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100. What would you if you read that this thread is going to have 100 more of this kind of question?

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Play a game with my family and/or friends (who does such a thing anymore?) or just keep making my own games. Go for a walk every now and then, too.

Edited by Power Master
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I'd crash at my friend's place and use his internet.

Eh, actually I'd just go write some stories or some such to pass the time, but I'm pretty much on the same boat as Loki.

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#59: What would you do if someone's cheating in a video or board game?

Go to my local library and use the internet there.

The library of my university is my favored place to use free internet too (like now).

Why yes, I do have no life. Why did you ask?

My WLAN internet is pretty much the worst.
I have only 15 GB internet memory available each month.
By watching videos or joining Skype calls this limit is reached very quickly.

that's literally been my life for i-wanna-say 5 of the past 7 years.
either make due with mobile or go to McWifis

I see. I'm not the only person who uses WiFi in restaurants.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Try to win, but if I can't, I just leave. Usually applies for online video games, otherwise, I would likely know about it and join in anyway.

...It's no fun when you're bombarded with Blue Shells before the race even begins...

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truly the only answer is to cheat against them to show you're the better cheater in that game

team up with other board game people and sabotage that cheater

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Simple, in a board game we all tacitly agree to beat the cheater first, heck maybe not even tacitly we just go up and say "let's gang up on X now because he's doing X". Usually stops the cheater in time to have a good game and have the cheater repent and become a normal player.

In an online game, I just leave and go for another match elsewhere or beat them if I know how to counter their cheat in some way that is perfectly legit. Else the mouse goes to the report button if I'm having a bad day or the dude gets annoying through some sort of chat.

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