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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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That was yet another good analysis! I always like watching GameXplain videos because of that. :)

I thought something about the trainers' shoes looked familiar too. Glad the girl has the Team Magma-themed ones, I always preferred them over Aqua! I'm not much of a water person, I'll take more land any day. Well, so long as there's still plenty of water to drink, that is. Team Magma also have cooler outfits, imo.

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Will confirm that "chicken skin" is A Thing around here

Really? I though that weird line, but now it makes sense.

Man, Game Freak really did their reasearch on Hawaii for these games.

Sure, there's the indoor shoes thing, but it's most likely a graphical thing.

I'm not much of a water person, I'll take more land any day. Well, so long as there's still plenty of water to drink, that is. Team Magma also have cooler outfits, imo.

You...You...How dare you!!

You mock water's magnificence? Nothing is more important than water! It's the very source of life!

You infidel!

Edited by Water Mage
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I don't know about you guys but I'm really interested in two things: 1. all the references to Johto and 2. Lillie.

There may be references to all of the past Pokemon games, since this game's coming out to celebrate an anniversary, but the Japanese-styled villages and the pagoda (and the clouds) seem to hint a bigger connection to Johto than any other region so far. It's possible that maybe a lot of the Alolian citizens have ancestors that moved here from Johto, bringing their culture with them, much like real life.

Because of that, it's also possible that the park with the pagoda is a homage to the pagoda in Johto that's used to summon Ho-Oh or Lugia, and maybe, you can also summon and catch Ho-Oh or Lugia from that pagoda.

It could be possible that maybe that's the region your player character comes from (although your mother looks like an Alolian native and also looks more like the olive-skinned, brown-haired trainer than the default one).

As for Lillie, well, her disliking to battle is a thing that prevents her from being a trainer. But then they brought up the synergy thing from the anime, and maybe that's why she hates battling. Because she's synergized with her Pokemon before and felt their pain, and thus feels guilty about making them fight. It's also stated that Lillie likes to read - maybe she's well-read about something vital to your mission like the legendaries or the lore of Alola. Or, even synergy.

I almost wonder if synergy ties into the evil team's goals. Could they maybe try to synergize with the legendaries and convince them on their own will to plunge the world into darkness, rather than capturing them and forcing them to.

I mean. These are all theories, but it's something to think about.

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VERY slight emphasis on the second syllable. "Kukui" should not sound like "Kukri".

So basically, it's pronounced how it looks? "Koo-Koo-ee"?

Edited by The DanMan
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So basically, it's pronounced how it looks? "Koo-Koo-ee"?

Something like that. It's a lot closer than what GameXplain had!

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Watching the analysis has made me legitimately scared for Pokedex diversity. Corsola, Luvdisc, and Slowpoke on top of Meowth, Gengar, Salamance?

And then there's the whole fact that the trainer had seen six pokemon and pokedex completion was 1%. I'm hoping this just means the starters appear on all the islands' individual pokedex's (it wouldn't make sense for each island to have completely different ecosystems). That's the only thing I can hang on to, because in the name of everything that's sacred I do NOT want a Pokemon game with 600 pokemon in the base dex.

As for Lillie, well, her disliking to battle is a thing that prevents her from being a trainer. But then they brought up the synergy thing from the anime, and maybe that's why she hates battling. Because she's synergized with her Pokemon before and felt their pain, and thus feels guilty about making them fight. It's also stated that Lillie likes to read - maybe she's well-read about something vital to your mission like the legendaries or the lore of Alola. Or, even synergy.

So did N. Yet N had personal reasons and bigger goals for fighting; I don't think you can completely count Lillie out.

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I don't know about you guys but I'm really interested in two things: 1. all the references to Johto and 2. Lillie.

There may be references to all of the past Pokemon games, since this game's coming out to celebrate an anniversary, but the Japanese-styled villages and the pagoda (and the clouds) seem to hint a bigger connection to Johto than any other region so far. It's possible that maybe a lot of the Alolian citizens have ancestors that moved here from Johto, bringing their culture with them, much like real life.

Because of that, it's also possible that the park with the pagoda is a homage to the pagoda in Johto that's used to summon Ho-Oh or Lugia, and maybe, you can also summon and catch Ho-Oh or Lugia from that pagoda.

It could be possible that maybe that's the region your player character comes from (although your mother looks like an Alolian native and also looks more like the olive-skinned, brown-haired trainer than the default one).

As for Lillie, well, her disliking to battle is a thing that prevents her from being a trainer. But then they brought up the synergy thing from the anime, and maybe that's why she hates battling. Because she's synergized with her Pokemon before and felt their pain, and thus feels guilty about making them fight. It's also stated that Lillie likes to read - maybe she's well-read about something vital to your mission like the legendaries or the lore of Alola. Or, even synergy.

I almost wonder if synergy ties into the evil team's goals. Could they maybe try to synergize with the legendaries and convince them on their own will to plunge the world into darkness, rather than capturing them and forcing them to.

I mean. These are all theories, but it's something to think about.

If that's the case then it looks like I might like a mainline pokemon game again. Now you've got my hopes up Vashiane, perhaps synergy could let them build a deeper story than usual. Actually understanding these what pokemon feel could bring up a whole slew of new interesting topics. Possibly even what it means to synergize with a pokemon. I don't watch the show so I don't know what synergy entails exactly, but I think it would be interesting if they delved into what that means for the trainer. From what little I do understand it sounds like the trainer is so in sync with their pokemon that they actually mentally synchronize. (If that's off it kind of throws everything I'm writing off.) Think about what type of person could synergize with a ghost type, would they be resentful at most living people? Detached from most of life? Or a normal type, would they be extremely ordinary? Meek? Good at getting along with everyone? Imagining the psyche of people who can synergize with different pokemon is a very interesting topic to me.

Of course they could do the usual pokemon thing where it just means you're the best of friends, and they never go any deeper than feeling a pokemon's pain.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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Watching the analysis has made me legitimately scared for Pokedex diversity. Corsola, Luvdisc, and Slowpoke on top of Meowth, Gengar, Salamance?

And then there's the whole fact that the trainer had seen six pokemon and pokedex completion was 1%. I'm hoping this just means the starters appear on all the islands' individual pokedex's (it wouldn't make sense for each island to have completely different ecosystems). That's the only thing I can hang on to, because in the name of everything that's sacred I do NOT want a Pokemon game with 600 pokemon in the base dex.

So did N. Yet N had personal reasons and bigger goals for fighting; I don't think you can completely count Lillie out.

True... I forgot about N. (How could I do that?)

If that's the case then it looks like I might like a mainline pokemon game again. Now you've got my hopes up Vashiane, perhaps synergy could let them build a deeper story than usual. Actually understanding these what pokemon feel could bring up a whole slew of new interesting topics. Possibly even what it means to synergize with a pokemon. I don't watch the show so I don't know what synergy entails exactly, but I think it would be interesting if they delved into what that means for the trainer. From what little I do understand it sounds like the trainer is so in sync with their pokemon that they actually mentally synchronize. (If that's off it kind of throws everything I'm writing off.) Think about what type of person could synergize with a ghost type, would they be resentful at most living people? Detached from most of life? Or a normal type, would they be extremely ordinary? Meek? Good at getting along with everyone? Imagining the psyche of people who can synergize with different pokemon is a very interesting topic to me.

Of course they could do the usual pokemon thing where it just means you're the best of friends, and they never go any deeper than feeling a pokemon's pain.

Oh man, I'm trying not to get too invested in the idea in case it's proven wrong or doesn't happen but this is opening the floodgates. Especially about the types affecting the person they sync with?

I'm buzzing about this idea, I'm getting my notebook.

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Watching the analysis has made me legitimately scared for Pokedex diversity. Corsola, Luvdisc, and Slowpoke on top of Meowth, Gengar, Salamance?

And then there's the whole fact that the trainer had seen six pokemon and pokedex completion was 1%. I'm hoping this just means the starters appear on all the islands' individual pokedex's (it wouldn't make sense for each island to have completely different ecosystems). That's the only thing I can hang on to, because in the name of everything that's sacred I do NOT want a Pokemon game with 600 pokemon in the base dex.

I think they had seen 3 pokemon with 1% completion. I'm guessing the top Alola dex is for the entire region and the MeleMele dex is the starting island. If we assume it's exactly 1% and it wasn't rounded, then we may have 300 in the region. There is the possibility that different islands/dexes have overlapping pokemon that are only registered once you obtain the get to the island/have it upgraded, and so we could theoretically have less than 300.

I don't know how much this helps, but BW Unova dex was 156 pokemon, B2W2 Unova dex was 301 pokemon, XY Kalos dex was 454, and ORAS Hoenn dex was 211.

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Oh man, I'm trying not to get too invested in the idea in case it's proven wrong or doesn't happen but this is opening the floodgates. Especially about the types affecting the person they sync with?

I'm buzzing about this idea, I'm getting my notebook.

It could add quite a bit of depth to the Gym Leaders too. Why are all the Fire Gym Leaders hotheads? Because they literally have fire in the brain. Or fire type I guess, the point still gets across though. It would explain why same type gym leaders have similar personalities. It would also explain what it takes to become a gym leader too, and possibly why they have those underlings in the gym.

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Pretty nice analysis there. I don't know if connecting Sun/Moon with Ho-Oh and Lugia is pulling a bit too much as well as the Jhoto reference. But well, they're the most logical legendaries to connect with, as well as Cresselia and maybe Darkrai and Shaymin.

Also, the theory that NPCs change their position due day time may hint that day and night events and/or objectives might be a thing. This might be a cool twist to the story, similar to an rpg.

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You...You...How dare you!!

You mock water's magnificence? Nothing is more important than water! It's the very source of life!

You infidel!

*rolls eyes*

Also, the sun is the main source of life. Plants use it to do photosynthesis and thrive, many animals eat those plants, and many other animals eat those plant-eating animals and so on and so forth. It also is the reason for the evaporation part of the water cycle, and without that heat, it would get cold and the water would freeze up anyway, so not even water can function right without the sun.

Anyway, I'm actually pretty interested in why Lillie is so mysterious and all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Things can live without light. He was joking anyway.

Nearly all life on earth needs the sun though, which is different from just any light. And duh, of course he was joking. But he still said "water is the very source of life."

Edited by Anacybele
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Anyone who knows anything about the science of life would be aware that both the Sun and Moon are necessary for life. Take one away, and you fuck yourself up good. Same logic for having both water and fire if you're complex life. Only complete goons would try to argue one is more important than the other :P:

In other news, I'm considering getting one of the Sun/Moon games because I'm bored and need some new games to play until EOV comes out. I have also never played a Pokemon game before, but am considering getting Y soon. Now, my question is, if I get Pokemon Y, would it still be worth getting Sun/Moon? Keep in mind that I'm not a super big Pokemon fan so I'm not going to get every game just for the sake of it, but would there be enough differences and interesting things between the two games for me to get them both despite basic similarities in core gameplay and concept?

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Usually the differences are like.... the gimmicks.

Frankly BW1 into BW2 is the only time where they manage to make the gimmick properly. The pokemon diversity differences between those two games is ridiiculous even if BW2 is the "third game"

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BW and B2W2 are amazing. Wait for Sun and Moon, X and Y were.. I'm not sure how to explain it without just saying they were not enjoyable to me. Probably because all the gen 1 stuff.. Of course you will not have that problem. Or just get both.

Edited by VeryAngryBisharp
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I think they had seen 3 pokemon with 1% completion. I'm guessing the top Alola dex is for the entire region and the MeleMele dex is the starting island. If we assume it's exactly 1% and it wasn't rounded, then we may have 300 in the region. There is the possibility that different islands/dexes have overlapping pokemon that are only registered once you obtain the get to the island/have it upgraded, and so we could theoretically have less than 300.

I don't know how much this helps, but BW Unova dex was 156 pokemon, B2W2 Unova dex was 301 pokemon, XY Kalos dex was 454, and ORAS Hoenn dex was 211.

The 1% is quite possibly rounded as well, in which case I'd gladly take 200-250 pokemon in a region.

Anyone who knows anything about the science of life would be aware that both the Sun and Moon are necessary for life. Take one away, and you fuck yourself up good. Same logic for having both water and fire if you're complex life. Only complete goons would try to argue one is more important than the other :P:

In other news, I'm considering getting one of the Sun/Moon games because I'm bored and need some new games to play until EOV comes out. I have also never played a Pokemon game before, but am considering getting Y soon. Now, my question is, if I get Pokemon Y, would it still be worth getting Sun/Moon? Keep in mind that I'm not a super big Pokemon fan so I'm not going to get every game just for the sake of it, but would there be enough differences and interesting things between the two games for me to get them both despite basic similarities in core gameplay and concept?

They're on the simpler side of things; if you play two of them back-to-back, you might get burnt out.

I'd recommend just waiting for Sun and Moon, really.

Edited by The DanMan
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In other news, I'm considering getting one of the Sun/Moon games because I'm bored and need some new games to play until EOV comes out. I have also never played a Pokemon game before, but am considering getting Y soon. Now, my question is, if I get Pokemon Y, would it still be worth getting Sun/Moon? Keep in mind that I'm not a super big Pokemon fan so I'm not going to get every game just for the sake of it, but would there be enough differences and interesting things between the two games for me to get them both despite basic similarities in core gameplay and concept?

I'd say Sun/Moon. Tbh there's pretty much little to no differences between one version and another. Although, if you want to experience Mega Pokemon then give Y a try, else, wait for these.
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For me the biggest problem with X/Y was the lack of post-game. So of what's released:

If you want a massive regional dex giving you a lot of options for team building for main game: X/Y

If you want a lot of varied post-game content: both Pt and HG/SS have the Battle Frontier (as well as Super Contests for Pt and Pokéathalon in HGSS), and B2/W2 has several things as well (Pokéstar Studios, Pokémon World Tournament, Black Tower/White Tree Hollow, Battle Test and Battle Subway). Emerald has a different Battle Frontier as well, which oddly was not carried over to ORAS.

If you want story-telling: B/W

If you want exploration: Sun and Moon look like they might be the best for this from what we've seen. Pokémon games are pretty linear in general really...

If you want challenge: BW2 has a challenge mode, but unless you know someone who beat B2 (and specifically B2) you will have to use cheat codes to unlock it because Game Freak was idiotic with that mechanic. Beyond that, I'd actually say the Sinnoh games, I guess.

Just my thoughts.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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XY has a nice post-game though. :/ There's the Looker quest, Kiloude City/Battle Maison, Terminus Cave, etc. Sure, it's not a massive post-game. but I liked it.

And yeah, Sangyul, I'd wait for Sun and Moon unless you really want to try out Mega Pokemon. Which in that case, go for X or ORAS. I say X because Xerneas > Yveltal, imo.

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XY has a nice post-game though. :/ There's the Looker quest, Kiloude City/Battle Maison, Terminus Cave, etc. Sure, it's not a massive post-game. but I liked it.

And yeah, Sangyul, I'd wait for Sun and Moon unless you really want to try out Mega Pokemon. Which in that case, go for X or ORAS. I say X because Xerneas > Yveltal, imo.

The Looker Quest was the only part of the XY post game I liked. Everything else, was just "meh" in my opinion. I really hope Sun/Moon will be way better than XY and ORAS in terms of gameplay. ORAS really disappointed me when the Battle Frontier was axed and replaced with the Battle Maison. BW2 really had the best gameplay so Sun/Moon had better take a page or two from it.

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XY has a nice post-game though. :/ There's the Looker quest, Kiloude City/Battle Maison, Terminus Cave, etc. Sure, it's not a massive post-game. but I liked it.

And yeah, Sangyul, I'd wait for Sun and Moon unless you really want to try out Mega Pokemon. Which in that case, go for X or ORAS. I say X because Xerneas > Yveltal, imo.

I agree that Xerneas is better, but that isn't a very sound way to pick.

Instead, pick based based on exclusives. If you like Skrelp and Spritzee and some other stuff, go Y. If you like Swirlix, Clauncher and some other stuff, go X.

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