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Metal Rabbit

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XD Yeah. . .

On another forum, by defending anyone, people would vote to lynch you both. XD The other forum actually had professional players. . . they could easily tell by reading people's posts about who was mafia and who was not. >_>

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XD Yeah. . .

On another forum, by defending anyone, people would vote to lynch you both. XD The other forum actually had professional players. . . they could easily tell by reading people's posts about who was mafia and who was not. >_>

I wish I were like that ;_;


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XD Yeah. . .

On another forum, by defending anyone, people would vote to lynch you both. XD The other forum actually had professional players. . . they could easily tell by reading people's posts about who was mafia and who was not. >_>

That would make it incredibly hard...

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WARNING: If this looks too long ([sarcasm]Oh nooo, or course it's not long![/sarcasm])or you aren't interested (but clicked in here anyway), you don't have to read this, because I seem to be having a lot of problems that probably don't even matter.

Well, I know some may not even feel like reading this or feel that I am having too much problems! XD... But I guess I'm just doing this because I don't really have any friends (or at least, not close friends), so there's nobody for me to let it all out to for help... On this site, you guys are like the friends I am missing. In this place I actually feel free to express my thoughts about stuff I may be emmbarassed to talk to with others. So... here we go.

Very recently, there's been someone who's been catching my interest... But there's just one big problem... He's kinda a druggy... I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE LIKE HIM!!! But I can't help it! :( I guess the first thing that made me like him was because I... loved his eyes?... It was hard to look away! :lol: I also like it when he smiles and laughs. It just... idk the word... <_< And the most ridiculous reason...: One day he sneezed... and it was just the cutest sneeze I've ever heard! :wub: XD I had to hide my expression and try not to laugh!

Another is this person who is in my band... When I first started crushing on him, I kept trying to tell myself to quit... Kinda like the above one... But this was only because he used to be... evil back then. But then the next year he went to another school, and the year after that he came back, and he and my brother became friends! But he said that he wasn't really like how he acted. He was just trying to become friends with the other evil people... Even though I don't approve with his reason, I'm still relieved that it was the reason... But after I started liking him, I still wanted to not like him... I was just too attached to the old him. But now I've been used to the real him... But I still can't like him without feeling regret... He has a girlfriend! D= So I feel bad liking him...

The third one, there isn't a problem at all. I just like him too much! But I think I've been growing less attached to him, because we don't have classes together anymore! :( But I don't want to get less attached to him because... he's the only crush that isn't bad for me to like. I also have a strong feeling that we won't have very many classes anymore... Actually... I think we won't have any this year!... Well... I dno't really need help on this one because there really is nothing to help with... Again, I'm just letting out all my problems because this is the only place I would ever probably be able to do so.

Well... I'm finally done. I was just hoping that there could be suggestions. Like how I could quit finding an attraction to the first one, or the second because it makes me feel bad.

These are the only crushes I have really... Besides a couple celebrity crushes that I don't stand a chance with, even if my band somehow becomes famous or even gets started...

Plus, I hope I got the sarcasm tags correct! XD

... Okay, I'm done. I'm sorry that again my topic got real long...

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I wouldn't worry too much, it's not like you're in love with these people, just attractions. Don't fret over it, it's fine having a crush, it's actually better to get used to them. I think everyone wants what they can't have at least once, it's better to help yourself learn that not everyone is going to be interested in you back, something that sadly you have to learn as you grow up.

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Never give up, trust your instincts. Remember, if a guy tries to make you do something you'd naturally not usually do, he's not worth it. That's my standard when dealing with girls. Too bad most of the girls that aren't taken are druggies and or whores themselves... I'd probably have a girl by now if it wasn't the case...

High School can be rough for finding someone worthwhile to be with.

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I'm not one to give relationship advice, but I am a dude.

Very recently, there's been someone who's been catching my interest... But there's just one big problem... He's kinda a druggy... I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE LIKE HIM!!! But I can't help it! I guess the first thing that made me like him was because I... loved his eyes?... It was hard to look away! I also like it when he smiles and laughs. It just... idk the word... And the most ridiculous reason...: One day he sneezed... and it was just the cutest sneeze I've ever heard! XD I had to hide my expression and try not to laugh!

Lawl, physical attraction. But that's how it starts anyway. If the drugs are gonna pose a problem then avoid getting your heart broken.

Another is this person who is in my band... When I first started crushing on him, I kept trying to tell myself to quit... Kinda like the above one... But this was only because he used to be... evil back then. But then the next year he went to another school, and the year after that he came back, and he and my brother became friends! But he said that he wasn't really like how he acted. He was just trying to become friends with the other evil people... Even though I don't approve with his reason, I'm still relieved that it was the reason... But after I started liking him, I still wanted to not like him... I was just too attached to the old him. But now I've been used to the real him... But I still can't like him without feeling regret... He has a girlfriend! D= So I feel bad liking him...

What is it with you and jailbait? O_o

I guess it's okay if he wants to reform but I wouldn't give much hope for him. Just remember that you can't change guys as easy as you think...

The third one, there isn't a problem at all. I just like him too much! But I think I've been growing less attached to him, because we don't have classes together anymore! But I don't want to get less attached to him because... he's the only crush that isn't bad for me to like. I also have a strong feeling that we won't have very many classes anymore... Actually... I think we won't have any this year!... Well... I dno't really need help on this one because there really is nothing to help with... Again, I'm just letting out all my problems because this is the only place I would ever probably be able to do so.

Of the three, this one seems like the best bet. If you want to pursue him, do it before interest fades away. You know how youu get a crush on someone and then you don't see them for a while? (rhetorical question) When you see them again, you'll remember why you had a crush on them in the first place. It'll be easier getting to know them again the 2nd time. The only way to me it wouldn't work is if he hurt you somehow.

These are the ramblings of a dude who's never had a GF.

Edited by Metal Arc
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*Enters the tavern naked*

"Listen to your heart"

-_- *not looking* XD My heart's confused, that's why I put this...

I wouldn't worry too much, it's not like you're in love with these people, just attractions. Don't fret over it, it's fine having a crush, it's actually better to get used to them. I think everyone wants what they can't have at least once, it's better to help yourself learn that not everyone is going to be interested in you back, something that sadly you have to learn as you grow up.

Hmm... Okay, I will try to worry less.

But I already know they won't like me back. XD

Well... me and the third one already got to know each other. It's just that that class where we finally started talking was the last class we ever shared... He's friends with my brother too...

... Hey... the first has a girlfriend too... But I wouldn't feel bad for her, because she's a BEEP. I don't know what he sees in her... But he's kinda living with her kind. Just not as stupid.

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I'd go for the third one myself.

Well, I wouldn't go for any of them, cause I'm not gay, but you don't want to deal with a druggie, if you go for the second guy, that whole relationship would start on a bad note.

Just go up to the third guy and tell him how you feel about him.

Or, you could always find someone else.

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-_- *not looking* XD My heart's confused, that's why I put this...

Hmm... Okay, I will try to worry less.

But I already know they won't like me back. XD

Well... me and the third one already got to know each other. It's just that that class where we finally started talking was the last class we ever shared... He's friends with my brother too...

... Hey... the first has a girlfriend too... But I wouldn't feel bad for her, because she's a BEEP. I don't know what he sees in her... But he's kinda living with her kind. Just not as stupid.

At least you have a crush and are experiencing the love factor.

Too bad you cant say the same about me. I dont have friends, crushes, lovers, etc.

*Covers his parts and leaves the tavern*

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Well you're only fifteen, and a lot of people don't even date at all in high school, and no where does it say you have to, because that isn't what high school is for. You're actually better off waiting until you graduate, no pressure, no worries about being ready for sex, no heart break (Which hurts worse when you're that young), no rumors, no drama. It's really much better to wait.

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At least you have a crush and are experiencing the love factor.

Too bad you cant say the same about me. I dont have friends, crushes, lovers, etc.

*Covers his parts and leaves the tavern*

I do but the girl left so oh well

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lol, it was a cute story free, it's just a little crush you will eventually forget. Once you fall in love you will know what I mean, when I fell in love my view of people changed so you just have to wait lol, hope it helps

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I'm not one to give relationship advice, but I am a dude.

Very recently, there's been someone who's been catching my interest... But there's just one big problem... He's kinda a druggy... I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE LIKE HIM!!! But I can't help it! I guess the first thing that made me like him was because I... loved his eyes?... It was hard to look away! I also like it when he smiles and laughs. It just... idk the word... And the most ridiculous reason...: One day he sneezed... and it was just the cutest sneeze I've ever heard! XD I had to hide my expression and try not to laugh!

Lawl, physical attraction. But that's how it starts anyway. If the drugs are gonna pose a problem then avoid getting your heart broken.

Another is this person who is in my band... When I first started crushing on him, I kept trying to tell myself to quit... Kinda like the above one... But this was only because he used to be... evil back then. But then the next year he went to another school, and the year after that he came back, and he and my brother became friends! But he said that he wasn't really like how he acted. He was just trying to become friends with the other evil people... Even though I don't approve with his reason, I'm still relieved that it was the reason... But after I started liking him, I still wanted to not like him... I was just too attached to the old him. But now I've been used to the real him... But I still can't like him without feeling regret... He has a girlfriend! D= So I feel bad liking him...

What is it with you and jailbait? O_o

I guess it's okay if he wants to reform but I wouldn't give much hope for him. Just remember that you can't change guys as easy as you think...

The third one, there isn't a problem at all. I just like him too much! But I think I've been growing less attached to him, because we don't have classes together anymore! But I don't want to get less attached to him because... he's the only crush that isn't bad for me to like. I also have a strong feeling that we won't have very many classes anymore... Actually... I think we won't have any this year!... Well... I dno't really need help on this one because there really is nothing to help with... Again, I'm just letting out all my problems because this is the only place I would ever probably be able to do so.

Of the three, this one seems like the best bet. If you want to pursue him, do it before interest fades away. You know how youu get a crush on someone and then you don't see them for a while? (rhetorical question) When you see them again, you'll remember why you had a crush on them in the first place. It'll be easier getting to know them again the 2nd time. The only way to me it wouldn't work is if he hurt you somehow.

These are the ramblings of a dude who's never had a GF.

1st one: Well, I guess there's no comment on that.

2nd one: ... You mean he probably hasn't changed? He still does some things like be inappropriate or stuff like that, but I don't care about that. I watch South Park. I'm used to it. But back then he used to be a big jerk and that part there's been a noticable change. Or else he probably would've rejected our offer to put him in the band and then do many other things that I can't come up with right now.

3rd one: 1st of all, yeah, he is the best choice.

2nd of all: That's exactly what I plan to do, but... I never see him anymore (unless in line during lunch... and I'm the least social person in school, so...), so that's gonna be very hard. I'm trying to keep my interests, because he doesn't have any girlfriends (which surprises me greatly... because he's crowded with girls... though he has guys as friends too... he's not like those rude popular guys though), but I keep thinking he will get one soon.

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lol, it was a cute story free, it's just a little crush you will eventually forget. Once you fall in love you will know what I mean, when I fell in love my view of people changed so you just have to wait lol, hope it helps

Well... I think the 3rd would be love... But I thought that when I actually shared classes with him. Now... I just almost forget why I liked him so much, but I don't want to feel that way because the way I felt for him was the best feeling I could ever have... But it also probably wouldn't have been love... idk now that I don't see him.

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1st one: Well, I guess there's no comment on that.

2nd one: ... You mean he probably hasn't changed? He still does some things like be inappropriate or stuff like that, but I don't care about that. I watch South Park. I'm used to it. But back then he used to be a big jerk and that part there's been a noticable change. Or else he probably would've rejected our offer to put him in the band and then do many other things that I can't come up with right now.

3rd one: 1st of all, yeah, he is the best choice.

2nd of all: That's exactly what I plan to do, but... I never see him anymore (unless in line during lunch... and I'm the least social person in school, so...), so that's gonna be very hard. I'm trying to keep my interests, because he doesn't have any girlfriends (which surprises me greatly... because he's crowded with girls... though he has guys as friends too... he's not like those rude popular guys though), but I keep thinking he will get one soon.

I'm not social, but I have balls. That's what you need. :D

It's up to you, ask him out if you really want to. I sympathise that it isn't easy to be charismatic in these situations though...

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