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What are some of your favorite video games that other people have never heard of?


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This can include freeware or just games that are not well-known due to lack of localization/advertisement, or something else. I'll reveal mine in a later post, but I'd be interested to hear of some obscure titles that you guys really enjoy first!

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  • Everything by Askiisoft.

The Yakuza series.

Astro Boy: Omega Factor. (Best licensed game ever made period.)

Edited by OakTree
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a while back i bought this game on the 3ds eshop for a few dollars called mercenaries saga 2: order of the silver eagle

it's a blatant ripoff of FFT that is actually pretty decent

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There's this really cool game that was never released in America called Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War When I was randomly browsing through ROMs to just find something new on the NES I found something called Conquest of the Crystal Palace, if I remember correctly. That was actually really good, and I think Continue did an episode on it. Going way back, there's an Atari 2600 game called No Escape that is surprisingly really fun. Even though this isn't really unknown or obscure, I never hear people talk about Star Wars: Jedi Academy much, even though its great. Also there's a PS2 game called Thrillville I have fond memories of from when I was a little kid. I don't know if it's actually good or not, but I remember it being fun. Edited by Lantairu
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I would not say this game is a favorite, but a game I enjoyed as a kid was "Kya: Dark Lineage" for the PS2.

The game tl:dr is basically about a girl who fights wolf people and performs exorcisms in order to revert them back into villagers

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Even though this isn't really unknown or obscure, I never hear people talk about Star Wars: Jedi Academy much, even though its great.

fuck yes

this game probably isn't very obscure at all but a friend of mine bought it for me on steam a little while back when it was on sale for 3 dollars

i've barely made any progress in the game nor have i really used the multiplayer but it's really good

it's not particularly obscure but

it's good! i think

definitely consider getting it if you have 3 dollars to spare during a steam sale (or if you want to spend ten dollars for it I guess but it goes on sale pretty often)

even if you don't like star wars it's still pretty decent (although if you do like star wars you'll get some of the silly dumb references they throw in which is kinda nice)

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I started a LP about it! #totallynotshamelessplug

It's my favourite game of all times, even though it doesn't shine in any way. Maybe one day I'll ask the maker to "officially" translate it.

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Empire Earth

The first game was basically Age of Empires II on crack, with everything from prehistoric club swinger to futuristic mechas. Unfortunately the sequels went worse and worse, so the series is rather obscure now.

Gothic I+II

Well, this series is well known in Germany. It's a pretty hardcore but very satisfying RPG. My favourite thing about it is probably that you can beat up NPCs without them dying. Compared to other RPGs on the market, this significantly reduces the amount of shit that you have to take from insufferable NPCs.

Tear Ring Saga

I suppose this technically counts.

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(I got a list here, hope you're ready for it! ;3 )

While it's not my favorite, it still stands:

Suikoden...the whole series

I hear very little people talk about this series in general. The only reason I even found out about it was because one of my favorite youtube channels (Lucahjin...who is great by the way...while also a bit immature...which actually helps) did an LP on it. Loved it(Great music too).

I own Suikoden 4(the black sheep of the series which is alright in my books) and the spinoff, Suikoden Tatics. I went out of my way to play Suikoden 1 on emulator, which is a great time to be had, but......the flash drive I had it on...broke( and I was halfway through the game too. A similar thing happened when I played EarthBound too, but in that case, I dropped it at school a few years ago......dang it).

Another one is:

Phantom Brave

Everyone remembers Disgaea(for the most part)...which is good since that IS a good series, but no one seems to know Phantom Brave. It's similar to Disgaea, but does enough to set itself apart.

And now we have:

Megaman Network Transmission and Megaman X Command Mission

So apparently, one day the Megaman Battle Network and Megaman X series decided to trade game genre for one game. The end result is a pretty...ok BN spinoff and a really good, yet underrated X rpg spinoff!

Speaking of Megaman...

And now a personal favorite:

Megaman Battle Network and Megaman Starforce

Now to be fair, people do know about them, but don't KNOW about them. These are both great rpg series, but they get pretty overshadowed, Starforce especially (because the poor game didn't even get it's own Mii costume in Smash 4 DLC...).


Radiata Stories

A PS2 game with pretty good play, a pretty good set of interesting characters, a good story(......although the ending could have been much better), and one of the characters name's is Ridley(...yes, there are the obvious jokes on the internet)!

And here is:


What happens Resident Evil pulls another Devil May Cry? This game series(...and for those who don't know, Devil May Cry was originally a RE game, but part way into development, it became something much different)!

Last, but certainly not the least(known):

Fire Emb---oops, sorry, forget this isn't 2011 anymore!

;3 (Herp Derp!)

Ok, ok, jokes aside, my last one is actually:

Codename Steam

This. Poor. Freakin'. Game!

I think the whole issue with Majora's Mask 3D not being a thing and then later being a thing hurt this game a bit. Now to be honest, I don't own the game. I've just played the demo(but that's because I've never had a job until now, so saving up for this or any game was hard), however, I felt like this a good game...that got overshadowed. I know every one has their preferences and may not like this game's gameplay a whole lot, but I feel like it got greatly overshadowed and it cost it greatly!

(I was gonna say the "Tales of." series too, but I've been noticing how much it actually does pop up now and then.)

Sorry, had to get all those games off my chest. These names are off the top of my head, so I may have missed one or two!

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Radiata Stories

A PS2 game with pretty good play, a pretty good set of interesting characters, a good story(......although the ending could have been much better), and one of the characters name's is Ridley(...yes, there are the obvious jokes on the internet)!

This game is a gem, also to add to the gag.


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Going with Golden Sun. The only person who actually had a conversation with my sister about Golden Sun was our Tech Ed teacher last year.

  • Ogre Battle
  • Brave Fencer Mushashi
  • Seiken Densetsu 3

Yes, yes, and yes! :3

I'm really happy I'm not alone, especially with Seiken Densetsu 3 (...which is great fun...but I still haven't beaten it yet. I was actually at the final dungeon, but...well...it was on the same flash drive as the EarthBound one. My second playthrough, broken flash drive on halfway point. On the third one now on the ghost ship...technically, but I stopped playing because life happened and I haven't been play on emulators that much lately...a.k.a. a year)!

This game is a gem, also to add to the gag.


Thank you, I love ya for this! ;3

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  • Ogre Battle
  • Brave Fencer Mushashi
  • Iji
  • Eternal Eyes
  • Live-A-Live
  • Seiken Densetsu 3
  • Maximo
  • Gauntlet

OMG I've played some of those. I think you're the first person I've run into who has played Iji. I recently played a game by him called Muri. Sadly, it's not as fun as Iji.

Musashi is like the best game ever, and if I hadn't heard from virtually everyone that samurai legend is mediocre I'd play it.

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OMG I've played some of those. I think you're the first person I've run into who has played Iji. I recently played a game by him called Muri. Sadly, it's not as fun as Iji.

Musashi is like the best game ever, and if I hadn't heard from virtually everyone that samurai legend is mediocre I'd play it.

Yeah I ran into Iji like 2009, and I enjoyed it alot, I've played it quite a number of times, Daniel Remar is pretty talented.

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The Lunar series for Sega CD and their "COMPLETE" remakes for the PSX. Two actual different games, Silver Star Story (1) and Eternal Blue (2). Both the Sega CD and PSX versions are great, though I personally feel the PSX remakes are better (especially EB, which still stands as one of my top favourite games of all time). There was also a GBA remake of SSS that was okay but not as good as either the original or the PSX version. Ignore the weird DS game and pretend it never existed.

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The Lunar series for Sega CD and their "COMPLETE" remakes for the PSX. Two actual different games, Silver Star Story (1) and Eternal Blue (2). Both the Sega CD and PSX versions are great, though I personally feel the PSX remakes are better (especially EB, which still stands as one of my top favourite games of all time). There was also a GBA remake of SSS that was okay but not as good as either the original or the PSX version. Ignore the weird DS game and pretend it never existed.

I've heard of these, and I've been intending to play Lunar for quite some time actually.

I usually like playing a game in its original form, even if a revamp is technically better! Sega CD had alot of odd gems didn't it. Snatcher, Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix... Lunar, The Shining Force revamps, an a few others.

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Brave Fencer Musashi is one of my favorite games ever yet only like my family has heard of it.

Snow Bros is also a totally fun Bubble-Bobble-like NES game except I actually enjoy it

NES Batman is also one of the best "movie based" games I have ever played, even if I still haven't beaten it cause the Joker is an ass

I'm also pretty big on Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, which sort of did the FE dual attack thing before FE did and combined it with juggling

That's all I can think of on the top of my head

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Brave Fencer Musashi is one of my favorite games ever yet only like my family has heard of it.

I'm also pretty big on Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume, which sort of did the FE dual attack thing before FE did and combined it with juggling

I agree with these.

For something that released in 2015, Rodea the Sky Soldier is fairly obscure, but it's really quite enjoyable. It takes the best of Sonic Adventure and removes most of the crap. Oh, and you can fly, which is awesome.

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東方巫行跡 ~ Nightmare of Sleeping Girl

Touhou fangames have quite a few little gems, I don't see this one discussed much but I randomly wanted to play a Touhou SRPG and this is what I found. I quite like it and plan on playing the game it's based on, Widenyo.

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Abadox on the NES; hard as balls, especially the later stages, but so much fun IMO

La Mulana as well

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