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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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Way to hammer when both hosts are sleeping!

No, this isn't right, I just wanted a better world for my people. I can save them all with the power of the dark stone!!

You're too far gone, Lyon. Did you think we would let you get away with killing Ephraim?

SB- Lyon, Mafia Stone Thief Neighbor, Lynhed Day Five

And that's the game! The following Heroes of Magvel live to tell the tale!

Yolo- Ewan, Town Vanilla, Survived

Makaze- Seth, Town Tracker, Survived

Clarinets- Innes, Town Mayor Courier, Survived

Prims- Knoll, Town Disabler, Survived

Manix- Tethys, Town Safeguard, Survived

Proto- Eirika, Town Neighbor, Survived

Thanks to everyone for playing my first game and feel free to criticize the setup and give me some tips for next time! I know there were some problems that me and BBM already noted but I don't have time for postgame right now. SB probably could have stolen stone N3 but misread his role PM which sucks, Marth was half of Mafia's way to steal the stone which also sucks.

Feel free to post your Role PMs too if you want.

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I actually legitimately called SB being Lyon just because Proto was Eirika and they were neighbors. My mind reasoned that Eirika would be a more easily fooled by Lyon person than Ephraim, though my reasoning was obviously pretty wrong.

This was quite fun to watch, and I'm glad that the aggression toned down after D1.

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unsure if safeguard had the intended behavior for blocking the stone passing (which would negate the requirement to pass it) but it definitely crossed my mind. glad i didn't follow through on it though

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also i surmise that shinori was some sort of bodyguard, at a guess. makes the most sense to me

anyway, some setup criticism that doesn't revolve around generating clears:

- scum fakes didn't seem too great. gotta think about how people will think about setup power/interlinked roles when roles flip, particularly mafia ones.

- maybe a bit too much focus around the stone and how it basically functions by giving town a mislynch if it's kept safe. if we had decided to not give via a voice from the dead, good chance that mafia never sees the stone ever

edit: further to the second point, giving mafia a dayvig for it doesn't actually remove any of town's mislynches, only a chance to maybe snipe a PR, which isn't the strongest thing ever

Edited by Curly Brace
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i thought the stone was basically our cop

if it hit mafia then that's a potential guilty

anyway gg all, my reads sucked but it didn't matter because we had roles LOL

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@Manix the only fake I thought was bad after game started was Crysta, SB and Marth were not something they would get lynched for.

Underestimating the amount of clears successfully passing the stone had was probably the biggest weakness in the setup.

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Can you post all of the full role PMs? As it stands it's hard to judge the balance when we don't know what Informed or Jack of All Trades provided.

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Vigarde- 1x Ninja 2x Rolecop 1x Cop

Riev- Knew Stone mechanics, Hijacker

Lyon- Intercept a pass from the stone, Neighbor

The setup wasn't unbalanced because of the roles imo, it was town sided because of how many clears the stone mechanic generated and the rewards for town protecting it were stronger than when scum broke it.

Post game in like 4 hours.

Edited by Lord Gaius
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This game was really interesting to follow until Ars Nova was lynched. I don't actually remember his cases but his posts were the most fun to read. I hope you join more games in the future!

Oh and Prims and Makaze should go get a room

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Vigarde- 1x Ninja 2x Rolecop 1x Cop

Riev- Knew Stone mechanics, Hijacker

Lyon- Intercept a pass from the stone, Neighbor

The setup wasn't unbalanced because of the roles imo, it was town sided because of how many clears the stone mechanic generated and the rewards for town protecting it were stronger than when scum broke it.

Post game in like 4 hours.

Imo the numbers were a problem too, squeezing out a potential 5 mislynches for 3 maf is pretty difficult even without roles in the equation. It was like we were fighting against the stone to put ourselves in a game with standard numbers for scum.

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Also my actions sucked this game, somehow I blanked on Makaze last night and also I forgot to tell Crysta not to claim Double Cop before massclaim happened.

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My beef with this game: wtf is your deal with myrmidons gaius, one of them was a mafia vanilla fake and the other was an actual town vanilla

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I like how all of the townies who got lynched joined as enemy units in the actual game.


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Postgame: Roles Edition

Will do players later because that will take a bit more time. Will edit in Role PMs quicktopics and other outside thread stuff later, takes too much time for now.

General Setup Info: This game was obviously balanced around the Stone of Rausten, an item that as you all know town had to protect and mafia had to steal. Both alignments had muliptle ways of protecting/retrieving the stone. Mafia could steal via Lyon's Thief, Riev's Hijack, or killing whoever received it that night. Town had Knoll who would deactivate Lyon's ability on death, Tethys to confuse mafia with her safeguard and make stone passing less predictable, Gerik for offensive protection with the two roleblocks, and L'Arachel who could oversee the entire thing with her communication channels. Innes the Courier, Gerik's Annnouncer and Eirika/Lyon Neighbors were added to create more limited OC and increase potential ways for either town to pass stone safely or mafia to mole and find targets to steal or kill. The stone was also untrackable, which was one method to prevent town from getting clears via Seth (although this didn't really come into play.)

Stone of Rausten: The key gimmick of this game, had numerous qualities. If item holder was lynched, stone goes to hammerer. If killed, stone goes to killer. Untrackable as well. Started with L'Arachel, who I will talk about at the end as she was probably the most important/custom role of the setup. Also, the revived player would be vanillized and unlynchable as Manix found out. The day vig would have been anonymously sent via scum QT.


Vigarde: Mafia 1x Ninja, 2x Rolecop, 1x Cop. Mafia needed a powerful role to counter town's many different PRs, and this was the right amount of power imo. The fakeclaim was bad, but the cop was included for that reason and as a red herring for the mafia. I don't really know what I should have done for a fakeclaim, originally this also had 2x Courier but I thought people might lynch between Innes and Vigarde then.

Lyon: Mafia Stone Thief Neighbor. Unfortunately SB misinterpreted his role, he stole from Prims the night he passed to Junko not knowing he had to intercept the pass by targeting who received the stone. The Neighbor was for aforementioned limited OC purposes, this role didn't affect the game outside Stone mechanics.

Riev: Mafia Informed Hijacker. Was given info about the Stone Mechanic (not as much as L'Arachel), and could hijack some people. This was a (riskier) way for mafia to try and steal the stone, as well as providing more general usage than Lyon's Stone Thief. A shame Marth got lynched D1.


L'Arachel: Town Stonekeeper. Pinnacle of the game. Started with the Stone, and was gonna be confirmed town either way. The way I remedied this was by making them an ascetic lightning rod, which prevented the stone from being stolen Night One, but also guaranteed L'Arachel's death unless Mafia idled their kill for absolutely no fucking reason. Had the death neighborizes because first of all suicidal roles are kind of lame and I wanted the player forced to die early to still be a part of the setup, and two because they needed to pass the Stone info along after their death. L'Arachel had 3 total neighborizes, Via used two of them, on Manix and Prims.

Seth: Town Tracker. Very simple. Thought a cop/watcher would be too strong, originally Seth was strong willed but I removed that as well. Didn't do much except catch SB when mafia had already lost. Stone was untrackable because of Seth, and that was hidden so L'Arachel couldn't clear Seth on rolespec.

Gerik: Town Two Shot Roleblocker Announcer. Announcer added for limited OC, and I wanted to keep actual vanillas so mafia vanilla fake claim didn't sound so bad. Thus, the limited OC stuff like announcer and courier got tacked onto the power roles. Roleblocker was protection against Lyon and Riev mainly, I think Junko targeted Shinori once and I don't remember the other target, maybe Yolo/Prims.

Innes: Town Mayor Courier. Mayor deactivated in lylo so wasn't very powerful at all, courier for stacking limited OC. Somewhat luckily Clarinets sent Manix a message the night he died and Manix ended up getting revived, which cleared Clarinets.

Tethys: Town Safeguard. Mainly used for influencing the stone passes, I guess could sort of protect against a hijacker but that would be really hard to coordinate. Would also protect from the Stone Thief. MAnix almost safeguarded his stone pass target the night he died so things could have gone very differently. This was a vital role for the setup imo.

Knoll: Town Disabler. This was town's only passive way of protecting the stone. I thought it was a good safety net, and would reward good play if Knoll got nightkilled.

Amelia: Town Seraph Knight. Seraph Knight is a doctor that can only pick a target once and must compulsively target that person unless they die. Shinori only used it night three on Crysta, who killed him Night Three. Town didn't need a standard doctor this setup with the roleblocker.

Eirika: Town Neighbor. More limited OC yada yada, only made so Mafia had more moling opportunities.

Cormag, Marisa, Ewan: Vanillas added for numbers. If there was one thing I could change about this setup in retrospect, I would make it 3/9 and axe two of the vanillas. Three/Nine would have given town 4 mislynches if stone was protected, two if not. I knew this setup would be swingy going into the design, but as SB said five mislynches with a revive was way too much, so sorry for that.

Will get to player analysis in an hour or two, enjoy this for now.

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4 mislynches if stone was protected, 2 if not is even swingier

i would have just made the revived player a tree stump instead of an extra number

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also yolo you weren't that awful since you were on Marth early into his wagon

I still have no idea why everybody thought Marth was scum but they were right so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Prims
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not really

stone thief could result in a false positive on the stone, iirc redirects weren't informed either

tracker and two-shot roleblock were only that good once it was down to 1 scum

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