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Ah yes, the good old philosophy of 'Don't bring a bow or your firsts to a Guns and Power Armour fight'

Mechanist seems pretty neat

The team could always use someone with brains over...magical brains, I guess. I mean, since it's magitech I guess it's still magical brains, but-oh, you know what I'm talking about!

...hm...building power armor...would I be allowed to do that? I wasn't intending to, but...it's very temping now that you mention it...

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I mean, it would depend on how in-depth you're going. Something like FF6 or 14 Magitek armour should be doable, if more of a mid-lategame kind of thing(presumably starting with smaller augments or something of the sort). But it'd be Snowy's call.

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You *can* build magitech vehicles like what was in VI and XIV, but armor itself seems to sort of miss the fantastic element of it. I'm not saying 'no', just asking how you would do it.

As for dwarves, naturally they can live to be about 200, 300 given the best of care. Factually, few live past 60 due to liver problems, violence, and beer/violence induced explosions.

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So...yeah. Dwarves.

Name: Yohanna of the Southern Mount

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Female

Age: 56

Class: Mechanist

Magicite: Earth Shard

Skills/Spells/Abilities: Tools, Build (effectively, Yohanna possess the ability to design and build various weapons and items from various materials)

Inventory: Forging Hammer (weapon, a war hammer would be more weapon), Iron Armor (Chest Armor), Dwarven Helm (Head Armor, and yes, it has horns on it), Hand Canon (Tool), Hand Canon Shot x2 (Ammunition), Potion (Consumable), Blueprints (Blueprints), Tent

Backstory: A dwarf orphan, one might call Yohanna a dworphan. The specific cause of her parents death was an always bad combination of liquor and wandering into monster infested caves, leaving a very young Yohanna without proper guardianship. She was taken it by a very old dwarf couple, who took pity on a child who would be too young to remember her parents being left alone in the world. Growing up, she believed her great grandparents were the ones raising her, and that their relatives were her relatives. Many of those relatives were also dead, which lead to the fate of quite a few people being ambiguously defined to her, and the whole thing was overall a messy conspiracy. It would be a surprisingly young age Yohanna would shatter it, though she continued to live as if a part of the family none the less.

While the couple raising her shared in the classic dwarven pastime of self pity, they did have a fairly impressive collection of reading materials from their younger days as inventors, days at least a century past. From these books and blueprints an interest in the sciences was kindled in Yohanna, which grew as she did. Often locking herself up in a chamber to read, study and tinker, she developed a talent for technology, and thankfully kept herself out of the normal drunken trouble her people were so fond of. Along with her scientific readings, Yohanna also found pleasure in many stories and legends, telling of brave heroes and a proud populace unlike the deteriorating society she lived in. Inspired by these tales, she set about attempting to bring forth a dwarven renaissance, devoting herself to the pursuits of the mind. Her knowledge far outshines her taste in art, though she has a strong sense of mathematical beauty and appreciation for good metalwork. Her own smithing is quite good as well, honed since her younger days in her quest to usher in, or at least create the means for, a golden age of revival.

Due to the war between Hellis and the Mountain Alliance leading to the current status of her nation, Yohanna is not exactly fond of the city or its people. However, it is close, it is advanced, and it is thriving, and thus, it would be helpful for her goal. Putting aside her own spite, she traveled to the city with some of her blueprints and a hand canon of her own design and build, hoping to secure some sort of funding or other aid from the magical kingdom. The events involving the Fire Crystal have, of course, cut these plans off, and in her desire for truth and inspiring heroism, she has set to helping the party on its journey. Having studied the Earth Crystal in the mountains, she has a greater understanding of the urgency of the situation and the need to stop it.

A self proclaimed renaissance-dwarf, Yohanna is well adept with magitech, metallurgy, and other manners of science. Her great intelligence can be hard to see behind an eccentric personality thicker than her beard. It is perhaps in part because of some frantic and chaotic aspects of her childhood caused by a hidden adoption. Thinking herself a legend in the making, her demeanor is incredibly over the top and, for lack of a better word, hammy. At the very least she's always eager, whether for adventure or invention. She has a great pride in her race and heritage, seeing the dwarven people at the greatest people, having merely hit a dark patch and in need of a light. Insults to dwarves will likely earn you some form of beating, though as Yohanna is a scholar first and a fighter notably down the list, you might make it out okay. She's loud and boisterous most of the time, and disapproves strongly of drinking and squabble. Needless to say, her own people see her as a bit of a naive nut.

Appearance: Yohanna stands at roughly a meter in height, with a stocky, dwarf-appropriate build. Her figure could be described as 'full', but her beard, a treasure all its own, hides everything between her head and her waist. Said beard is remarkably well kept, long and flowing locks of deep brown, like a fine cup of coffee. The hair on her head is notably shorter, often covered by some manner of helmet. Her Dwarven helm of course has horns, while her Iron Armor is made of many shining plates her together into a vest. An invariable part of her headgear is her trusty pair of goggles, which usually cover her eyes and, along with her beard, much of her face. Such a great beard must sometimes be tied and put aside when working, unfortunately. Such a great beard also increases the gender confusion common to dwarves even more so, until Yohanna speaks, at least.

Focus: To restore the Dwarven people people to their former glory

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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Okay. Time to get down to work.

Firstly, we should try to all get on to Skype sometime tomorrow. I want to make sure we're all on at least the semi-same page.

Ezzeth and his quest to be the best there ever was, to learn all the monster spells, that's his cause, is fine. Approved.

L'Veyi Zin is also fine.

Yohanna of the Southern Mount is also fine. So, yea, cool!

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I have work tomorrow so I will be unavailable for a good chunk of it, and Melissa is also going to be unavailable for the majority of the day as she has two productions of the musical she mentioned earlier.

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when did 3:40am happen

Name: Carol

Race: Mage
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Class: White Mage

Magicite: Cure Shard
Skills/Spells/Abilities: Cure, Aero

Inventory: Wooden Staff, Cure Shard, Witch's Robes

Backstory: Carol (or Caroline, as her parents call her) comes from the Enclave in the north. She spent the majority of her years there, living in a temple run by her parents, dedicated to Shiva. The pair of them were probably two of the most devout followers in the land, but their daughter was almost the opposite. She just saw the whole thing as boring. Dedicating your lives to keeping some stupid not-actually-real ice lady happy seemed like a chore, and she would rather spend her time doing... more or less anything else.

She had no qualms with making this known either, and after her disobedient streak trickled into one of the temple's worship sessions, she was removed from them entirely for several weeks. This would have been what she wanted, if she hadn't been barred from leaving the temple at all during the same period - and any attempts to sneak out were unsuccessful. With time her attitude changed from outright defiance to begrudging compliance, mostly because she was sick of the punishments.

While her parents had always hoped that she would become a summoner, her previous behaviour made them reconsider her options. With no summoning tutor who would take her (her outbursts had become somewhat widely known by the regulars at the temple) she ended up with a white magic tutor. It wasn't the most exciting thing, but it was an improvement on what she had going on before, which... wasn't a lot. She didn't really get along with a lot of the other kids - she saw them as boring and their parents saw her as trouble, so it was a mutual thing. It gave her something to do, and also gave her another opportunity.

In hopes of curbing her attitude problems, her parents spoke with her tutor and arranged for her to be sent on a pilgrimage of sorts to the outside world, in hopes of teaching her the virtues of hard-work and helping others. Carol herself had high hopes going into it, but the people with her were among the dullest she'd ever met - they had no plans to enjoy themselves, despite having all the freedom in the world now to do what they wanted. After a few months, she decided that they were a bunch of losers and left in the middle of the night, looking to find her own way in the world.

After fast forwarding a few years into the present, not much has changed with Carol. She mostly drifts from place to place in search of excitement. She uses her healing magic to make ends meet - although her bluntness and willingness to speak her mind on more or less anything has kind of killed chances of any long-term work she has encountered so far.

Focus: To explore the wide world and eventually find a place she would be comfortable calling home.

Appearance: Carol is a pretty short girl (5"3' tall) with blonde hair that parts in the center of her forehead and falls a little short of her shoulders. While she left her home in typical mage attire, she swapped out the flowing white robes for a shorter, light blue version after she began travelling on her own. She carries her weapon of choice, a simple staff fashioned out of wood, everywhere she goes.

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I... don't recall being that bad on writing sign-ups (or just plain writing), and I remember very little from FF/Bravely Default, but here goes nothing.

Name: Ichirou

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Class: Samurai

Magicite: A wind shard small enough to fit on his palm, that is kept tied to a necklace, hidden by his clothes. Emits a slight green glow at dark.

Skills/Spells/Abilities: (Cyan's) Bushido, aka concentrating before attacking then lashing a stronger strike.

Inventory: An iron katana, tied to his belt; Cloth and build-wise, he looks like this, the difference being in that he's slightly tan skinned with an unkempt beard, has common black eyes and keeps his nails short.

Backstory: Ichirou was the first legitimate son born to a noble family of the Empire of Garlinad, albeit at difficult circunstances: Its former glory was decaying along with the Empire's for decades. No longer fighting in significant wars and living in peaceful times for too long, each generation became significantly more lax and indolent than their antecessors, and no one bothered to change the status quo from lack of necessity or iminent danger. Once known for their masterful use of the Bushido, being one of the rare remaining families that adhered to the Samurai code, his House fell in a matter of decades close to insignificance, maintaining the bits of their renown merely from actions recorded in the past and hereditary titles.

Ichirou was not a reformer, nor someone who ever wished to be close to being one to break the vicious cycle and restore his House to the glory of old. He led a life similar to his forefathers, indulging himself in pleasures and avoiding traditional obligations set upon him. He never fully dedicated himself to training with the katana, slacking whenever he could get away with it and, despite continuous warnings from his teachers, his parents rarely if ever reached out to scold him for his behavior. His education took a turn for the worst after his mother died when he was 10, leaving his father to seek solace on indulgences and forget about his son. A mere year later, his father married another woman, who was quick to bear a child, Ichirou's brother. Dotted on more than the first heir, the eldest sibling quickly faded from focus.

When he was 17, a shock of reality came upon him as he learned that his father succumbed to illness. The results of a hedonistic life were quick to rise as he became older, and all the medicine that he could buy would only delay the inevitable. As the heir, his life turned upside-down when his responsibilities finally caught up to him and he was forced to live up to the expectations placed upon him. However, years of negligence significantly weakened his aptitude to learn, and the young heir made blunders after blunders, lacking all the charisma that his father had, despite being incompetent administratively. Mistrusted by servants, envied by his stepmother for being the heir and incapable of coping with the disastrous sliding path that his House was on, he was burdened with frustrations that made him quickly return to his previous life style.

A mistake that would cost him dearly: Close to his twenth birthday, when he was traveling by carriage, he only caught a glimpse of the driver jumping out of his seat before it continued quickly toward a cliff. Ichirou managed to jump before it could fall, however, he could not avoid being thrown toward the edge of the cliff and falling down toward the river below. Declared dead quickly after his accident, he lost his title and position, continuing to live as a vagrant investigating the causes of his own accident and the machinations behind it. It did not take long for him to discover the ploy of his stepmother to place her own child as the heir to the throne, and since then he harbors a desire for revenge that pushes him forward.

Focus: Seeks to expose the lies that his stepmother cemented about the "accident" that befell him, and bring revenge upon the conspirators responsible for his misfortune.

I think this turned out too improvised and meh and convoluted but whatever, I can probably fix this sometime maybe depending on feedback. :V

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This interests me. I might pick out one of the remaining classes tomorrow, but I'm moving to a new house soon so I have no idea if I'll be too busy or not, but I like the idea and stuff.

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@Rapier: Snowy made me pick a shard regardless, so the same should be for you. I don't think your character's appearance should be in the inventory space, you can just add another field.

As for the skill, is Snowy's call. Same for Ashura (don't know if named weapons are ok to start).

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Carol: I should make this clear. The summons are known to be 100% 'real'. They can be summoned up after all for some good-ol-doubter-smit'n. So I don't want you going around claiming that they don't exist when Shiva could probably freeze Carol's butt off easily. Otherwise it seems fine.

Ichirou: Yes, you need a magicite shard. BD stuff is fine as well considering it's basically a FF game in all but name. With that said, I would rather you not use that skill. I recall it being a bit too OP'ed when done right and, I suspect, the standard Bushido would be more fitting anyways. Ashura is okay-ish. I'm not gonna go 'named weapons are a no-no', but I do want you to grasp that it's not gonna be 'OMGWTFOP'ed' either. Otherwise this is fine.

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Carol: I should make this clear. The summons are known to be 100% 'real'. They can be summoned up after all for some good-ol-doubter-smit'n. So I don't want you going around claiming that they don't exist when Shiva could probably freeze Carol's butt off easily. Otherwise it seems fine.

Uh, that was just shoddy wording from me. I meant more that they were 'just' summons and not people, not that they don't exist or anything.

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Ichirou: Yes, you need a magicite shard. BD stuff is fine as well considering it's basically a FF game in all but name. With that said, I would rather you not use that skill. I recall it being a bit too OP'ed when done right and, I suspect, the standard Bushido would be more fitting anyways. Ashura is okay-ish. I'm not gonna go 'named weapons are a no-no', but I do want you to grasp that it's not gonna be 'OMGWTFOP'ed' either. Otherwise this is fine.

That's ok, I'll take it away. Nothing Ventured was only really OPed when used as a combo with other class skills (because you'll still take damage and it only applies to physical attacks), but that's fine. I thought it'd be nerfed down by the RP, hence why I went with it. Cyan's Bushido is more than enough.

I confess I don't even recall what a magicite shard is and it seems all FFs treat them differently, but I'll look for it more closely and edit soon (done that)

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Okay. When you get the chance PLEASE log onto Skype. We're getting the RP group up and running.

Also, for combat, I personally follow a 'blow for blow' style in which, for every hit, the PC also takes a hit or must use a defensive skill/luck to evade/negate/whatever. You are NOT required to follow this but it is a good way to try and make sure your character isn't becoming OP'ed.

Edit: OH! If you have anything you want to happen in your plot-line please PM me about it so we can work it in.

Edited by Snowy_One
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Well, hello! i heard about this from snowy when he was making this and i decided i'd join, so here's my character and all that.

Name: Elyne

Race: Miqo'te

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Class: MNK

Magicite: Wind

Skills/Spells/Abilities: Monk Training in Various Different Fields. (odds and ends of knowledge from being an orphan in a place of learning, knows how to focus her body's energy to force rapid healing.)

Inventory: Temple Clothes, First Aid Kit.

Backstory: Elyne was an orphan, of sorts. Her parents didn't want her (child number seven was too many for them), and journeyed to leave her at a temple and then ran away.

Elyne never minded, though, the temple monks were her family, and the people of the village down the way her friends. It was a happy life, all told, if hard.

And it was Hard. An orphan at a temple? Oh, she was well-loved for her kitten cuteness and charm, but she had to work, and she had to learn. She excelled at both, helping with the gardens and fields in the morning, assisting the monks with various oddjobs through the day, and cramming in studies after dinner until bedtime.

All in all, a peaceful life. Even a bandit raid when she was fifteen didn't change much for her, they expected that a town who's only apparent protector was a guy with a pitchfork for protection would be easy money, and definitely paid no attention to the monastery down the way. Such a mistake, they all paid for it with their lives.

From that, Elyne learned that all the world was not as peaceful as her little corner of it, and she resolved that, one day, she would do her part to fix it.

On her seventeenth birthday, she pushed her master to give her her final exam in the martial arts, for she had long been forbidden to leave home until her training was deemed complete. He was reluctant, but he knew of the ambition in her eyes and could only approve. One last duel, they went head to head in various ways. Pure running, helping people with errands, cooking, brewing concoctions of various effects, and finally, a straight up fight.

Elyne won, thus proving that punching an old man in the face was the best way to be recognized as an adult. She set out on her journey the next day, but not before her master told her to seek out HIS master, that knowledge and power that would help her could, could! be hers if she ever found him.

Focus: Long term: Make the world a better place through her knowledge and skill. Short term, more applicable: Increase said knowledge and skill by seeking out her master's master.

Appearance: Elyne stands at five foot four, and is of an athletic build with lightly tanned skin from being outside, and freckles across her cheeks and nose. She has dark red hair, long but kept back in a tail most of the time, and her eyes are a deep green. Her face is the kind of pretty that a cute young girl grows into, almost always with a smile on her lips. She is dressed in simple temple clothes at present, overall plain, but functional, consisting mainly of a shirt(short-sleeved, showing off her arms), pants, and sturdy sandals. Her body is toned and muscled, but not overly so, obviously both strong and fast.

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