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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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You know, Conquest's story almost worked for me up to and including C16.

If Corrin had actually kept up the mask of following Garon's methods and then actually making some token effort to make it really, seriously appear that s/he was continuing that way for more than a single chapter, then that could have made for a really interesting story. As it is, Corrin just keeps openly following her/his old policy, despite Leo's pointed advice to try to only go against Garon's orders from the shadows. This culminates in a scene post-C25 that I suspect was supposed to be really emotional in its breakdown, but... well, the mask didn't even last more than one chapter, so it just feels entirely meaningless.

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The games should have been called Blood and Bonds, if you ask me.

As for a conqueror!Corrinmui, I would have been down with that. Just as soon as they make a game with a conquest system similar to that of Samurai or Dynasty Warriors: Empires.

Corrinmui would require a different mindset than what they have canonically to be a conqueror, in my poinion. It is fine to be an idealist. It is fine to be an optimist. But, to be a leader, it requires a certain level of pragmatism, as well as a realistic view of war. Not everyone is going to make it out of a war--not everyone is going to want to join you, regardless of how powerful your Talk-no-Jutsu game is.

I'm still stuck on the fact that Garon kidnapped Corrinmui but did not bother to instill his ideals and goals into the kid. What was the point of taking them if you were going to lock them up in a castle like Rapunzel? He should have just killed Corrinmui along with King Lobsternaga-Dad. There. Obstacle removed.

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A merciful conqueror would not being something Corrin would be able to become because of Garon's "leave no survivors!" once he ends up taking a active role in sending his goon

Hans in chapter 13 to override Corrin's sparing

and when the Nohr army invades Hoshido with him being there to observe. There is just too much of a clashing heads here or rather scratch that actually Corrin's head would be rolling on the ground. Now I think a pragmatic conqueror would work a bit better in gaining some trust from Garon while still keeping Corrin in character, though I really only see Rinkah being the one spared yet I doubt she would let herself succumb to being a hostage in putting the Fire Tribe in peril considering her warrior mentality and would rather die keeping her honor then live in shame also even then if I recall correctly I don't think the game even gives anything of the sort at proving Rinkah's claim of being the daughter to the Fire Tribe chief (do correct me if I'm wrong), despite her bringing it up when she first appears and so Garon would need proof of her claim to be even bother using her as a hostage.

Well, yeah, make Garon less of a dick too. Less one dimensional villains pretty much go without saying.

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I don't know, you can be a merciful conquerer. Very few actual conquerer killed defenseless POWs for sport.

Nah man. The only good way is to just go full Nero.

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A merciful conqueror would not being something Corrin would be able to become because of Garon's "leave no survivors!" once he ends up taking a active role in sending his goon

Hans in chapter 13 to override Corrin's sparing

and when the Nohr army invades Hoshido with him being there to observe. There is just too much of a clashing heads here or rather scratch that actually Corrin's head would be rolling on the ground. Now I think a pragmatic conqueror would work a bit better in gaining some trust from Garon while still keeping Corrin in character, though I really only see Rinkah being the one spared yet I doubt she would let herself succumb to being a hostage in putting the Fire Tribe in peril considering her warrior mentality and would rather die keeping her honor then live in shame also even then if I recall correctly I don't think the game even gives anything of the sort at proving Rinkah's claim of being the daughter to the Fire Tribe chief (do correct me if I'm wrong), despite her bringing it up when she first appears and so Garon would need proof of her claim to be even bother using her as a hostage.

You know, there isn't some kind of "limit" on the number of periods you can have in a single post.

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A merciful conqueror would not being something Corrin would be able to become because of Garon's "leave no survivors!" once he ends up taking a active role in sending his goon

Hans in chapter 13 to override Corrin's sparing

and when the Nohr army invades Hoshido with him being there to observe. There is just too much of a clashing heads here or rather scratch that actually Corrin's head would be rolling on the ground. Now I think a pragmatic conqueror would work a bit better in gaining some trust from Garon while still keeping Corrin in character, though I really only see Rinkah being the one spared yet I doubt she would let herself succumb to being a hostage in putting the Fire Tribe in peril considering her warrior mentality and would rather die keeping her honor then live in shame also even then if I recall correctly I don't think the game even gives anything of the sort at proving Rinkah's claim of being the daughter to the Fire Tribe chief (do correct me if I'm wrong), despite her bringing it up when she first appears and so Garon would need proof of her claim to be even bother using her as a hostage.

Oh yeah, Kaze would be in "tortured slowly to death" land all day long. Sorry NiceBro but this is what happens to spys and assassins in ye olden days.

I would think a better written Garon would just go "Man wonder what happens if I just write a letter to flame chieftain man telling him I have his kid, wait better idea Iago come be magical as fuck."

Edited by joshcja
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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, here are chapters 7-8, including Paralogue 1

-So, okay, I can understand a lowly maid like Felicia being able to sneak out, but the Princess and three soldiers? Really? Big Brother Garon is not.

-I will say, though, that this chapter is the first I really, really liked, because I had actual units to work with instead of like 3 guys.

-On the other hand, some variety in the Faceless would be nice. The Risen were just zombie normal units; the Faceless are all the same and it gets a bit monotonous.

--I thought Iago was supposed to be some kind of evil genius, but here he is, directly defying Garon? That's a damn big risk to take over a petty feud with Corrin.

-This Paralogue comes up at a very weird time. I can just picture it: Corrin looking at the map, and Felicia says "My lord, should we attack the Ice Tribe?" and Corrin is all "No, fuck you, we go to Hoshido because of the Est Archetype!"

-Question: did the Devs intend for Effie to be an unstoppable juggernaut of destruction?

-Did Mozu's mother have her when she was like 50? This woman is old, and Mozu is prepubescent! What gives?

-Also, that's another charge of war crimes against Corrin when The Hague finally get him.

-So I get that Mozu is greatfully for being saved, but wouldn't she be kind of terrified of a Prince of Nohr? Or is she really unaware as to who is sending the Faceless?

-Also, somehow Garon never discovers that Corrin has a Hoshidan peasant girl in his army.

-For that matter, Garon never discovers this little detour into Hoshido, nor does the Hoshidan army.

-You know, some backstory for the Ice Tribe would be nice. Sure, we know Garon took away their autonomy, but what was their history with Nohr?

-So Flora is actually royalty?

-I can understand the Ice Tribe leader not knowing that Corrin is royalty, but Elise? Royalty are celebrities for a reason; they are important political figure, or at least they will be in the future in the case of Elise. That's like Putin not knowing what Sasha Obama looks like, or something.

-Nope. Nope. There is no fucking way Elise is that dumb. She's what, 16? I'm 16. Do you old timers actually think we're this dumb?

-So where was Corrin being helped? In the cutscene, he's inside, but the chapter starts outside.

-The Ice Tribe soldiers wait outside the villages before going in... why, exactly?

-Corrin makes a promise he can't possibly keep to the Ice Tribe leader, and the Ice Tribe leader is dumb enough to go along with it. Seriously, what will Corrin do if Garon says "not good enough" and makes him go back and do it again, or worse, kills him and sends someone like Iago?

So that's all for now. The game is picking up in terms of difficulty, and the story, despite my nitpicking, isn't that bad for now. Going to Hoshido for the Paralogue was stupid, though.

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-So I get that Mozu is greatfully for being saved, but wouldn't she be kind of terrified of a Prince of Nohr? Or is she really unaware as to who is sending the Faceless?

You aren't in Hoshido for this paralogue though iirc.

Mozu's roster says that she's from a Nohrian village, which doesn't really make sense but oh well

Wow, what a story blunder.

If that is an Hoshidan village, Mozu has no reason to join Corrin, who is royalty of Nohr, that actually sends the Faceless and kills her family and friends.

If that is a Nohrian village, why the heck are they sending Faceless to attack their own populace?

Unless the Nohrian mages can control Faceless, but don't exactly create or control all of them all the time and they are monsters who wander aimlessly for... who knows what reason. But I don't remember right now anything of the sort being told by the game.

Edited by Lanko
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You aren't in Hoshido for this paralogue though iirc.

Mozu's roster says that she's from a Nohrian village, which doesn't really make sense but oh well

Actually she's Hoshidan, she's refered as a Hoshidan if you click on her name. Edited by Water Mage
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Actually she's Hoshidan, she's refered as a Hoshidan if you click on her name.

To add to that, the paralogue's location on the map is clearly on the Hoshidan side of the bottomless gorge. Also, the next installment might be later than usual, because Silas just missed a 90% shot, resulting in Azura dying. Sigh.

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To add to that, the paralogue's location on the map is clearly on the Hoshidan side of the bottomless gorge. Also, the next installment might be later than usual, because Silas just missed a 90% shot, resulting in Azura dying. Sigh.

HAHAHA!! Now you know the pain of the Fates RNG!

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To add to that, the paralogue's location on the map is clearly on the Hoshidan side of the bottomless gorge. Also, the next installment might be later than usual, because Silas just missed a 90% shot, resulting in Azura dying. Sigh.

Get ready for more, Fates's RNG has lovely things such as enemies with 1% critical that actually do active and quite often, and characters with 99% hit actually missing.

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The best explanation for Mozu is that her village was conquered by Nohr, and the Faceless aren't one-hundred percent controllable, resulting in a few going rogue, and attacking random villages.

That said, Garon is such a one-dimensional villain, that Corrin could easily tell him that the detour was to kill "Hoshidian scum" and he would believe it. Of course, that requires Corrin to be smart enough to come up with that.

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You are going to regret wanting more variety in Facelesses. And I'm actually saying that in a 'good' way. :p

Boy, it sure would have been unfortunate if Elise died, huh ? Also, you do know that she is not 16 in the original version right ? You probably do, and just pointing out that making her 16 makes things even more awkward, in which case... well, it's good then.

-Also, somehow Garon never discovers that Corrin has a Hoshidan peasant girl in his army.

It's even funnier if she's boinking Leo or Xander ^_^

-My son.
-Yes, Father ?

-I heard that you married a peasant, who is also a Hoshidan, who is also prepubescent... is this true ?

-Yes father.
-WTF son ? Iago, why didn't you told me about this ?... Where the heck is Iago ?

Also, Mozume can't do jack against Facelesses, yet, somehow, in her support...

It is revealed that while she was younger, she killed a bear with just a knife.
So what, she forgot her knife at home during the attack of Facelesses ? Surely, a faceless can't be any less dangerous than a bear ?

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Also, Mozume can't do jack against Facelesses, yet, somehow, in her support...

It is revealed that while she was younger, she killed a bear with just a knife.

So what, she forgot her knife at home during the attack of Facelesses ? Surely, a faceless can't be any less dangerous than a bear ?

She should have been a Maid then.

But the truth is, she just made all that up to catch the attention of that big, muscular guy called Benny.

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Also, Mozume can't do jack against Facelesses, yet, somehow, in her support...

It is revealed that while she was younger, she killed a bear with just a knife.

So what, she forgot her knife at home during the attack of Facelesses ? Surely, a faceless can't be any less dangerous than a bear ?

Faceless are made through Dark Magic, so it's quite possible they're stronger than the average bear.

Heck, we only know Dark Magic is involved in their creation, and that's it. For all we know Faceless are zombies or Frakensteins. This game does not have good world-building.

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Faceless are made through Dark Magic, so it's quite possible they're stronger than the average bear.

Heck, we only know Dark Magic is involved in their creation, and that's it. For all we know Faceless are zombies or Frakensteins. This game does not have good world-building.

Risen that go to the gym at mornings and the bondage club at night.

Edited by Lanko
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Faceless are made through Dark Magic, so it's quite possible they're stronger than the average bear.

Heck, we only know Dark Magic is involved in their creation, and that's it. For all we know Faceless are zombies or Frakensteins. This game does not have good world-building.

You don't say ? :p

Plus there is only one Dark Magic tome in the freaking world.

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Faceless are made through Dark Magic, so it's quite possible they're stronger than the average bear.

Heck, we only know Dark Magic is involved in their creation, and that's it. For all we know Faceless are zombies or Frakensteins. This game does not have good world-building.

You don't say ? :p

Plus there is only one Dark Magic tome in the freaking world.

Hah, yea, they could have done the nations like in PoR. I was so excited with the "Knights vs Samurais" vibe. While this probably reflects in the maps, it didn't in the story.

Those star convos from PoR really need to come back.

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You are going to regret wanting more variety in Facelesses. And I'm actually saying that in a 'good' way. :p

Boy, it sure would have been unfortunate if Elise died, huh ? Also, you do know that she is not 16 in the original version right ? You probably do, and just pointing out that making her 16 makes things even more awkward, in which case... well, it's good then.

-My son.

-Yes, Father ?

-I heard that you married a peasant, who is also a Hoshidan, who is also prepubescent... is this true ?

-Yes father.

-WTF son ? Iago, why didn't you told me about this ?... Where the heck is Iago ?

Also, Mozume can't do jack against Facelesses, yet, somehow, in her support...

It is revealed that while she was younger, she killed a bear with just a knife.

So what, she forgot her knife at home during the attack of Facelesses ? Surely, a faceless can't be any less dangerous than a bear ?

Iago: Look, I had to feed his little sister fetish somehow.

Garon: Wait what the actual fuck?

Iago: Yeah this is actually the less embarrassing option.

Garon: How did this happen QQ

Hans: You are a terrible father

Garon: Shut the fuck up Hans, the hell do you know about family life?

Hans: I have a wonderful wife, and we share an active if vanilla sex life, and I go to every one of my sons ball games.

Garon:.... I had no idea, changing topic are you sure this was the best course Iago?

Iago: Look, it was his stepsister, a whore, granny jailbait, a murderous sociopath, a mime, a ginger, or Effie..

Garon: So, no nobility?

Hans: Well... there is the gay lobster.

Garon: I shall welcome the new addition to our illustrious bloodline with a feast and 7 days of celebration!!!

(Ngl in my headcannon Hans is the guy who welcomes every new hire to work with "If you love your job you'll never work a day in your life!!!!" and will not stop showing you pictures of his family. He drinks from a worlds greatest dad mug and sells raffle tickets under the ever present threat of a hang in there kitty poster. Aka raw unadulterated evil)

Edited by joshcja
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-So, okay, I can understand a lowly maid like Felicia being able to sneak out, but the Princess and three soldiers? Really? Big Brother Garon is not.

That's sorta realistic, since surveillance technology isn't up to snuff yet. :P:

-This Paralogue comes up at a very weird time. I can just picture it: Corrin looking at the map, and Felicia says "My lord, should we attack the Ice Tribe?" and Corrin is all "No, fuck you, we go to Hoshido because of the Est Archetype!"

"We need to practice our knock-out on the village over there. Oh, wait, Faceless, never mind, let's kill 'em all!"

-Did Mozu's mother have her when she was like 50? This woman is old, and Mozu is prepubescent! What gives?

ITT: Adoption isn't an option.

-So I get that Mozu is greatfully for being saved, but wouldn't she be kind of terrified of a Prince of Nohr? Or is she really unaware as to who is sending the Faceless?

When you're surrounded by things that look like monsters, and someone that looks human offers to help, you're probably going to jump on that offer. Unless you have a death wish.

-I can understand the Ice Tribe leader not knowing that Corrin is royalty, but Elise? Royalty are celebrities for a reason; they are important political figure, or at least they will be in the future in the case of Elise. That's like Putin not knowing what Sasha Obama looks like, or something.

Perhaps Elise never left Krakenberg? Or went to the Ice Tribe? It's not like photos exist in this game!

-Nope. Nope. There is no fucking way Elise is that dumb. She's what, 16? I'm 16. Do you old timers actually think we're this dumb?

We're giving you the benefit of the doubt in this game. :P:

-Corrin makes a promise he can't possibly keep to the Ice Tribe leader, and the Ice Tribe leader is dumb enough to go along with it. Seriously, what will Corrin do if Garon says "not good enough" and makes him go back and do it again, or worse, kills him and sends someone like Iago?

Either Corrin argues on technicality, or he won't care because he's dead.

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