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What do you think of the story in the Tellius games?


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I really liked the plot of the Tellius series. Path of Radiance is my favourite of the Fire Emblem games, and a big part of that is due to the game's plot. The worldbuilding is fantastic, the story is great, and the characters, apart from a few minor characters, are great. Ike is my favourite of the Fire Emblem protagonists, and I really liked that, unlike the others, he's a peasant. Not only that, but he has no desire to ever be nobility. It really helped his character as well as the overall plot. I liked that the main villain is actually human for once without being possessed by some evil one-dimensional being whose one-dimensionalness bleeds onto the human and the rest of the characters (cough- Julius, the villain of Sacred Stones, future Robin, and Garon- cough). Ashnard, unlike some other human villains, actually had depth to his character. I liked the laguz storylines; the serenes forest storyline was pretty much perfect, right down to the Herons forgiving the Begnion people and the rebuilding of the forest. I liked that it actually had some amount of political stuff in the game. Almost all the support conversations were really well written. Overall, I'm more than willing to say it has the best plot of any Fire Emblem game that I have played.

Radiant Dawn's storyline was... good. It wasn't as good as Path of Radiance, but it was still good. The thing that really made me cringe was "Ike set off for parts unknown and was never seen again." That is the STUPIDEST ending they could possibly have written for Ike! It felt like it was written during a coffee break. "Oh my gosh! The boss needs an ending for Ike in the next five minutes! Ugh... how about... set off for parts unknown (even though we just wrote that the whole planet apart from Tellius is flooded) and was... never seen again!"

"Don't you think maybe it should be something else?"

"Too late now to change it. We'll add changes from A-support with Soren or Ranulf so it looks like we made an effort." Ike accidently impaled himself on a bowling ball would have been better written!

Speaking of Ike x Elincia, that seemed really well written in Path of Radiance, and then it seemed like it was dropped suddenly with no explanation in favour of Geoffery x Elincia when I got to Radiant Dawn. It was only afterward that I found out about the whole localization changes to the script that caused it. I also didn't like the idea of Geoffery x Elincia. Not only did I not really like the Geoffery character, but he seemed like too much of a brother to her for it to seem plausible to me.

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Not only did I not really like the Geoffery character, but he seemed like too much of a brother to her for it to seem plausible to me.

YES, someone else that interpreted it this way! Glad I'm not crazy and that it's a viable interpretation after all. :P

I felt NoA was handling Ike and Elincia's relationship better than the Japanese version too. They felt more like actual teenagers who were about to be thrust into adulthood. I saw some of the Japanese script and I was like "...wut. These two sound like robots or something. This is so boring." Why you no take pointers from NoA, IS...

And no matter how close they were in PoR, their story still could've logically ended without marriage. They could've decided that while they loved one another, it would be too difficult for them to actually be together due to their respective duties. They would get a platonic ending instead, giving closure and all. It would be sad that they couldn't marry, but I would've been more fine with this than what we actually got.

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Details regarding much of the good and bad in the Tellius games.

I agree with pretty much all of it, except the part about good villains. To me, a good villain is one who is at-least-moderately sympathetic, with the philosophy behind their villainy having a good amount of merit. Ashnard only fulfilled the second part of that; he was a one-dimensional and evil warmonger, yes. But at least his philosophy made some sense. Specifically:

Survival of the fittest.

We like to think of ourselves as being kind and considerate of the less fortunate, but there are quite a few cases where we're hypocritical on that front. I mean, you guys ever had a person in your circle of friends who was the friend none of you liked, and you just tolerated him/her out of pity and politeness? How many of us would make a constructive effort to help that person achieve personal growth, as opposed to eventually breaking up with him/her, and leaving him/her to rot on his/her loneliness?

If you're that sort of constructive person, I applaud you; you have a quality that people should have more of. But at least in my experience,most people take a eugenical approach to such things, as I mentioned in my example with the annoying friend.

The main villain of RD was somewhat more sympathetic than Ashnard, and had a valid philosophy. It's just sad

how he changes his mind just because he was revived. Honestly, just because a small chunk of the population wants to erase war, doesn't (realistically) mean that humanity is redeemed.

These are my two cents.

Edited by Tessie Spoon
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Path of Radiance is a story I enjoy and would consider to be the best told in the series. On it's own I'd say its decent. It could benefit from some more focus in some areas, but this is a series-wide problem that PoR is not particularly egregious of.

Radiant Dawn is... well... it's ambitious to be sure. As others have said, I enjoy Part 2's story quite a bit. As whole though, RD is just a mess with bad writing everywhere. There are cool ideas to be sure, but very few are executed well. Though while Ashera is boring, I do like Yune and her take on chaos. Though that brings up the issue of how the important theme of Law/Order isn't brought up until Part 4. Ultimately it doesn't feel like there was any sort main focus or vision when writing this story, just, "Let's do everything." Everything didn't really work out.

Though I will say that after Fates, something I appreciate more about both games is how politics are actually a thing in these stories that put emphasis on the leaders of countries and armies at war.

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I think Tellius' writing is so-so. PoR is really childish in its writing. And ultimately doesn't have much going for it plot wise that interests me. Basically you have a kingdom that wishes to push its philosophy on the entire world, so it starts by attacking a "weak" country and the alliance created by said weak country is barely even preserved under the guise of "we can't because Begnion will join the war" with no real explanation outside of "lol race." No backgrounds, just hypothesizing about things and assuming a "Laguz" can transform so that's why we don't like 'em. Well Beorc can shoot fire from their hands and some people can't... I'm getting off topic but you get my drift. It works as a plot to get things happening, but it's not the type of plot that has me at the edge of my seat wondering what's going to happen next. There are no real interesting twists or turns that make Ike's journey to become a hero feel like a struggle. Elincia is left on the side lines for most of the game, so there's not even a dynamic about both Ike and Elincia being thrust into leadership positions despite their lack of preparation and inability to actually lead. The game has a solid setup, but it really doesn't take any interesting steps with what it has. It works, but it's not interesting.

The characters are generally likable enough, which is what makes the story not terrible, but I can't really like Ike too much. Everything sort of just conveniently plops into his lap with no real amount of work and effort shown from Ike. the only real failure we see from Ike is him losing to his dad in the beginning of the game. After that, the plot is essentially "Ike wins," no matter how poor the decisions he makes. Ashnard is a decent villain the regard that he pretty much sticks to his guns the entire time, and he does have enough appearances to be a guy you could love to hate-- even if he's not particularly well developed. His ideals are straight forward enough that they don't NEED to be developed more.

RD on the other hand, I feel like is the opposite of PoR. It doesn't have interesting dynamics, and it doesn't really have a base for a good story... And it shows. Micaiah reclaims Daein back and it leads to a big... "So what?" Elincia has to deal with a civil war, and while interesting, seeing how it's supposed to be a bridge to Part 3, all it does is manage to basically be pointless and end before it can really start to get good. Part 3 is just awful plot wise. It is home to some of the most mind numbing pointless things. Ike fights, Ike wins. Rinse and repeat. Even when Ike "loses," it's not even his fault. But the other team that loses. Part 4 is just complete nonsense plotwise. Ashera isn't compelling at all because I really don't understand her point, Sephiran is even worse than Ashnard in that regard-- barely any screen time, weak motives and even the characters have a hard time believing he actually did anything. The strange part, is that RD has less to work with, and somehow tries to do more than PoR did, which doesn't make a lick of sense.Seeing RD just makes you realize just how complete PoR was and how unneeded the sequel was.

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Honest question: How much Ike x Elincia content is in the NOA version of PoR that isn't in the Japanese or PAL versions? What did they change?

It's actually quite a bit. In certain key scenes, Ike will say things like "he'll do it for her sake as well as the fact that it's a job," while in the Japanese version, he says things along the lines of "Don't worry, it's our job to do this for you." The former implies that he wants to help Elincia, but it's also his job to help her. The latter is that he basically says "don't worry, it's our job to do this."

It's in the range where if you actually ship it, there's enough dialogue to support it, but in the Japanese version, he treats her like he does pretty much any other character.

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PoR while traditional is still the best handling of a story I've seen in FE. Ike has to face challenges both as a person and a leader, sometimes with help and sometimes on his own. Elinicia also has her own arc learning to go from being basically invisible to taking an active part in completely new territory, combat in this case. It even has some nice parallels to WW2 for those interested in that level of analysis. The characters are what make the game really shine though. Ashnard is the only villain that's managed to make you understand where he's coming from while simultaneously making you hate him and enjoy beating him, Bryce gives the Camus archetype a heartbreaking new aspect, Shinon's animosity towards Ike and attachment to Greil, etc.

I liked the idea of RD, but it was a mess. The whole blood pact was wonky and really could've been handled better.

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Ana, I'd look at the A support again. Elincia mentions not realizing she brought Geoffrey so much "torment," and then says she misunderstood him and feels "immature." She then asks him to never leave her side. This is pretty loaded, I think it's fairly obvious that in that support, there's something going on. When siblings talk about tormenting each other, it's usually little ones taunting and harassing each other. In the support, it's about distance and Geoff putting himself in danger for Elincia. This is pretty typical "romantic" torment for a story of knights and chivalry (and also jp anime/games as well), and it's clear Elincia understands it at the end of the support. She then says she's "immature" which is probably again signaling that the feelings are "mature" in some way. While it's possible to say that siblings or close friends can have feelings for each other that mature over time, I really don't get the feeling that's what's going on here, especially given Elincia's little bit of hesitance (the "...") in that line. She then says "never leave my side, Geoffrey." That's not the kind of thing siblings or close friends typically say to each other. It's not exclusively romantic, but it's a very cliched romantic line.


I like FE9's story, I'm not such a big fan of 10's. I like certain aspects of 10, but overall it wasn't as good.

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I've seen the A support before. And so what? Elincia also asks Lucia to never leave her side, I believe this is in RD. The line CAN be romantic, but it doesn't always have to be. Even regardless of the Lucia part. Also, sibling relationships don't have to follow a set of rules in order to be allowed to be called sibling relationships.

Look, I interpret it how I want to, and you can't change that.

Another thing, Geoffrey says "I am yours" to Elincia in RD. That can be interpreted as romantic. But look at what Elincia replies: "Geoffrey, you are surely my finest and most faithful knight." That is hardly romantic. I feel like she treats him formally like all the time outside of their PoR support.

This isn't meant to be a pairing debate thread though, so can we not take this too far?

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Is it just me, or does anyone else read Ana's post as Ryoma? I can't help it. But since you've mentioned pairings...

Mist x Rolf... Seriously game, don't do this to me. Then you had Boyd swoop in and go in for the kill. It's okay, but really? All the cute pairings aren't a thing. I swear, if I ever did anything with that game, that's what I'd do. Oh, and Meg x Zihark. And... Ike x ... Everyone because seriously, I don't really like Ike or Lethe, but he never went back to Gallia...

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I'm pretty sure the whole point of Meg x Zihark is that it wasn't a thing. Zihark doesn't even know her at all. Having Meg get over her hero crush to go on to lead a normal life like her father is better suited than indiscriminate pairings all over the place. Plus she's not Zihark's type. By which I mean she's not a laguz. Zihark should have been paired off with Nailah. He was hardly fighting out in that desert for the sake of Daein.

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I'm pretty sure the whole point of Meg x Zihark is that it wasn't a thing. Zihark doesn't even know her at all. Having Meg get over her hero crush to go on to lead a normal life like her father is better suited than indiscriminate pairings all over the place. Plus she's not Zihark's type. By which I mean she's not a laguz. Zihark should have been paired off with Nailah. He was hardly fighting out in that desert for the sake of Daein.

Zihark's supports in PoR have Brom trying to get him hooked up with his daughters. Then cue Meg who likes him, and was willing to travel to find Zihark ... From Crimea. To Daein. Alone. I think she at least deserves more than a single ending for doing that. And heck, it would have given Zihark a better ending than "he did stuff less effectively than other people. Oh yeah, and he *might* have ended up in Gallia." Especially bad if you had Zihark stick with Daein the whole game. That's the whole point of paired endings, to have variance endings for the characters based off of the people that they support. That was what was so bland about the paired endings in RD. Nothing really changes for them. Ranulf is really the only person that actually has a solid change for pairing with Ike. Jill does the same thing without Haar, and Haar doesn't really do much regardless, Sothe shadows Micaiah forever regardless, Boyd is still the same dufus even if he's a family man, Geo still serves Elincia forever if he left. That's why we liked paired endings was it not? So potential ships that were there could happen or not.

You could argue that Zihark was fighting against the problems Begnion was causing. And helping Jill, his friend.

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Is it just me, or does anyone else read Ana's post as Ryoma? I can't help it. But since you've mentioned pairings...

Mist x Rolf... Seriously game, don't do this to me. Then you had Boyd swoop in and go in for the kill. It's okay, but really? All the cute pairings aren't a thing. I swear, if I ever did anything with that game, that's what I'd do. Oh, and Meg x Zihark. And... Ike x ... Everyone because seriously, I don't really like Ike or Lethe, but he never went back to Gallia...

lol, sorry about that, I gradually just fell in love with Ryoma as the Fates hype train kept rolling. XD

Anyway, I agree on Rolf x Mist, it should've been a thing. Even though I don't mind Boyd x Mist at all. I've actually grown to kind of like it after writing it into my fanfiction. I also like Ike x Lethe, but the issue there for me is that they wouldn't be able to have children. :( Technically, they can, yes, but beorc x laguz breeding causes the laguz to lose his/her laguz abilities. And who can see Lethe EVER wanting to let that happen? I'm a believer that Priam is Ike's direct descendant rather than from Mist's line (mainly because I think IS would be pulling the biggest and dumbest trolling of the century if Priam was meant to be from Mist's line. There's also the fact that Priam has Ragnell, and the most realistic and simple explanation for that would be that Ike came to own it and have it passed down to one of his children which led it to be further passed down through many more generations), and Ike must have at least one child for this to be true.

As for Zihark x Meg, I kind of like how it was handled. I do think at least a platonic ending for the two would've been nice after all the poking IS did with it, but I feel it would've been even weirder for Zihark to actually get with Meg. He didn't know her at all like stated above and blah blah blah. :P

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PoR was generally well done, no real complaints from it. I really like how Ike and Elincia were teased but not shoe-horned together. It kind of made the fact that they can't end up paired seem more reasonable. Besides, Geoffrey and Elincia work better from a plot perspective, it gives Ike more freedom to act under his own directive.

RD kinda jumped ship though, it just felt really forced in comparison. The Dawn Brigade and the end of the game come to mind especially.

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While Ike and Elincia not ending up or even being able to end up together in canon surprised me quite a bit when I was younger, I actually think its for the best now. The way the characters develop left little room for them to end up together. Ike wasn't ever going to be able to bury the hatchet with the nobility and Elincia wasn't ever going to abandon Crimea as queen. I do still think Geoffry came a bit out of the blue though.

I do still think its weird that Mist and Rolf weren't a pairing considering how often the two are together in POR.

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I agree with pretty much all of it, except the part about good villains. To me, a good villain is one who is at-least-moderately sympathetic, with the philosophy behind their villainy having a good amount of merit. Ashnard only fulfilled the second part of that; he was a one-dimensional and evil warmonger, yes. But at least his philosophy made some sense. Specifically:

Survival of the fittest.

We like to think of ourselves as being kind and considerate of the less fortunate, but there are quite a few cases where we're hypocritical on that front. I mean, you guys ever had a person in your circle of friends who was the friend none of you liked, and you just tolerated him/her out of pity and politeness? How many of us would make a constructive effort to help that person achieve personal growth, as opposed to eventually breaking up with him/her, and leaving him/her to rot on his/her loneliness?

If you're that sort of constructive person, I applaud you; you have a quality that people should have more of. But at least in my experience,most people take a eugenical approach to such things, as I mentioned in my example with the annoying friend.

The main villain of RD was somewhat more sympathetic than Ashnard, and had a valid philosophy. It's just sad

how he changes his mind just because he was revived. Honestly, just because a small chunk of the population wants to erase war, doesn't (realistically) mean that humanity is redeemed.

These are my two cents.

I'm a fan of all breeds of villains. I think sympathetic villains have a lot of potential but also a lot of pitfals. If you can't buy them being sympathetic then they kinda fall flat.

I don't mind villains being pure evil if they make it clear that they have a fantastic time doing so like Hades from Kid Icarus and Metal Face in Xenoblade do. I'd say the senators and Izuka fall into that category

But I actually don't really like the Tellius villains all that much. I like the senators to an extent because they are nicely hateable but aside from the more rational Lekain I don't really think they bring more to the table then that. I like them as minor villains because they amuse me but nothing more. The Black knight suffers from the game pretending he has a sympathetic side when he's just a murdering scumbag and Ashnard lacks a personal connection to the heroes.

I think its Lekain I like the most out of the Tellius villains, a bit of a surprise to me because he's also a pretty clear place holder villain to be replaced by Lehran. I like that he's a just a mundane politician for the most part(until part 4) and is willing to make bad decisions like handing an army to Valtome if it means he gets to increase his political power. Its how a mundane politician would act. He's amusingly arrogant and hateable without being being as over the top about it as his more comically peers. He also does some growing throughout the story, he's probably turned into a true believer in part four while doing everything his goddess had forbidden in the other parts of the game.

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While Ike and Elincia not ending up or even being able to end up together in canon surprised me quite a bit when I was younger, I actually think its for the best now. The way the characters develop left little room for them to end up together. Ike wasn't ever going to be able to bury the hatchet with the nobility and Elincia wasn't ever going to abandon Crimea as queen. I do still think Geoffry came a bit out of the blue though.

I do still think its weird that Mist and Rolf weren't a pairing considering how often the two are together in POR.

Except Elincia doesn't have to EVER abandon Crimea, regardless of who she gets with? Why do people keep saying she'd automatically abandon Crimea if she gave up the throne? You don't have to sit on a throne to love and support your country. Elincia even said she never wanted to be queen (I actually thought she was going to give up the throne because of this. Not to Ludveck though, obviously).

Also, nobody is even saying she has to leave the throne to get with Ike (even though I had her do so, these days I sort of wish I hadn't, mostly because of some of the complaints I got. I made it as realistic as I could though). I wrote a possible A support for them for RD, and it actually has Ike returning to her court to be with her. He may not seem like it at times, but he is a family man who would sacrifice a lot for those he cares about. And I can see him being willing to put up with nobility to love her and be by her side his whole life. And he doesn't have to ditch the mercenaries entirely either. He would be leaving them in the care of Titania and Mist mostly, but he'd see them and help them as often as he could. He's Ike, he wouldn't NOT do this.

However, an Ike x Elincia ending didn't even need to be romantic, as I've also said before. It could've just been platonic. It would've fixed some of the problems with how their relationship was written. And I felt Geoffrey x Elincia was written terribly (and that Geoffrey was written terribly himself). I agree that their pairing came out of the blue. I couldn't ever bring myself to like it and I just never will. You can probably blame my stubbornness and dedication for that... I liked Ike x Elincia a lot ever since I finished PoR (as the ending cutscene was what started making me really like it), it's hard to give such a long-standing interest up. Although, I'd be totally fine if IS did give Ike a new girl so long as she's awesome and goes well with him (because even I have to admit that if Ike couldn't ever get with Elincia, his wife is surely an unknown unnamed woman).

I'm glad we have fanfiction and the Outrealm Gate, though. The latter definitely suggests multiple realities/timelines exist, meaning Ike x Elincia very well could've happened in another reality! ;)

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Except Elincia doesn't have to EVER abandon Crimea, regardless of who she gets with? Why do people keep saying she'd automatically abandon Crimea if she gave up the throne? You don't have to sit on a throne to love and support your country. Elincia even said she never wanted to be queen (I actually thought she was going to give up the throne because of this. Not to Ludveck though, obviously).

Well that's the point. Elincia doesn't really want to be queen but does it anyway because she thinks its her duty. She is the last Riddel capable of taking the throne(until Renning anyway). That would make rejecting the throne rather unlikely for her to do.

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Honest question: How much Ike x Elincia content is in the NOA version of PoR that isn't in the Japanese or PAL versions? What did they change?

Think Radiant Dawn.

His attitude towards her is consistent between FE9 and FE10 in Japanese.

The transition was a bit of an off-putter in English... at least to me, when I first played FE10.

It felt like I was seeing something that wasn't there with that Ike x Elincia bond support bonus transferred over.

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Hmm To be honest I never really cared for shipping in the older FE games so I'm going to avoid those comments(Hell I have never liked shipping period let the writer decide has always been my philosophy)

But In regards to Tellius it had the best world building by far the pre and post chapter dialogue as well as base conversations all helped make the world feel more connected and deeper. It gave us an idea of what we are fighting for.

The 3DS game on the other hand I don't even feel there is a world there countries only seem to exist to give us particular units and the characters feel very shallow preventing me from really caring about them.

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You know, I don't blame you there, Dragrath. Sometimes I wish I wasn't as into shipping as I am because of situations like Ike x Elincia... I don't like setting myself up/being set up for disappointment like this. At all. ;_;

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From what I remember, it seems like the biggest Ike x Elincia moments in FE9 were when Ike scolded Sanaki for talking down to Elincia, and the final cinematic.

The former, in the English version, is when Ike tells Sanaki "I am neither a noble nor a knight. I have no connection with the palace whatsoever. And no matter how much gold I stood to gain, I would not betray my convictions. Elincia has paid us, yes, but nothing more than the standard fee to purchase our services as her escort. Nothing more. We have come this far only because we believe Elincia to be a woman of integrity. We would not sell our swords to a liar. I don't care how high and mighty you might be. I will not stand here and let you mock the bond of trust that ties us to Elincia." <http://serenesforest.net/wiki/index.php/Chapter_14:_Training_(Script)>

And the latter, according to <http://serenesforest.net/path-of-radiance/scripts/game-script/miscellaneous/movie-transcripts/>:

Ike: What’s wrong.

Ike: Everyone’s waiting to see you.

Elincia: I’m nervous.

Elincia: I’ve spent my whole life in hiding.

Elincia: No one ever taught me how to rule a kingdom.

Elincia: I don’t think I’m ready to be their queen. I don’t think I’m ever really going to be ready.

Ike: What’s the matter with you?

Elincia: Ike, stop it! How can I–

Ike: Did anyone teach you how to hire mercenaries?

Elincia: No, but that’s not the same–

Ike: How to win back lost allies? How to win back your lost kingdom?

Elincia: But that’s… That’s different.

Ike: No, it’s not.

Ike: You’ve done such an amazing job.

Ike: And I think you always will.

Elincia: I see.

[ike lets out his hand for Elincia]

Ike: All right, come on. We’ll do this together.

[Elincia grabs Ike’s hand]

Elincia: Thank you, my lord Ike. I am… I am so blessed to have met you.

[ike and Elincia head for the white light, hand-in-hand]

Narrator: And so it was that, in the spring of the year 646, Elincia Ridell Crimea saw peace return to her homeland. In the years to follow, the story of Queen Elincia and her noble hero, Ike, spread across the land and inspired the songs of many a wandering troubadour.

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That cutscene exists in the Japanese version as well, so even that one has at least a little bit of shipping between the two. They even hold hands in that scene, come the heck on, and then it goes in slo-mo and the game ends there. Holding hands is a common way to show a close relationship or even that you're a couple.

You forgot one bit in that dialogue though. Ike pauses between saying "I think you" and "always will." That also raised a red flag for me. I actually thought he was going to say "I think you are beautiful." lol

I also thought they were about to kiss when Elincia took his hand! (as in, Elincia loved him, suspected Ike also loved her back, and was going to yank him forward and press her lips against his) Or at least, Elincia was going to kiss his cheek. Haha, I was like "aw dang it" when neither happened. :P

NoA added things like Ike saying his duty meant more to him than just a job in their A support. Wish it was in Japanese too... The Japanese support made them feel like friggin robots. Like...wtf, they're so boring here! :(

Another thing to note, (and NoA was probably responsible for this too...) is that Ike's outburst at Sanaki was the first and most notable time where he referred to Elincia as just Elincia, not Princess Elincia or "your highness." And he didn't even realize it until Elincia pointed it out to him later. That wouldn't mean much at all by itself, buuut.... It IS still kinda funny that Ike did this when considering everything else. A person doesn't just suddenly get informal with a princess without realizing like that for no reason. :P Ike was definitely showing how much he cares for and trusts her there. Just more good writing by the localization team back then and stuff I wish would've meant more later on...

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