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Currently thinking about moving to one of Freyjadour / Gilgamesh, I want new content posts from them with opinions on BBM's posts. Is his slot still a good lynch?

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BBM isn't a good lynch anymore.

I'm feeling much better about BBM than I did about Dorian. He's actually contributing to conversations and is making reads.


As for who I'd vote, I don't know yet. I'll look at Gilgamesh or Blitz though and decide if either of them are scummy.

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I'll be at home in a few hours from now to post my reads and answer any questions, but I have to say that I do find credibility in town!BBM and because of that I am going to change my vote to my other scum suspect. I will explain who when I get home.


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I reread cam and gilgamesh and it's a little iffy but I don't want to lynch this slot atm. Prims made the argument that Cam could have voted Elie but voted Frey instead. Don't think this is really right; Cam's post was much more focused towards Frey. I also just straight up agree with a lot of his Frey case- he has another example of Frey padding. His unsurety didn't seem insincere either. I'm more concerned about Gilg. The reasoning for the Dorian vote itself is okay but just before that he had talked about looking for Elie interactions, and Dorian was unrelated. Phoneposting atm so checking timing is difficult but my concern is it might be wagoning. So my question to Gilgamesh is why did you choose to stop looking at Elie?

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My question is that if he had another scum suspect, why wouldn't he post about it earlier?

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Actually in general, that voteswap kind of irks me. Like, the wording ("I can find credibility in town!BBM") is...not sure how to explain it, but bad. It's not like an actual reason to switch off of BBM, it's just switching off of him because he's no longer a viable lynch.

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Right. Mafia games.


Reaction from Refa was fine, I don't think thats the kind of shit you claim out of nowhere/get alongside Mafia Fruit Vendor (because thats pretty much what Eli's role was) was and what the comments about what Marth/Mitsuki said sounds how I'd imagine them to.

Don't really have a read on BBM yet because his initial reads sound like stuff he came up with while he was reading along so it doesn't mean much for alignment and then his defense is null. Need more before I get a real read here.

##Vote: Blitz

Bringing it back. Freyja lynch is beginning to grow on me because I can't remember him doing anything (and after looking he spent all D1 parked an early day vote wooooooo). The vote was actually more of a question which I explained that they never referenced back to afterwards in hindsight which is uh...


##Vote: Freyja

Never mind this is a good lynch. His D2 scumreads are basically "post more content" and I thought he had more because he posted Blitz's reads as well.

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I realize I forgot to say my Manix priority. I would put him below Frey and Blitz. Probably a little more suspicious than the Gilgamesh slot.

@sb- your point about my content being stuff from before I subbed in is fair. Difficult atm bc other than Manix nobody I'm wary of has posted much since I've subbed in.

Other than that I'm kind o more and more suspicious of Blitz as I'm learning more about his approach to this game. Only trying to contact scumreads doesn't make much sense. Having been allies with Blitz in Diplomacy for the past few weeks (people who EiMM more can maybe back me up), I know that he likes to talk and theorize a lot about stuff to do in OC. This doesn't mesh well with his play this game. I'll take a look at the reads that he had Frey relay but they seemed very surface level.

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Sometimes, being a mod sucks. It means I have less time to interrogate y'all.

BBM casing Manix - all is right with the world.

Ahem. . .

Can't really fault the Manixvig (great that Manix actually Did Something), though Refa being oddly calm about the entire ordeal is just. . .weird. Like, non-alignment weird. Kinda miffed that Refa didn't leave one last post of reads on everyone, but I guess he's not as amazingly poetic as I am. I suppose a Q&A session with, like, one other person is a half-decent substitute, even if it's nowhere near as stylish as a sonnet. :P:

I'm also annoyed that Freyja didn't bother responding to my request for "shit sourcing". I think there's a decent number of votes on him, so there's no point in me voting him right now. Want to see his answers first, because he no longer has this excuse to fall back on.

Not really feeling Gilgamesh, because of his Elie vote - he would've had to have subbed into a scum slot and immediately voted his buddy, which seems a little insane IMO.

Prims, where would you put Refa on the Spectrum of Scum? You said you weren't convinced by his interaction with Manix, so that tells me that he's not totally clear in your books.

Since Freyja has stuff to answer, Blitz has stuff to answer, BBM has to take a shower and catch a train exist a bit more, and I'm not convinced that Gilgamesh bussed his buddy, I'm leaving my vote alone.

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I actually don't know what term means Eclipse. If you are asking where I'm getting my weird theories, they've developed over the course of the game. I do have reads now, though BBM and Blitz would probably switch places on my previous reads list.

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okay, but why should we lynch who you think is scum? where is your pressure?

all i'm seeing is a bunch of coasting, and that's coming from me

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It's really hard to pressure Blitz when he he's limited to OC. He's my strongest lead, so idk what to do about that.

I'm not reading anyone else that hard. BBM's work has shown that Dorian's slot is pretty town.

That only really leaves Gilgamesh for me. I'd like to see some more content from

Gilgamesh, but idk what to ask.

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Man, I'm not lynching Freyjadour ever. His reactions are not what new scum who's caught would say, and he's just getting voted for the same shit he does every game (so...not alignment relevant).

Finally showed Marth my Blitz logs (shut up, I'm lazy), and his only reply was that it seemed townie. Thanks!

Also I feel like Prims has just kind of disappeared into the background ever since I stopped voting him. It's annoying for me because it feels like people are dismissing him because he has good interactions despite his actual play and actions not actually being town. Okay, he doesn't try very hard on Day 1, so what happened today then? Despite floating the idea of voting someone else, he hasn't pushed a single other player besides me.

King Gilgamesh disappearing is lame.

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I was at class for most of yesterday .-.


##Vote: Freyjadour

Both he and Gilgamesh have yet to deliver anything beyond an unvote which is just lame. I don't even have anything to say here.

Prims, where would you put Refa on the Spectrum of Scum? You said you weren't convinced by his interaction with Manix, so that tells me that he's not totally clear in your books.

Freyjadour > Blitz > Gilgamesh > Refa.

since you responded to him Blitz hasn't said anything to me which bugs me because he seemed pretty into his case on you and I asked him what he thought after his response. Where is he

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still not entirely sure where i'm going to vote, but still leaning toward frey mostly due to his complete lack of commitment toward actually applying any pressure at all

the miller claim is actually kinda weird when you think about it in relation to game power level (which i would think is kind of low, but what do i know)

fk it, yolo

##Vote: Freyjadour

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