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The girls names are anagrams of Tharja and Cordelia, so an anagram of Gaius that happens to be an actual japanese word is Usagi which means rabbit or bunny, as I said before if this DOES happen the only thing preventing me from drawing him in a Sailor Moon costume is lack of drawing skill. Serena's japanese name is Usagi.

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The girls names are anagrams of Tharja and Cordelia, so an anagram of Gaius that happens to be an actual japanese word is Usagi which means rabbit or bunny, as I said before if this DOES happen the only thing preventing me from drawing him in a Sailor Moon costume is lack of drawing skill. Serena's japanese name is Usagi.

Isn't Usami rabbit? I think Usagi is Eel(though that's based off watching that one episode of Friends).

Ignore me Unagi is eel.

Edited by Yotsume
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Yeah... I prefer Tsubaki as well. I also don't like the fact that they took the u from saizou and kagerou. Looks weird with Kagero now lol

Saizo doesn't bother me as much as Kagero, but unlike Tsubaki I feel like I could get over it. I'll probably continue to type Tsubaki instead of Subaki, tho I might still probably end up typing Ryouma rather than Ryoma just by force of habit.

I have an internet friend whose name irl is Tsubaki and when I mentioned the character with the Ts they got excited because someone actually spelled it right. I felt bad telling them NOA spelled it wrong.

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I will make an altar because Oboro keep her name! I took she for sure will get a new name but nooo! I'm happy for that!!

Now... Chevalier is now named Cheve? Like really?? Cheve??? (Its Chevalier right?)

I'm from Mexico, and here cheve is a word used for beer, when someone say to you "Give me a Cheve" they are asking for beer, so... I find this funny xD

LMAO! I thought it was going to be Chevois or something but i guess not. I keep thinking of Chevy (like the cars) and then i feel a bit nauseous.

Sky knight sounds fine since tenma means sky horse :p

So its literally Horsebird. Nice.

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Sugai is just a joke because it's so close to Sugoi

Or sugar

maybe he should just be named sugar for how big of a fucking gaius expy he is

"This is my son. My ninja son. His name is Candy. And he will kick your ass if you make fun of his name."

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Sugai is just a joke because it's so close to Sugoi

Or sugar

maybe he should just be named sugar for how big of a fucking gaius expy he is

I can just imagine it now...

Saizo: What are you doing, son!? Your name is supposed to be Saizo!

not!Gaius: That was my old name, Father. Now I want to be called...Sugar.

Saizo: ...What?

not!Gaius: Mother said it sounded sweet!

Kids these days, always trying to act hard and give themselves tough names.

Edited by NekoKnight
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to the people complaining about the -u drops, that's just one (pretty common) standard romanization. no one calls the capital of Japan Toukyou nor do we call the sport kendou nor another big city Kyouto. heck, there's even raamen

Edited by GoXDS
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1. camilla a mother figure? Did they cut royal S support?

2. Zero is now just the flirty guy and not the sadistic guy

3. Elfie's ass is covered

The first one is definitely a fat negative in my book

{worries for 1. averted I guess...}

Edited by Supercredit
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1. camilla a mother figure? Did they cut royal S support?

2. Zero is now just the flirty guy and not the sadistic guy

3. Elfie's ass is covered

The first one is definitely a fat negative in my book

No. It was confirmed a while ago that S-ranking the Nohr siblings is still there. Presumably, doing the same to the Hoshido siblings should be as well.

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1. camilla a mother figure? Did they cut royal S support?

2. Zero is now just the flirty guy and not the sadistic guy

3. Elfie's ass is covered

The first one is definitely a fat negative in my book

She was a 'mother figure' in the Japanese version too. I believe it's already been confirmed you can S-rank siblings, at least the Nohr ones (not sure about Elise?)

For no. 3, REALLY? SerioUSLY? I'm psyched if that's true.

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1. camilla a mother figure? Did they cut royal S support?

2. Zero is now just the flirty guy and not the sadistic guy

3. Elfie's ass is covered

The first one is definitely a fat negative in my book

I'm pretty sure the battle-panties look is for the generic outfits. Effie has a unique armour for the Knight class, but I think she'd have her ass exposed when she promotes.

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well I mean with regards to Grey as a name at all

[spoiler=Saizou-Grey support content]

Grey's name is really Saizou, Saizou the Sixth for that matters, but he didn't really want to take up Saizou's mantle (yet...?) and picked Grey himself. I don't remember exactly why Grey, though.

So what if he does that in the English, but Sugar. And Saizou's just like "did you just fucking name yourself after candy"

Edited by Thor Odinson
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well I mean with regards to Grey as a name at all

[spoiler=Saizou-Grey support content]

Grey's name is really Saizou, Saizou the Sixth for that matters, but he didn't really want to take up Saizou's mantle (yet...?) and picked Grey himself. I don't remember exactly why Grey, though.

So what if he does that in the English, but Sugar. And Saizou's just like "did you just fucking name yourself after candy"

In JP:

Saizou: Why do you refuse to use your birth name son

Grey: I am grey and colourless but when I am ready and mature I will be prepared to take on the colour of the Saizou name.

(something like that)


Saizou: Why do you refuse to use your birth name son


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In JP:

Saizou: Why do you refuse to use your birth name son

Grey: I am grey and colourless but when I am ready and mature I will be prepared to take on the colour of the Saizou name.

(something like that)


Saizou: Why do you refuse to use your birth name son


Exactly what im thinking of lol

Btw im a bit worried about shinonome's localized name. It couldnt be Shinon...

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I just noticed they spelled "troubadour" as "troubador" in Elise's description. They literally just spelled the name wrong... I really hope that isn't in the final game. I have a big pet peeve for misspellings, especially ones that you're forced to look at for a long time...

EDIT: It also says for Jakob that he's "cool toward others". That was obviously a typo for "cold".

Edited by Giga Man
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I just noticed they spelled "troubadour" as "troubador" in Elise's description. They literally just spelled the name wrong... I really hope that isn't in the final game. I have a big pet peeve for misspellings, especially ones that you're forced to look at for a long time...

You can rest easy. It's spelled correctly in the game, judging by the footage.

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Laslow, lmao :D I think I now know why your speed isn't great.

And Benoit to Benny... It's not bad, but it's just too... ordinary now? I still prefer the original for my Nohrian husbando. Same thing with changing Eponine to Nina; not bad, but a little plain.

I actually approve Tsukuyomi getting changed into Hayato, since Hayato is somewhat referencing his Wind Tribe origins. Tsukuyomi just seem to come out of nowhere. The Shinto moon god as an annoying teenager... I can't say I like it. And I'm happy they kept Nyx, Oboro, and Hinata.

Nishiki to Kaden will always be a no for me.

And man, they tried pretty hard with that Cordelia anagram. I'm still secretly hoping that Gurei won't get a super ridiculous anagram, though, since Gurei isn't an anagram of Gaia.

I'm somewhat concerned about Shinonome's and Kisaragi's names now...

Edited by Tsuky
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