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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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Wow!!That's amazing, the worst part is dat dialogue was directed towards the player, everyone knew that she is "technically" an adult sooo... Why Leo saying this again?

Now I'm very curious to know how they will handle the issue of Midoriko.

Midoriko will now be confirmed to be older than her father and merely looks like a 10 year old child.

This is gonna be the third time I've mentioned this, but I'm gonna keep mentioning it until people stop bringing this up god damn it!

Adulthood is more than just an age, it's also the way you behave and the responsibilities you are expected to fulfill. Bar/Bat Mitzvah's take place at the ages of 13 and 12 respectively and are considered a coming of age ceremony not because that's when they're physically an adult, but when they're expected to start acting like one i.e. participating in the community, becoming an active member of society, behaving in a mature and dignified manner. When Leo says she's technically an adult, assuming that she's an adult in terms of age is only one possible interpretation (and considering that adulthood can begin anywhere from 14 to 18 to 21 depending on culture and era of history, not an entirely inaccurate one), but the more logical interpretation would be that she's an adult in terms of responsibility and her not 'acting like an adult' is odd because she's already meant to be acting like an adult.

Besides, what do you want NoA to do? I've seen people say they should've been more subtle about it, but what's the point? People are just going to call them out on justifying the S-Ranks and how she looks and acts younger regardless of how 'subtle' they make the implication. If they just leave it as is people will complain about pedo-bait and probably throw around the word 'weeaboo' more frequently than most people would use conjunctions and if they took out the ability to S-rank her, Sakura, Lutz, Midoriko and any other under-aged character (or under-aged in the Japanese version as the case may be) I might've forgotten about, that'll just have people up in arms complaining about censorship. Again. Because if there's one thing this game needs more of, it's censorship drama. Regardless of how effective or laughable the dialogue is, it's nowhere near as big of a fuck-up/issue as some people are making it out to be, or at lease it shouldn't be.

Edited by Phillius
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I actually like Foleo a lot. I haven't read his supports, but the fact that his character seems to be about trying to get his father to accept him for who he is and what he likes makes for some interesting backstory, so I'm curious to read about that.

I can see NoA giving the character a rather androgynous name to add to the "Being mistaken for a girl" thing. I think a nice localized name for Foleo could be Fabian. It's a male name in almost every language, but it can also be mistaken for the female french homonym Fabianne, which could work in the context of the character.

Fabian also sounds like fabulous which fits him because Foleo dresses fabulously.

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This is gonna be the third time I've mentioned this, but I'm gonna keep mentioning it until people stop bringing this up god damn it!

Adulthood is more than just an age, it's also the way you behave and the responsibilities you are expected to fulfill. Bar/Bat Mitzvah's take place at the ages of 13 and 12 respectively and are considered a coming of age ceremony not because that's when they're physically an adult, but when they're expected to start acting like one i.e. participating in the community, becoming an active member of society, behaving in a mature and dignified manner. When Leo says she's technically an adult, assuming that she's an adult in terms of age is only one possible interpretation (and considering that adulthood can begin anywhere from 14 to 18 to 21 depending on culture and era of history, not an entirely inaccurate one), but the more logical interpretation would be that she's an adult in terms of responsibility and her not 'acting like an adult' is odd because she's already meant to be acting like an adult.

You're being intentionally obtuse here. This line isn't in the original game which means it was added specifically to handwave accusations in the west of underaged girls as sexual partners. It couldn't be a more obvious "No really, she's 18 brah". To suggest that this line was included as "cultural insight" is going past giving NoA the benefit of the doubt, and going straight into denial. Japan doesn't regard 12 years old as someone who is socially or physically an adult. The majority of the western audience probably doesn't see 12 years old as an adult. "Technically is an adult" is a rewording of "Technically not jailbait". If they wanted to make an inocculus statement about Elise's expected maturity level relative to her age, they could have said "When are you going to start acting your age?"

Besides, what do you want NoA to do? I've seen people say they should've been more subtle about it, but what's the point? People are just going to call them out on justifying the S-Ranks and how she looks and acts younger regardless of how 'subtle' they make the implication. If they just leave it as is people will complain about pedo-bait and probably throw around the word 'weeaboo' more frequently than most people would use conjunctions and if they took out the ability to S-rank her, Sakura, Lutz, Midoriko and any other under-aged character (or under-aged in the Japanese version as the case may be) I might've forgotten about, that'll just have people up in arms complaining about censorship. Again. Because if there's one thing this game needs more of, it's censorship drama. Regardless of how effective or laughable the dialogue is, it's nowhere near as big of a fuck-up/issue as some people are making it out to be, or at lease it shouldn't be.

Yes, they should have removed the option to S support those characters. Would people be outraged? Absolutely, but the game would be made better for its absence. (And they could have added other features to make up for the loss, such as new supports/romances for the Kamui-sexuals) Why is it even controversial for me to state that romancing and impregnating children is not cool?

If they had to include it I wish NoA would have just ignored the matter entirely and let the blame fall squarely on Japan. By making flimsy excuses for its inclusion, my disapproval is dealt out equally to NoA and IS. It's the lies I find so hurtful, NoA.

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I thought this was a joke! There's no way the writing can be this awful all the time, right?


Now, this is some amazing teamwork. NoJ removes those ugly old people from the world while NoA lowers the age of consent as necessary. (But then again, the only consent in Fates that matters is Kamui's) On Nintendo's watch, no boner shall get unsatisfied.

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Brown - This. . .works, somehow.

On my Leo/Avatar run, I'm so going to try out a light brown. He would look like some kind of strawberry chocolate, that would be adorable, thanks for the idea!

And yeah, it would be a problem if they changed him into a girl...like a serious one, and I REALLY don't want to run into nothing but that kind of controversy if I google his name. I want him to be remembered for good reasons, like the original reason they put him in, not a bad one.

Also I'm glad hot springs will be left in, it's a feature I never really had that big of an interest in (to be honest the pixelated bodies are kind of hilarious) but I bet there's a lot of character...development?

I wonder what triggers the going into the wrong hot spring thing?

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Now, this is some amazing teamwork. NoJ removes those ugly old people from the world while NoA lowers the age of consent as necessary. (But then again, the only consent in Fates that matters is Kamui's) On Nintendo's watch, no boner shall get unsatisfied.

You know, why did you even comment if you're only going to be passive-aggressive, all-round negative, and add nothing to the conversation?

I swear some people need a chill pill. There's already potential justification for this, but do you look into that? No; you go straight for the mockery. The localizers wouldn't do something so blatant unless there was some form of reasoning/justification behind that.

It is what it is, people; I'm not going to go around like a certain someone I know of and claim that virtually the whole fandom's bad because of my thin skin, but incessant negativity on the same subjects gets frustrating.

Yes, a bunch of people know you hate most things related to this game and that you hold Corrin as Satan incarnate; really, what do you get out of this now?

EDIT: And for clarity, I agree with most negative assessments of this game. In places outside of SF, I'm much more openly critical of it and echo the sentiments of certain members here. But when most people who visit this sub-forum either get the gist of things or don't want to, then it's posts like this that get me easily fired up.

Edited by The DanMan
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I thought this was a joke! There's no way the writing can be this awful all the time, right?


I think I'm the only person who laughed at this and went, "God, how many times has this been said about me? Sibling banter. Good times."

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I think I'm the only person who laughed at this and went, "God, how many times has this been said about me? Sibling banter. Good times."

Yes, if only Royalty acted like the adults that their title arguably expects them to be

but alas, we're gamers, and instead look to this as though it's a parody. Honestly, it sounds like something that someone just says out of frustration, but what do I know I never lived with my siblings

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Yes, if only Royalty acted like the adults that their title arguably expects them to be

but alas, we're gamers, and instead look to this as though it's a parody. Honestly, it sounds like something that someone just says out of frustration, but what do I know I never lived with my siblings

I grew up with one younger sister and three elder ones. This kind of thing was exceptionally common in my household. And royalty, peasant, or dragon, I'd like to safey assume that siblings are always gonna be siblings, and there's bound to be a lot of banter no matter where you go when you shove the lot of them on the road together. Personal bias FTW?

Either that or I just really am looking desperately for any excuse to avoid another collapse of a salt mine.

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I'm not surprised that the bath area is still in. I actually don't mind this one at all. It maybe fanservice, but it's honestly just as much a realistic thing as it is fanservice. Even in the middle of a war, soldiers will want to relax and wash up between battles, and hundreds of years ago, the way to do that was the bath pools.

Agreed. Fanservice I can get behind. Tactful and makes sense.

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That's what I said before, people are focusing too much on that line.

It's obvious that Leo simply telling to behave more properly.

Some of her supports shows that Elise don't care about acting like a proper princess, so Leo's line make sense.

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I completely agree about Leo just saying that out of frustration because I know from experience that my older siblings (I'm the youngest) would always say things like "you need to act more mature" or "you're not a little kid anymore so you need to start acting more like a grown up" but that was said to me when I was 14-16. I think he's referring more to her attitude and mentality rather than "yeah, you're literally an adult".

So, It might have been better if he said something along the lines of how she's not a kid anymore because that would leave the impression that she's obviously not a kid (9-12) but also hints to the fact that she's either a teenager (13-15) or even just a young adult (16-18). Even though at 16 technically you're still a teenager, you're at the point in your life where you should start acting like a young adult - not a grown adult like 25+ but a young adult. That's just what I think.

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You know, why did you even comment if you're only going to be passive-aggressive, all-round negative, and add nothing to the conversation?

I swear some people need a chill pill. There's already potential justification for this, but do you look into that? No; you go straight for the mockery. The localizers wouldn't do something so blatant unless there was some form of reasoning/justification behind that.

I prefer the term sarcasm. And I am not being negative. In fact, I am now looking actually forward to the release. I am sure this is going to be a very amusing game.

And of course there is a "justification for this". Said justification is the very reason for my mockery. If NoA would have the integrity to either stand by this product or to remove the kids as marriage options, they would have proven that they have some kind of character. But trying to merely veil the elephant in the room like that is just pure self-serving pragmatism. Not something I would condemn by itself, but also not something that I have any kind of respect for.

It is what it is, people; I'm not going to go around like a certain someone I know of and claim that virtually the whole fandom's bad because of my thin skin, but incessant negativity on the same subjects gets frustrating.

Don't blame me that you identify with a game to such a degree that you get personally offended if someone mocks and/or criticizes it.

Yes, a bunch of people know you hate most things related to this game and that you hold Corrin as Satan incarnate; really, what do you get out of this now?

Kamui isn't anything like Satan. He is more like Arvis' father Victor.

Also, what do I get out of expressing my amusement over NoA's pathetic sliminess? What kind of answer do you expect to a question like that? I mean, what do you get from posting on this forum unless it's something substantial like asking for advice about something? It's just kinda nice to talk with others about the things I care about. To gush, to expand the mind, to laugh, to bitch, whatever. What other reason would I need?

Edited by BrightBow
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We are still talking about Elise? I thought we already came to the conclusion that NoA really couldn't' do much here, and did the best they could with what they were given in regards to Elise. I highly doubt they would of been allowed to just up and remove a complete marriage option from the game. Can you imagine the backlash they would of got for that?

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why someone still debating Elise age? is that illegal to marry a child in game? or do you guys afraid if you gonna rape a child because of game? D: oh come on, this is just a game...

also, that izana "chicken grease" literally make me crying lol :')))

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We are still talking about Elise? I thought we already came to the conclusion that NoA really couldn't' do much here, and did the best they could with what they were given in regards to Elise. I highly doubt they would of been allowed to just up and remove a complete marriage option from the game.

Why would they not be "allowed" to remove a marriage option? It's NoA's job to ensure that this game is making as much money as possible, so it's their call to make. Sure, NoJ could technically overrule them but why would they? What reason would they have to question NoA's judgment in regards to their own market?

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I prefer the term sarcasm. And I am not being negative. In fact, I am now looking actually forward to the release. I am sure this is going to be a very amusing game.

And of course there is a "justification for this". Said justification is the very reason for my mockery. If NoA would have the integrity to either stand by this product or to remove the kids as marriage options, they would have proven something worthy of respect. But trying to merely veil the elephant in the room like that is just pure self-serving pragmatism. Not something I would condemn, but also not something that I have any kind of respect for.

Don't blame me that you identify with a game to such a degree that you get personally offended if someone mocks and/or criticizes it.

Kamui isn't anything like Satan. He is more like Arvis' father Victor.

Also, what do I get out of expressing my amusement over NoA's pathetic sliminess? What kind of answer do you expect for that. I mean, what do you get from posting on this forum unless it's something substantial like asking for advice about something? It's just kinda nice to talk with others about the things I care about.To gushing, to laugh, to bitch, whatever. What other reason would I need?

I'd prefer if you didn't put words in my mouth here. "Incessant negativity on the same subjects gets frustrating"; it doesn't matter what they are. If somebody is volunteering the same opinion over and over, it's going to get annoying.

Could NOA have removed sibling marriages? Yes. Would've I have preferred it? Yes. Did they do it? No; it in itself is much more tied into the game mechanically and has a form of justification (however poorly implemented it may be), unlike skinship.

Also, maybe because I just like to analyze things before passing judgement, but I fail to see how this one line is so pitiful; they did what they had to and what was expected.

You saying the game will be "amusing" before going on about "pathetic moral sliminess" makes me wonder if you're not taking things a tad to seriously.

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Believe it or not, there are 16-13 year olds that play Fire Emblem too.

And I don't want to hear 'oh you clearly know what they're doing' because to be frank, if I was faced with putting in marriage options, I'd put in an array of ages as well if it was teen-rated. Believe it or not there are innocent people in this fandom who would simply marry Elise or Sakura or Nowi or whatever purely because they either liked their design or for tactical reasons, not to be intentionally creepy and if the option to marry was removed I'd be pretty pissed that NoA just assumed I was some creepy 40 year old man and I'm sure the younger people who see that it was changed would be confused.

Also, Leo's dialogue there is so off-putting, that it's actually really funny so I can't argue with the fact they put that in...

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Why would they not be "allowed" to remove a marriage option? It's NoA's job to ensure that this game is making as much money as possible, so it's their call to make. Sure, NoJ could technically overrule them but why would they? What reason would they have to question NoA's judgment in regards to their own market?

Because they are a business first and foremost, so last thing they are going to do is draw attention to the fact that you could marry a younger character in this game and hurt sales because of that. Doesn't matter if it was removed or not, people are still going to focus on that fact, creating a bad reputation for this game. That is the last thing you want when you are selling a product. People seem to forget that these companies are here to make a profit.

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Hm. I was just thinking, it doesn't actually say that they get married right after their S support (although presumably they do), so why couldn't the just have the underage party and their partner make some kind of vow of marriage, and imply that it occurred when the kid was old enough?

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I'd prefer if you didn't put words in my mouth here. "Incessant negativity on the same subjects gets frustrating"; it doesn't matter what they are. If somebody is volunteering the same opinion over and over, it's going to get annoying.

Could NOA have removed sibling marriages? Yes. Would've I have preferred it? Yes. Did they do it? No; it in itself is much more tied into the game mechanically and has a form of justification (however poorly implemented it may be), unlike skinship.

Also, maybe because I just like to analyze things before passing judgement, but I fail to see how this one line is so pitiful; they did what they had to and what was expected.

You saying the game will be "amusing" before going on about "pathetic moral sliminess" makes me wonder if you're not taking things a tad to seriously.

I think you're getting too worked up over this. It's not worth it.

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