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Unpopular opinions that you have for Fire Emblem


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oooh something was mentioned that might be an unpopular opinion of mine:

Sexualization: I don't mind most of it, specially if it fits the vibe of the game! I just wish it was more gender-balanced; for a game meant to appeal to a wide range of people with its dating sim qualities, Awakening seems to really lack male fanservice. There are simply not enough hot guys in weird sexualized clothing compared to the girls. Justice!!

PS: there are two main occasions in which I think sexualization of characters is bad: when it breaks suspension of disbelief and just looks ridiculous (Micaiah's Awakening artwork!), and when it happens to clearly underaged characters.

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In which case the writers nailed it perfectly.

Next question: Let's say you find someone you're interested in, but not only is this person way out of your league, you don't know anything about them! What do you do?

I agree that they nailed it perfectly, and I give Tharja credit for bringing out backstory in people which I like a great deal, I just find stalkers creepy when taken to Tharja extremes.

To answer your question, I'd talk with the out of my league girl in question when I'm able to, tho I wouldn't openly stalk her, as I wouldn't want to creep her out

Im so glad to see someone who understands what I mean,its sad to see many great fanbases fall down to crappy levels for the Nostalgia blind part of it, people, alot of those series wouldnt survive if it wasnt for the new games, and they improved in many ways, and most of the newer games are my favorites, Cataclysm is my favorite WoW expansion, FAllout new vegas is one of my favorite rpgs of all time and Pokemon Black 2 is my fav Pokemon of all time along with the Gen....

I just hope people will stop, I know that soon enough this topic will be filled with people saying the basic stuff you would see a GEnwhinner would get cry over... but still, one day people might stop, just gotta hope now

Oh and Ballisticians need to shoot Fireballs and Thunder like in FE1.... and maybe rockets too!

I've pretty much come to the conclusion that all fanbases are like this. Zelda/Sonic are the worst for it, but even smaller fanbases like the Splinter Cell fanbase for example are like this. I've learned to just ignore it, but it does still disappoint me at times to see it happen. Especially with Fates, the game isn't even out stateside yet, don't bash it till you play it people. This obviously isn't directed towards those who've played the Japanese version

Edited by MCProductions
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oooh something was mentioned that might be an unpopular opinion of mine:

Sexualization: I don't mind most of it, specially if it fits the vibe of the game! I just wish it was more gender-balanced; for a game meant to appeal to a wide range of people with its dating sim qualities, Awakening seems to really lack male fanservice. There are simply not enough hot guys in weird sexualized clothing compared to the girls. Justice!!

PS: there are two main occasions in which I think sexualization of characters is bad: when it breaks suspension of disbelief and just looks ridiculous (Micaiah's Awakening artwork!), and when it happens to clearly underaged characters.

I'm not so sure about that. I don't think Vaike and Basilio are going topless because it suits the weather.

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I didn't say there were none of those, I said "not enough". :P They are only two guys (compared to, like, most of the girls) and to be honest Basilio's design being fanservicey is arguable.

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still I hope someday maybe people will just stop... oh and I don know but... Gonzales doesnt count Axie ? I mean... his sprite isnt wearing a shirt and he looks kinda silly... sooo... maybe he counts?

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Im so glad to see someone who understands what I mean,its sad to see many great fanbases fall down to crappy levels for the Nostalgia blind part of it, people, alot of those series wouldnt survive if it wasnt for the new games, and they improved in many ways, and most of the newer games are my favorites, Cataclysm is my favorite WoW expansion, Fallout new vegas is one of my favorite rpgs of all time and Pokemon Black 2 is my fav Pokemon of all time along with the Gen....

I just hope people will stop, I know that soon enough this topic will be filled with people saying the basic stuff you would see a GEnwhinner would get cry over... but still, one day people might stop, just gotta hope now

Oh and Ballisticians need to shoot Fireballs and Thunder like in FE1.... and maybe rockets too!

Okay what are your thoughts on Fallout 4.... should people just move on and stop complaining about it? I personally like Fallout 4 but think many of these people have legitimate complaints that they could and should fix. How about Skyward Sword my 3rd favorite Zelda I love it, but can see why alot of people have problems with it. I am happy people complained about it, why because the new zelda is looking to be even bettter because of it...

I actually like Awakening I don't think it is a bad game at all cause the only fire emblem that belongs in a bin is shadow dragon. But what I don't think it is, is the best rpg ever made bar none and absolutely prefect. No it had problems and plenty of them and guess what because people complained about it we are getting a overall better game, FE 14 looks to improved on many of FE 13's problems. If you endless praise and defend IS they will never improve, If you tell IS that there stories have never been good and they really should stop trying they will never improve. As a consumer it is your prerogative to encourage companies to provide better products, It does not benefit you endlessly defend a company who when it come down to it only cares about one thing, your wallet. I am looking forward to FE 14, but IS is one of my favorite companies and I know that they can do a lot better then this and I will continue to encourage them tell they do so.

Edited by Locke087
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- The plot of an FE game has no factor on how i rate the game based on how i enjoy it
- Quite a bit of things i know about FE4's gameplay (Making it so having a skill is required to double (same thing with crits), the terrible weapon balance (especially with tomes) and fixed weapon ranks, for example) makes me not want to play the game ever.
- I find the hate on FE14 a bit uncalled for. Probably has (in my opinion) the best gameplay out of all the FE entries.
- FE5 is a real mixed bag for me. On the one hand, i really like how capturing works and i liked the low stat caps because it made early promotion a pretty viable choice. On the flipside though, the enemy stat variance (especially later chapters) is way too high, i don't like how some of the chapter uses avoid to make the chapter harder (10 leadership star cyas, for example) and some of the surprises that happen is uncalled for, i find. I also feel like fatigue would be better implemented if deployment is still allowed but the stats of the character are lowered to the point where they are useless for combat and staff use.
- I've mostly stuck with the Avatar's default promotion for FE14 (a lot of places suggest reclassing the avatar).
- Weapon weight should stay gone
- I could care less about localization changes as long as it doesn't change the gameplay directly (I'm looking at you, FE9. Really shouldn't have removed Maniac mode).

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I will never understand the love for Hoshido.

Compared to the converse, this isn't really unpopular from my observations. Speaking of which, I don't understand the degree of love for Nohr path.

As for whether I prefer the older games or the more recent games, I would like a game that has the gameplay of FE14 but story, characters, and supports more similar to Tellius. And NO avatar. I don't like needless or excessive fanservice, but I can put up with it as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story. The fanservice in Fates, however, DOES get in the way of the story. Which is why I'm disappointed despite the good things that the story does - and if FE15 looks to be more of the same I might just be done with FE.

On Tharja, however … I'm not really fond of her. The thing is, I have read her supports (all of them), and she is interesting in all of them except for the Robin support. The Noire/father support also paints her in a worse light. Tharja does a lot of well-meaning things in her supports, but the stalking and casting hexes on Noire when she clearly doesn't like it (even if it's in two supports) is what pushes it for me. Even if I can "understand" her reasons for doing so, that doesn't mean I have to like them or sympathize with them.

Edited by Sunwoo
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I didn't say there were none of those, I said "not enough". :P They are only two guys (compared to, like, most of the girls) and to be honest Basilio's design being fanservicey is arguable.

On the whole the actual amount of provocative van service in Awakening is lower than people think I reckon. You have the really clear cut cases of Tharja and Aversa. The typically dancer outfit on Olivia. The series standard topless fighters. Other than that it's all pretty tame and most characters are armored up. It just seems seems more blatant than it is because it has fanservice in different areas and the whole mechanic is shipping orientated. The cast is no doubt full to the brim with beautiful people (both male and female, except Brady) but in terms of what they're wearing, most of the cast look prim and proper and show little skin. Hell Chrom is dressed more provocatively than most of female cast with that great bulging bicep he shows off (and the images Fredrick makes of him that they leave up to the imagination). I'm also not surprised it leans slightly towards males considering its bound to be their bigger target audience.

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Then play FE6-FE10.

The series is changing, and if it's something that you don't like, find something that you DO like! Maybe the upcoming Vestiria Saga will float your boat. Maybe there's an indie game out there that captures the magic of Elibe/Magvel/Tellius. Life's too short to wring your hands over things that make you unhappy!

Yeah, I replay the GBA and Tellius games a lot and am still rooting for a FE6 VC localization. 'Specially 6/7. I also would play East Chemblem if I could get it to work. I've gotten it to work in the past, on Win7... but no matter what I do I can't seem to run it on 10. Compatibility and admin aren't working, it still complains about my language not being set to Japanese... even when I set it to Japanese.

I'll consider playing Vesteria Saga when it comes out. Looks significantly better than FE14 at any rate.

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Camilla's design fits her personality and character. Just because she's got a hefty rack on display doesn't mean that she lacks nuance. Obviously the size is overboard, but I wouldn't change her design for the world. The panty window also isn't a bad thing because she's riding a zombie dragon so logic obviously doesn't apply here. I didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out.

lolwut. How in the hell does Camilla's design fit her personality at all? When I first saw her, I assumed she was going to be a seductive villainess that likes to get men in bed with her to kill time and she decided she wants to get your Avatar in bed as well as stop him from ruining the villain's plans. But that isn't what she is at all.

Also, this isn't to say that I wouldn't ever want a seductive sex-loving villainess. I actually more or less created one for my Zelda fic, in fact.

Edited by Anacybele
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This is probably more of a fever dream of mine than an unpopular opinion, but I'd love an MGS/FE crossover

FE3 has aged MUCH better than FE4 or 5

I like Outrealms as a concept, and would love to see them as a main plot element.

I love the Children system, and hope it becomes a series staple

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Okay what are your thoughts on Fallout 4.... should people just move on and stop complaining about it? I personally like Fallout 4 but think many of these people have legitimate complaints that they could should fix. How about Skyward Sword my 3rd favorite Zelda I love it, but can see why alot of people have problems with it. I am happy people complained about it, why because the new zelda is looking to be even bettter because of it...

I actually Like Awakening I don't think it is a bad game at all cause the only fire emblem that belongs in a bin is shadow dragon. But what I don't think it is, is the best rpg ever made bar none and absolutely prefect. No it had problems and plenty of them and guess what because people complained about it we are getting a overall better game, FE 14 looks to improved on many of FE 13's problems. If you endless praise and defend IS they will never improve, If you tell IS that there stories have never been good and they really should stop trying they will never improve. As a consumer it is your prerogative to encourage companies to provide better products, It does not benefit you endlessly defend a company who when it come down to it only cares about one thing, your wallet. I am looking forward to FE 14, but IS is one of my favorite companies and I know that they can do a lot better then this and I will continue to encourage them tell they do so.

Well Fallout 4 felt abit incomplete for me honestly, I have to play it but, i feel like the game was missing somethings, even more in story and rpg elements, but it looks alot of fun honestly, I hope it goes to steam sale so I can get it now that I have a better notebook

Oh and I understand your anger towards the fact that I am abit overprotective to my favorite FE game, but I was kinda looking more at the Nostalgia blind fanbase, not the millions of DLC maps company, I cant denny we have to criticize a game so the developers can learn from their mistakes, but there are times when Criticizing just goes to getting angry for the sake of it, but still... I cannot deny that there are many wrong things in the game, like the dlcs, I never bothered to buy any of them because I felt they seemed abit.... not needed or fun.... I never tried any even if im curious...

Anyway while I look forward to Fates, I still hate how the game is sold in 3 different parts, this isnt pokemon people.... this is FE...

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Compared to the converse, this isn't really unpopular from my observations. Speaking of which, I don't understand the degree of love for Nohr path.

As for whether I prefer the older games or the more recent games, I would like a game that has the gameplay of FE14 but story, characters, and supports more similar to Tellius. And NO avatar. I don't like needless or excessive fanservice, but I can put up with it as long as it doesn't get in the way of the story. The fanservice in Fates, however, DOES get in the way of the story. Which is why I'm disappointed despite the good things that the story does - and if FE15 looks to be more of the same I might just be done with FE.

On Tharja, however … I'm not really fond of her. The thing is, I have read her supports (all of them), and she is interesting in all of them except for the Robin support. The Noire/father support also paints her in a worse light. Tharja does a lot of well-meaning things in her supports, but the stalking and casting hexes on Noire when she clearly doesn't like it (even if it's in two supports) is what pushes it for me. Even if I can "understand" her reasons for doing so, that doesn't mean I have to like them or sympathize with them.

I've repeatedly told my friends that the gameplay of Fates with the aesthetics and writing of the older games would be amazing. As-is, I'm only getting it for the gameplay.

It will be interesting seeing what happens to IS next, considering the internal debating, Soleil fiasco, and potential repercussions the removal of skinship has.

Also, I've got another opinion: I don't find Gordin to be that bad of a unit in SD. Partially because I seem to get RNG blessed with him, partially because I level grind him on the first boss (who can't counterattack from range).

Also, probably more popular, but there are too damn many prepromotes in SD. Everybody after Minerva until Gotoh are pretty sucktastic, from my experience.

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I thought of more!

Lyn is the best Fire Emblem character.

I really like the GBA Archers, they aren't bad at all! Wolt, Klein, Wil, Rebecca, Neimi, Innes...all great.

The GBA games are the golden era of the series.

I like Gordin and Tomas.

Caineghis is the best Laguz.

and am still rooting for a FE6 VC localization.

Oh gosh yes!

There hasn't been a bad FE game.

Also yes!

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Well Fallout 4 felt abit incomplete for me honestly, I have to play it but, i feel like the game was missing somethings, even more in story and rpg elements, but it looks alot of fun honestly, I hope it goes to steam sale so I can get it now that I have a better notebook

Oh and I understand your anger towards the fact that I am abit overprotective to my favorite FE game, but I was kinda looking more at the Nostalgia blind fanbase, not the millions of DLC maps company, I cant denny we have to criticize a game so the developers can learn from their mistakes, but there are times when Criticizing just goes to getting angry for the sake of it, but still... I cannot deny that there are many wrong things in the game, like the dlcs, I never bothered to buy any of them because I felt they seemed abit.... not needed or fun.... I never tried any even if im curious...

Anyway while I look forward to Fates, I still hate how the game is sold in 3 different parts, this isnt pokemon people.... this is FE...

Oh sorry I came off as mad I didn't mean too... but solid response man respect, I but do agree that nonconstructive anger helps no one and someone was must be able to look at the good and bad in a game, and people with unspecific anger for a game do sometimes bother me but then I remember shadow dragon and completely forgive them. Also yes I also do not like IS testing the limits of how much I am willing to spend on a Fire Emblem game...

Edited by Locke087
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I've repeatedly told my friends that the gameplay of Fates with the aesthetics and writing of the older games would be amazing. As-is, I'm only getting it for the gameplay.

It will be interesting seeing what happens to IS next, considering the internal debating, Soleil fiasco, and potential repercussions the removal of skinship has.

Also, I've got another opinion: I don't find Gordin to be that bad of a unit in SD. Partially because I seem to get RNG blessed with him, partially because I level grind him on the first boss (who can't counterattack from range).

Also, probably more popular, but there are too damn many prepromotes in SD. Everybody after Minerva until Gotoh are pretty sucktastic, from my experience.

I'm of the opinion they should have made a departure from the original and introduced a tier 1 DraoKnight class for Shadow Dragon (which Minerva would use) and make Falcon Knight the default promote for Pegasus Knight. I can get why they did in in the first game but in the remake it's just weird seeing a pegasus promote to a wyvern by default as well as seeing prepromotes really early but really low on stats.

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Oh sorry I came off as mad I didn't mean too... but solid response man respect, I but do agree that nonconstructive anger helps no one and someone was must be able be able to look at the good and bad in a game, and people with unscripted anger for a game do sometimes bother me but then I remember shadow dragon and completely forgive them. Also yes I also do not like IS testing the limits of how much I am willing to spend on a Fire Emblem game...

Yeah, I still can't believe my parents were willing to just flat out give me 110 bucks for the FE Fates Special Edition and 1st DLC Map Pack. I would find this inexcusable if this truly WAS like Pokemon, and both were the same game with minor differences, but it seems to be 3 different games running on the same engine in actuality, which I like.

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Im glad to see you folks agree with me, it makes me feel more comfortable in a forum big like this one, also sadly im going to buy the three parts separated, since I got no way to buy the special edition, I just hope we get Dlc map packs, not DLC maps..... if you know what I mean... and I hope the next FE games dont go though that path of 3 separated games, it feels like something you would see EA or Capcom would do

Also, Unpopular Opinion, Axes are my favorite weapons of Fire Emblem ever, on looks, art style and somewhat of gameplay

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Oh. I got another opinion. Manfroy is a good villain. He's intelligent, ambitious, manipulative and crafty. People give him a lot of flack for his motivations but I think the scenes he has with Alvis and the scene in the Yied Shrine show very well that he and the rest of the Lopt Sect have suffered a lot of persecution and propaganda to become the way they are. Not the best villian in Holy War by any measure (because he has a lot of competition there) but better, imo, than the likes of Riev and Negarl.

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion actually. All hear about Manfroy are praises about how much of an effective villain he is...before he went senile in the last chapter at least.

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I've repeatedly told my friends that the gameplay of Fates with the aesthetics and writing of the older games would be amazing. As-is, I'm only getting it for the gameplay.

It will be interesting seeing what happens to IS next, considering the internal debating, Soleil fiasco, and potential repercussions the removal of skinship has.

Do you expect that after FE14, there will be a re-shuffling of people in IS? It feels like Fates, despite only being released in one region so far and being around for a shorter amount of time, has generated more controversy than the rest of FE has managed to. Or maybe it's only because FE is becoming more mainstream, I don't know anymore.

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I think Manfroy is awful and he's not the worst FE villain only because Beld is a bargain-bin Manfroy who is also his minion. He's flat, one-dimensional and unengaging, and the story pays for it because it makes the Loptyr empire a bit too generic evil. Celice and Lewyn's scene in the Yied Desert is wonderful but short and never touched upon again, and Manfroy himself displays that sentiment in Chapter 1 and then never again; in fact, after Chapter 5 he entirely disappears from the game until Chapter 10. Boring. Thank goodness Alvis is there.

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