilla, im mostly alone in the fandom for not making a big deal out of stuff like that.

the one thing that makes me really frown, is the hiding of Japanese Directs. Like, why?

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the one thing that makes me really frown, is the hiding of Japanese Directs. Like, why?

To hide the fact Fire Emblem ever existed obvs. That'll fix the problem. /s

Honestly that's a more baffling part... like I don't remember thinking it even showed skinship?

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To hide the fact Fire Emblem ever existed obvs. That'll fix the problem. /s

Honestly that's a more baffling part... like I don't remember thinking it even showed skinship?

There was the one where they showed off My Castle, but I don't even remember if that was a Direct or something they put out separately for advertisement/hype.

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Despite you and i not agreeing all the time, this is why i think yer an ok dude.

We cool. I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't abrasive or moody and often disagreeable.

i'm still gonna take my jovial pot shots at Awakening and you can't stop me though

the one thing that makes me really frown, is the hiding of Japanese Directs. Like, why?

only part that actually made me angry at all tbh. I thought "it's a shame" to their actual decision but not much more than that. comparatively to them trying to pretend it never existed.

Edited by Tryhard
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Tharja's arse was so stupid though. Like, its not even bare, why censor that? I really wish things like that werent a big deal in society. But given reactions to Camilla, im mostly alone in the fandom for not making a big deal out of stuff like that.

If anything, the censoring made Tharja's picture even more risque. It's pretty funny when you think about it.

Wonder what they will do with Camilla's beach picture.

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To hide the fact Fire Emblem ever existed obvs. That'll fix the problem. /s

Honestly that's a more baffling part... like I don't remember thinking it even showed skinship?

It demonstrated that it existed. We had many a laugh at Harold's (Now Arthur) line in said direct.

Not quite... "We've got Trouble" tier though :P:

Edited by Jedi
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From what I'm seeing, I'm guessing that the primary reason for people cancelling their pre-orders over this is because of the principle of the matter, not just because they can't pet their waifu/husbando or whatever. Some people feel like if they buy the game, they're sending the message to Nintendo that they support the decision to cut content from the game and give us what's technically a lesser product than what was initially created. It's their money. They're entitled to spend it on what they deem fit.

If that's the case, then these guys shouldn't be giving money to any Japanese gaming company, ever. Having stuff cut/changed is inevitable, and has been going on for a very, VERY long time (PoR is one of the more recent examples).

It's one thing to be upset by a principle, and I don't mind that. But to raise a giant stink on some forum, right down to "I'm not gonna get this game just because of it"? That's not going to cause Nintendo (or any other company) to change. Send an e-mail to their support line instead.

If all people are disappointed in losing is the conversations (which, if they are still in, are probably completely different for the West anyway), then I can sort of see why they're angry.

I can't see why that would be a dealbreaker for you, though. Even if it's not there, they'll probably alter the speed of the support system to make up for the loss of support building via skinship. I would put my money on the idea that it's now just conversation without petting.

As a fairly new FE fan, though, I don't think I'll ever understand the few people who get upset about name changes by localization.

The only one that's made me truly facepalm is Tsubaki, and that's because changing his name got rid of a cool pun.

And I WILL ship Tsubaki and Camilla come Revelations. IT MUST HAPPEN!

Im not sure id equate that tbh. Im not calling false equivalence, but its not quite the same instance, at least not the same motives behind it. (i dont think) The replacing of Maniac Mode to Easy mode is a doozy, (considering what it did to early copies of Radiant Dawn via transfers) but like, i dont feel it to be censorship if that makes sense. Thats more them thinking western audiences couldnt handle the difficulty. (which is silly) Thankfully, localization teams dont pull that kinda crap anymore with difficulty modes. I guess i can see your opinion though, because BOTH instances do kind of feel like "West is babby and cant handle it."

It's not a true equivalence, on the basis of two things:

1. It was a change, not a true removal

2. It had a far more direct impact on gameplay

The mess of RD transfers aside, I think it's completely hypocritical to be okay with the removal of a difficulty mode, but go full salt over the removal of a feature that had minimal impact on gameplay. The PoR change was far worse than anything Fates has shown, IMO, because Maniac alters how the game is played, while the lack of skinship doesn't. Fire Emblem is a tactics game first!

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The only one that's made me truly facepalm is Tsubaki, and that's because changing his name got rid of a cool pun.

And I WILL ship Tsubaki and Camilla come Revelations. IT MUST HAPPEN!

how dare you make me wish this existed for lovely lavender haired matoi

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Say, I meant to ask, but has people has asking about skinship to the english VAs?

I know the VAs have a NDA, but fans tend to ignore this, and ask anyway even harass them.

Just curious to know if the VAs have been involved in this mess.

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You know, I think people might be jumping the gun on skinship being out. The NA version will be different, can't avoid that, but it won't necessarily mean the My Room functions will be significantly worse. It could be an improvement, for all we know.

Whoa, hold on. Two years ago, Awakening released in February. That is about four to five months earlier than when the summer DLC got released. NOBODY would have had a second thought about buying Awakening in between the time of release and the censorship announcement, so the point is moot for early purchasers.

Though, even if we HAD known... boycotting the main game over an altered image... It wasn't that bad, so I couldn't see the point. Just, don't buy the DLC.

The Summer Scramble was released May 2nd so it's actually less than 3 month after the game's launch.

So the only difference is that they didn't tell you about the censorship until after the game launched. If anything, Nintendo is more honest than before. My new question would be, do people (like the person I originally quoted) regret purchasing Awakening on account of that censorship? Doubtful.

That's why I find it hypocritical and petty to not purchase the game over such a trivial inclusion.

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We cool. I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't abrasive or moody and often disagreeable.

i'm still gonna take my jovial pot shots at Awakening and you can't stop me though

only part that actually made me angry at all tbh. I thought "it's a shame" to their actual decision but not much more than that. comparatively to them trying to pretend it never existed.


Just how i wont stop making Sigurd jokes. Or playfully ragging on FE11

And yeah...that and Kotaku being correct....That, i am more salty about than anything.

If anything, the censoring made Tharja's picture even more risque. It's pretty funny when you think about it.

Wonder what they will do with Camilla's beach picture.

Camilla's should remain untouched. If they put a Lilith floaty on her arse, i would probably still laugh like hell though.

It's not a true equivalence, on the basis of two things:

1. It was a change, not a true removal

2. It had a far more direct impact on gameplay

The mess of RD transfers aside, I think it's completely hypocritical to be okay with the removal of a difficulty mode, but go full salt over the removal of a feature that had minimal impact on gameplay. The PoR change was far worse than anything Fates has shown, IMO, because Maniac alters how the game is played, while the lack of skinship doesn't. Fire Emblem is a tactics game first!

Ill be absolutely honest, i didnt even know that Easy was added and Maniac took out until like, a couple of years after i got the game and joined the community. So by the time i learned about it, i cant recall feeling really salty about it. (i dont think i did. I just went "ummm why did they do that then?" and kinda went about my way.)

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Ill be absolutely honest, i didnt even know that Easy was added and Maniac took out until like, a couple of years after i got the game and joined the community. So by the time i learned about it, i cant recall feeling really salty about it. (i dont think i did. I just went "ummm why did they do that then?" and kinda went about my way.)

This is the reason I may not end up looking at any information that is not official for the next fire emblem game. So I don't know what I'm missing.

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This is the reason I may not end up looking at any information that is not official for the next fire emblem game. So I don't know what I'm missing.

Yeah this is literally the first time i got really involved in pre-release stuff for an FE. For Awakening, i just kinda tried to ignore it for the most part. Didnt lurk that board much, etc. So i dove right in this time. Welp, im probably not gonna do that again because wwowowowowo pre-release has been a headache.

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Yeah this is literally the first time i got really involved in pre-release stuff for an FE. For Awakening, i just kinda tried to ignore it for the most part. Didnt lurk that board much, etc. So i dove right in this time. Welp, im probably not gonna do that again because wwowowowowo pre-release has been a headache.

Honestly I don't tihnk it would have worked with this since it's basically everywhere and would have been hard to avoid in general.

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Honestly I don't tihnk it would have worked with this since it's basically everywhere and would have been hard to avoid in general.

Basically I would have just google searched "FE if release date in america" every so often after I found out it's name.

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Tharja's arse was so stupid though. Like, its not even bare, why censor that? I really wish things like that werent a big deal in society. But given reactions to Camilla, im mostly alone in the fandom for not making a big deal out of stuff like that.

I don't think there was a reason to censor it. If you get swimsuit DLC, should one be surprised that you get....swimsuits? It's fair game to criticize having swimsuit DLC in the first place but if it does exist, it's positively silly to cover it up. The reason why Camilla got more heat (gweh heh heh) is because of how blatant the fanservice was in the middle of a serious story. It's like "THIGHS ASS TITS SEXY WALK SEXY POSE!! By the way, this is your sister so I hope you aren't fapping to this, tee hee".

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Well...That doesn't really work since you have to pay extra money to get the DLC to begin with. It's not initially part of the game.

That's further funny that Tharja's still censored after paying for it.

Possible to get a link, please?

Welp, as long as they have the models and VA, I'm cool with it. At least they aren't removing the benefits entirely

Which is needed for Conquest since you don't do any repeated maps.

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