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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 2


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Fortunately, Claire didn't seem terribly injured after the rough landing. Doug definitely had to work on that. For now, there was work to be done. With the crazies gone, it was time to deal with the rest of the lackeys. Doug grabbed his javelin and threw it at a nearby bandit. It was also another opportunity to test more catchphrases/battlecries.

"The arm that built Dougistan will be the arm that ends you!"

Doug to (17,3), javelin Brigand #13

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Doug moves to 17,3!

Doug attacks Brigand #13 with his Javelin!
19 Atk, 49% Hit, 6% Crit
(14 3)
Doug shows him the power of Dougistan!

Doug gains 40 XP!
Doug gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Doug grows to level 9!
(64 30 32 26 10 53 42 96)
HP up!
Strength up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
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Freya moves to 17,4!

Freya attacks Brignad #12 with her Bronze Sword!
(96 88)

Freya gains 36 XP!
Freya gains 2 Sword WEXP!
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Appellon's eyes bore no remorse, no wide-eyed fear, not even a hint of challenge as her arrow pierced his forehead. They had just been open. Empty, like staring into his soul and seeing nothing. Scuttle knew that mile-long gaze well -- it brought to mind haunting memories of her brothel sisters clutching their soundless infants.

Sprawled nearby, with one bloodied hand outstretched and clawing towards him, laid the body of his sister Arteria.

Even as the tip of a steel blade sprouted from his chest, dropping him to his knees, Scuttle swore she caught a flicker of warm recognition flash across his face. The slightest crack of a smile formed in his grim rictus . . . or perhaps it was just the battle fever getting to her.

Appellon's gaze fell upon his sister, and never left her.

It took a while for Scuttle to get the shuddering under control.

There stood another man, bristling with silent rage. Lines of chronic worry were etched into his brow, and grey-tipped hair crowned the contours of what would otherwise be a virile young face. He unceremoniously plucked the sword from Appellon's body with the nonchalance of someone who had other things to worry about than superstition and the dead.

She bowed as elegantly as her wobbling legs would allow. "The mighty Appellon lays dead by your hand. A swordsman so skilled even the great Baron Angus was defeatruigjkcndlkbvxkejvepau

"A master of the blade so skilled that even Baron Angus Kearney proved equally matchewiqonxhxknalseh

"Baron Angus Kearney never finished that duel between Appellon. The outcome of the battle, and its victor, would have to remain an undiscovered secret forever. But you, brave sir, with the aid of your fellow heroes, have triumphed this day! Your name will be spread in song and prose from Wyke all the way to Myrcia!"

Good save, Scuttle! No one probably saw your face spasms.

Scuttle could see it now: The First Encounter in Raewald, an account by Scuttle Thames. She had thought the A-Twins as unabashedly evil and vilified them so. What they were had been something truly more tragic.

Edited by Frostivus
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Adele moves to 17,2!


Brigand #14 moves to 16,2!

Brigand #14 attacks Adele with his Steel Axe!
12 Atk, 70% Hit, 0% Crit
(45 71)
Adele takes 12 damage! (11/32 HP remaining)
Adele counters with Nacht!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 40% Crit
(5 46)
Brigand #14 takes 13 damage! (19/32 HP remaining)
Adele attacks again!
(50 75)
Adele deals 13 damage! (6/32 HP remaining)

Adele gains 10 XP!
Adele gains 2 Axe WEXP!

Myrm #9 moves to 14,15!

Myrm #9 attacks Owen with his Steel Sword!
6 Atk, 71% Hit, 0% Crit
(92 87)
Myrm #9 misses!
Owen counters with his Iron Sword!
9 Atk, 95% Hit, 9% Crit, 10% Astra
(76 73 43)
Owen deals 9 damage! (19/28 HP remaining)
Myrm #9 attacks again!
(71 38)
Myrm #9 misses!

Owen gains 10 XP!
Owen gains 1 Sword WEXP!

Myrm #10 moves to 14,14!

Myrm #10 attacks Sidney with his Steel Sword!
11 Atk, 47% Hit, 0% Crit
(58 7)
Myrm #10 misses!
Sidney counters with Zodiac Claw!
13 Atk, 100% Hit, 22% Crit
(7 97)
Sidney deals 13 damage! (15/28 HP remaining)

Sidney gains 10 XP!
Sidney gains 1 WEXP!

Reinforcements... don't spawn?

Chapter 5 Turn 7


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Adeltrudis wasn't sure what to think anymore. Seeing Cassandra take that idiotic duel had driven her mad... see her nearly lose and sunk her stomach with worry, and seeing her go back in against Arteria on the brink of being cut down, and only making it out because of what had looked like a lucky blow against a superior opponent... Adele had hidden away for a moment to release the bile growing in her throat to the sand, before moving up wordlessly.

She had been engaged by an enemy. He had gotten a rather nasty blow, and in her impaired state, she had failed to take him out... failed again. Just like she had failed to be there for Cass, who might have even died had her luck not stepped in. Turning her axe around, Adele moved to bash it into the side of the man's head, finishing him for good, though it seems her rage got the better of her, the swing going wide, and Adeltrudis herself receiving a nasty kick to the gut, being shoved back several feet, the tumble aggravating her wounds. She coughed again... blood this time. It seems she had been wounded more badly than she had expected. She could only hope to get the jump on the man if he came to execute her, fearing if she took the time to stand, she would be cut down before she could take a stance.

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Myrcia... If Serge could get this woman to tell tales about him all the way there, perhaps he could get the attention of his parents. No...No bard would ever attempt to enter his village. It was far too poor to ever get any gold out of it. Still, the thought of growing fame sounded nice. It made him smile lightly. Well, that and how the woman in front of him was stuttering completely, most likely attempting to not insult Angus.

It was then that Serge looked past her, and noticed a bandit, raising their axe, planning to bring it down on someone's head. What's more, he noticed that Adele was on the ground, right in sight of the bandit. There was blood on the sand... "Lady Adele!" Serge drew his blade and charged straight at him, teeth clenched hard, eyes focused solely on the bandit. He held the sword out as he ran, aiming and thrusting it straight into the bandit's chest.

Serge to (16,3), attack Brigand 14 with Iron Sword

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Cass had still been out of it, reeling from everything, trying to make sense of the fight. Serge shouting Adele's name and running through their allies brought her in enough to see him kill one of the bandits, Adele bleeding on the ground. "Oh... Oh...!" Just heal people... Especially Adele! She ran over after him, staff ready, healing her wounds from a few steps away. Jeeves' old staff had some power left in it, after all. Her wounds closed, easily, but Cass didn't know what to say; her inattention had almost cost her more than her own life. "Snap out of it, Cass..."

Cass to 19,2, Heal Adele with Jeeves' staff

Edited by Melissa
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Things seemed dangerous on the north bank but the battle was going far better on Emmet's side than he dared to have hoped. Only two swordsman remained in the immediate area. Easily taken care of.

Emmet to (16,15), Pinaka!Magic on Myrm#10

Edited by Jotari
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Serge moves to 16,3!

Serge attacks Brigand #13 with his Iron Sword!
(4 96)
Serge finishes!

Serge gains 33 XP!
Serge gains 2 Sword WEXP!
Serge reaches C Swords!

Cass moves to 19,2!

Cass uses Jeeves' Staff on Adele!

Something feels familiar!

Adele gains 19 HP!

Cass gains 25 XP!

Cass gains 3 Staff WEXP!

Emmet moves to 16,15!

Emmet attacks Myrm #10 with Pinaka!
18 Atk, 77% Hit, 4% Crit
(73 39)

Emmet gains 30 XP!
Emmet gains 2 Bow WEXP!

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Blood at gotten a bit on Serge's eye, all over his face. He had most likely stabbed a vital organ, possibly a vein. Once again, he found himself pushing a bandit off his sword with his foot. He did his best to wipe the blood off his eyes with his arm. At least then he could see. He'd have to wash his face later. He turned to face Adele. "Are you alright? Cassandra's here to heal you. Here, let me help you up." He said, holding out his hand to Adele.

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Sidney huffed. Things were going alright now, but the battle still didn't feel easy. It wasn't that anyone in particular was too tough, which she demonstrated by deftly dodging a blade and returning with a vicious stab to one of the bandits, but it was getting to be one of her longer battles and rather tiring. She brushed past a few allies, readying her bow for the next attack.

Sid to 14, 16 and shoot w/ Iron Bow at swordguy

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Angus pants heavily, unable to remain upright at this point--not without a decisive reason to. He barely returns his axe to Agro's side, his bloody grip on the weapon nearly untenable. The baron's left eye does not obey him; it paints for him a dark picture, not one of fortresses and seas. An enfeebled arm rises to Cassandra--no. [she's lookin' to Adele. Nothin'...] He lifts his head for a moment, to look through his cooperative eye: no foes. [Nobody there. No reason not t'... I'll wake when she heals me.] Angus' head droops, his breathing slows. Claire said something to him too, perhaps... but he would deal with that when he woke up. Engel smiled on Angus when saddles were improved to their current standards, that much is certain.

Sebastian to (19,3), cast Heal on Angus

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Sidney moves to 14,16!

Sidney attacks Myrm #9 with her Iron Bow!
12 Atk, 100% Hit, 12% Crit
(28 5)
Sidney shoots him right in the throat!

Sidney gains 30 XP!
Sidney gaisn 2 Bow WEXP!

Sidney reaches level 9!
(23 9 3 48 5 0 43 70)
HP up!
Strength up!
Magic up!
Speed up!
Luck up!

"You may wish to consider your luck at this point, Baron Kearney. Most would have tagged you as a dead man."

Sebastian moves to 19,3!

Sebastian heals Angus for 18 HP!

Sebastian gains 8 XP!

Sebastian gains 2 Staff WEXP!

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"I'm alright... just overswung, a bit..." Adele muttered, grabbing Serge's extended hand and pulling herself up, after the familiar feeling ran through her. She had been about to call the name it had reminded her of, it sticking in her throat. Jeeves was dead, she reminded herself bitterly, seeing that Cassandra had used his old staff... so that was why she had felt that. Adeltrudis' vision lingered on Cassandra for a moment, still unsure of what to say? Should she berate her for her actions, be glad for her luck? She just wasn't sure, shaking her head to try and clear if for now. Focus on the battle.

"We should keep moving. That fortified position won't take care of itself... thank you." She managed, the last bit rather quiet in comparison, as she moved forward.

Adele to 13,1, Equip Heather shield

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[spoiler="A Night in Wyke Castle, March 27th 812]

Sidney walked slowly down the palace halls. Owen had finally managed to have a night calm enough for her to sing for him, having invited her to an empty recreational room that usually held dining events or parties. She was dressed her best for the occasion, wearing a black ballgown, gloves, and slippers to make for a musical outfit, accessorized with her emerald necklace and the rose-adorned headband he liked.

And she was nervous.

The meeting filled her with apprehension, a far cry from the joy she had expected to be feeling. I don't even know what to sing, and I haven't practiced in so long... he won't like it at all. She exhaled sharply, each step adding to her apprehension, even as she stood in front of the door. Knocking on it gently, she entered to see the prince. "A lovely evening, isn't it, Prince Owen?" She bowed gracefully, but wasn't sure what else to say.


Owen had made himself comfortable while waiting, taking a chair in the empty room and staring into the nothing. In retrospect, he felt rather silly, waiting there for a performance from a woman he'd just met a few weeks ago. She was probably just playing along, huh...? There he was, abandoning his usual wear for the formality of black jacket and pants with a white cravat complement; padded boots to complete the look. Owen would feel far too silly if anybody else met him alone in the room like that.

The knocking came as a hopeful surprise, the prince standing up and looking as the person he'd hoped for came out of the door. "Hi, Sidney." The prince felt far less tense with his concerns proven wrong, and Sidney was definitely dressed par for the course. "Yes, it's a pretty good evening. I was fortunate to be free today." He said, holding back a smile.


Sidney smiled, walking up towards his seat, heart beating heavily. "Well, I'm glad you're alright. If you've managed to find time even with all your responsibilities, I would think that's a good sign." She took his hand in her own, smiling and giving it a squeeze. "Sorry I took so long, I was readying myself up. Are you ready for me to start?" Even as she spoke, Sidney was racking her mind for something to sing. Maybe... how did it go? 'Take my arms that I might reach you...'


"Let's hope it is a good sign, then." Owen let her take his hand, "I'd enjoy to have evenings like this." It seemed she was ready to sing. Well, he was just as ready to listen. "Of course, Sidney." I wonder what kind of songs are popular in Raewald? Or will it be something from here? He was about to find out, no matter.


Sidney stepped herself away towards an open area. "I have something in mind, I guess. It's a newer song from Raewald about people not really understanding each other... a bit melancholy, but nice nonetheless. It's very popular there, anyway." She cleared her throat, brushing her hair aside, before starting her song after a moment of humming.

[spoiler="the sid of silence, with some interjections]"Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains within the sound of silence."

Her singing voice was much higher and cleaner-sounding than her normally somewhat rough tone. Sidney closed her eyes for much of the time, making several gestures as well, mostly with her hands.

"In restless dreams I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed

By a flash of brilliant light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs

That voices never share

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence."

Even as she paused during the singing, her breathing was rather heavy. Any hope she'd had that she would be less anxious during the actual song had vanished by now, arms trembling slightly.

"'Fools,' said I, 'you do not know

Silence like an illness grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you.'

But my words, like silent raindrops, fell

And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the deity theyd made

And the sign spelt out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said,

'The words of the prophets

Are written on the carriage walls

And the city halls.'

And whispered in the sound of silence."

Sidney stood still for a few moments, blinking and bowing briefly and not saying a word. She sat in a chair across from Owen, but not too close. I can't tell how well I performed... or if that kind of song is very liked here.


"A melancholic song, huh?" How curious. The prince didn't think Sidney was a person for melancholic songs, though it was nothing wrong about them --it was simply a small juxtaposition with how he viewed her. Well, I suppose that'd be a safe choice, and it's supposed to be popular in Raewald, huh? Perhaps it'd be better of the prince to not question and just listen.

And so he did. Owen took his seat again and let the scene flow. Even he could tell Sidney was a bit apprehensive, understanding he might've pushed her a bit for asking a song, of course... it's not like it was ever something Sidney claimed specialty. The song wasn't bad, and the performance did very well in translating the song's meaning, or so Owen felt.

Owen stood up and clapped slowly as Sidney had bowed to signify her performance's ending. "That was very pleasant, Sidney." He added the comment while holding a smile, something about the song making the moment ever so slightly more heartfelt for the prince --he'd be remembering that night, for sure. "I think I can see the appeal... so that's what your folk back at Raewald favor, huh? I'd like to go there and experience what they have to offer for myself, eventually..." He gave a reassuring nod, "You sang well, Sidney."


Sidney exhaled heavily with relief when Owen voiced his pleasure with her performance. "Thank you... I wasn't very sure how well I did, but I'm glad to hear you liked it." She smiled cheerily, standing up and walking towards a seat right next to the prince instead. "Well, we'll be stopping in Raewald at least for a while, won't we? Maybe I can show you some places there." She leaned in closer, kissing his face and giggling. "I really like these times we get to be together, Owen... but I know you're so busy. I guess we'll just have to make the most out of them, then."


"It was a good song." Owen reassured, "...With a wonderful singer to back it up, as well. I'm glad we had this idea." The prince hadn't made eye contact with Sidney at that point, taking his seat again as she took the spot next to his. "Well... that sounds nice, but are you sure you'll be fine in Raewald?" Owen had a small notion that what Sidney had done would cause complications, but perhaps her parents were more complacent that he'd given credit? "If it's too much trouble. You don't need to show yourself more than you're comfortable with."

Owen stood tense as Sidney leaned for a cheeky kiss, his mind bringing back the kiss from days before. He couldn't hold back a blush. "Ah... I'm sorry I'm this busy." He scratched his cheek, turning away from Sidney for the moment. "I want to make more time... for everything, but it seems like people are filling my hands with issues already." He sighed, "This is a poor excuse, though. I will always have to deal with issues, so I should start learning how to separate it. How to have more time... for moments like this." He turned his face back again, finally meeting eyes with Sidney after she'd sat next to him. Owen's face still held the same shade of red as before, as he leaned in himself, giving Sidney another kiss.

The prince retreated as suddenly as he'd made his move, looking down to the stone floor, if only to avert gazes. "Sorry... I don't know if I should have done that."


"I'm glad too." Owen raised a fair question about Raewald, but Sidney shook her head. "I think it'll be better if I'm honest and upfront about it. Lying and hiding all my life won't do me any good, especially now that I'm doing something good with it by helping you." She smiled sweetly, much different from her common smirk.

"It's alright. For now, you're learning. You've just been given a lot of responsibility as prince regent, so I'm sure it'll take some time to adjust to everything you need to do." Sidney hadn't been sure if he appreciated the kiss when he'd turned away, but gasped when he gave her one, returning it after the initial shock before he broke away. "If you thought it was right, then you should go with it. I don't mind this- no, if I'm being honest, I think... I love this. I love you."

She, too, looked away now. Now I said it... "I know we haven't known each other for very long, but... I feel like I'd just be lying to myself if I didn't say it. Maybe you don't feel the same, or don't want to commit that far just yet, but every time I talk to you, whether it be a brief pass in the hall or these nice meetings, you're the nicest anyone's ever been to me. You care about who I am and what I have to say- even just now you've taken my needs into account. We like similar things, and even when everyone else treated me awfully for being a thief, you showed compassion instead. I could spend forever with you."

"I just don't want to keep you guessing about this by being so cagey. I'm sure plenty of people send you mixed messages already, so I'm not going to be one of them. I don't care if it's 'too fast' to determine that by what people think of as normal. If there's one thing I really know about myself, it's how I feel, and I love you." Sidney huffed, now flushing deeply and frowning. Her admittance didn't help her feel better at all. "Now you know. If you want me to go now or something, just tell me... I'll understand. This probably just made you worry even more. Ugh, I'm such a mess. Sorry..."


"...I see." Owen couldn't bring himself to look back after that, either. Not right away, anyways. He let Sidney speak her peace, staring straight downwards. Nobody's... ever really been that straightforward to him before, she was right on that end. "Sidney," he lifted his gaze, staring straight ahead for the moment in an attempt to collect himself. "I would be lying if I said I didn't hold any reservations back then. I had the resolve to give you a chance... but almost didn't to my own brother, later on." He sighed, "I'm not consistent under pressure, I'm afraid." It wasn't a perfect parallel, all things considered.

"I want to say I feel the same, but I still fear. Fear something's going to go wrong, fear I'll be hasty and throw a dame like you into this small kingdom's turmoil. I've already sort of been, I think?" Exhaling, Owen turned again to face Sidney. To his surprise, more flustered than expected. He could take a guess.

"I like being with you, Sidney." The prince held her hand, "I feel a lot more relaxed around you than most people, too. I really am glad I decided to trust you, back then." Pause, breathe. "So... I want to stay just a bit longer, like this. Maybe it's hasty, maybe it's just bad timing with all the events over the past few days... but I'm glad to hear it from you. I feel the same."


It seemed fitting that Sidney had sung of silence, seeing how it filled the air quite often now. She clasped her hands, head hung, and thought more carefully over her words as Owen spoke to her. People talking without speaking, hmm? "It's hard. Making decisions under pressure is tough for anyone. Having someone's fate in your hands is surely taxing. Especially..." she paused to think over the significance of what he said, "whoever your brother is? I think I have a guess, but it doesn't really matter right now."

"Wherever I'm headed, trouble's following. By now, I think I've accepted this. I can't say I'm happy about it, but pretending the past never happened is childish and unrealistic." Sidney waved her free hand around. "So helping you with this sort of stuff is an improvement, if anything. I can feel good about doing something productive for a change, fighting for what's right."

She took his hand when he reached out to her. His statements and own very apparent nervousness helped her feel less awkward. Sidney stared into Owen's eyes when he looked, and leaned in to kiss him. This time it felt more personal, rather than one of them surprising each other, and she continued for a few moments before letting go. "If you want to... stay a bit longer, we could maybe head somewhere less open. My room, umm, generally isn't visited or watched very much, if you'd like to..." This time she didn't look away, even though her proposal seemed to make her heart pound- from nerves and want.


"...Ah." Owen had forgotten, he really hadn't shared about Dettard with most. What a slip of mind. Well, she's right, it doesn't really matter right now... Not the moment at all. "Well, if you're determined, then I won't say no. Thank you..."

Before he could say any further, Sidney leaned in, for another kiss. He didn't object. It was nice to share a kiss like that, though letting go of himself was just not something the prince was comfortable with. Owen held a stronger grip on Sidney's hand until she let the kiss go. "Sidney..." He looked at her, embarrassment clear on his face. "No, this isn't a good time." The prince shook his head, following a sigh. "I... I do want to be with you, don't get me wrong, but... I'd rather take things slow, right now." He lowered his head after the fact. "I'm sorry."


"I think it'll be good for me being here. Though, it won't be long before we visit Raewald again." Sidney huffed quietly. "Maybe that'll be good for me too, to go back home- but beneath a new light now. I'm not the Marquess's childish, thieving daughter I once was. I'm better than that, and the world's gonna know it sooner or later."

Still, her face was crimson quickly. "No, you're right. This is probably too much," she agreed, turning her head when he looked down. "I was really selfish to ask that of you... " Sid moved in closer for a hug instead, sighing. "You're so sweet to put up with a needy girl like me. Maybe that's why I was a bit too eager to keep going further... but if you don't want to, I'd never force something like that. I can wait. Do you just want to sit here, then? Talk a little more? Or if I've overstayed, I can go..."


"Well... I believe you, Sidney, the world will find out who you truly are." Owen affirmed. Perhaps he'd been biased, but to him Sidney certainly wasn't the thief they'd met at the village anymore. Owen quickly regained himself and looked back at her when she spoke of overstaying. "No, you can stay. I don't mind you." Noticing Sidney had stopped halfway through a hug, Owen wrapped an arm around her for a sidehug instead. "I... don't mind us this close. Just this way, for a little while."


"If you say so." She leaned on his shoulder, humming quietly. "When I was little... I got frustrated easily. I've never really been a master of much, so learning things was difficult. And kids feel like they're totally misunderstood all the time, but not me. Maybe not my mother- as much as I miss her too, I don't know if we ever really 'got' each other. But my father always seemed to know how I feel, and always knew what to tell me. The last time I saw him was before I went to prison. Of course he was disappointed, but he told me something I'll never forget... to take the time I'd spend to reevaluate things. "As soon as you're free, the world is yours. You just need to make the most of it." Well, obviously I ended up leaving a bit sooner than expected, and most of the time after that I spent regretting not just waiting four months. Sure I was getting by just fine, but I didn't like it much."

"So I'm not entirely sure who I am yet. But I just know... I'm gonna be great. We're gonna be great." Sidney exhaled slowly. "But... that's later. For now, I like this. Just us."

"Are you fine, Sidney?" Owen cast a worried glance, catching the strain on her stamina. "Take care of yourself, okay? This might not be the end of it..." Part of him worried for his sister again. Was travelling through Magonsaete that much of a poor idea? He had put trust in his own judgement, but if every upcoming battle ended up like this...

I need to step up to the task. "Baron Nelon, I'll be at your side. Our foe still holds a ballista, let's tread with caution." The prince marched forward, breathing in deep the seashore air --and a fair bit of sulfur... or whatever that grenade held--. "Ah, please tend to the healer's wounds, miss."

Owen to (12,16), equip his steel sword.

Larissa to (15,15), heal Emmet.

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Alain moves to 14,2!

Alain feels a powerful presence!

"Prince Owen, if we are required to draw the ballista's fire... I would offer myself for you to succeed!"

Nelon moves to 11,7!

Nelon equips his Iron Sword!

Adele moves to 13,1!

Adele equips her Heather Shield!

Owen moves to 12,16!

Owen equips his Steel Sword!

"Me? I'm sure I can patch him up a little!"

Larissa moves to 15,15!

Larissa casts heal on Emmet!

Emmet regains 15 HP! (27/34 HP)

Larissa gains 15 XP!

Larissa gains 2 Staff WEXP!

Larissa grows to level 4!

(51 43 93 70 52 48 72 77)

Speed up!

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As Adele ran past him, seemingly disregarding anything he had done to assist her from the bandit, Serge held out his hand as if to call out to her to wait, but he never did. Instead, it slowly lowered to his side. He should have been thinking about Adele's safety. He should have been worrying about how far the ballistae could fire. But instead, his thoughts were of something else, as he watched Adele run towards danger once again. What am I to you people?

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It was hard enough keeping track of Cassandra in the capital. Combat was different, but not the good kind of different- it was just a whole new level of madness.

Freya huffed as she kept moving forward across the sandy terrain. What she thought were safe, reserved positions to be in were apparently not very welcome with the group, who among other things charged hordes of enemies, accepted duels from bizarre twin sword-wielders, and were constantly unable to vocalize in any way other than shouting at both each other and foes. What, exactly, am I supposed to be doing to guard Princess Cassandra if she keeps making irrational decisions over and over again? she couldn't help but think, irritated with her situation.

She opted not to speak up. From the time she'd been with the princess, objectives seemed relatively pointless to raise- Cassandra was far too strong willed for that. After the battle she might need a talking to, but for now the prospect seemed too frustrating to entertain. For now, it was time to move forward.

And to think this battle is only the first. Engel help me.

Freya to 15, 4

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Angus blinks, beckoned back to proper consciousness by a sensation that a sane man would begin to worry was entirely too familiar. He bats himself on the face lightly, stirring himself further. [Alright, only down for a few seconds.] He thanks the butler with a curt nod--were it not for the flow of magic, Angus doubts he woud have even noticed the man--and taps Agro's side with his heels. He turns his head towards Cassandra only for the barest moment, to ensure she wasn't charging after Adele... that was his job!

"Hoi, Adeltrudis!" Angus reaches out, strange bow in hand, in hopes of his requesting being granted. "I'm thinkin' those bastards migh' not have any bolts left. Care if I give it a look?" The implicit request for her shield wouldn't be egregious, he thought; after all, she wasn't in any danger!

Angus to (13,2), trade Gattling Bow for Heather Shield, equip Heather Shield

Edited by Terrador
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"Sure, I look to be out of it's range, don't need any more holes in you yet, Kearney." Adeltrudis replied, accepting the odd bow as it was offered, figuring he could do with carrying a bit less were he to strap a shield to his arm, shrugging the thing off herself and handing it up to him as Argo taxi'd near her side.

"Just don't go losing it, nor any of your more important bits, mind." She noted, finally calming down... just a little.

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