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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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I have been following at least 3 translations of what I believe are LNs, but i'm not sure if that's what they are. One of them is Korean and it's really well written and a hell lot of fun, but it's fairly recent so there's not much material out there; this would be my favorite so far. However, there's another Japanese one with a pretty great female MC that I enjoy quite a bit as well, but I'm not even sure if it's an LN.

none I'm not entirely sure what a light novel is exactly

I have the same problem and so far I haven't hear a proper definition, but I remember some one once told me the 'light' part on it is sort of meaningless.

...you know, the question should really be "do you know what a light novel is? can you explain it?"

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Integrity and Specta aside

it's not flat here

which also means it can be covered in a lot of trees (indiana had some of that as well but it's a lot of corn fields and farmland which are fine but FORESTS) and fun plants

and the area we're in is absolutely gorgeous and it's even a little boggy as well and that's super cool

they're even trying to preserve a fen that's just down the hill and I've been able to see all the variety of plants that grow down there

and then add on top of that that I live in a petting zoo~!......... that I am mostly allergic to

basically my new home is SCENIC

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so much

I love our clear blue skies, I love the fact that despite having 3 million inhabitants, it feels like it has a tenth of that population, i love how each neighborhood has its own character, i love how full of trees it is, i love all the open space in it, I love how close it is to nature, I love the fact that I can see the horizon and lake paranoa from many places. I just love this place.

oh and I love that it has the highest wages and average income in my country as well hehe

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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