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Sacred Stones Mafia: Redux (Game Over)


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its possible that i'm overestimating via's role but denying scum's n1 kill on who they want it and then giving guaranteed dead townie deadtalk is kind of nuts

maybe it was just how the game went but it didn't ever feel like we had control of anything

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I'm just so glad I guessed two town right, I was so fucking paranoid all game

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It would be 4 vs 3 mislynches with stone in a 3/9 setup with same roles. Also reason Via had to die was because they were auto town for being given stone at the start of the game.

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This game was really interesting to follow until Ars Nova was lynched. I don't actually remember his cases but his posts were the most fun to read. I hope you join more games in the future!


W-well I suppose after an endorsement like that I have to try, don't I?

For a D1 of shitposting and D2 full of raw, frothing anger, accept no substitutes B)

I don't want Life's used goods (this is also why I never join OC)

's not like you deserve it anyway >(

My tone read on Strawman was perfect and you all should feel bad.



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Yeah we underestimated the clears from successful protection of the stone. The stone mechanic was inherently swingy, which we knew but shrug (more on this at the end). It still ended up being townsided, but that being said, there are some things that people are forgetting that might have caused the game to be less of a town stomp:

1) D1 mafia lynches are bad for mafia. Who knew? More generally I don't think any of the mafia members played very well this game. Marth got a bit unlucky, but Crysta wasn't there much and SB was pretty disinterested. I don't think there was enough communication either, especially after Marth died.

@SB- There was no long-term gain pretending to be Masons, and the fallout was always going to be on you and not FK. TBH I felt you just wanted to be lazy and coast. Also, Via's role was helpful for the mafia N1. You got to kill an obvtown and clear person (without which you would have killed Strawman, who later got mislynched, may I remind you) and the town roles all got hooked.

2) More on D1 maflynches being bad; the hijacker and the thief were complementary in that if scum suspected who had the stone but didn't know where it would go they could use the hijacker, and if they suspected who would be getting it but didn't know who had it, they could use the thief. But the hijacker got lynched D1 and the mafia misread their thief role and thought they were supposed to target the passer. Town lucked out there, because they were very predictable with their stone choices. N2 was probably the turning point of the game- the Manix -> Prims pass was a terrible decision given in-thread interactions that frankly could have lost the game for town if the mafia hadn't also screwed up.

3) Continuing from the last point, mafia getting hand of the stone would have been more likely to lead to a false negative via hijack or thief than to actually lead to mafia,. If the mafia had just been given it, they could have delayed the breaking to frame someone too.

4) The Clarinets clear was kind of a wrong clear that ended up being right anyways. His doublevote didn't work in *YLO so it wouldn't have comboed with the kill if he'd been scum and mafia had broken the stone, and couriering someone on the night they die is easy to fake. It's unfortunate for scum when that happens on a mislynch target.

The main changes I would make would be limiting the L'Arachel role to 1 neighbourize after death, giving Crysta a better fake, possibly limiting the Tracker, and having full flips (with informed information snipped out).

The point of the Crysta role and the fake having a 1x cop was to be a red herring and make people think about an ITP, but it really only messed with the mafia because the town just assumed Crysta was lying about the 1x cop since we did cardflips. And as Prims pointed out, the stone mechanic was the cop. Also it didn't make much sense for there to be an ITP in the setup, which we probably would have caught, but the fake (and the 1x cop being added to Crysta's JoaT) were last minute changes because the previous fake overlapped even more. And cardflips were also kind of last-minute.

I considered potentially reducing the swinginess of the stone by lowering its powers, but IMO for the setup to be interesting the stone had to be swingy. Otherwise it would have been a low-power setup centered around a mechanic with a limited effect on the game, and then what's the point of even having it? I don't think it's an unfair thing for the setup to swing around because it was directly related to which side could out-think the other.

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Also, no cardflips meant everybody operated on Via misreading their role PM and not realizing they were going to die N1 no matter what, which didn't have much of an effect on the game but was kind of funny. I almost told them to reread their role, but when they explicitly said to Manix that they didn't redirect kills even though the wording is "This same radiance will draw every single action towards you on Night One" we decided to let it go.

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You had both tones! Your content was what got me.

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probably not gonna do mafia when i have school+work lol.

it was a bad idea.

EDIT: at least I got good grades go me

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scum doublevoter doesn't need to function in *YLO to be powerful. clarinets was never clear we just thought he was town

Oh is that why three or four people cleared him

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My beef with this game: wtf is your deal with myrmidons gaius, one of them was a mafia vanilla fake and the other was an actual town vanilla

See Gaius? They get it! Always treat your Swordmasters well!

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I actually literally didn't even realize I was supposed to die n1 until I read the post game notes about my role. It's just now dawning on me oh my god I'm so sorry for being stupid guys

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@SB- There was no long-term gain pretending to be Masons, and the fallout was always going to be on you and not FK. TBH I felt you just wanted to be lazy and coast. Also, Via's role was helpful for the mafia N1. You got to kill an obvtown and clear person (without which you would have killed Strawman, who later got mislynched, may I remind you) and the town roles all got hooked.

the mason thing was more of a "would i do this as town" and wasn't sure how to handle it for a while until i couldn't really just back out of it without prompting, although i did kind of coast because i thought we would be getting the stone n3 instead of what happened

im aware the via kill was probably better but it felt like mafia didnt actually have a lot of control

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scum doublevoter doesn't need to function in *YLO to be powerful. clarinets was never clear we just thought he was town

Sure, but the reason people thought he was town was because of how it would combine with the stone kill if he was scum, and it wouldn't have. You said something about how he used his doublevote and his interactions but it wasn't really an argument that people other than you and Manix were buying. I guess it's valid that we should have considered how the role interactions might be misconstrued, but that's a separate issue.

@SB- The reason you didn't have control was because your main way of screwing with the town got lynched D1.

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Oh is that why three or four people cleared him

I hard cleared him only after Manix said he couriered him the night he died.

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I didn't read this game but Prims made it to end game as town????? Mafia what are you smoking~

It helps that he was consistently wrong (except about Clarinets).

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he claimed a role that hurt scum if he got killed, also

That too. I forgot about that.

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