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10/1 Moulder has combat, and Natasha will be like Level 5-6 at this point and won't see combat.

Moulder could be like 10/8 when Natasha promotes due to Bishops having an EXP boost in combat.

10/8 Moulder has +5 Magic, +3 Spd, +3-4 Def, +7 HP, and -7-8 luck to 10/1 Natasha. Moulder has a combat advantage by a good amount, and by virtue of being promoted for longer has a very significant combat advantage.

When Moulder promotes Natasha will prob be at 10-12. By now, she will have B/C rank and will catch up fast. She will have better stats upon promotion and it will stay that way unitl 20/20 even with a 3-4 level margin she will be superior in the stats that count except spd.

Also, I am proud to be in your signature lol

Edited by 1japanfan
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Sounds like a personal problem. Even most people who don't do early promotion acknowledge the merits of promoting healers early.

Edited by Refa
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I don't like using/raising Cavaliers. I much rather just use the Paladins you get. The exception to this for me is Jugdral and Akaneia

To be fair to this, FE usually hands you really good Paladins, so I can understand it entirely haha.

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Another unpopular opinion: Units with good bases but terrible growths are my aesthetic. Gunter is one of my favorite units in Fates for that reason.

Also, Ninjas were a mistake. Having an interesting Dagger class is outweighed Poison Strike and Lunge. I don't really think that Daggers are really worth it, though Jakob uses them pretty interestingly.

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Binding Blade would like to have a word with you on that......

What's wrong with Perceval, Echidna, Klein, Igrene, Dayan, Niime, and Jodel? Also Marcus/Zealot are serviceable to good for the first half of FE6.

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What's wrong with Perceval, Echidna, Klein, Igrene, Dayan, Niime, and Jodel? Also Marcus/Zealot are serviceable to good for the first half of FE6.

They're in Binding Blade, and as far as Harvey's concerned, that instantly makes them shit BECAUSE they're in the sixth installment of FE

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Due to low growth in general, I think BB honestly might have some of the best pre-promotes in the entire series (all of them are great out of the box, and Percy/Niime are endgame material). We already know you hate BB Harv, but you couldn't have picked a worse game to bash pre-promotes imo, other than 7.

As for an unpopular opinion

Bow knights were a lot cooler when they were known as nomad troopers. Sue is my favorite Nomad, and I ship RoyxSue a lot.

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Bow knights were a lot cooler when they were known as nomad troopers. Sue is my favorite Nomad, and I ship RoyxSue a lot.

YES. I mean, I don't mind the FE8 rangers and I think that Bow!Cav is by far the most fitting class for Astrid to be in, but nothing beats the nomad trooper sword animations and I really like the sprites in general.

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I don't like Together We Ride and I really couldn't care less about recruitment themes in general. To me map and battle themes are much more important.

I also find Eternal Bond bland.

Edited by Ryo
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like Eternal Bonds. When Jedi was putting in my match and asked a choice of music for smash I just went with "The Wind Blows" from Berwick because I thought Eternal Bonds was a generic track. In general I think FE10 is a decent OST but FE8/9 beat it by a longshot.

I think Kaga's the best game designer in the series and IS was stupid to let him go. He's legitimately tried something very different in every FE game except 1 and 3. Some things were a hit and some were a miss. But I can safely say FE1-6, TRS, and Berwick were vastly different experiences. I'm not sure how unpopular this is though.

I also think Kaga can't play the game too well and he would've gotten FE killed sooner if he were kept because unlike FF (which also tries a lot of different stuff) it wasn't nearly as big.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I think Kaga's the best game designer in the series and IS was stupid to let him go.

I also think Kaga can't play the game too well and he would've gotten FE killed sooner if he were kept because unlike FF (which also tries a lot of different stuff) it wasn't nearly as big.

Are these not contradictory statements? It wasn't stupid of IS to get rid of Kaga if keeping him on would lead to the series' discontinuation.

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to be fair i didnt think it through... i think it was stupid to let him go purely from an ideas standpoint, but letting him go also probably allowed FE to be more marketable and formulaic.

I guess that's what I meant, but they're still contradictory statements. I value new things, but he resigned over some drama in Paper Mario so he would've probably ended up a bit more formulaic or throwing something Awakening-esque out if IS had their backs against the wall.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Due to low growth in general, I think BB honestly might have some of the best pre-promotes in the entire series (all of them are great out of the box, and Percy/Niime are endgame material). We already know you hate BB Harv, but you couldn't have picked a worse game to bash pre-promotes imo, other than 7.

As for an unpopular opinion

Bow knights were a lot cooler when they were known as nomad troopers. Sue is my favorite Nomad, and I ship RoyxSue a lot.

Ok...seriously, what is so great about Percival and Milady? I used them both and they barely sweep enemies within one or two hits as they need killer weapons to do so.

Again, I never said I hated the game. I just found it frustrating due to its unpolished mechanics and tedious length for a handheld game to the point that even Conquest is better than this one despite having long maps. Not to mention that again, there's only one objective throughout the whole game unlike 7 which I like better.

I don't know about others but I don't replay games that often over and over again unless I feel like it or that if there is a significant difference in the stories if played on harder modes. I like FE7 because its normal mode is forgiving enough that I don't get constantly frustrated while at the same time being fun which unfortunately, BB didn't do that for me.

So in BB's case, if its normal mode itself frustrated the hell out of me, then I don't see myself wanting to play it on a harder difficulty since the game to me is not enjoyable on Normal difficulty. But I get why people like it because of its insane level of extra thinking since most units you get are average and you can't always rely on them doing well(except Rutger and Dieck) and how the fact that Roy is weak gives some form of tactics that you must carefully place him in places where he won't get killed instantly. To me however, that's not done in a fun manner because the maps themselves are too frustrating most of the time and the game is super harsh on enemy reinforcement turn phrase.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't like Eternal Bonds. When Jedi was putting in my match and asked a choice of music for smash I just went with "The Wind Blows" from Berwick because I thought Eternal Bonds was a generic track. In general I think FE10 is a decent OST but FE8/9 beat it by a longshot.

I think Kaga's the best game designer in the series and IS was stupid to let him go. He's legitimately tried something very different in every FE game except 1 and 3. Some things were a hit and some were a miss. But I can safely say FE1-6, TRS, and Berwick were vastly different experiences. I'm not sure how unpopular this is though.

I also think Kaga can't play the game too well and he would've gotten FE killed sooner if he were kept because unlike FF (which also tries a lot of different stuff) it wasn't nearly as big.

Please give source that IS fired him because I think its the opposite that he himself wanted to leave IS. Also, he's not exactly the one who created the series as it was also Tohru Narihiro that was partly involved with the creation as well....idk. I guess seeing how the franchise itself has little to no history of creation unlike other IPs like Mario or Pokemon that its difficult for me to know what exactly happened during the development.

Of course now that FE is popular, wikipedia has elaborated each FE game's topics further unlike before where it was just left blank most of the time.

As for FE not being on level with FF, when you consider how the first FE game didn't fully educate the players on how to play the game and also because of its weak marketing, FF was bound to have done better and that one game difference alone made FF do better.

But even so, I think its unfair to compare between the two since both of them play very differently...not to mention that FF was a near death sentence to Square at the time had that game not sold as well as it did then.

but FE atleast within the Nintendo community is popular that we are bound to get it in a proper treatment like Nintendo's other IPs...atleast for now.

Edited by Harvey
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Again, I never said I hated the game. I just found it frustrating due to its unpolished mechanics and tedious length for a handheld game to the point that even Conquest is better than this one despite having long maps. Not to mention that again, there's only one objective throughout the whole game unlike 7 which I like better.

To be fair, if you repeat its perceived flaws in every other topic, it's easy to make that assumption.

Ok...seriously, what is so great about Percival and Milady? I used them both and they barely sweep enemies within one or two hits as they need killer weapons to do so.

They reach their maximal ridiculousness on hard mode. Milady, for example, gains +8 HP, +4.5 Str, +3.5 Skl, +3 Spd, +2.5 Lck, +2.5 Def, +1 Res, which I'm sure you will agree is noteworthy. Perceval's bonuses are high enough to make his Lv.20 stats roughly equivalent to Allen's 20/20 in most categories (and much better in Res, fwiw), which even ignores that a) Perceval's base stats are even better than Alance's at 20/5 and b) Perceval should still have a decent XP lead over the rest of your units unless you've been arena abusing.

And since many people in the discussions about FE6's units have played HM and use it as their basis, their ratings for some units with HM bonuses might seem a little overblown if you've only played on normal difficulty. But to be honest, they're both really strong on NM, too. FE6 is just not a game in which a single unit is supposed to be able to murder dozens of enemies in a single enemy phase, even on NM.

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