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Pokémon uPick Mafia - Day 4


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. . .geez Marth, you dodge all discussion, then wonder why you got my attention? I would've been on your ass regardless, due to your D2 issues. So if you want to avoid getting lynched in the future, respond to the fucking cases on you in a timely manner, thanks.

So, back to that dumbass modifier on my role:

- Either there's some sort of strongman delayed ninja kill, which sounds stupid

- One of Paperblade/Crysta

- (outside possibility) Whoever's allowed me to talk in-thread tonight


- Crysta's in the tight spot where her N1 target is dead. However, it MIGHT explain why her target acted the way they did before going down (though I'm beginning to think that if Crysta is scum, she's more likely a third party). . .

- Pretty sure that a scumteam of Paperblade/Crysta is impossible

- Paperblade + ninja doesn't really click for me, because if the person self-watched, saw no one, and Paper claimed to give out the self-watch, he's asking for a lynch. However, a self-watch would have to catch scummy roles, and with two town roleblockers, that would be difficult

You'll get actual reads a bit later. I still have a night action, and I'm going to delay it for as long as possible, so I can reread (and maybe see if someone else can talk to me).

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There's, like, an hour and a half before phase end, and I need to leave soon, so I'll put my final thoughts here.

BT. - Here's a little conversation chain, starting from Gulcasa:

BT a lot of the time just feels off. D2, and there's already 5 votes, but let's throw on a 6th even though there's 22 hours left, so it isn't like there is a worry about time. That feels incredibly off putting, and the reasoning for it being "Because there wasn't a vote total recently" just feels lazy when there was one not even 3 pages back, with there being...1 vote in between.

##Vote: BT

Gulcasa #568: what you'll be HEARING ABOUT THIS is that no, I didn't just vote Manix because of vote/votal reasons? I voted him because he looked like resigned scum. I feel bad about this slot if this is its only output from subbing into a game on D3, and the premature claim feels like a sign of stress more than a misundestanding because why would you think massclaim? Everyone was claiming N2 targets. I think it was only Paper who outed everything.

There's an Actual Response, which is already better than Manix/Marth. However, this is Gulcasa's Manix vote:

Oh it takes 8 to hammer and I count 5 votes.


##Vote: Manix

It's possible that BT. forgot to read the rules/was in a hurry, but I have a really hard time buying his response to Gulcasa's vote.

Kinda have to agree with his Strawman logic, and would like an actual read on Prims from him.

Crysta - Like, role speculation and Marth's flip makes me think that Crysta could be harmful (I'd say a harmful third is far more likely than mafia), but her posts say otherwise. Regardless, she's one of the two that targeted me last night, and I KNOW scum hit me.

Gulcasa - One content post, nothing's changed. This slot needs to post a lot more.

Prims - What's your read on BT.? And why are both of you prodding each other without producing a read? Like, that's the kind of stuff I'd vote either of you on D2 (except this is now N3, but it's still something that needs to be addressed).

Shin - I'd sheep the logic on that BT. vote. After that Manix flip, I felt a bit better about Shin, because he was one of the few that tried to interact with him (which is a lot more forward than usual, but a good sign IMO). Scum would've simply kept their vote on him and left it at that, which would've been fairly easy since Manix wasn't directly responding to individual cases. His D3 content contributes reads besides Marth, so I can get behind that.

Strawman - On reread, setting up associative reads based off of unflipped targets is meh. Strawman's almost always passive, so I'm not expecting him to sit on someone (a la a certain jerk of a global mod who's typing this). Still, it's logic out of Strawman, and he also brings up a damn good point against BT.

And that should be it. . .wait, what do you mean I forgot someone?

Refa - So we're once again on opposite sides of the reads list, yet I'm not scumreading you, because I can follow your logic. I swear if you're an Aegislash, I'm gonna cry.

eclipse - I'm the best at driving mislynches. Like D1, I don't regret this. Clipsey over and out.

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Gods, the above reads like a bad romcom. BT. and Prims are flirting with each other, but there's a Strawman off to the side, trying to get BT.'s affection. Shin's attention has shifted from Crysta to BT., Crysta's sort-of in line with me, Gulcasa's like that one minor character, and Refa's the narrator. Or something.

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Sorry for being late.

Someone was jealous of Gulcasa being the perfect waifu and stabbed him.


Gulcasa (Gardevoir, aligned with the Town) was killed Night 3

I'm surprised how tame the google image search for this was, all things considered.

[spoiler=role pm]

Iris, you are Gardevoir, the Embrace Pokémon. Dont ask me what that means, I dont know either. You have the power to predict the future apparently and create black holes, which makes me wonder if anyone actually checks what the Pokédex team writes. You are also apparently the ultimate Pokémon waifu, but thats getting kind of weird so let's not get into that.

Your abilities are:
Calm Mind (Active): During the night, you may reply to your role pm with Calm Mind. You will spend the night phase buffing yourself, improving your Psychic night action on following night phases. You may only use this twice during the game. This also causes any investigative actions performed on you during the night phase to fail.
Psychic (Active): During the night, you may reply to your role pm with Psychic USER. You will read USERs mind and learn if they visited a player who died that night. After one Calm Mind, you will learn precisely who they visited. After two, you will learn if they have performed a killing action at any point during the game.

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

eclipse also keeled over because somebody sneezed on her.


eclipse (Zangoose, aligned with the Town) was killed Night 3

[spoiler=role pm]

eclipse, you are Zangoose, the Cat Ferret Pokémon. You are defined by your the red scars all over your body which look edgy as fuck and your instinctive hatred of Seviper. It's kind of like Manix with BBM. You used to have a signature move, Crush Claw, but then Gamefreak decided you werent cool enough and gave it to everyone. Feels bad man.

Your abilities are:
Crush Claw (Night): During the night, you may reply to your role pm with Crush Claw USER. You will slash at USER and weaken them, lowering the number of votes required to lynch them on subsequent day phases as long as you are on the wagon. This ability is nullified in *YLO, but will still succeed. Targetting the same player multiple times will have no effect, but still succeeds.

You win when all threats to the Town are eliminated.

It is now Day 4. Phase ends in 72 hours at XX:00. With 7 alive, it takes 3 to lynch and 5 to hammer.

Town is in LYLO.

editing role pms in a minute

Edited by SB.
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Massclaim today.

I'd like to claim last if that's okay. Also, anybody with results from Paper's role should wait until the last person claims to out their results.

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Jirachi, Healing Wish (Active)- Shot Restorer*, Serene Grace (Passive)- Lynch Tie Breaker

Didn't target anyone on N1 and N3 because there were no claimed roles that had limited shots, and targeted Boron on N2 because I'd rather have had another shot of her role than a Lynch Tie Breaker.

*If this is used, Serene Grace deactivates for the rest of the game. APPARENTLY it was supposed to be one shot but SB fucked up the wording in my Role PM and just let it go.

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Gods, the above reads like a bad romcom. BT. and Prims are flirting with each other, but there's a Strawman off to the side, trying to get BT.'s affection. Shin's attention has shifted from Crysta to BT., Crysta's sort-of in line with me, Gulcasa's like that one minor character, and Refa's the narrator. Or something.

Also I just wanted to say that this post was amazing.

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All of my townreads claimed by N3 (none of them had limited shot roles) and I didn't want to waste my other role on a dice roll on N1.

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i'm this guy and the neighborizer which is teleport. i have no other abilities.

n1 - boron (mentioned it)

n2 - eclipse (obvious)

n3 - paperblade

townread circle

i'll be busy in a few hours probably

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People I want to lynch: Strawman (duh; the flips don't really affect my read), Crysta (role related reasons in addition to what I said before), and that's it. If I had to predict the scumteam, I'd say the last scum is either BT or Shin just because they've been posting content but their posts always come across like they're on the sidelines rather than in the frey (and they don't make sense as scumbuddies w/each other either); the only problem there is that I'm nullreading both of them ATM.

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I was out being social (wut?) and now sleep time.

Volcarona. I had initially 1 shot fiery dance that keeps anyone from targeting me. If I used that before n4, it is restored on n4 (I gain a second use).

Obv I waited to use it until last night so I could use it two nights in a row.

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My role and Pokemon are amazing.



Yeah, I'm KOFFING, the tumour poison gas Pokemon. My ability is to target someone during the day and give them INSOMNIA from farting at them. Obviously, my targets were Refa and eclipse.

I literally have no clue who's scum any more. I've still got my BT read but I'm at a complete loss who scum could be otherwise. I'm highly suspicious that Refa and Prims are both still alive over that slot who's name I forgot. Otherwise I'm STUMPED.

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A fusion of phoneposting and claiming: phoneclaiming

I'm Tyranitar the rogue. I'm only slightly okay with Blitz's choice of mons. I roar at someone and they stop whatever they're targeting at me. I idled n2 and n3 on purpose because aside from stopping a NK it was only gonna deprive us of more role interactions, and no one was gonna NK me. Blitz idled n1 because he flaked.

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I'm highly suspicious that Refa and Prims are both still alive over that slot who's name I forgot.


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I dunno bro, I've been townreading you the whole game, I would have expected scum to kill you by now. Nothing personal, you're just TOO PURE for this game.

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I dunno bro, I've been townreading you the whole game, I would have expected scum to kill you by now. Nothing personal, you're just TOO PURE for this game.

1) Still doesn't explain Prims. You weren't townreading him and neither was anyone else.

2) Did you think that scum would NK me over a claimed Tracker (variant)?

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I'm not necessarily saying that, it was a CASUAL observation. Now that you mention Prims, he's probably worth a reread, I've barely noticed him this game.

At this point, we don't really have much room for error, that many mislynches and the extra kill was disastrous. Considering that eclipse was wrong about Marth, it might be worth looking into the other possibilities.

I'm going to do a SUPER BIG reread tomorrow and try and come up with some game-saving cases! Either that or I'll forget I'm in the game and we'll no lynch and lose, both are viable options!

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Well, fair enough on me then but the Prims portion still makes no sense to me.

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