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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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Without spoilers, your comment begs the question of what is her kingdom?

She is the queen of Hoshido... what else would she be ?

I guess a mother's love can go as far as massacre.

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She is the queen of Hoshido... what else would she be ?

I guess a mother's love can go as far as massacre.

And apparently she's also fine with that one kid being responsible for the death of her two (other) sons.

Mother of the year.

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Okay, sure, but I really wanted to say exactly how shitty the whole Mikoto isn't pissed in the slightest that Corrin basically destroyed her kingdom.

I like to pretend that scene is the result of Corrin's already fragile and doubt-ridden psyche finally snapping under the weight of his guilt complex.

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I like to pretend that scene is the result of Corrin's already fragile and doubt-ridden psyche finally snapping under the weight of his guilt complex.

The whole game is much easier to take if you pretend Corrin gone insane with guilt and everyone praising him is just his psyche warping what others say so he doesn't commit suicide.

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Conquest is just a dramatic retelling of a mafia game -- one in which town lost horribly. The Hoshidans aren't racist, they're just using mafia terminology (scum), and the scum faction of this game was called "Nohr", which is why they keep in saying "Nohrian scum" :P:

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Conquest is just a dramatic retelling of a mafia game -- one in which town lost horribly. The Hoshidans aren't racist, they're just using mafia terminology (scum), and the scum faction of this game was called "Nohr", which is why they keep in saying "Nohrian scum" :P:

When you say Mafia game, all I can think of is Town of Salem. Which is funny, because everyone being pants-on-head, lead-in-the-water-pipes retarded is also a part of that game as well :D

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When you say Mafia game, all I can think of is Town of Salem. Which is funny, because everyone being pants-on-head, lead-in-the-water-pipes retarded is also a part of that game as well :D

We have a mafia subforum on SF, and we've had some really bad games that could probably represent just how bad town had trainwrecked in Conquest.

EDIT: Although to be fair, when town trainwrecks in mafia games it's because town was dumb. Hoshido lost in Conquest because Kamui is dumb. I suppose Kamui was some secret mafia traitor and no one knew that until it was too late.

Edited by Sunwoo
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We have a mafia subforum on SF, and we've had some really bad games that could probably represent just how bad town had trainwrecked in Conquest.

EDIT: Although to be fair, when town trainwrecks in mafia games it's because town was dumb. Hoshido lost in Conquest because Kamui is dumb. I suppose Kamui was some secret mafia traitor and no one knew that until it was too late.

I like to pretend that Corrin is town but is such a dumbfuck that he singlehandedly made town lose.

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I like to pretend that Corrin is town but is such a dumbfuck that he singlehandedly made town lose.

Hmm, sounds like this one guy from an off-site mafia game composed of various "champions" from different mafia sites who was the vig and shot town three times in a row. You should also probably play mafia with us :P:

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blah, I've hidden the post with the video. If you really need the words in that post, let me know.

And apparently she's also fine with that one kid being responsible for the death of her two (other) sons.

Mother of the year.

Mothers have it hard. There's no "correct" reaction to this, especially since Mikoto had no say in the clusterfuck leading up to it.

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blah, I've hidden the post with the video. If you really need the words in that post, let me know.Mothers have it hard. There's no "correct" reaction to this, especially since Mikoto had no say in the clusterfuck leading up to it.

She should be furious with Corrin as a Queen, not a mother. Marth shakes his head in disappointment, mortified by what FE lessons on the duty of monarchs have become. I mean, how do you go from "I am a Prince before I am a son or a brother" and Elincia sacrificing Lucia to save her people, to Chrom being all "Duh, who do I save, my entire fucking country or Robin" and now Mikoto apparently not having any reaction to her COUNTRY BEING ANNEXED. The problem new FE stories have (among many) is a fundamental lack of comprehension as to what a monarch is. You could make Hoshido and Nohr rival Mafia gangs and the characters wouldn't have to change a bit. They never struggle with choices and problems a real monarch would face, and if they do more often than not they make the wrong choice and its treated as the right one! The only exception to this is Xander, but he's just so fucking stupid about it, especially in Birthright.

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She should be furious with Corrin as a Queen, not a mother. Marth shakes his head in disappointment, mortified by what FE lessons on the duty of monarchs have become. I mean, how do you go from "I am a Prince before I am a son or a brother" and Elincia sacrificing Lucia to save her people, to Chrom being all "Duh, who do I save, my entire fucking country or Robin" and now Mikoto apparently not having any reaction to her COUNTRY BEING ANNEXED. The problem new FE stories have (among many) is a fundamental lack of comprehension as to what a monarch is. You could make Hoshido and Nohr rival Mafia gangs and the characters wouldn't have to change a bit. They never struggle with choices and problems a real monarch would face, and if they do more often than not they make the wrong choice and its treated as the right one! The only exception to this is Xander, but he's just so fucking stupid about it, especially in Birthright.

The problem is that Mikoto is portrayed like a mother, rather than a queen. For her to suddenly reverse herself would be pretty jarring IMO, especially since Corrin already committed treason against Nohr.

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The problem is that Mikoto is portrayed like a mother, rather than a queen. For her to suddenly reverse herself would be pretty jarring IMO, especially since Corrin already committed treason against Nohr.

Exactly my point. She could be any old mother; it would be fine if Ryoma was King, as, you know, Hoshidan inheritance laws dictate, but she's quite explicitly calling the shots. It's a problem with her character.

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The whole game is much easier to take if you pretend Corrin gone insane with guilt and everyone praising him is just his psyche warping what others say so he doesn't commit suicide.

It got really awkward for the Nohr siblings to prop up Hinoka and Sakura's corpses, Weekend at Bernie's-style, because Corrin's psyche refused to accept that the former died in their first fight at the Sevenfold Sanctuary and the later was killed by Iago shortly after she was defeated and captured. Azura, meanwhile, is basically using Corrin's delusions as a weapon against Garon, who isn't actually a slime person but just a power-hungry dictator who just happened to dote on his children. The final battle isn't even real, but a metaphor. Slime Garon is the manifestation of Corrin's guilt over all of his horrible actions, while the final boss represents Corrin's repressed suicidal and self-destructive urges. The real Garon got shanked by Corrin at Azura's urging after they and the Nohr siblings killed Iago and Hans, two loyal Nohrian generals who Corrin projected his own flaws and mistakes on to. Azura was killed on the spot and Corrin was banished to the Northern Fortress, completely catatonic and lost in his own delusions.

I blame having recently watched Jacob's Ladder for this idea.

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This is planning for a Hard run. Benchmarks are lower.

Late but

Stats in CQ Hard and CQ Lunatic is actually the exact same from what i gathered. Lunatic had more dense enemy composition and skill combo is what makes it welll Lunatic

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And apparently she's also fine with that one kid being responsible for the death of her two (other) sons.

Mother of the year.

That is really a tough place. As a Queen she has a reason to be furious if she was. But as a Mother, that is hard to say. Sure, he lead to the death of the other two, but at the same time, he/she is your child. Even worst in Mikoto's situation is that Ryoma and Takumi are her adopted children, while Corrin is her biological child.

And another thing I want to bring up. Lets take into account, no matter what you believe in or do not believe in, that a Heaven exists in Fates universe. Heaven is always defined as being a paradise, no anger, no sadness, no violence, etc, etc. So we take that into account when Corrin dies for a short amount of time and is there. If there is no anger or sadness in the afterlife, then why would Ryoma, Mikoto, and Takumi be angry? Sure, Corrin lead to their death and the fall of the kingdom, but they are in paradise now. They dont have to worry about the land of the living anymore. So why would they care anymore, now that they are dead and living in paradise, that their kingdom has fallen?

Edited by Tolvir
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Late but

Stats in CQ Hard and CQ Lunatic is actually the exact same from what i gathered. Lunatic had more dense enemy composition and skill combo is what makes it welll Lunatic

And to add onto this, CQ Normal seems to only have slight stat differences; the main differences between it and Hard is slightly fewer enemies (about 25%) and skills being mostly limited to bosses.

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The problem is that Mikoto is portrayed like a mother, rather than a queen. For her to suddenly reverse herself would be pretty jarring IMO, especially since Corrin already committed treason against Nohr.

Even as a mother she should have expressed some disappointment regarding Corrin's atrocious life choices because that's what mothers do. The problem isn't Mikoto being a mother, it's that the script doesn't have the guts to actually call Corrin (and by extension, the player) out for their mistakes. Really, IntSys should have just had the real Garon show up during that scene instead and not had anyone from Hoshido show up, to make it less jarring.

And another thing I want to bring up. Lets take into account, no matter what you believe in or do not believe in, that a Heaven exists in Fates universe.

There's almost certainly an afterlife but that doesn't mean that Fates' afterlife is anything like Heaven or any of the other paradises from real-life religions.

Heaven is always defined as being a paradise, no anger, no sadness, no violence, etc, etc. So we take that into account when Corrin dies for a short amount of time and is there. If there is no anger or sadness in the afterlife, then why would Ryoma, Mikoto, and Takumi be angry? Sure, Corrin lead to their death and the fall of the kingdom, but they are in paradise now. They dont have to worry about the land of the living anymore. So why would they care anymore, now that they are dead and living in paradise, that their kingdom has fallen?

We have no evidence to show that Fates' afterlife works like this, so this is kind of a moot point.

Edited by AzureSen
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For what it's worth, Mikoto should have, at the very least, shown disappointment, but since the game refuse the mere idea Nohrmui could do anything wrong, so here we go.

Plus, she is dead, showing anger would be pointless at this point. but she should do more than a shitty 'you can do it' anime (crappy) scene.

Then again, we're talking about a sue that can magically create barrier of non-violence, coming straight from mary-suetopia-not-japan.

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And to add onto this, CQ Normal seems to only have slight stat differences; the main differences between it and Hard is slightly fewer enemies (about 25%) and skills being mostly limited to bosses.

Yeah but that changes A LOT. Majority of the chapter in the game would be a complete joke just by reducing every enemy speed by 2.

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