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In which blah the Prussian blind reacts to FE Fates: Conquest

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The "chosen one" scenario is one that is used a lot in works of fiction. It was heavily used in the older days of gaming when RPGs were really big with SNES and all of that, but it has died down some over the years. We still have fragments of it left though. For example Dragon Age Inquisition uses a modified form of the "chosen one" situation. There are plenty of books that do this, Shannara Chronicles being one that comes to mind. Quite a few movies, anime, tv shows use them. Not sure on Comics as I am only versed in the Marvel Universe as far as the Xmen, and your more supernatural side like Dr Strange goes, but I am pretty sure there are a few there too. Its quite common, and isnt a bad way to start getting the story rolling and point out who the main protagonist is.

While I find some of your reactions funny, I do have to say a few of them feel forced. Some of them feel more like complaining about something really irrelevant for the sake of having something to complain about, rather than pointing out a plothole, making a joke about it, and moving on. Just thought I would point that out because I have enjoyed this so far, but dont want to see this dissolve into another Fates bashing thread. There have been too many of those already.

Edited by Tolvir
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The "chosen one" scenario is one that is used a lot in works of fiction. It was heavily used in the older days of gaming when RPGs were really big with SNES and all of that, but it has died down some over the years. We still have fragments of it left though. For example Dragon Age Inquisition uses a modified form of the "chosen one" situation. There are plenty of books that do this, Shannara Chronicles being one that comes to mind. Quite a few movies, anime, tv shows use them. Not sure on Comics as I am only versed in the Marvel Universe as far as the Xmen, and your more supernatural side like Dr Strange goes, but I am pretty sure there are a few there too. Its quite common, and isnt a bad way to start getting the story rolling and point out who the main protagonist is.

While I find some of your reactions funny, I do have to say a few of them feel forced. Some of them feel more like complaining about something really irrelevant for the sake of having something to complain about, rather than pointing out a plothole, making a joke about it, and moving on. Just thought I would point that out because I have enjoyed this so far, but dont want to see this dissolve into another Fates bashing thread. There have been too many of those already.

If it becomes a Fates bashing thread, it will become that in a humorous manner.
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Dat movie spoiler. :p

Naivete. Naivete everywhere.

Haven't you heard ? Weapons can't injure people ! They just know them out ! Duh !

Yup, I'm surprised you didn't talk about the Rainbow Sage deal too.

It is a common trope, yes, but geez, when people believe you are a chosen one because of a quick glance of the "purity of your eyes"...

That might be just me, but when I think 'red-eyes', I think vampires, Hellsing, evil, blood, dragons, not purity or kindness :p

Don't tell me that Kamui is a dragon, because it's not the kind of dragon I'm talking about.

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That was one thing that killed me. I could believe the no killing thing in the Ice Tribe chapter, as it is just a village with a few amount of troops, so "injuring" them and trying to stop it as quickly as possible made sense. It was at the chapter you pick up Azura that it started to get a little iffy, and then Chapter 10 just made no sense. First off, the Hoshidans are attacking, killing them is now off the table as they are now willing to invade and put innocent lives in danger. At this point we really should of seen a different side of Corrin that was determined to defend the people he loves. It got pretty humorous as it went, so I just started ignoring it.

I understood what they were trying to go for, they wanted to show Corrin trying to pave a new way for the Nohrians, but it was done in such a bad way that it wasn't believable. It lead to the single biggest dissapointment for Fates imo that Conquest, the story that really should of been about the redemption of a kingdom and its people, turned into a story that felt lazy and full of wasted potential.

And now I feel like a Hypocrite for saying I dont want this to delve into a bashing thread, and the first thing I do is just that.


Conquest in a nutshell, right?

They could all be immortals, but the problem is, there can only be one.

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Conquest in a nutshell, right?

Taking the picture, because seriously, it's fun.

And there is thousands of people, generic or not, like that in Fates. That's even more impressive than.past Fire Emblem, where only a few of characters did not died when they were killed.

And seriously, how does one huge ass dragon could just knock people out ?

If it continue like that, people will believe that past FE were about war, where people got killed, The gasp.

Either that or the entire story was orchastrated by Aqua from the start. Including the DLC shenanigans.

Thousands of miles away, you can hear the sounds of sadness and wasted potential, because seriously, just giving us that would be better.

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If it continue like that, people will believe that past FE were about war, where people got killed, The gasp.

They don't need to look at past FEs.

Just look at Birthright! The only map in this path where Corrin's army doesn't kill people is Chapter 8.

All the other chapters, it's kill or be killed.

Birthright!Corrin even threaten his enemies if they don't comply, and talks back to Garon.

I imagine that players who first played Conquest, Birthright!Corrin may come of as brutal and murdeous when compared to Conquest!Corrin.

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You know you'll be in for a long ride when Kamui somehow manages to out-pacifist the actual pacifistic primary characters in the previous FEs. Even Eirika and Eliwood who both had a disdain for war. Yes, even the one who actually has not killing enemies as a skill (Elincia).

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You know you'll be in for a long ride when Kamui somehow manages to out-pacifist the actual pacifistic primary characters in the previous FEs. Even Eirika and Eliwood who both had a disdain for war. Yes, even the one who actually has not killing enemies as a skill (Elincia).

If there was Modding ( more in the PC sense I know there's hacking but it's a different thing) I would've made conquest corrin's personal skill mercy... Then at least the story would be reflected in some form of gameplay sense...

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I feel like this game's story just downloaded an IPhone game called "Have Stupid Plot Points" and it keeps on beating its high score. Holy shit. Well, let's dive in.

-Why is Corrin so opposed to fighting a rebellion? Is he a Confederate apologist? I see you with your Shelby Foote autograph, Corrin!

-What exactly prompted this rebellion, anyway? We're the people of a different ethnicity? Their nationality is Francophone... stop supporting Québécois Independance, Nintendo! It makes us Monarchist's angry!

-Yes, rebels, you will get help in your fight to be free of Nohr, a Feudal state, from Hoshido, another... feudal... state. How does this change anything?

-Hoshido's support for this rebellion is pretty pathetic. They just send Takumi Trump, some of Mikoto's retainers (I hope Hoshido has good pensions, because they're unemployed) and that's it? Hoshido: making the Chilean contribution to WWII seem decisive since 2016.

-The game is being extremely subtle with its foreshadowing that Takumi Trump is turning evil. And by that I mean it's outright stating it.

-So where were Hans and his soldiers this whole time? Were they sitting with their thumbs up their asses while Corrin does the dirty work? At least they get points for correcting Corrin's mistake in the form of not killing anyone. This isn't Undertale, Corrin!

-So, it's great that there is now same sex marriage in Fire a Emblem. It's totally a step in the right direction. That being said, whoever thought that gay marriage was more important than ending serfdom, or instituting a parliament, was a dumbass.

-What kind of an Opera House is this? I've been to Operas, and, newsflash, they don't have artificial lakes with boats as the pews!

-So, really, what on earth is this city? Given Garon's expansionist nature, why hasn't he annexed it already?

-Corrin and co. clearly go to the Lois Lane school of recognizing people.

-I can't possibly be the first one to notice this, but, fine, Garon is having an orgasm. There, I said it.

-HOW DID THE HOSHIDANS GET HERE WITHOUT WARNING? Jesus Christ, whoever was in charge of security for Garon's little opera visit/mock naval battle (trivia: filling up Colloseums with water and staging naval battles was something the Romans actually did) needs to be fired immediately.

-Hey, you know what would be an interesting development? If Garon died here. Seriously, all Corrin has to do to correct all this is "accidentally" let Garon die. There. Problem solved. Meanwhile, Ryoma could have died in that one chapter instead of escaping, making Takumi Trump king of Hoshido. Takumi Trump could then order the attack on Nohr, and the war would continue, but with Hoshido being the vengeful aggressor but on the other hand he is kind of justified. You have a nice, human, morally gray conflict... I need a drink.

-Hey, uh, Garon, since you're in a foreign country doesn't that mean that the King of Nestra or whatever it is would have a problem with you murdering his people? No? Okay.

So obviously Corrin and co. not recognizing Azura is the big stupid thing here, but the real sad thing is the missed chance for the story to get good. Garon, for his part, is still too damn evil.

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I feel like this game's story just downloaded an IPhone game called "Have Stupid Plot Points" and it keeps on beating its high score. Holy shit. Well, let's dive in.

-Why is Corrin so opposed to fighting a rebellion? Is he a Confederate apologist? I see you with your Shelby Foote autograph, Corrin!

-What exactly prompted this rebellion, anyway? We're the people of a different ethnicity? Their nationality is Francophone... stop supporting Québécois Independance, Nintendo! It makes us Monarchist's angry!

-Yes, rebels, you will get help in your fight to be free of Nohr, a Feudal state, from Hoshido, another... feudal... state. How does this change anything?

-Hoshido's support for this rebellion is pretty pathetic. They just send Takumi Trump, some of Mikoto's retainers (I hope Hoshido has good pensions, because they're unemployed) and that's it? Hoshido: making the Chilean contribution to WWII seem decisive since 2016.

-The game is being extremely subtle with its foreshadowing that Takumi Trump is turning evil. And by that I mean it's outright stating it.

-So where were Hans and his soldiers this whole time? Were they sitting with their thumbs up their asses while Corrin does the dirty work? At least they get points for correcting Corrin's mistake in the form of not killing anyone. This isn't Undertale, Corrin!

-So, it's great that there is now same sex marriage in Fire a Emblem. It's totally a step in the right direction. That being said, whoever thought that gay marriage was more important than ending serfdom, or instituting a parliament, was a dumbass.

-What kind of an Opera House is this? I've been to Operas, and, newsflash, they don't have artificial lakes with boats as the pews!

-So, really, what on earth is this city? Given Garon's expansionist nature, why hasn't he annexed it already?

-Corrin and co. clearly go to the Lois Lane school of recognizing people.

-I can't possibly be the first one to notice this, but, fine, Garon is having an orgasm. There, I said it.

-HOW DID THE HOSHIDANS GET HERE WITHOUT WARNING? Jesus Christ, whoever was in charge of security for Garon's little opera visit/mock naval battle (trivia: filling up Colloseums with water and staging naval battles was something the Romans actually did) needs to be fired immediately.

-Hey, you know what would be an interesting development? If Garon died here. Seriously, all Corrin has to do to correct all this is "accidentally" let Garon die. There. Problem solved. Meanwhile, Ryoma could have died in that one chapter instead of escaping, making Takumi Trump king of Hoshido. Takumi Trump could then order the attack on Nohr, and the war would continue, but with Hoshido being the vengeful aggressor but on the other hand he is kind of justified. You have a nice, human, morally gray conflict... I need a drink.

-Hey, uh, Garon, since you're in a foreign country doesn't that mean that the King of Nestra or whatever it is would have a problem with you murdering his people? No? Okay.

So obviously Corrin and co. not recognizing Azura is the big stupid thing here, but the real sad thing is the missed chance for the story to get good. Garon, for his part, is still too damn evil.

Grats you just spoiled yourself on Birthrights plot.

Just replace war with flat out genocide, but it's ok because Ryoma's a nice guy and sends over a bucket of rice to the like....one survivor.

My eternal question on Cheve in both routes is just, your entire country is apparently mounted on wyverns, FLY, AWAY.

Edited by joshcja
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As messed up Nohr's story is, Many of your questions are only answered in Birthright and/or maybe Revelations. That said, I believe there are some misconceptions here i should address without spoilers. (If any of my statements are incorrect, let me know.)

-Why is Corrin so opposed to fighting a rebellion? Is he a Confederate apologist? I see you with your Shelby Foote autograph, Corrin!

I believe it boils to Corrin not wanting to kill anybody.

-What exactly prompted this rebellion, anyway? We're the people of a different ethnicity? Their nationality is Francophone... stop supporting Québécois Independance, Nintendo! It makes us Monarchist's angry!

Garon is jerky king. Nuff said.

-Yes, rebels, you will get help in your fight to be free of Nohr, a Feudal state, from Hoshido, another... feudal... state. How does this change anything?

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. That is the case with Hoshido and the Rebels. Plus they are getting help from Hoshido, and thats it. They are not becoming apart of the kingdom.

-The game is being extremely subtle with its foreshadowing that Takumi Trump is turning evil. And by that I mean it's outright stating it.
I would explain this, but it involves spoilers.

-So where were Hans and his soldiers this whole time? Were they sitting with their thumbs up their asses while Corrin does the dirty work? At least they get points for correcting Corrin's mistake in the form of not killing anyone. This isn't Undertale, Corrin!

Where Hans was isn't an important element of the story


-What kind of an Opera House is this? I've been to Operas, and, newsflash, they don't have artificial lakes with boats as the pews!

I also read books, and i couldn't summon trees under anyone with them.

-So, really, what on earth is this city? Given Garon's expansionist nature, why hasn't he annexed it already?

It's a neutral are used by both countries for entertainment.

-HOW DID THE HOSHIDANS GET HERE WITHOUT WARNING? Jesus Christ, whoever was in charge of security for Garon's little opera visit/mock naval battle (trivia: filling up Colloseums with water and staging naval battles was something the Romans actually did) needs to be fired immediately.

I believe the point of a surprise attack is that the enemy doesn't know how you got there. PLus, see above.

-Hey, you know what would be an interesting development? If Garon died here. Seriously, all Corrin has to do to correct all this is "accidentally" let Garon die. There. Problem solved. Meanwhile, Ryoma could have died in that one chapter instead of escaping, making Takumi Trump king of Hoshido. Takumi Trump could then order the attack on Nohr, and the war would continue, but with Hoshido being the vengeful aggressor but on the other hand he is kind of justified. You have a nice, human, morally gray conflict... I need a drink.

I would address this, but it involves spoilers.

-Hey, uh, Garon, since you're in a foreign country doesn't that mean that the King of Nestra or whatever it is would have a problem with you murdering his people? No? Okay.
The area is more of city than a country, so we don't know if they really do have a king

So obviously Corrin and co. not recognizing Azura is the big stupid thing here, but the real sad thing is the missed chance for the story to get good. Garon, for his part, is still too evil.

Full agreement here, though i believe the former was am oversight more than anything.

Edited by Blade_of_Light
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No one still has answered my question as to why Garon kidnapped Corrinmui but did not bother to instill any of his ideals or goals into the kid.

Because the ruler of the plot world interfered and commanded that Corrin grows up Naive with no one but his siblings.

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I'm naming my next Conquest avatar Shirou.

Congratulation, you just hurt the sanity of thousand of people. :p

You gotta admit, it's a very pretty opera, ridiculous, but pretty.

Personally, if I wanted to kill Garon, I would have killed him on his chair while he was watching the dance, like, you know, a certain assassin game series.

You got to be a a pretty bad guard if you can't even recognize people who wear japanese clothes and japanese weapons.

And you fail at logic if you want to do a surprise attack like that with said things.

Oh yeah, still want Genocide path.

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-Why is Corrin so opposed to fighting a rebellion? Is he a Confederate apologist? I see you with your Shelby Foote autograph, Corrin!

I believe it boils to Corrin not wanting to kill anybody.

And yet he plays a decisive role on a war of aggression, allowing Nohr to plunder his birth country.

-What exactly prompted this rebellion, anyway? We're the people of a different ethnicity? Their nationality is Francophone... stop supporting Québécois Independance, Nintendo! It makes us Monarchist's angry!

Garon is jerky king. Nuff said.

How much of a jerk? The game never shows him doing anything against any of his annexed territories. There are no Nohrian soldiers garrisoning both the Ice Tribe or Cheve. Their leaders are even natives of their lands and not appointed governors. Nohr only marches in when they hear of their rebellions.

-Yes, rebels, you will get help in your fight to be free of Nohr, a Feudal state, from Hoshido, another... feudal... state. How does this change anything?

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. That is the case with Hoshido and the Rebels. Plus they are getting help from Hoshido, and thats it. They are not becoming apart of the kingdom.

Depends. They cannot fend off Nohr by themselves (or they would never be conquered in the first place), so they will be totally dependent of Hoshido. On paper, they might have friendly relations as allies, but for Hoshido they might be as well a puppet state. If they had valuable resources and Hoshido demanded it, they would have no choice but to deliver it because they would need Hoshido's protection.


-So, really, what on earth is this city? Given Garon's expansionist nature, why hasn't he annexed it already?

It's a neutral are used by both countries for entertainment.

-HOW DID THE HOSHIDANS GET HERE WITHOUT WARNING? Jesus Christ, whoever was in charge of security for Garon's little opera visit/mock naval battle (trivia: filling up Colloseums with water and staging naval battles was something the Romans actually did) needs to be fired immediately.

I believe the point of a surprise attack is that the enemy doesn't know how you got there. PLus, see above.

So Garon actually respects the borders and sovereignty of another nations? He visits this neutral country, probably paying for services and actually generating jobs! My God, who would have thought of that!

And then the Hoshidans attempt an attack on him, on this neutral country, not caring for it's neutrality and sovereignty, or how Garon will retaliate on this country or that this innocent country's populace might be caught in the middle of Nohrian and Hoshidan forces? Wasn't this disregard for consequences and lives supposed to be a Nohr characteristic?

But honestly, I don't remember if they are actually from Hoshido, I think it was from some other country wanting revenge? Need to confirm.

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