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"i dont drink or smoke or do any of that"


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Hey, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. But you know what? It's MY Choice! If you buttheads think they are cool, then let me give you a good taste of reality!

is this a funny meme reference because I don't get it please inform me

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Hey, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. But you know what? It's MY Choice! If you buttheads think they are cool, then let me give you a good taste of reality!

I smoke crushed dreams and drink tears of other people's pain does that count?

why would you put things in your mouth that taste like shit?

I don't have the money or the time for things that'll waste both.

Wow, four bites? Better reel 'em in fast!

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Hey, I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. But you know what? It's MY Choice! If you buttheads think they are cool, then let me give you a good taste of reality!

leaked part of the script for Derek Savage's upcoming movie, Cool Cat VS The Mexican drug cartel

anyway this reminds me of when I was a kid, and I heard a few people discussing about the legal age of drinking, and I was completely baffled that people in some places had to wait 18 years to have water or apple juice or whatever, so I said "in america you can drink at any age" and I still think it's hilarious

Edited by kantoorfarina
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and video games won't?

I don't even buy video games that much anymore tbh. I understand why people smoke and drink, and I don't have anything against people who do. I've long since realized that placing yourself on a moral pedestal above someone simply because of a bad habit makes you an arrogant asshole, which will fuck you up in life worse than any smoking or drinking.

But no, those things aren't for me. Other people, sure, not me.

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I don't drink but I offered to DD my friends if they go to bars I just

need a car first

I could designated walk them home???

on the other hand we're all a bunch of overworked computer scientist grad students so what's time to go outside amirite

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I don't even buy video games that much anymore tbh. I understand why people smoke and drink, and I don't have anything against people who do. I've long since realized that placing yourself on a moral pedestal above someone simply because of a bad habit makes you an arrogant asshole, which will fuck you up in life worse than any smoking or drinking.

But no, those things aren't for me. Other people, sure, not me.

this is a good post

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