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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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Just as emmet finished his healing an explosion appeared not too far away. Did the lady Claire do that? He wondered. He glanced to his right. No she wasn't close enough. It didn't really matter much, as impressive as it was, there were still enemies left standing.

Emmet to (23,14), attack Pirate#2 with Pinaka

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Things were going reasonably well up top, though things across the water looked less favourable... that was until Owen produced something, tossed it, and the enemy to the South were utterly decimated within moments.

"What the... he still had that grenade? That's lucky..." Adele noted to herself, watching in awe for a moment at the destructive power of the thing. Shaking her head after a moment, she stepped forward, fastening the light shield she had bought in place, noticing a nearby bowman.

Adele to 17,5, Equip Hand Axe and Heather shield

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Emmet moves to 23,14!

Emmet attacks Pirate #2 with Pinaka!
19 Atk, 82% Hit, 0% Crit
(66 95)
Emmet's arrow finishes him!

Emmet gains 40 XP!
Emmet gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Adele moves to 17,5!

Adele equips her Hand Axe!

Adele equips her Heather Shield!

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It was magic! Pure magic!

Did she just see Prince Owen spout fire from his fingertips? He must have snapped his fingers too, she swore he did!

And there was the Baroness of Dougistan, resplendent in the magical firelight, swooping down from the sky like a winged herald of war. Lightning flashed actinic-green across the backdrop as if to split the sky before her.

But lo! That was no natural lightning, for the sky was clear as day! Might there be more battle mages about? Scuttle didn't hear about lightning in the tales.

Come to think of it, she didn't hear about glowing arrows of pure light either. Scuttle watched, awestruck, as what seemed to be an ordinary bow burst aflame, and release something nebulous. Something bright. It escaped into the air with a sibilant hiss, tracing a golden line before splintering across the face of a pirate. There was so much happening! In the chaos of it all, she took one good look at the archer, captured his face in memory and made a mental note to keep a very close eye on him in the future. She did know this magic archer. That needed to change very quickly.

The small part of Scuttle's brain that had worked overtime to distinguish reality from her fancies was already starting to backpedal. The fresh blood caked on her cheeks, the aching pain in her legs, the looming threat of being one mistake away from death . . . they all seemed to disappear. She had one foot in reality, another swept away somewhere far.

She was living a part of a legend right now!

"Dougistan Dive!" she echoed from somewhere, just about giddy with adrenaline.

Scuttle attack Myrmidon #2 with Steel Bow, Dougistan Dive!

Edited to make Scuttle more observant to other HEROES

Edited by Frostivus
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Scuttle attacks Myrm #2 with her Steel Bow!
13 Atk, 96% Hit, 5% Crit, 11% Adept
(84 9)
Scuttle finishes with the Dougistan Dive?

Scuttle gains 36 XP!
Scuttle gains 2 Bow WEXP!
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Serge looked toward the oncoming bandits as well as the two pale figures who were...uncomfortably close to each other. Then he saw Adele all by herself, facing down a pirate coming from the sea. Like it or not, his first priority was making sure she was safe, and that's what he was going to do.

Serge move to 19,5

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Numbers were quickly looking to be against the Wykian forces until a sudden explosion.

Sidney yelped- perhaps not the best way to be conducted right now, but that mattered little. What did matter was that now there were opportunities to be seized. Two targets were in he sights, and with a bit of encouragement she felt empowered to take down both.

Sidney Steel Bows Hunter4 from (23, 13). Then after being Refreshed, she Iron Bows Pirate6 from (25, 13).

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Angus continues to look dead ahead, ignoring the explosion. [The hell's going on down there? Owen, you're still alive... right?] He charges forward, slamming his axe into the hunter before taking up a new position.

"Eyes ahead!", Angus barks, perhaps channeling his old instructor. "That sortie's done 'fore we c'n get there; don't get sloppy!" Every part of him aches to reconnoiter what was happening to the south, but he instead glares forward, steeling himself against the desire to charge in. The mooncalf didn't imagine he had more than one of those before his luck ran out, but that one was spent well.

Angus to (14,2), attack Hunter #1 with Hand Axe, Canto to (17,2)

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"Thank you for the opening, Prince Owen! I shall not waste it!"

Nelon moves to 22,14!

Nelon attacks Brigand #8 with his Iron Sword!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 5% Crit, 12% Adept
(57 4)
Nelon ruins Brigand #8!

Nelon gains 23 XP!
Nelon gains 2 Sword WEXP!
Nelon sends an Iron Axe to Convoy!

Nelon cantos to 22,13!

Serge moves to 19,5!

Sidney moves to 23,13!

Sidney attacks Hunter #4 with her Steel Bow!
14 Atk, 98% Hit, 9% Crit
(48 41)
Sidney deals 14 damage! (14/28 HP remaining)
Hunter #4 counters with his Longbow!
16 Atk, 54% Hit, 0% Crit
(90 5)
Hunter #4 misses!
(64 84)
Sidney finishes!

Sidney gains 45 XP!
Sidney gains 3 Bow WEXP!

Sidney reaches C Bows!

"You've got an eye for the rich ones too, don't you?"

Larissa moves to 24,13!

Larissa refreshes Sidney!

Larissa gains 15 XP!

Sidney moves to 23,15!

Sidney attacks Pirate #6 with her Iron Bow!
11 Atk, 91% Hit, 12% Crit
(58 46)
Sidney deals 11 damage! (8/32 HP remaining)
(40 57)
Sidney finishes!

Sidney gains 53 XP!
Sidney gains 3 Bow WEXP!

Sidney grows to level 8!
(39 98 77 42 99 79 76 45)
HP up!

Angus moves to 14,2!

Angus attacks Hunter #1 with his Hand Axe!
15 Atk, 67% Hit, 2% Crit, Charge not possible
(14 30)
Angus deals 15 damage! (1/31 HP remaining)

Angus gains 10 XP!
Angus gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Angus cantos to 17,2!

Edited by Shin
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Freya idles!


Hunter #1 moves to 15,2!

Hunter #1 attacks Angus with his Iron Bow!
7 Atk, 72% Hit, 0% Crit
(33 37)
Angus takes 7 damage! (28/35 HP remaining)
Angus counters with his Hand Axe!
21 Atk, 79% Hit, 4% Crit
(58 39)
Angus finishes Hunter #1!

Angus gains 30 XP!
Angus gains 3 Axe WEXP!

Hunter #3 moves to 14,3!

Hunter #6 moves to 21,14!

Hunter #6 attacks Emmet with his Iron Bow!
9 Atk, 83% Hit, 6% Crit
(58 38)
Emmet takes 9 damage! (12/34 HP remaining)
Emmet counters with Pinaka!
19 Atk, 80% Hit, 0% Crit
(59 28)
Emmet deals 19 damage! (10/29 HP remaining)

Emmet gains 10 XP!
Emmet gains 1 Bow WEXP!

Brigand #2 moves to 13,3!

Brigand #11 moves to 16,2!

Brigand #2 attacks Angus with his Steel Axe!
13 Atk, 51% Hit, 2% Crit
(80 99)
Angus dodges!
Angus counters with his Hand Axe!
16 Atk, 78% Hit, 3% Crit, Charge not possible
(71 19)
Angus deals 16 damage! (17/33 HP remaining)

Angus gains 10 XP!
Angus gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Brigand #12 moves to 12,3!

"I think the horseman is using himself as bait, brother. It's a rather effective tactic."

"It is, sister. Unless one happens to snag a shark on their line."

Apellon moves to 13,2!

Arteria moves to 13,2!

Pirate #1 moves to 16,5!

Pirate #1 attacks Adele with his Boarding Axe!
8 Atk, 63% Hit, 8% Crit
(12 68)
Adele takes 8 damage!(23/32 HP remaining)
Adele counters!
14 Atk, 68% Hit, 19% Crit
(99 53)

Adele gains 5 XP!
Adele gains 1 Axe WEXP!

Pirate #4 moves to 26,13!

Pirate #4 attacks Larissa with his Hand Axe!
14 Atk, 51% Hit, 8% Crit
(49 75)
Larissa takes 14 damage! (11/25 HP remaining)

Larissa gains 5 XP!

Myrm #7 moves to 11,16!

Myrm #8 moves to 12,17!

Reinforcements deploy!

Chapter 5 - Turn 4


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Emmet swore as the arrow buried itself in his arm. Biting through the pain he returned fire and somehow managed to hit his mark. The hunter was still standing however. "Damn. What are these things made of?" Rather than risk any further combat he retreated several yards. Beside him was an ally, a rather fragile looking, scantily dressed healer. A handaxe had just knocked her to the ground. Without wasting any time on talking, he began healing her.

Emmet to (23,13) use Heal on Larissa

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Doug saw a bowman approaching. Before the bow could target him, Doug swooped in to get first strike.

"The power of the pink pegasus compels you!"

Doug to (21,15), Iron Lance vs. Hunter #6, Canto to (18,15)

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Emmet moves to 23,13!

"A hand up would be appreciated."

Emmet uses Heal on Larissa!

Larissa returns to full HP!

Emmet gains 15 XP!

Emmet gains 2 Staff WEXP!

"You shall advance no further!"

Nelon moves to 25,13!

Nelon's Gynaephobia is active!

Nelon attacks Pirate #4 with his Iron Sword!
11 Atk, 100% Hit, 0% Crit, 12% Adept
(18 92)
Nelon deals 11 damage! (20/31 HP remaining)
Pirate #4 counters!
5 Atk, 30% Hit, 2% Crit
(8 80)
Nelon takes 5 damage! (30/35 HP remaining)

Nelon gains 9 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Nelon cantos to 21,13!

Doug moves to 21,15!

Doug attacks Hunter #6 with his Iron Lance!
14 Atk, 88% Hit, 3% Crit
(6 42)
Doug shows Hunter #6 the power of pink!

Doug gains 42 XP!
Doug gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Doug cantos to 18,15!

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Larissa to (21,14), refresh Nelon

Nelon to (15,14), equip Iron Lance


Angus lets out a hearty sigh, then a laugh, hurling his axe once again into the brigand that tried to accost him. "Silly man!", the mooncalf bellows, "My mother's a better axe han' than you, an' she's been dead since I was a boy!" He guides Agro into position, behind some of his comrades--not the idea, but keeping the attention of those ruffians certainly was!

"Nurrggh." An offending arrow finds itself shoved out its own exit wound, then thrown to Scuttle. "Hoi! Catch!" Baron Kearney leans down, a guiding hand pushing at the bard's back. "I know you're na' big on fightin', bu' this is th'time for you t'go. Baitin' with a cavalier, pretty standard, don' worry. Now go on! Git!" Angus rolls his head, re-evaluating the scene in front of him: better. Not fantastic, but much better. [Odds are we can isolate those two. If we can do that, this'll be over right quick.]

Edited by Terrador
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Well, that obnoxious wound had been taken care of. Not that their problems had been suddenly solved, but she wasn't bleeding, the fool that had tried to hurt her wasn't ever going to bleed again. His mistake. For now, though, it seemed their front line was taking too many hits for comfort. Angus swung an axe and then retreated back, bleeding rather unfortunately. Cass bit her lip. It wasn't time for petty upsets; she was supposed to be trying to talk to him, anyway.

"Sebastian, to me. Looks like there still a bit if retreating in order..." She moved back and began to heal the Baron's wounds, keeping quiet the entire time.

Cassandra to (22,3), heal Angus
Sebastian to (23,3)

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Serge to (22,6), rescue Adele

"Lady Adele, get behind me. I'll make sure these thugs can't touch you." Things were getting bad. Serge could clearly see the twin sword wielders approaching with the intent of gutting the first person they saw. They were pale, almost like ghosts. It spooked him. Regardless, his first concern was making sure they didn't touch Adele, and the best way was to get between her and them...preferably far away from the twins.

Edited by Dandragon
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He did it.

He actually managed to wing and throw that thing.

"Hoo..." Owen held a hand to his chest. The end result was that his group manage to clean up the pirates almost entirely after that, it really was a tide turner. Perhaps I could procure more of these? King Oswald's decision to hold good diplomacy with Toulouse was practically ahead of its time. That would be some legacy to follow.

But back to earth, Owen could see a few stragglers, unsheathing his sword as quickly as they decided to not give up, for whatever reason. "Let's make quick work of these and advance, the less time we spend here, the better." He was ready to attack a nearby pirate whom seemed oh so eager to attack the frailest of his troops. "Baron Nelon, could you please scout ahead? I am sure they think something is amiss by now."

Owen to (25,13), attack Pirate #4 with his iron sword.

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