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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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That and he told me that he's referring to Reina as "Female Henry MILF"

Except I did apologize earlier and that did nothing? I don't know what else to do then. And why don't I have a right to feel "victimized" if everyone is picking on me for a single opinion that I stated? Because that's how I felt I was being treated. If no one intended that, then I guess I'm sorry again. If this apology will even get noticed...

Okay. You apologized. The best way to deal with this issue now is to let it go. Both sides of this unnecessary argument were obviously misunderstood at one point or another. This isn't the best topic for us to be having this discussion anyways as it's gone way off-topic from the original post.

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I think Felicia gives a cute color for him (also Felicia and Leon have a cute support so that helps), it also matches with his outfit.

Here is a link for all the colors he can have (not counting female!Kamui) : http://tjsbin.tumblr.com/post/129688014398/foleos-possible-hair-colors-for-skinship-next-up

man foleo looks so good and unique with like every color

...i have to play the game this many times I guess

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I think Felicia gives a cute color for him (also Felicia and Leon have a cute support so that helps), it also matches with his outfit.

Here is a link for all the colors he can have (not counting female!Kamui) : http://tjsbin.tumblr.com/post/129688014398/foleos-possible-hair-colors-for-skinship-next-up

Oh Effie's hair is precious on him! I was thinking of pairing her with Marxander because Maximum Thwomp Pair, but hmmmm.....

I really like that not only is Foleo a guy, but also apparently straight as a ramrod and perfectly secure about it. It's nice to see gender and sexuality stereotypes be subverted.

Yarrr. I know people like him, so...yeah its nice to see in media.

Except I did apologize earlier and that did nothing? I don't know what else to do then. And why don't I have a right to feel "victimized" if everyone is picking on me for a single opinion that I stated? Because that's how I felt I was being treated. If no one intended that, then I guess I'm sorry again. If this apology will even get noticed...

Maybe its because you didnt seem at all sincere about it, and still managed to try to play the victim that people werent at all buying it. Saying "im sorry but people wont stop attacking me for my opinion because its just my opinion" is really missing the point of why people were angry in the first place. It is time just step back and realize the why. We all tolerate people who dont quite match up with our worldview. (i tolerate the fact Ted Cruz exists lmao) So thats really all we are asking.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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I think Felicia gives a cute color for him (also Felicia and Leon have a cute support so that helps), it also matches with his outfit.

Here is a link for all the colors he can have (not counting female!Kamui) : http://tjsbin.tumblr.com/post/129688014398/foleos-possible-hair-colors-for-skinship-next-up

Ha, I'll probably go with Charlotte just because I like blonde on him the best. ...Providing the supports are good.


Oh Effie's hair is precious on him! I was thinking of pairing her with Marxander because Maximum Thwomp Pair, but hmmmm.....

Yarrr. I know people like him, so...yeah its nice to see in media.

Maybe its because you didnt seem at all sincere about it, and still managed to try to play the victim that people werent at all buying it. Saying "im sorry but people wont stop attacking me for my opinion because its just my opinion" is really missing the point of why people were angry in the first place. It is time just step back and realize the why. We all tolerate people who dont quite match up with our worldview. (i tolerate the fact Ted Cruz exists lmao) So thats really all we are asking.

With Loki on this one, if no one minds my weighing in. The apology felt like a "sorry you got offended" false apology, not a sincere "I am sorry I hurt your feelings" apology.

In other news, I'm having entirely to much fun with this localization already. I can't wait for the game itself.

Edited by Aquakat
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That's step 1 out of the way.

Do you understand why people are upset with you? It's not because you're Ana (and rest assured if it was for something so shallow, I would've said something about it). Even if you don't agree with their logic, at least try to understand where they're coming from.

But I don't understand those things. And I feel like I'm getting...well, mistreated because of it. If someone doesn't understand something, try to explain it instead of calling them out for it. If they still don't understand, try again, and if you just can't get them to understand even then, say okay and walk away, I guess. I don't know, I'm not the best at giving advice... Especially social advice.

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... Well, that was a thing. I leave the computer for half an hour and holy crap...

And I'm going to just say here that I really want to ship Leon and Nyx to give Foleo black hair for the full titlt Edna Mode jokes with designing gorgeous outfits.

Returning back to the main topic... Reina shot up about... three spots on my favourite lists, I love the fact that the bathhouse stayed and I really hope bathing with your spouse also stays. Those quotes were equal amounts of funny and sweet in several spots, and I really did enjoy that.

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Butterfly mask~~~

also it's not even the first time FE has a feminine-looking dude who id's staunchly as a dude and gets mistaken as a girl a lot remember Lucius

Like I don't see why Foleo would have any issues in localization when Lucius is a fine precedence

a non-issue anyway

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Okay, are we all good with going back on topic regarding the localization confirmations of things and more of Nick Robinson's ridiculous Fire Emblem Fates tweets?


Oh Effie's hair is precious on him! I was thinking of pairing her with Marxander because Maximum Thwomp Pair, but hmmmm.....

Yarrr. I know people like him, so...yeah its nice to see in media.

Maybe its because you didnt seem at all sincere about it, and still managed to try to play the victim that people werent at all buying it. Saying "im sorry but people wont stop attacking me for my opinion because its just my opinion" is really missing the point of why people were angry in the first place. It is time just step back and realize the why. We all tolerate people who dont quite match up with our worldview. (i tolerate the fact Ted Cruz exists lmao) So thats really all we are asking.

At least it's not Donald Trump that you tolerate.

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But I don't understand those things. And I feel like I'm getting...well, mistreated because of it. If someone doesn't understand something, try to explain it instead of calling them out for it. If they still don't understand, try again, and if you just can't get them to understand even then, say okay and walk away, I guess. I don't know, I'm not the best at giving advice... Especially social advice.

This is a derail so ill shoot you a PM about it, ok?

Butterfly mask~~~

also it's not even the first time FE has a feminine-looking dude who id's staunchly as a dude and gets mistaken as a girl a lot remember Lucius

Like I don't see why Foleo would have any issues in localization when Lucius is a fine precedence

a non-issue anyway

Also Libra.

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And I'm going to just say here that I really want to ship Leon and Nyx to give Foleo black hair for the full titlt Edna Mode jokes with designing gorgeous outfits.


Now I can't read his supports without thinking about it or imagining him saying lines she has FU

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Okay, are we all good with going back on topic regarding the localization confirmations of things and more of Nick Robinson's ridiculous Fire Emblem Fates tweets?

They are so good I'm looking forward to every one of them

Maybe he can confirm or deny if Ryouma/Crimson exists for me

unlikely but one can dream, right

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Okay. So from what Polygon (Nick) has given us, we have bathhouse, accessories, and swim suits confirmed. Flannel is now Keaton while Asyura is Ashura. Reina has been dubbed "female Henry milf" (by Nick). Am I missing anything?

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They are so good I'm looking forward to every one of them

Maybe he can confirm or deny if Ryouma/Crimson exists for me

unlikely but one can dream, right

Man, I would love it if they added supports for some chars (Flora-Jakob so we can at least get some reason for why she's crushing on his ass?), but I doubt it... (But freaking hell, Ryoma/Crimson are shippy in the STORY! IS, that's just wasted potential there)

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Now I can't read his supports without thinking about it or imagining him saying lines she has FU

Is this a bad time to say that I had a friend do an edited FE:F script with the support generator between Foleo and Lutz quoting a bit of the whole supersuit conversation? Because I kind of did ask a friend to do that. And it was wonderful.

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Okay. So from what Polygon (Nick) has given us, we have bathhouse, accessories, and swim suits confirmed. Flannel is now Keaton while Asyura is Ashura. Reina has been dubbed "female Henry milf" (by Nick). Am I missing anything?

Correction he's Shura now but yes

I wonder what the shura class will become

Man, I would love it if they added supports for some chars (Flora-Jakob so we can at least get some reason for why she's crushing on his ass?), but I doubt it... (But freaking hell, Ryoma/Crimson are shippy in the STORY! IS, that's just wasted potential there)

I know right? I wonder what Flora sees in him. Maybe she's just into his face and voice or something. He is pretty--but man, he's so mean to her :c

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Is this a bad time to say that I had a friend do an edited FE:F script with the support generator between Foleo and Lutz quoting a bit of the whole supersuit conversation? Because I kind of did ask a friend to do that. And it was wonderful.

Sweet Gerd, link that shit, dear!

I just wish we got more normal supports for Reina, Yukimura, Crimson, and other "kamuisexuals" who only have the Corrin S-Support option.

YEE. Put in Ryouma/Scarlet and we's gold. Oh hi brother

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I think I'm going to love Reina.

I think Felicia gives a cute color for him (also Felicia and Leon have a cute support so that helps), it also matches with his outfit.

Here is a link for all the colors he can have (not counting female!Kamui) : http://tjsbin.tumblr.com/post/129688014398/foleos-possible-hair-colors-for-skinship-next-up

He looks great with almost any color! If you want to see Corrin's colors on him, here's a link.

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Butterfly mask~~~

also it's not even the first time FE has a feminine-looking dude who id's staunchly as a dude and gets mistaken as a girl a lot remember Lucius

Like I don't see why Foleo would have any issues in localization when Lucius is a fine precedence

a non-issue anyway

well while I agree that localization probably won't mess with it I feel like that's a pretty different case

like with lucius the fact that he looks like a woman is rarely actually brought up, and you only really see how insecure he is about it in his support with priscilla where he says "You…must understand. I am…a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it. Perhaps you meant to imply…otherwise?"

with foleo his support with leo goes a lot more into detail about why he dresses like a woman

there's a lot more put into it which I like

although actually their characters are pretty similar now that I think about it

still though it's hard to explain why but I feel like those two are pretty different

not that it really matters i just felt like talking about it i love both of them

god i don't even know what i just wrote did it make sense sorry if it didn't i need to fucking sleep

Edited by maybe
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Correction he's Shura now but yes

I wonder what the shura class will become

I know right? I wonder what Flora sees in him. Maybe she's just into his face and voice or something. He is pretty--but man, he's so mean to her :c

I meant Shura. XD My fingers are used to typing "Asyura" that I just automatically type "Ashura" instead of Shura now. I wonder if he's come across the Shura class yet...

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He looks great with almost any color! If you want to see Corrin's colors on him, here's a link.

Sadly, that doesn't work (the image is small) so here is a better link.

Link : http://sereneseas.tumblr.com/post/132198691138/meek-little-treasure-heres-the-ninth-bit-of-my

Edit; I'm so sorry if I sounded rude or anything.

Edited by December Knight
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Correction he's Shura now but yes

I wonder what the shura class will become

I know right? I wonder what Flora sees in him. Maybe she's just into his face and voice or something. He is pretty--but man, he's so mean to her :c

Because girls like bad boyzzzzz. i'm sorry I'll go back to lurking.

If extra supports are added for the Kamuisexuals I'll die of happiness, but to be honest, I doubt such a thing will ever happen.

Edited by SageOfAnys
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