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...Selkie? That's not even Japanese!

I don't care if it's for the "hehe, the furries have names that mean/sound like fabric" joke (at least it's kinda clever, it sounds/looks like the word silk). I know that Selkie are mythological water spirits that resemble seals that can remove their seal pelt to take on human form and walk on land but they are from Scottish, Irish, and Faroese folklore.

I don't think it's a bad name, it's just not Japanese.

(Ayako would have way better. One of it meanings is "design", and "kimono design" with "child" deepening on the kanji! It would still work with the fabric thing and fit with the setting better.)

Okay! Got that off my chest. Selkie is pretty cute and I think it might fit her.

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Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)

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You're being intentionally obtuse here. This line isn't in the original game which means it was added specifically to handwave accusations in the west of underaged girls as sexual partners. It couldn't be a more obvious "No really, she's 18 brah". To suggest that this line was included as "cultural insight" is going past giving NoA the benefit of the doubt, and going straight into denial. Japan doesn't regard 12 years old as someone who is socially or physically an adult. The majority of the western audience probably doesn't see 12 years old as an adult. "Technically is an adult" is a rewording of "Technically not jailbait". If they wanted to make an inocculus statement about Elise's expected maturity level relative to her age, they could have said "When are you going to start acting your age?"

Yes, they should have removed the option to S support those characters. Would people be outraged? Absolutely, but the game would be made better for its absence. (And they could have added other features to make up for the loss, such as new supports/romances for the Kamui-sexuals) Why is it even controversial for me to state that romancing and impregnating children is not cool?

If they had to include it I wish NoA would have just ignored the matter entirely and let the blame fall squarely on Japan. By making flimsy excuses for its inclusion, my disapproval is dealt out equally to NoA and IS. It's the lies I find so hurtful, NoA.

Today I learned that pointing out that calling someone 'technically' an adult implies 15-16 years old instead of 18+ and defending NoA's choice to age up the under-aged character (which many people predicted would happen, including yourself if I remember correctly) in order to avoid the implications of having sex with a minor when every other choice they could've made would've resulted in an even bigger shitstorm makes me an idiot. Alright then...

...Selkie? That's not even Japanese!

I don't care if it's for the "hehe, the furries have names that mean/sound like fabric" joke (at least it's kinda clever, it sounds/looks like the word silk). I know that Selkie are mythological water spirits that resemble seals that can remove their seal pelt to take on human form and walk on land but they are from Scottish, Irish, and Faroese folklore.

I don't think it's a bad name, it's just not Japanese.

(Ayako would have way better. One of it meanings is "design", and "kimono design" with "child" deepening on the kanji! It would still work with the fabric thing and fit with the setting better.)

Okay! Got that off my chest. Selkie is pretty cute and I think it might fit her.

The Japanese naming theme went out the window as soon as they localised Matoi as Caeldori. It's anarchy man! Anything goes!


Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)


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Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)


Kind of my reaction tbh.

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Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)


They couldn't have just cut it entirely, could they?

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Updates on Private Quarters - 3DS Blowing / Petting / Special Items for spouse (of the Avatar) confirmed by GameSpot.

(Fates related news in 39:00 - 52:00 in the vid)


I can pet Niles now!YUUUSSS

Is it bad I am legit crying right now ;__;

I feel like I shouldn't be but I am.

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They couldn't have just cut it entirely, could they?

I think it's better they left it in for spouses only. It's a lot less creepy than just being able to caress EVERYONE.

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I think it's better they left it in for spouses only. It's a lot less creepy than just being able to caress EVERYONE.

True; it just seems especially odd that nobody mentioned this at all until now (even the NOA e-mails).

I mean, since we went through that massive shitstorm, I'd have preferred it to just be gone entirely; but it is what it is.

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I think it's better they left it in for spouses only. It's a lot less creepy than just being able to caress EVERYONE.

Agreed. It makes sense for more intimate actions to be reserved for your spouses, as, at least in the U.S., the same logic applies.

True; it just seems especially odd that nobody mentioned this at all until now (even the NOA e-mails).

I believe Nintendo should seriously consider finding a new P.R. corporation. Edited by Hunter Saltblood
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I actually like Foleo a lot. I haven't read his supports, but the fact that his character seems to be about trying to get his father to accept him for who he is and what he likes makes for some interesting backstory, so I'm curious to read about that.

I can see NoA giving the character a rather androgynous name to add to the "Being mistaken for a girl" thing. I think a nice localized name for Foleo could be Fabian. It's a male name in almost every language, but it can also be mistaken for the female french homonym Fabianne, which could work in the context of the character.

Fabian also sounds like fabulous which fits him because Foleo dresses fabulously.

Fabian sounds ok, but i WANT FAUNTLEROY.

Yes, if only Royalty acted like the adults that their title arguably expects them to be

but alas, we're gamers, and instead look to this as though it's a parody. Honestly, it sounds like something that someone just says out of frustration, but what do I know I never lived with my siblings

That whole part looks like Localizers throwing shade so hard...

I can't shake the feeling that the line about Elise was a joke on NoA's part, an intentional jab at how localization sometimes ages up characters without changing anything else about them. It's the "technically" part that does it, I think; it's the kind of thing I'd expect someone to say if Elise had a character profile listing her age as 18, and they were joking about it.

Or maybe that's just me, I dunno. Maybe it was a sincere effort at pretending she's older.

No no, i read it the exact same way and im thoroughly convinced it was not just a jab at localization in general, but a jab at the original devs. Treehouse had their fucking hands full with this game's localization due to what some IS goons decided to throw in. Its a middle finger if i ever saw one and thats part of why its so funny. And honestly:


Fandom, it would be hella nice if you took one.

Selkie is a nice name, but too odd for a Hoshidan character

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They couldn't have just cut it entirely, could they?

Honestly, this is fine. It's still optional, and it even makes sense in context.

I actually appreciate the fact they didn't cut it out entirely.

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I wouldn't say Kotaku lied, I believe it's more that they didn't tell the entire truth. There's a difference there.

Anyway, I guess I'm okay with petting being in only for the Corrin spouse. I still don't think I'll use it, but yeah.

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Say, I've been wondering,

since the fact that petting is still in, even if it is exclusive to your spouse, doesn't that mean that Kotaku lied?

If we're going to say Kotaku lied, then NOA lied as well.

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I wouldn't say Kotaku lied, I believe it's more that they didn't tell the entire truth. There's a difference there.

Anyway, I guess I'm okay with petting being in only for the Corrin spouse. I still don't think I'll use it, but yeah.

They said skinship is 100% out. It's clearly not. Over-exaggeration is still lying.

Then again, Nintendo's P.R. department is clearly failing miserably right now.

Edited by Hunter Saltblood
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I wouldn't say Kotaku lied, I believe it's more that they didn't tell the entire truth. There's a difference there.

Anyway, I guess I'm okay with petting being in only for the Corrin spouse. I still don't think I'll use it, but yeah.

Say, I've been wondering,

since the fact that petting is still in, even if it is exclusive to your spouse, doesn't that mean that Kotaku lied?


Ok ok ok everyone BACK THE BREAD TRUCK UP HERE. Are you lot telling me that petting is still in and its spouse exclusive?

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The way she worded it was really weird, though. She said petting was still in for your spouse, but then went on to imply it was only in the 'waking up' minigame. Only listened to it once because for some reason I find it pretty cringey but even if it is still in I don't think I really have a problem with it since it's now only your spouse and I won't use it anyway.

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