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Why is it ok to make fun of certain illnesses but not others?


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I just saw the story about Will Ferrell making a movie making fun of Ronald Reagan having Alzheimer's and it made me furious. As I have said in a few threads I am Type One Diabetic and I hate it when people make fun of Diabetes because they have no idea what it is and what causes it especially Type one, I am never going to watch Big Bang Theory ever again because the character Penny said that only people who are fat wear Insulin pumps when I wear one because it is the only thing that lets me live a normal life Not because I am fat (which I am not). I feel like any illness should never be made fun of because unless you have it or take care of someone that has said illness you have no idea what it is like to go through what the people that live with it every day have to live with. What do you think? is really ok to make fun of someone who has an illness that can't be cured? I know people would never make fun of someone with cancer, but why are other illnesses fair game when they can't be cured either?

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As an autistic, I can relate to your feelings; people tend to ignore the fact that I'm not all that well-versed in social subtleties, being angry at me even when I try to explain myself.

It sucks, but double standards like these are what we have to deal with. I've hope that in the (not-so-near) future, people will be less presumptive and jerkish about impairments like autism and diabetes.

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I don't like BBT much either, because, as my sister quotes it, "it's people making fun of an autistic person with a laugh track added." Add to that that autistic is officially an internet insult, and I'm doubly pissed at society. It's not funny, it's not our fault we get taken advantage of, and I have the rare pleasure of being able to speak coherently, if at all. I hold no self pity, but sometimes it's really difficult to get even my immediate family to understand some of the things I do. I even mistake some of the symptoms myself, like the inability to forget something mildly inconveniencing, which I often interpret as simple pettiness on my part.

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It's generally not okay to make fun of anything, but sometimes circumstances arise. If the one who has a disease is making fun of themselves, then it's okay. If someone is making fun of someone else for having a disease, it's not.

I can relate, though. I have Autism, Asperger's, Tourette's, Marfan's, and allergies to top it off (how am I still alive?!), and I've been made fun of a lot for them. But I also make fun of myself sometimes.

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I have OCD, and I get frustrated by this kind of thing all the time. For the most part people don't understand, and aren't really trying to...

I think people would be less likely to say that they are "so OCD right now" if they understood it's not about being a neat freak and more about laying awake at night feeling afraid terrible things are going to happen to everything and everyone you care about, and your only recourse is to do something, ANYTHING, to try not to think about it.

I don't have ADD, but I know it gets a similar bad rap from people not understanding what it actually is.

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I just felt like I had to blow because I get so angry at people who don't have any problems acting like it is all in the person that has a problem head or because you look healthy you don't have a problem. I was called for jury duty last month and the chairs at the court house are very close together and the time before I had the person next to me bump my pump and almost give me an extra dose of insulin, because of that I asked to have a chair with more space between me and the people next to me, but was told no because the judge did not care, lucky for me it was canceled. Because of that happening to me I have an extreme fear of people bumping me and nobody really understands why. I do sometimes go on Pinterest because there is a group of Type ones that make great memes about living with it and some of them are very funny, but you have to be Type one diabetic to get them.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Honestly that takes the biscuit to make fun of people's illnesses, who aren't responsible for them.

It's nothing else than discrimination.

It's a different thing for example if you make fun of junkies, who are responsible for their consequences.

However the humor part also must have a certain limit.

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Wow, Big Bang Theory had Penny say that? That is just messed up. I just hope the people making the show didn't actually mean to make fun of diabetes. I was always a big fan of the show because it's so funny. And I find Sheldon kind of relatable because my mom says he has Asperger's. This isn't said on the show, but I'm an Aspie and my mom has obviously raised me from birth, so she would know if someone's an Aspie. I think she's right too, because as I just said, I see a lot of myself in Sheldon. :P

Anyway, I know how you feel, I grew up being bullied mostly because my Asperger's also caused me to have a speech impairment. I was made fun of because of the stutter in my speech. And I still can't stand it. I find the stutter embarrassing too and because of what I went through, I don't want to speak much in public anymore... I'm too afraid of being picked on again.

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Wow, Big Bang Theory had Penny say that? That is just messed up. I just hope the people making the show didn't actually mean to make fun of diabetes. I was always a big fan of the show because it's so funny. And I find Sheldon kind of relatable because my mom says he has Asperger's. This isn't said on the show, but I'm an Aspie and my mom has obviously raised me from birth, so she would know if someone's an Aspie. I think she's right too, because as I just said, I see a lot of myself in Sheldon. :P

Anyway, I know how you feel, I grew up being bullied mostly because my Asperger's also caused me to have a speech impairment. I was made fun of because of the stutter in my speech. And I still can't stand it. I find the stutter embarrassing too and because of what I went through, I don't want to speak much in public anymore... I'm too afraid of being picked on again.

Sheldon is just a wash of basically every non-serious mental illness there is.

Though I'm honestly not surprised that Big Bang does jokes like that. I stopped liking that show a long time ago (though that may have more to do with Sheldon reminding me of how I was in middle and high school).

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Yes, it's okay to make jokes about illnesses. You shouldn't get offended by everything you see, getting mad about comments made in jest that aren't directed towards you are childlike and foster a sense of unwarranted self-importance. No one actually thinks less of you because of a joke made on the Big Bang Theory. Just like no one cares any less about me because Dave Chappelle made random jokes about white people being stupid. It's just a joke.

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I am informed that I am similar to Sheldon. I have never watched Big Bang Theory. Make of that what you will. In any case, the real thing I dislike are double standards. Either it's entirely okay to make fun of all illnesses, or its bad to make fun of any of them. I don't care which you pick, so long as you don't laugh at one joke at an illnese's expense and then get enraged at another.

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I am informed that I am similar to Sheldon. I have never watched Big Bang Theory. Make of that what you will. In any case, the real thing I dislike are double standards. Either it's entirely okay to make fun of all illnesses, or its bad to make fun of any of them. I don't care which you pick, so long as you don't laugh at one joke at an illnese's expense and then get enraged at another.

This. Either make fun of all of them, or not at all.

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I am informed that I am similar to Sheldon. I have never watched Big Bang Theory. Make of that what you will. In any case, the real thing I dislike are double standards. Either it's entirely okay to make fun of all illnesses, or its bad to make fun of any of them. I don't care which you pick, so long as you don't laugh at one joke at an illnese's expense and then get enraged at another.

This, I agree with you. Either it's alright to make fun of all illnesses or dont make fun of any of them. It's the same with racist or sexist jokes, I am fine with all kind of racist jokes being it about white, black or yellow or green. But I dont make fun of people's illness or even like these kind of jokes.

Edited by Magical CC
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I just felt like I had to blow because I get so angry at people who don't have any problems acting like it is all in the person that has a problem head or because you look healthy you don't have a problem. I was called for jury duty last month and the chairs at the court house are very close together and the time before I had the person next to me bump my pump and almost give me an extra dose of insulin, because of that I asked to have a chair with more space between me and the people next to me, but was told no because the judge did not care, lucky for me it was canceled. Because of that happening to me I have an extreme fear of people bumping me and nobody really understands why. I do sometimes go on Pinterest because there is a group of Type ones that make great memes about living with it and some of them are very funny, but you have to be Type one diabetic to get them.

Did you let the courts know beforehand that you were diabetic and needed a pump? If they were warned beforehand, you can check to see what your local ruling is on ADA and jury duty.

Yes, it's okay to make jokes about illnesses. You shouldn't get offended by everything you see, getting mad about comments made in jest that aren't directed towards you are childlike and foster a sense of unwarranted self-importance. No one actually thinks less of you because of a joke made on the Big Bang Theory. Just like no one cares any less about me because Dave Chappelle made random jokes about white people being stupid. It's just a joke.

You're right. . .if you're able to read the person, right down to how they'd react about it. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.


Like any other joke, it's a matter of knowing one's audience. If you're telling THE ENTIRE WORLD that you think racism/rape/chronic illness/mental handicaps/other controversial things are funny. . .it's probably not going to end well.

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i think its fine as long as you know where its comming from, for example i'm autistic so that gives me good grounds to make fun of it, as i'm also making fun of myself whenever i say something like " gotta go autistic over the details"

now if i was black and i started making awful black jokes that'd be another story.

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it's about the audience. generally, i agree with esau. but if you're doing a show at a place where people simply feel more sensitive for some jokes, you don't say those jokes. but i think every comedian has the right to joke about any illness.

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it's about the audience. generally, i agree with esau. but if you're doing a show at a place where people simply feel more sensitive for some jokes, you don't say those jokes. but i think every comedian has the right to joke about any illness.

I also think that any comedian with half a brain would know better than to crack some of the more tasteless Palin jokes while on the podium of a Republican convention. While the nebulous "right" exists, it also means accepting the consequences of such speech.

Success is knowing the audience.

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You're right. . .if you're able to read the person, right down to how they'd react about it. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.

No. If I think something is funny and I'm in a setting to say a funny joke and want to say it, I'll go ahead and say it. The last thing anyone trying to be funny should do is give a shit what one possible person may think is offensive about what they're saying. Frankly, if someone gets offended about an offhand joke that just tells me they're insecure and need to thicken up.

There is an obvious difference between a joke and a disparaging comment, and I think everyone should lighten up and learn to laugh a little, even at the latter.

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the reason why i say to keep audience in mind is because of situations where people aren't yet emotionally able to handle the joke. if a comedian is speaking to a national audience (eg louis ck), he doesn't have a reason to censor himself, since anything he says will have someone finding it offensive. but in smaller groups this principle becomes important. as an example, i can handle dead dad jokes, but i can't handle, emotionally, jokes about my deceased dad, and would prefer people don't attempt to make jokes about it. it's difficult to simply "laugh it off." this can be the case with disabilities, physical injuries, distressing events, etc.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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No. If I think something is funny and I'm in a setting to say a funny joke and want to say it, I'll go ahead and say it. The last thing anyone trying to be funny should do is give a shit what one possible person may think is offensive about what they're saying. Frankly, if someone gets offended about an offhand joke that just tells me they're insecure and need to thicken up.

There is an obvious difference between a joke and a disparaging comment, and I think everyone should lighten up and learn to laugh a little, even at the latter.

It's one thing if you know the other person's being over-dramatic about it ("OMG you made a comment that may or may not be racist but I choose to believe it is"), and I don't think tailoring anything to them is worth your time. On the other hand, if you're cracking dead baby jokes to a couple who just lost their third kid in a row to a miscarriage, I won't blame whoever decides to cut you out of their life over that. The world isn't made up solely of people who want to find offense with everything, nor is made up of people who can laugh everything off. Sensitivity can go a long way.

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I'm of the mind that people can joke about whatever they want, and shouldn't be censored or crucified over it, but don't be surprised if people get offended. However, being offended doesn't give someone a right to silence someone. Vote with your wallet and don't watch them or buy their stuff. If enough people do the same, they'll get the message. Once we try to get people fired for an off-color joke, we've gone too far.

I don't like rape jokes generally, but I'm not going to say you can't make them if you want and somehow rape is off limits in humor. I abhor dead baby jokes, and it brings up very bad memories and nightmares, but again, it's your right to make them. A pretty much follow the mindset of South Park's creators.

Personal hits against me? Knock yourself out. I'm a strawberry blonde amazon with OCD.

They say blonde are dumb and red-heads are ill-tempered. So I'm mad, but I don't know why.

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Like my mother would say, you can joke about everything... but not with everyone. Which make the fact that a show pulled that off weirder.

Also, imo, it's not very nice to make fun of person with illness, but it also depends of a lot of factors.

Edited by B.Leu
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In general I don't make fun of disease, behavior or (lack of) ability, I mean I've been the butt of jokes because of that (I'm socially clumsy!) so I don't see it as nice.

strawberry blonde amazon with OCD

Well it's a beautiful color, don't feel too angry. :D

I don't remember being made fun of because of my OCD. I can hide it well. But lately it hasn't bothered me much. I had an anxiety crisis a couple months ago because I thought I was dying due to me not following a certain ritual, which was pretty bad, but the only people who notice it are generally people who know me well.

I can turn it off when I need to do important things, too.

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Personally I think making fun of an illness is far better than assuming anyone with a mental illness is a stark raving crazy axe murderer.

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Well it's a beautiful color, don't feel too angry. :D

I don't remember being made fun of because of my OCD. I can hide it well. But lately it hasn't bothered me much. I had an anxiety crisis a couple months ago because I thought I was dying due to me not following a certain ritual, which was pretty bad, but the only people who notice it are generally people who know me well.

I can turn it off when I need to do important things, too.

Why thank you! I do like my hair color, but it does come with its own stereotypes. I'm more self conscious about my body in general. I like being tall, but my feet are embarrassingly large, like to the point it's hard to find shoes my size.

I've struggled with OCD for years. I may have mentioned it before, but I'll often buy a couple copies of clothes I like. One to wear and one to have as back-up to keep in pristine condition, in case something happens to the first one. I also like wearing solid colors, because patterned clothing just doesn't feel right. It's hard to explain. It's been better in recent years though.

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