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Strangely, my mom seemed to have identical pregnancies and births with my brother and I. Usually, it seems like no two pregnancies are alike at all. And the first one is always the hardest because your body is new to it. Yet, my mom was in labor for the exact same amount of time in both of hers and such.

The only reason I can think of for this is how long apart we were. I was turning 8 when my brother was born. So after all that time, I would guess that my mom's body returned to pretty much the same state it was before she had me.

Speaking of which, the only thing I'm NOT looking forward to in parenting is diaper changing...if I end up adopting a girl who's still in diapers. It's better than changing a boy imo (because I think boy parts look gross, no offense to boys out there. xP), but still. I had to change my brother's diapers sometimes and oh my god it's disgusting. At least I have experience here though. I also gave him a bottle and burped him once or twice.

Baby boy parts don't really look that gross, but mini versions of big boy parts, but I see both all the time, so I'm used to them. The real hazard is that they can pee on you, if you aren't careful. I learned I get a bit of warning, since he'll usually get a bit of an erection before he pees, when I'm changing him.

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Baby boy parts don't really look that gross, but mini versions of big boy parts, but I see both all the time, so I'm used to them. The real hazard is that they can pee on you, if you aren't careful. I learned I get a bit of warning, since he'll usually get a bit of an erection before he pees, when I'm changing him.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that too. I think I remember that happening to my mom once or twice when she would change my brother. I don't recall it happening to me, thankfully.

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I'm sure having a small child will somewhat desensitize you against faecal matters over time anyways. ;)

All the best wishes to you and the baby girl!

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I'm glad it turned out well. Was she small or other health issues? I'm a rather large person, so I haven't run into that. Large as in tall and a large skeletal structure, so there's not issues like not enough room. I'm not fat.

On a related note, some random women in a restaurant said she thought Leo would be like 6'5" some day, because his hands and feet are so big. Then she sees me.

The issues my mom had with me had nothing to do with how big or small she was. It was literally my fault for being born early.

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Good luck Rezzy and Est, I hope all goes well when the time comes! =)

Speaking of being born early, that seems to be a thing for my father's family. I can't speak for those older than me, but I was born a week early and most of my cousins' kids from my father's side have been born early as well.

Biggest scare was my godson who was born a frigging month early, that was a scary experience. (Doctors decided to force him out because tests showed he had trouble breathing, presumably because he was grabbing the umbicial cord). He was tied to tubes for a month after that, and came out a happy, healthy young man!

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GL, wish you no harm and no problem to Est and you.

Speaking of which, the only thing I'm NOT looking forward to in parenting is diaper changing...if I end up adopting a girl who's still in diapers. It's better than changing a boy imo (because I think boy parts look gross, no offense to boys out there. xP), but still. I had to change my brother's diapers sometimes and oh my god it's disgusting. At least I have experience here though. I also gave him a bottle and burped him once or twice.

Wow, rude.

But yeah, it might be true that it might looks gross on your perspective.

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I'm sure having a small child will somewhat desensitize you against faecal matters over time anyways. ;)

All the best wishes to you and the baby girl!

It desensitizes you after like, one day. ;)

90% of parenting young babies is poop-related (I'm clearly exaggerating, but it certainly feels like it some days!). Either dealing directly with poop, or talking about it.

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The issues my mom had with me had nothing to do with how big or small she was. It was literally my fault for being born early.


Glad it turned out well though.

Born early club, eh?

Was a month early with a heart murmur.

I was reading the thread's earlier pages.

Heh, the irony. Most fertile when least prepared.

The struggle of making sure there's even enough to put a roof over your heads and food. Hell, the cost of wedding too.

Man, I hope the weenie dog calms down by that time. I don't think I have the patience (yet) to deal with 3 needy women (Dog, Cat, and waifu) and taking care of the cravings/needs that come with pregnancy.

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Wow, you're literally the only person that's ever had a problem with that opinion. I said "no offense" so I clearly was not being rude or intending to be rude.

I think Nym was just being silly. He then says that having a penis himself, he could see why not having one might make you think they're gross.

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I think Nym was just being silly. He then says that having a penis himself, he could see why not having one might make you think they're gross.

Oh, well, I hope. And I apologize if he was just being silly.

Even though I doubt most women would actually agree with me, since most women are straight and fine with seeing a naked man to have sex... This is one of two reasons I'm asexual (the other being pregnancy phobia, of course). I'm honestly not attracted to men that way because of what I just said, AND I'm not interested in sex in general. I love men as romantic partners, but not as sexual ones. So I'm an asexual hetero-romantic.

Also more reason for me to adopt a little girl instead of trying to get pregnant with one. :P

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Writing "no offense" doesn't really make a statement more or less offensive than it would be otherwise. But yeah, in this case the statement isn't particularly hurtful, imho. Otherwise the sheer existence of homosexual women and heterosexual men should trigger me and neither of those does. [Disclaimer: This post may contain silliness.]

It desensitizes you after like, one day. ;)

90% of parenting young babies is poop-related (I'm clearly exaggerating, but it certainly feels like it some days!). Either dealing directly with poop, or talking about it.

I can imagine! I already have a few nephews and nieces of my own, but I happily restrict myself to the 1% that is neither poop-related nor trying to calm a screaming baby. ;)

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Well, I guess... But I still think saying "no offense" even if the statement isn't exactly nice implies enough that the person does not mean to be rude.

You know, I think I theoretically could be pretty good at calming down crying and screaming kids (by singing, as I'm often told I have a good voice, and I do know some songs that are or could count as lullabies), it's just that I'd have a hard time trying because of my sensitive ears. The screaming hurts them. >_<

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Wow, you're literally the only person that's ever had a problem with that opinion. I said "no offense" so I clearly was not being rude or intending to be rude.

Remind me the last time I was offended at something? Yeah, me neither.

Seriously Ana, I like you but sometimes you make me want to take my glasses off and facepalm in the face :P.

I think Nym was just being silly. He then says that having a penis himself, he could see why not having one might make you think they're gross.


I think I'll just have to put a spoiler every time I do a joke to Ana. It will says: ​IT'S A JOKE, ANA!!!

Oh, well, I hope. And I apologize if he was just being silly.

Apologies accepted :).

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Remind me the last time I was offended at something? Yeah, me neither.

Seriously Ana, I like you but sometimes you make me want to take my glasses off and facepalm in the face :P.

I understand... I really do. I can see that people around me irl feel like this too at times. But blame my autism and reading text for not at all seeing you not being serious. It's often hard for people like me to see sarcasm and jokes, and it's even harder to see it through text on the internet. >_<

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Detecting humor and sarcasm over text can be tough. I've got a bit of a dry sense of humor that people often don't get, and I sometimes think people are being serious when they're joking.

Throw in autism spectrum and language barriers and it just adds layers to an already foggy window.

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Detecting humor and sarcasm over text can be tough. I've got a bit of a dry sense of humor that people often don't get, and I sometimes think people are being serious when they're joking.

Throw in autism spectrum and language barriers and it just adds layers to an already foggy window.

To be fair, though... even if it were a serious "wow, rude" the reaction from Ana was a bit overblown.

Detecting jokes/sarcasm is one thing. Reacting strongly is another.

Just because one says "no offense" already says that one expects someone has a possibility of being offended.

Moving on...

I can imagine! I already have a few nephews and nieces of my own, but I happily restrict myself to the 1% that is neither poop-related nor trying to calm a screaming baby. ;)

I wish for the patience parents here have developed.

Some of you here have posted stories that just make me think that you guys are saints or something.

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I wish for the patience parents here have developed.

Some of you here have posted stories that just make me think that you guys are saints or something.

I've seen both projectile vomiting and diarrhea, not to mention the gross stuff I see at work.

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I wish for the patience parents here have developed.

Some of you here have posted stories that just make me think that you guys are saints or something.

They're just too tired to get mad at anything. You should try it: don't sleep for more than four hours without interruption for at least two months and then try to find the energy to express your discontent. It'll just accumulate and then explode when the kids go to school - mostly during parent-teacher conferences. (I have some friends who work as teachers and many of their stories back this theory!)

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I understand... I really do. I can see that people around me irl feel like this too at times. But blame my autism and reading text for not at all seeing you not being serious. It's often hard for people like me to see sarcasm and jokes, and it's even harder to see it through text on the internet. >_<

Oh yea, I forget every time that you have a little bit of autism.

I'll keep that in mind.

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Oh yea, I forget every time that you have a little bit of autism.

I'll keep that in mind.

No worries, and thanks. :)

But yeah, I'm pretty much a textbook Aspie. I have just about every characteristic of one. Obsessive with what I love, sensitive hearing, social problems, easily frustrated, had angry outbursts as a kid, etc. :P

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They're just too tired to get mad at anything. You should try it: don't sleep for more than four hours without interruption for at least two months and then try to find the energy to express your discontent. It'll just accumulate and then explode when the kids go to school - mostly during parent-teacher conferences. (I have some friends who work as teachers and many of their stories back this theory!)

Yes!!! This!!! Except I didn't sleep more than 4 hrs total a night for the first year, and I've had interrupted sleep for a good 4.5 years now.

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If Rezzy does end up going into labor, I might post here, assuming we remember at some point.

Yes!!! This!!! Except I didn't sleep more than 4 hrs total a night for the first year, and I've had interrupted sleep for a good 4.5 years now.

Leo didn't really start sleeping through the whole night until he was done breastfeeding.

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If Rezzy does end up going into labor, I might post here, assuming we remember at some point.

Don't pressure yourself to do that thought, it will kinda be obvious that when she will not post for more than 24 hours, that's because she is giving birth to Est.

Also something I realized but since she's a doctor and she might work in a hospital (if this is somewhere else then nvm) but if that's the case, will you go to the same hospital that she works? My first guess is no but eh, you never know.

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Don't pressure yourself to do that thought, it will kinda be obvious that when she will not post for more than 24 hours, that's because she is giving birth to Est.

Also something I realized but since she's a doctor and she might work in a hospital (if this is somewhere else then nvm) but if that's the case, will you go to the same hospital that she works? My first guess is no but eh, you never know.

We'll see. We may or may not post. Sometimes there's a lot of waiting time involved, depending on how fast it goes. When Leo was born, we ending up staying in the hospital for 3 days.

I work at several hospitals, so it will be at one of the ones I work at.

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