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The Official Ultima Super Battle Cruise Fortress Topic Deluxe!

Metal Rabbit

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(18:13:32) [Haeven]: ("Ragna x Noel" gyppygirl2) "NUTRIENT ENHANCED HYDRATION BEVERAGE"

best tag ever

(18:13:56) [Haeven]: ("Furby" soc@grandbell.net) So it's fucking mineral water?

(18:14:10) hextator: no

(18:14:15) hextator: I think it's regular mineral water

(18:14:21) hextator: fucking mineral water probably has semen in it

(18:14:25) [Haeven]: ("Furby" soc@grandbell.net) True.

(18:14:25) hextator: dunno if that's nutritious though

(18:14:31) [Haeven]: ("Furby" soc@grandbell.net) It has protein in it.

(18:14:33) [Haeven]: ("Ragna x Noel" gyppygirl2) lol

(18:14:39) hextator: why do you know that


[22:12:31] Hextator: yeah I has a degree

[22:12:33] Hextator: it's nice

[22:12:37] Hextator: school was gay ;/

[22:12:46] Hextator: but

[22:12:49] ken.zomg: this tells me a lot about your time in school

[22:12:49] GalvaBLUNT (Seph1212): school

[22:12:51] GalvaBLUNT (Seph1212): was pointless

[22:12:52] Hextator: so is having a job that's too shitty for my level

[22:13:30] Day And Night: Get a better one instead of complaining?

[22:13:33] ken.zomg: [22:12] Hextator:

<<< so is having a job that's too shitty for my leveljust like 3-13 archer

[22:13:37] Hextator: because that's so easy

[22:13:40] Hextator: good suggestion

[22:13:54] Day And Night: Well, enjoy wallowing in grief, then.

[22:13:58] Hextator: no

[22:14:02] Hextator: go ahead and do it yourself

[22:14:05] Hextator: or shut the hell up

[22:14:21] Day And Night: Oh no, someone on the internet told me to shut up. What do, gaiz?

[22:14:27] ken.zomg: fart loudly

[22:14:30] Hextator: eat a penis

[22:14:33] GalvaBLUNT (Seph1212): Dammit Ken xD

[22:14:49] Hextator: and don't act like you can't

[22:14:54] Hextator: there's one right in front of you

[22:14:56] Hextator: I think

[22:15:02] ken.zomg: oh snap

[22:15:14] GalvaBLUNT (Seph1212): Dude it's, like, physically impossible to bend down that far, and cutting it off would be painful

[22:15:24] Hextator: not any harder than getting a good job

[22:15:30] ken.zomg: ba-zing

[22:15:33] GalvaBLUNT (Seph1212): ...Touché.

Edited by Obviam
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Ah, Ultima, here you sit in your solitude and darkness. How I remember the days when your isolation was not such. How I remember the days when the word spam immediately drew to the mind images of your high page total and frivolous post-filled glory. How I remember the days when you stood champion over all other topics on Serenes Forest.

But here you now lie, forsaken by those who once stood under your name, abandoned by the very creators who breathed life into you, and left crippled by the foe you could not defeat. Still you remain, pinned to the top of the forum for all to see. Locked in the stocks, if you will, to be jeered at and defecated upon by your enemies.

Like a phoenix, though, you will rise again from the ashes one day, draped in a resplendent banner of spam and tom-foolery. You will strike down all threads which claim to be your superior, and 10,000 years of happiness will come to FFtF.

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That's only been suggested like a zillion times.

:/ I didn't know, wait a second weren't you being drowned in coffee?...

Come back here!

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