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Which makes me wonder, cause Prims is null, you said you struggle to get a read on Elieson (what I guess means also null) and Manix isn't a thing you talked about, so what is it that makes you sure one of them is scum?

Sense of smell. There's just very obviously scum between them.

I don't know who SB's second scum read is. He's left his vote on me and said "idk scum" all day.

Cam I dislike for reasons I've said.

I don't think you're scummy. I do think your vote's on me silly though considering our lynchpools are largely the same.

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fair warning, probably will not be awake for the 6am phase end time


##Vote: Elieson

moving vote to my preferred counterwagon now so i don't forget to. if anyone has any questions for me in general, i may be around for about an hour or so to do so

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reminder that we need hammer to lynch. and chosen lynch better than random lynch.

better vote sb then huh

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For one I wasn't "parking on Elieson" I thought he was scum and wanted him lynched, get out of here with this mischaracterization / loaded question bullshit. Second Strawman was actively explaining away his actions with a thought process that made no sense given what he posted in thread which made it seem like he was BSing and I thought that looked worse than Elie active lurking.

Seriously, read Elie's ISO, his focus is speculation about the OC player and talking about his own play more than it is actually reading people and his actual reads are weak and he doesn't go anywhere with them after his initial read post. He's not interested in figuring out the game in the way I'd expect town!Elie to be, he just talks a lot about nothing of importance.

I definitely should have used better wording, but the point was that you had your vote on Elie for the whole game and then your reasoning for changing it was weak. Do you still think that Strawman's thought process looked like he was BSing considering his response to you (if so, why)?

Read through Elie's ISO. He only mentioned the OC guy in context of other people, and he does have actual reads on people (no matter what context they're framed in). I do agree that his reads are weak but that's not nearly enough for me to go off of for a lynch.

I'm going to take a look back on the thread later tonight and think about SB's apathy, he might just be bored. If I was scum and getting wagoned it doesn't seem like a good idea to be like "hey guys this invisible guy is scummy" and cling onto that. It's giving me pause; blitz and SB have accused each other and while I'm not crazy about the latter I have no reason to trust blitz

This is a dumb reason to let SB off the hook. I'm fine if you think that SB isn't scum, or that you think SB is less scummy than <insert player here> but like Scum!SB is not going to be playing optimally. The dude has rolled scum for like the last 50 games and I wouldn't be surprised if he was demotivated and not really playing optimally (this is why I'm decently confident that he's not town because I don't see why he'd be so demotivated disregarding something to do w/real life but I'm not a mind reader).

sometimes i greatly dislike this line of logic; i did explain that i didn't like his methodology (and still don't agree with how he tried to gauge a reaction for using his role). did a brief quick iso and strawman has not progressed any scumreads and continues to votepark on sb (who, if the last votecount was correct, leaves him at L-1). possibly telling, tbh. i'd still lynch here, role usage was strictly null

it's called not reading people. im good at that

Fair enough. Don't agree w/it personally but I'm fine with your explanation.

Great, I'm out of time and no one is around.^^;

I'm also puzzled about how no one else, aside from SB who doesn't really push that way, considered Yolo as a lynch so far. Earnestly, that guy is so blunt lurk scum that I would need to employ “too scummy to be scum” to excuse that. So if I come back tonight to see that still no one considered that lynch then I'll be really, really disappointed.

He plays the same way as both alignments, it can be frustrating at times. I'm not questioning him ATM because we have similar reads and I feel like he has more of an active thought process than he did as scum. Like, while he bussed hard, he kept on voting the same people and didn't really change his opinion on a lot of things in the last scum game I played with him.

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Pls lynch someone [Votals 1.5]

Elieson (4): Prims, Eclipse, Yoloswag, Manix
SB (4): Strawman, Elieson, Freyjadour, Refa
Yoloswag (2): SB, Dorian
Freyjadour (1): Gilgamesh
Strawman (1): Manix
Not Voting: Blitz

Less than 5 hours until phase end! Remember that no hammer = randomlynch. It takes 7 votes to lynch someone.

Edited by Mitsuki
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Also, you guys don't have to worry about my alignment. I'll publicly confirm myself town D3 and you can lynch me if I don't. I say this so people don't waste their energy trying to read me; there's enough confusion in this thread.

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Full disclosure: I asked him to do that (since he said he'd vote SB anyways) and he mentioned that he can't post content other than votes.

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Alternatively I can be demotivated because it feels like nobody gets what I'm saying and think I'm scummy for it, especially when counterwagons didn't even exist the last time I posted.

If you don't think I'm capable of bullshitting reads as scum after sfmm4 idk what to say.

The tldr of my role is that I'm a shittier version of courier (because op roles need nerfing) that acts twice n1 and can only act on fibonacci nights. Will try and post more when I get home but after thinking about it Refa's push on me is weird as fuck.

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Your vote is on a dude that you said you feel better about lol. Of course noone can get what you're saying, you don't seem to get that yourself.

I don't get your second point. Your play has been suboptimal regardless of what alignment you are.

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Also there's something else I wanted to ask you about: I talked w/Blitz a lot yesterday, and quite frankly, I don't get your scumread on him. Like...unless he plays drastically better in OC, he's put way more thought into his reads than like half of the people in this game.

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I didn't move it because I mentally peaced out on the game yesterday, but I'm talking about what I've been saying about Blitz all game.


##Vote: Elieson

Yes my play has sucked this game but I'm pretty sure that I could've just tunneled into Eli or Omega or said "Manix feels like a maflord off of one post that I can't really explain" or something rather than continuously backing out on shit and not having reads when everyone was bugging me for content.

Blitz is scummy because he asked a couple of questions that showed he didn't read the thread and nothing else. No reads or anything like that, which I would expect him to do without prompting considering he has no way of actually posting in the actual game thread. It felt like he was using his OC shit to get away with not posting anything, and except from you very recently nobody said anything about his reads at all, which pretty much supports what I'm thinking. And I still only know he has one read.

It feels like your case on me at thos point is basically saying about me is because I'm scum, I'm demotivated, because I'm scum. Especially after the post before Blitz's vote it feels to me like you've just decided I'm scum and are shooting down anythinf that doesn't fit the narrative.

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Fair enough on your first point.

You basically did that WRT Blitz? Like I get your point now (about you being able to react to pressure better as scum) but I dunno...I really can't get why you'd play like this as town.

Blitz mentioned that he sent his reads to several other people like uh...roughly thirty minutes ago. No clue who they are but they could probably back me up on that.

Not gonna lie, I'm probably confirmation biasing hard on you being scum at this point because the only other person I'm confident that is scum is Prims and noone wants to vote him (also partially why I don't want to lynch Elie despite him just being a null read for me). I don't think I'm shooting down other peoples' reads on you, though (if I am, tell me where I did so so that I can stop it because I really hate doing that) except for that one thing YOLO said which is like objectively wrong (scum doesn't always play optimally). You being demotivated is like, not even the main crux of my issues with you though (because I admit that you could be demotivated as other alignments as well, I'm just more confident that it's because you're scum). My issue is that you've basically pushed nothing this entire game except Blitz (who I'm townreading, so uh...) and you're not really making an effort to have better reads (like, honestly lacking reads isn't impossible for town but generally town has a different demeanor about it?). Also if you think my push on you is bad, shouldn't you be pushing me based on that?

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Honestly, you can probably just open up my ISO and Control + F "Prims" but whatever.

Prims- His first post after his Manix vote was amazing. Other than that, he reads as demotivated scum to me. He does a lot of agreeing and question asking without getting much out of it (as far as I know), and his actual cases have okay logic but not much strength behind them.

Yeah, he's done more since but I basically have the same issues with it. Also this is unfair but I feel like he's just been voting people who are easy to vote (remember when SB was talking about how he could have BS'd a case on certain players if he was scum? This is literally what I feel like Prims is doing) and getting away with it because SF doesn't like to lynch confident players.

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I also don't think both Prims/SB are scum. They're doing this weird mutual townread thing I don't think they'd do as partners. Just for your consideration because I like neither.....and I just realized I'm voting with both of them. UGH

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I'm kind of conflicted on Manix. His actual content itself isn't telling for me (and I don't really agree w/many of his reads, which doesn't help) but I really like his tone. Definitely likelier to be town than Prims.

They're mutually townreading each other, but it's like...really weak townreads? SB even said that he had a gut scumread on Prims. Honestly though, if I was told outright that only one of them were scum, I'd say Prims over SB just because I have a hard time parsing the intent in some of SB's posts whereas with Prims I don't really have that issue.

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I wouldn't really care about voting w/SB because his Elieson vote isn't alignment indicative (seemed like a not me over me). You've probably already said this before but who are all of the players that you're scumreading? Asking because we're both scumreading Prims/SB (so, we at least have a similar mindset on SOME players) but I'm not really sure who makes sense as scum beyond that.

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