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Pokemon Sun and Moon General Discussion: Official Site updated to include every new 'mon

The DanMan

Sun and Moon Poll 2.0  

147 members have voted

  1. 1. Which starter is your favorite?

    • Rowlet -> Dartrix ->Decidueye
    • Litten -> Torracat ->Incineroar
    • Popplio -> Brionne ->Primarina
    • Still can't decide -> unsure ->make up your mind
  2. 2. Sun or Moon

    • Sun
    • Moon
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Who's your favorite Island Gaurdian?

    • Tapu Koko (Electric/Fairy)
    • Tapu Lele (Psychic/Fairy)
    • Tapu Bulu (Grass/Fairy)
    • Tapu Fini (Water/Fairy)

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Remember that Pokemon popularity Japanese poll from earlier? Here are the full results!

The list goes from most popular Pokemon to least popular Pokemon:


Edited by Water Mage
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I wonder how they'll handle Zygarde's ​four signature moves now? They'll need to restrict it in some way. I presume that they'll only allow one out of Land's Wrath, Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves at a time, considering that they have the same power and PP. I'm liking Thousand Arrows the most at the moment, because of its ability to hit Flying types. I wonder what power Core Enforcer will have? It looks extremely powerful.

Why would they restrict it's signature moves? Land's Wrath (as cool as it sounds) is just a weaker Earthquake, Thousand Waves would be very situational, Thousand Arrows does look really good though, 10 BP weaker than Earthquake but can hit fliers. Although would you really carry that many Ground moves?

Not saying anything about Core Enforcer, considering I know nothing about it.

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Why would they restrict it's signature moves? Land's Wrath (as cool as it sounds) is just a weaker Earthquake, Thousand Waves would be very situational, Thousand Arrows does look really good though, 10 BP weaker than Earthquake but can hit fliers. Although would you really carry that many Ground moves?

Not saying anything about Core Enforcer, considering I know nothing about it.

I just thought that since the moves are so similar, you might be restricted as they basically do the same thing.

Anyway, I'm expecting Core Enforcer to have around 130 power.

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We'll have more info on July 1st! So excited!!

Pokémon Sun & Moon

It has been confirmed that the next batch of Pokémon Sun & Moon information is to be released on the official sites on July 1st at 22:00 JST, which is 14:00 BST, 15:00 CEST, 09:00 EDT & 06:00 PDT. It's not currently known what information will be revealed at this time but be sure to keep checking back for news

Source: http://serebii.net Edited by Quintessence
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Awesome, can't wait to hear it! ^^ I hope to see the starter final evolutions so we can finally find out if that one legitimate-looking leak was real (the one that looked like concept art and had Rowlet's final form look like an archer, Litten's on two legs with a flaming belt, and Popplio's a beautiful mermaid). As I said, I kinda hope it is, kinda hope it isn't. But GameFreak, I'll give ANYTHING for Popplio to evolve into a Water/Fairy mermaid! PLZZZ! (And I can't believe I hadn't thought of the idea myself after bringing up the Water/Fairy thing before! It's perfect. <3)

But it's GameFreak, so I don't fully expect them to do this, sadly. It CAN happen given that they gave me the electric zebra line I wanted for gen 5, and the Fairy type I hoped Sylveon would be in gen 6, but...yeah. :P

And speaking of which, my top favorites are all over the place in that Japanese poll. I'm proud of Sylveon and Keldeo being as high as they are (Keldeo is still my #1 fav), but poor Zebstrika... Not a lot of love for Rapidash either. :( Lopunny and Bellossom did okay. Infernape is fairly high, as are Luxray, Flareon, and Leafeon. I guess more of my favs are highish than lowish, but Rapidash and Zebstrika are no. 2 and 3 behind Keldeo for me. Cause you know, equine Pokemon love here. :P So yeah, it saddens me to see Japan doesn't like horses and zebras much, yet maybe ponies (because Keldeo looks like a pony).

Edited by Anacybele
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Remember that Pokemon popularity Japanese poll from earlier? Here are the full results!

The list goes from most popular Pokemon to least popular Pokemon:


Hm, Volcarona at 178? Pretty good. Still glad my #1 is so high at 47~

I might make a ctrl+f list for this. Going through that was tough.

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Wooo, Eevee is in the 12 position :D and Sylveon is 5th.

I expected Maractus to be the last not Simisear lol.

Edited by Nym
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Remember that Pokemon popularity Japanese poll from earlier? Here are the full results!

The list goes from most popular Pokemon to least popular Pokemon:


What's with Magnimite just randomly being up there with all those legendaries and iconic pokemon? I just find that hilarious.

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What's with Magnimite just randomly being up there with all those legendaries and iconic pokemon? I just find that hilarious.

It was the unofficial mascot of Join Avenue in BW2

Meaning it got traded a lot over GTS for JA patrons (referred to as the "Magnimite Stock Market" in the West, at least). It's also really cute

Just a theory, though.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I just thought that since the moves are so similar, you might be restricted as they basically do the same thing.

Anyway, I'm expecting Core Enforcer to have around 130 power.

I feel that's exactly why they wouldn't restrict them. They are all pretty much the same thing, no one would use all 3 anyways. I just hope no ones signature move has a recharge turn.

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Yeah, and I figure a lot of the popular Pokemon are up there because of their anime prominence. Legendaries, Lucario, Pikachu, Meowth, Oshawott, Piplup, Jigglypuff, Charizard, etc, all had a lot of appearances or major appearances in the anime. But hey, I'm guilty of liking certain Pokemon because of the anime too. :P (Infernape is the best example. Battle Revolution also made me love this badass monkey. I love Keldeo because of its movie as well as its design too)

But this is a reason I'm surprised not to see Buneary high. It had a good number of appearances in the anime as well because Dawn had one for most of the Sinnoh saga. But oh well. I still find it and Lopunny super cute! <3

Edited by Anacybele
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While the series isn't as prominent as the anime in Japan (tmk), some Special protags had some of the top 200 non legends, like Milotic (Ruby), Luxray (Pearl), Arcanine (Crystal), Kangaskhan (X), Wailord (Sapphire) Weavile (Silver), Togepi/Togekiss (Gold), Lopunny (Platinum), Froslass (Platinum), Pachirisu (Platinum), Porygon (Green Oak), Jigglypuff (Blue), Ditto (Blue), Munchlax (Diamond), Gardevoir (Ruby), Gallade (Sapphire), Gyrados (Red), Snorlax (Red and Emerald), Machamp (Green Oak), Scizor (Green Oak), Clefairy (Blue), Aggron (Sapphire), and Skitty (Ruby), in addition to the naturally high starters.

Just a thing...

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But this is a reason I'm surprised not to see Buneary high. It had a good number of appearances in the anime as well because Dawn had one for most of the Sinnoh saga. But oh well. I still find it and Lopunny super cute! <3

To be fair Buneary ranked 173 and Lopunny ranked 162. In a poll with 720 options, those two did pretty well.

What really suprised me was Armaldo, didn't think it would make into the Top 100.

Maybe it got popular because of Explores of the Sky he had a small but memorable role.

But it was so long ago too.

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To be fair Buneary ranked 173 and Lopunny ranked 162. In a poll with 720 options, those two did pretty well.

Not as high as a lot of the other Pokemon that had notable anime roles...

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I'm just glad that Spinda/Fearow weren't dead last (283 and 383 respectively). The Pokemon I like are a little strange, but they've all helped me at some point or another!

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Maybe, who knows?

I made a video on the Mega evolutions I want to see in Sun and Moon and future Pokemon games. Most of this list is probably obvious to you guys, and it's not as fancy or flashy as some of those other talk videos out there, but I still enjoyed making it. :P

(yes, I took that Ike and Palutena screenshot myself. lol It's my best Smash shot EVER imo)

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm just glad that Spinda/Fearow weren't dead last (283 and 383 respectively). The Pokemon I like are a little strange, but they've all helped me at some point or another!

There was that Gift Spearrow in Goldenrod City. I once had it on my team and finish the game (that is defeat Red) with it (In Crystal)

So for me, Fearow will always be this Fearow.

Beautifly is really goddamn high (082).

I also beated the Hoenn League in Emerald with Beautifly once. And it his my first Shiny ever (well, technically it was Wurmple, but it became a Beautifly.).

Klinklang is surprisingl high (257) given all the fuss that was made about it. Makes me glad.

Marowak is surprisingly low (557).

Hell, even Cubone (325) and Diglett/Dugtrio (315/334) are quite low too given who they are.

​EDIT : And Swellow is 291. It's my other favourite early bird evolution, so that's good.

Edited by Tamanoir
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Maybe, who knows?

I made a video on the Mega evolutions I want to see in Sun and Moon and future Pokemon games. Most of this list is probably obvious to you guys, and it's not as fancy or flashy as some of those other talk videos out there, but I still enjoyed making it. :P

(yes, I took that Ike and Palutena screenshot myself. lol It's my best Smash shot EVER imo)

Really liked the video (like I mentionned in the comments) but I want to talk about something.

I didn't want to mention this in the comment section but I know your video is based on your opinion but Mega evolution is not always the best solution. For me, Mega evolution is like the laziest way possible to deal with a Pokémon's problems. Pokémons with no evolution are the first thing that come to my mind, almost all of them are bad and seems to be forgotten (except maybe Durant). Yes, I do know that Kangaskhan and Mawile are popular but in the end, they are still bad without ME. It's like instead of repairing something broken, you would just put something on it for hiding it.

Really the only Pokémon on your list that would need a mega is Zebstrika and maybe Bellossom (for the tropical theme). The rest of them can either be fixed by changing their stats or they don't need changes since they are fine (Infernape, Creselia and Darkrai).

PS: I never played online, only story mode.

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About the poll, it's something that I said before, but it's important that I repeat it:

People knew from the beginning that the winner would be distributed in an event.

That's why many legendary Pokemon ranked so high. Actually, it was mostly event-only legendary Pokemon, like Genesect, Arceus, Hoopa and etc.

If I'm not mistaken, Game Freak did this poll two times already, and in both times the winner was Arceus.

Very likely, people just wanted a hard to get Pokemon.

Speaking of distribution events, today in Japn starts an event distributing Simsear, to celebrare the fact that it got last place.

Gotta admit, that's a funny and interesting move from Game Freak.

Edited by Water Mage
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Really liked the video (like I mentionned in the comments) but I want to talk about something.

I didn't want to mention this in the comment section but I know your video is based on your opinion but Mega evolution is not always the best solution. For me, Mega evolution is like the laziest way possible to deal with a Pokémon's problems. Pokémons with no evolution are the first thing that come to my mind, almost all of them are bad and seems to be forgotten (except maybe Durant). Yes, I do know that Kangaskhan and Mawile are popular but in the end, they are still bad without ME. It's like instead of repairing something broken, you would just put something on it for hiding it.

Really the only Pokémon on your list that would need a mega is Zebstrika and maybe Bellossom (for the tropical theme). The rest of them can either be fixed by changing their stats or they don't need changes since they are fine (Infernape, Creselia and Darkrai).

PS: I never played online, only story mode.

I noticed, thanks for the comment. :)

But I'm fully aware that Mega evolution isn't always the best solution. In fact, I think I would honestly prefer that Solrock and Lunatone get proper evolutions first and then Megas for said proper evolutions. And I would prefer the same for Pokemon like Dunsparce and Farfetch'd. Trust me, I definitely know where you're coming from there. Also, Infernape is a starter, don't forget, and those are getting Mega forms a lot lately.

Also, GameFreak doesn't seem to care whether some Pokemon actually needed Megas or not. xP Did Mewtwo, Garchomp, and Salamence really need them? I don't think they did. And I'm a fan of Garchomp.

Edited by Anacybele
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