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Metal Rabbit

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Wait, what's this about Azumarill having 150 base attack with Huge Power? Is there something I'm missing here?? It only has 50 base attack ordinarily.

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With abilities like Huge Power and Speed Boost, you multiply the actual stat, not the base stat.

Edited by Lucina
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With abilities like Huge Power and Speed Boost, you multiply the actual stat, not the base stat.

Speed Boost slowly boosts your speed by giving you +1's at the end of every turn, Huge Power doubles the actual stat, like you said.

Anyway, 7.5/10.

>Huge Power

>Nice HP

>Comes early

>Can evolve very early as well


>Mediocre movepool


>Very slow

Edited by Esme
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To be honest, I find it weird that those two abilities do the same thing. I wish Pure Power focused on the SP. ATK stat and Huge Power on the ATK stat. :<

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Massive attack and is quite a tank to boot with 100/80/80 defensive bases. Its movepool is... shallow for its attack stat, to say the least, which is as much of a cross against it as bad stats would be anywhere else, but at least it get Brick Break and Iron Tail for the Elite Four. While it sucks as Marill, it does evolve quickly but... even then, it doesn't get any good moves until Strength so you'll have to live with Defense Curl + Rollout which, while a cool combo, is not the most reliable way to sweep through normal trainers.


Edited by Ninja Caterpie
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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no CATERPIE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around noon EST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur all as one pokemon.

Paras/Parasect: 2.15

Weedle/Kakuna/Beedrill: 2.44

Ekans/Arbok: 2.57

Rattate/Raticate: 3.20

Zubat/Golbat: 3.25

Jigglypuff/Wigglytuff: 4.21

Venonat/Venomoth: 4.28

Vulpix/Ninetales: 4.38

Oddish/Gloom/Vileplume: 4.92

Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot: 5.00

Caterpie/Metapod/Butterfree: 5.21

Sandshrew/Sandslash: 5.86

Pikachu/Raichu: 5.94

Spearow/Fearow: 6.21

Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard: 7.80

Diglett/Dugtrio: 7.9

Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venasaur: 8.25

Nidoran-F/Nidorina/Nidoqueen: 8.58

Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise: 9.36

Clefairy/Clefable: 9.50

Nidoran-M/Nidorino/Nidoking: 9.75

It's been >24 hours, I got this one for you, BBM, Diglett got a 7.9.

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The only notable thing about Persian is it's Sp Def.

It's move pool is fairly decent, Thunderbolt, Shadow Ball...

Oh who am I kidding. This thing is bad.

...That's it really.


Edited by TheVinceKnight
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Hasn't been doing any good since Slash stopped being a guaranteed critical beginning with gen 2. Good movepool, but all those TMs are pretty expensive. Worse offence, availability and HM slavery than Raticate, and we gave Raticate 3 out of 10 (I don't even know how), so...


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It's funny how with even with Huge Power it's likely to be the worst Pokemon offensively on your team for a while due to that unimpressive movepool. Never quite gets really good no matter what you do; fails to outspeed elementary enemies a lot. But yeah, HUGE POWER. 6/10

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It's funny how with even with Huge Power it's likely to be the worst Pokemon offensively on your team for a while due to that unimpressive movepool. Never quite gets really good no matter what you do; fails to outspeed elementary enemies a lot. But yeah, HUGE POWER. 6/10

This. Tackle and Rollout until you get the Dig TM is not impressive even after Huge Power. It doesn't get a good BP move until Double Edge at level 34, which has low PP, or if you teach it Strength.

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It's funny how with even with Huge Power it's likely to be the worst Pokemon offensively on your team for a while due to that unimpressive movepool. Never quite gets really good no matter what you do; fails to outspeed elementary enemies a lot. But yeah, HUGE POWER. 6/10

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The only notable thing about Persian is it's Sp Def.

I'm hoping that's a typo and you meant to say Speed.

Persian's got a pretty awesome movepool, but it's offensive stats suck (70 Atk, 75 SAtk) so it isn't doing much damage.


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I'm hoping that's a typo and you meant to say Speed.

Persian's got a pretty awesome movepool, but it's offensive stats suck (70 Atk, 75 SAtk) so it isn't doing much damage.


I keep getting Sp. Def and Speed mixed up anyway. Whoops.

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Hooray for being lazy.

Massive attack and is quite a tank to boot with 100/80/80 defensive bases. Its movepool is... shallow for its attack stat, to say the least, which is as much of a cross against it as bad stats would be anywhere else, but at least it get Brick Break and Iron Tail for the Elite Four. While it sucks as Marill, it does evolve quickly but... even then, it doesn't get any good moves until Strength so you'll have to live with Defense Curl + Rollout which, while a cool combo, is not the most reliable way to sweep through normal trainers.


This. I think I'll tally a bit earlier, since I probably won't be here when the threads usually go up.

Edited by ZM456
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Rules (adapted from Fire Emblem RTUs)

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already quote them explicitly. You can troll a bit, but no WURMPLE HAS STRING SHOT 10/10.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Votes are made out of 10. You cannot rate a pokemon above 10 or below 0.

- The rating topic will be updated whenever I feel like it, but I will try to allow at least 24 hours for each topic. They will generally be updated at around 10 PM CST.

- A pokemon being inferior relative to another pokemon does not explicitly reduce their rating.

- We are rating ingame performance only, up until the Elite 4 is beaten the first time.

- Evolution lines get condensed, so treat Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile all as one pokemon.

- Pokemon that evolve through trades are accounted for.

- A Pokemon's performance is to be judged by the game they are most prominent in (Example: Zangoose is to be judged by Pokemon Ruby standards.).


Wurmple/Cascoon/Dustox: 1.67

Goldeen/Seaking: 2.01

Surskit/Masquerain: 2.88

Wurmple/Silcoon/Beautifly: 3.50

Nincada/Shedinja: 3.69

Poochyena/Mightyena: 3.95

Nincada/Ninjask: 4.13

Slakoth/Vigoroth/Slaking: 5.36

Lotad/Lombre/Ludicolo: 5.69

Wingull/Pelipper: 5.70

Whismur/Loudred/Exploud: 5.81

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry: 6.36

Zigzagoon/Linoone: 6.43

Azurill/Marill/Azumarill: 7.00

Makuhita/Hariyama: 7.50

Abra/Kadabra/Alakazam: 7.56

Magikarp/Gyarados: 8.25

Shroomish/Breloom: 8.27

Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile: 8.36

Taillow/Swellow: 8.38

Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir: 8.39

Torchic/Combusken/Blaziken: 9.00

Mudkip/Marshstomp/Swampert: 9.77

Ready, set, go.

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5/10. Rock/Ground is a mixed bag; good offensively (other than this being Gen 3, there your strongest Rock move is Rock Slide), but god-awful defensively; six weaknesses, two of which are double weaknesses. It doesn't help that this is Hoenn, which gives Rock/Ground types a big "screw you" lategame.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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