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The Anarchist of Music Thread: Still hungers for new submissions!

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The ending to Bioshock Infinite FUCKING SUCKS.

Unlike Disinnocence! Who really wanted to submit a godspeed you! black emperor song, almost every single piece they've ever done is over 15+ minutes, so i don't know if that would fly well in this thread. so, instead of doing that, i'm going to submit a song by one of my all time favorite bands that i've pretty much neglected to feature/mention in almost any of the SF music threads. let's hope this makes up for it. <3

It does.

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i don't actually have time to listen to fuccboi's i'm really tired but i'm sure with a description like ' hardest lyrics of this year modedit: i need to stop posting hip hop ' it's something to look forward to in the morning

goodnight anarchists

Edited by Parrhesia
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i was at the store


intriguing. it's like... new age pop? really clean sound. suspiciously clean. like the song's got something to hide. guess i'm supposed to bask in the polish, in the way other new age might have me bask in the natural or whatever tf. vocals feel tacked on but honestly i've been meaning to explore the genre further, good reminder, this


chorus kicks in well, doesn't feel forced or clunky. all i can think to say fsr...


70's soul is an eeeeasy sell for me. even threw in funky guitar, like ok guys i was already taking my clothes off, chill


oh yeah This Song is one of the best ways to trick people into listening to progressive rock. dirty trick, really


fine. fine. just... fine. kidding. some of their messier early 90's stuff i do appreciate for the moments of Gong-like charm, if not this all that much. i, a saint, just said a nice thing about progressive rock music. didn't even reflexively call it pretentiou-


ooh lord, these lyrics do go hard, heavens to betsy. clever, competently moody, liked it. i'll check out the rest of the tape

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ambling falchion

i wasn't a huge fan of this song but it was a really good performance? something like that? it's really good but i don't like it as much as i feel i should? i don't know, i'm conflicted, somebody please hold me


exid are hufflepuff as fuck if you catch my drift

:middle_finger::skin-tone-2: SLYTHERIN HOUSE :middle_finger::skin-tone-2: is what i'm saying


i'll say one thing for esme he gets me to listen to music i never would have listened to, music that i leave going "....what?", so perhaps he is truly the greatest anarchist of all................


i'm not fully sure why but i really felt this song, despite being about a nautical mile outside of my usual taste. really good shit.


didn't you link this sometime recently in skype party? either way, i've heard this before and i think i enjoyed it more this time on the second listen

Edited by Integrity
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Shadowess: this is unironically my aesthetic

Esme: I really loved the voice and the album cover was eyes emoji.

Disinnocence: I enjoyed pretty much everything about this one, especially the guitar

Fuccboi: just wasn't really feeling this one

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Esme - well i definitely got a space vibe which was nice, and the vocals were nice but i didn't really feel it....

Disinnocence - okay all of this is just really good, i adore the singing and the guitar in the background ahhhh

fuccboi - dig the beat and the lyrics

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much like me and my throat right now, this song is fully sick

unlike me it sounds like the soliloquay in the middle of a musical

'as i cry into the abyss, so too does the abyss cry into me '

well said Specta

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fuccboi: i actually liked this!! i liked the guy's flow and i really liked how it went into the odd, soft singing for an intermission and an end. really worked with the tone

disinnocence: this is really nice background music to me, i like his voice and the tone of the song

esme: not my speed, but i appreciate you showing me stuff i'd never see otherwise!!

shadowess: it's no PINK, HOT PINK, HOT but hell, i can dig ah yeah (sidenote, a dance i'm trying to learn)

Edited by Specta
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please excuse the banjo feature in my song i'm so sorry

what was the name of this song again?... Ah Yeah: it was okay. i liked the chorus though. not a bad song overall.

Intergalactic Love Song: i knew when this song started up i'd be in for a treat. it didn't disappoint.

Caesar's Rise: everything in this song was great except for the bridge. it just felt a little out of place, but nonetheless a cool song. the lyric about god grabbing adam by his adam's apple or whatever was pretty dope. i'll be sure to check out the rest of the album.

It Was Love: mmmm when the strings started to come in i knew... it was love.

Have any recs for future listening?

boy do i ever.

If you want quick, no context recommendations (albums): In Absentia, Deadwing, Signify, Stupid Dream, Lightbulb Sun

[spoiler=Recommendations edit: fixed grammar, spelling, added more context to some parts]For those of you who want to delve into the massive discography of Porcupine Tree, it's important to remember that the band has three phases.

The first phase (On the Sunday of Life..., Up The Downstair, The Sky Moves Sideways, Signify) doesn't resemble the song I posted here that much. Early PT has usually been compared to Pink Floyd, so just imagine them as the 90's Pink Floyd (with leanings in varied genres such as new wave, drone/ambient, and whatnot). Obviously it's not that simple, but it's a decent comparison. Signify, being the only fully band-composed record out of this era (everything else was written largely by Steven Wilson), is where I'd say to start, as it's one of their best records and it really sums up the whole sound of the band at the time. Listen to just this one if you don't feel like hearing some more experimental and obscure music. Some of PT's really early work (On the Sunday of Life mostly. Up The Downstair is pretty good) is not up to the quality of their later music, so only go there if you a) want to go through their music in release order, or b) you've enjoyed all their other stuff and you want to listen to everything. Seriously though, give Signify a listen. I promise you won't regret it.

The second phase of PT (Stupid Dream and Lightbulb Sun) is the transitional phase for the band in a way, so you'll be getting a mix of their early and later works. It's also the most commercial sounding one, but don't be fooled, these records are still experimental. Don't go expecting some easy listening. Stupid Dream takes the psychedelic, spacey leanings of the early records and mixes it with a more modern metal sound, so you end up getting something similar to the song I posted here, I guess. Lightbulb Sun takes those same influences, and instead of metal, it mixes it with a happier, poppier sound. The latter half of this album does dabble in some more experimental territory, but it's not too much, so don't worry. Both of these records are fantastic and they'll give you a taste of later PT, so I highly suggest that you listen to both of them.

The third, and final, phase (In Absentia, Deadwing, Fear of a Blank Planet, The Incident) is where we start to leave most of the psychedelic sounds and move onto something more metal and harder to categorize. This era includes the broadest collection of sounds and styles so it becomes hard to describe exactly what it is. It's heavy, but ethereal. It's experimental, but also accessible in a way. It's Porcupine Tree. Anyway, if you enjoyed the song I posted, then In Absentia is where you must start your journey. It's PT's most acclaimed record, and I personally consider it a modern classic, so if you want to listen a record featuring a concept that's about serial killer/rapist/etc. mindsets or something like that, start here. Deadwing, which is also a must-listen, is more ghostly/ethereal than the previous one, so check that one out too. The concept of this one is pretty vague, but it was supposed to be a screenplay about a son and his dead mother (I believe), so do with that what you will. Fear of a Blank Planet features a concept about technology, ADD, and alienation that's inspired by the book Lunar Park. The sound of the album is dreamy/hazy while also being extremely heavy and whatnot. I highly suggest you listen to this one too. Lastly, we have The Incident, a 55-minute-long song separated into a lot of smaller segments. The concept was inspired by a traffic accident that Steven Wilson drove by, noticing "that 'incident' is a very detached word for something so destructive and traumatic for the people involved." It's basically about a wide variety of "incidents." The sound is similar to their previous album, but it's (imo) not as good mostly because it's biggest strength (the whole 'one-song-album thing') is also it's biggest weakness. It's still a good album though.

PT also a large amount of EPs, compilations, live albums, etc. I'm not going to go into all of those so if you want more, just look around. They'll be there.

[Also see Steven Wilson's other projects: Steven Wilson (solo project), Blackfield (collaboration with Aviv Geffen; art-pop/rock project), No-Man (collaboration with Tim Bowness; artsy post-rock), Bass Communion (solo drone project) Storm Corrosion (collaboration with Mikeal Akerfeldt; acoustic jams or something), and I.E.M. (weird shit).]

Edited by Disinnocence
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my song this guy somehow became our minister for the environment for like three years

anyway i have an informal poll to conduct because m a n a m i r u n n i n g o u t o f a r t i s t s . Should resubmitting artists submitted during Vicar be kosher for submitting to Anarchist? Since it's not a continuation but it is knid of a successor. Even though those feel like synonyms. It's 12.35am. Anyway since that's kind of a grey area tbh i mean i don't think there's anything against it but i haven't and idt anyone else has

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