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Polygon confirms: bathhouses, swim suits are still in.


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The way she worded it was really weird, though. She said petting was still in for your spouse, but then went on to imply it was only in the 'waking up' minigame. Only listened to it once because for some reason I find it pretty cringey but even if it is still in I don't think I really have a problem with it since it's now only your spouse and I won't use it anyway.

Maybe you can only touch when you're waking them up?

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I laughed. Hard.

jinkies! That really ummm ahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) intensifies

Cant wait to pet the Benny ayy

its okay i cant wait to pet my ninja

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Wait, wouldn't that technically mean that Kotaku was kind of wrong in a way? I'm sorry for bringing this up again since we've moved on from that, but I remember very clearly that they said it was 100% out.

So Kotaku lied by omission. Not only do we still have the Live2D assets and the dialogue, but we might also be able to pet S-Ranked characters? All that drama about censorship was for nothing?

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I cannot stop laughing. Izana, you are now one of my favs.

Izana sounds like Ray Chase who voiced L in Xenoblade Chronicles X...Which makes sense as they are both eccentric, but lovable fools. XD

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Nick is such an Izana fanboy.

Still feels out of place. Maybe his supports are good but idk other than the fortune thing i just wasnt feeling it

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Nick is such an Izana fanboy.

Still feels out of place. Maybe his supports are good but idk other than the fortune thing i just wasnt feeling it

From what I can tell with Izana, the ridiculousness of his personality fits Izana. Especially if he was as eccentric in the Japanese version as I read.

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Acts like a spoiled royal brat to me, but it is through poor context since "we are all about love peace and chicken grease here in Izana" has thus far applied to one member of Izumo.

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All the times you get attacked in Izumo, you're being attacked by Nohrians. Zola, to be specific. Actual Izumites don't have anything to contradict that statement. His personality is pretty much like that in the original--and I think they did a pretty good job with him with the flavorful language he uses. Definitely seems like a fun guy, if he only had more options than just Kamui.

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Today I learned that pointing out that calling someone 'technically' an adult implies 15-16 years old instead of 18+ and defending NoA's choice to age up the under-aged character (which many people predicted would happen, including yourself if I remember correctly) in order to avoid the implications of having sex with a minor when every other choice they could've made would've resulted in an even bigger shitstorm makes me an idiot. Alright then...

I didn't call you an idiot, I was accusing you of choosing the least likely interpretation in order to defend the localization choice. You're not really considered an adult until you're 18 in America (and you still can't drink lol) and 20 in Japan. "Technically" an adult is older than 15-16 in both the creators' culture and one of their largest western audience's culture (since we're talking about NoA). Citing examples of select cultures who have a much lower understanding of adulthood is meaningless. If they want tell us that Elise is acting immature for her age, they could have chosen more natural sounding dialogue but they wanted to specifically mark her as "technically an adult". Even if the line was to inform about Nohr's culture or just innocent banter (as you seem to believe), it would still be a hilariously awkward line. I hope we can agree on this at least.

I predicted they would age her up, but I didn't say I'd approve of it as a justification for sexy times. You can call Elise a pint-sized 18 year old but I'll call you a liar. The greater sin is still on Japan for making it an option in the first place but NoA is handling it poorly with blatant lies. That's why I snark on things like this.

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Just an fyi, but Polygon has dedicated an entire video to Izana:

I HAVE SO MUCH IZANA HYPE RIGHT NOW! HE IS THE BEST THING EVER! I love this. I love this character. I really wanted an Erudite Goofball type character and expected them to do it with Asama in localization for some reason. (his appearance i think) But i get it from this really pretty dude. I L O V E I T.

[spoiler=And!! mild spoila]


I Z A N A <3

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I HAVE SO MUCH IZANA HYPE RIGHT NOW! HE IS THE BEST THING EVER! I love this. I love this character. I really wanted an Erudite Goofball type character and expected them to do it with Asama in localization for some reason. (his appearance i think) But i get it from this really pretty dude. I L O V E I T.

[spoiler=And!! mild spoila]


I Z A N A <3

Izana is slowly winning the bid of who I marry in Birthright/Conquest for my female Corrin. XD

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Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)

I'm very happy that this is in (especialy Armine)

also Izana is probably going to be the JarJar Binks of FE

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Izana is slowly winning the bid of who I marry in Birthright/Conquest for my female Corrin. XD

Yeah hes now at war with Tsubaki for my Birthright MU. (cuz shes the lady one) But i still want her to bang Tsubaki....

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Yeah hes now at war with Tsubaki for my Birthright MU. (cuz shes the lady one) But i still want her to bang Tsubaki....

He's currently against a few people for my female Corrin. XD

Too bad he can't be married in Revelation.

Edited by KazeNinja17
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