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QOTD ♚♛ 1522 - Movies you don't see the appeal of?


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Sin & Punishment: Successor of the Sky

I enjoyed the first game on the Virtual Console but it was still a rather clunky game in a lot of ways, so I wasn't sure if the sequel was going to be worth more then the prize of an N64 Virtual Console game. Man, was I wrong. The controls of the game are nothing short of perfect. It feels like the Wii was made for this game. It's no doubt the finest action game you can find on that console.

Edited by BrightBow
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tree of savior

i was already deep into archeage when it was finally out, and so i missed my opportunity of playing it with some buddies
i ended up not playing it at all

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Zero Time Dilemma probably. Granted, money was an issue but it would've been nice to experience it with everyone when the hype was still there rather than a year later

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Pokemon Sun. I just wait a few months and suddenly there are spoilers everywhere on the internet.

Most definitely others, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

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as for the power question if it is as in strength then I would love to, as long as I knew how to control it

for a game I wish I played at release, I thought "hmm it'd probably be multiplayer related games because the only reason that would matter to me is if I started playing when everyone else stopped" and that made my initial thought "monster hunter tri"

and I almost answered that until I realized that getting into it late was why integrity and I got together (since he also got into it late so we only had each other to play online with which gave us our chance to start bonding since otherwise he had no interest in me and I only knew him as a dick)

I'm not remembering any other multiplayer game I got into too late though, so long answer short: I have no regrets

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probably a few mmos lol. i usually play games a few years after their release

QOTD 1252 - How old were you when you joined your first forum? submitted by I was a 10 year old dumbass.

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...15 I think?

Sal's Realm (Runescape fansite) for sure. Still get emails letting me know they still exist.

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13, I joined a Virtual Console forums.  Fun fact, it used to be the forums of Nintendo Life before that site rebranded itself and splintered off.  Now it's dead. =(

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