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Pokemon GO is OUT!


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It's freaking Pokemon (and they showed it at E3), they didn't expect it to be a huge success? *facepalm*

Oh well, I guess I have no choice but to keep waiting if I don't delete it. I do, but at the same time, I don't, because it was rather fun.

Edited by Anacybele
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To be fair, today's issues weren't exactly the fault of those in charge since the servers were apparently attacked.

Also, apparently a lot of people have been downloading this before it was officially released in their countries, so I'm not surprised the servers have been overloading.

I saw this in the morning on serebii. Glad pretty much all of Europe has legitimate access to it. I hope South America is the next on the list!

Yeah, I'm pretty happy. Hope you'll get it soon too!

Just beware people, whatever name you want the most has likely been taken already (I wasn't joking when I said I drained my battery while trying to choose a name)

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Yeah, seriously. That has me worried. For all we know, they're going to hack Walmart or GameStop or something. It's possible, Target had a breach that endangered a lot of people's identities during the Christmas season a year or so ago. I'm lucky I hadn't shopped there around that time, and I'm a loyal Target customer.

But I like the Walmart that's down the road from my neighborhood and I'm also a loyal GameStop customer.

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They might attack something that holds a lot of people's info, such as a very popular internet site. ...We're not that popular, are we?

I got a Wal-Mart and a GameStop right around the corner where I live as well (not sure about Target, though). Would suck if something happened to them, though we ourselves haven't been there much.

EDIT: Also feel like this video is worth sharing on here. Stay smart, peeps.

Edited by Power Master
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Well, I have an idea that could stop them, but others would have to carry it out because I don't have the necessary skills.

You fight fire with fire. Hack these losers right back and teach them a lesson.

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Well, I have an idea that could stop them, but others would have to carry it out because I don't have the necessary skills.

You fight fire with fire. Hack these losers right back and teach them a lesson.

As tempting as an option that might be, in the real world, it's not really that simple.

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Well, I have an idea that could stop them, but others would have to carry it out because I don't have the necessary skills.

You fight fire with fire. Hack these losers right back and teach them a lesson.

I've thought about this, but no doubt most have taken the necessary steps needed to make sure they aren't tracked or hacked right back.

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...Actually, unless you're an incredibly skilled hacker, it might. From what I know (which isn't a lot) internet-based hacking can go both ways. If someone is hacked, it's possible for them to hack back.

And, in all honesty, hackers are just people with a lot of skills, but get little attention. Hackers, spammers, trollers... All they want is attention most of the time (or money). Doing something about it, even blocking them and especially hacking them back, is just giving them the attention they're looking for.

First rule of dealing with vandals: Don't give them what they want.

Edited by Power Master
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I thought a lot of the pokestops/gyms was user-submitted stuff to Ingress, and I mean some of our pokestops was like

"the computer science building itself"

"some frat rock"

"the pond"

Now they're taking suggestions.

But a lot are auto generated. I mean a lot of cemeteries here are Pokestops and gyms.

Simple "Beautification" signs that says the city loves the place.

The freaking Westboro Baptist Church.

Also, Hack vs hack doesn't stop it.

This is coming from an ethical hacker/programmer.

Being a vigilante hacker will only make things worse.

Besides, this is a DDoS attack. It's the simplest thing you can do to attack a website. There is no way to 100% guarantee that type of simple attack. Filters work to a certain degree... but you're letting traffic into the servers... That in itself is a vulnerability.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well thats a bummer. And yeah this gets complicated. "Hacking back" would most likely just piss em off and provoke them to use something far more serious. There's other ways to learn whats going on and where its coming from like honeypots/nets and such but even then options are limited. Even though its a DDoS attack DDoS's can just as easily come from an overload of users (floodguards help somewhat) so if you even create a program to "hack back" you could be attacking just regular users.

Its a mess.

Edited by LordTaco42
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I finally was able to get back into my Go game! Took long enough, but at ieast I can play again.

I'm just a tiny margin away from lv. 5. Although, I tried to power up an Eevee I got (I got more Eevee than anything, to be honest. XD), but the game froze. -_- This thing really does have a lot of issues.

The game froze a couple times last night too, when I was stuck outside at freaking 4AM because the hotel fire alarm went off.

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Can you people imagine when they release Gen II and so forth in upcoming updates once they stabilize the App?

Edit: also the pic is awesome but not as epic if you'd actually find a SLOWPOKE TAIL

Edited by Quintessence
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I finally was able to get back into my Go game! Took long enough, but at ieast I can play again.

I'm just a tiny margin away from lv. 5. Although, I tried to power up an Eevee I got (I got more Eevee than anything, to be honest. XD), but the game froze. -_- This thing really does have a lot of issues.

The game froze a couple times last night too, when I was stuck outside at freaking 4AM because the hotel fire alarm went off.

There's really no need to power up your Pokemon for a long time, yet. You're just wasting candies that can be used to evolve them. Always evolve first. Powering up can come later, if you decide to keep the evolved Pokemon.

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I'd gathered a bunch of Eevee candies by then though, and I keep finding more Eevee. So don't worry, it wasn't a waste. I didn't want it to become a Jolteon, but it's one of the strongest Pokemon I have, so I'm still going to power it up more when I can.

I hate that the evolution is random for Pokemon that have multiple evolved forms. Why can't we pick what they evolve into? Was it technical limitations or something? I wanted Eevee to evolve into Flareon. And I want my Oddish to eventually be a Bellossom, not a Vileplume (which is why I'm waiting until gen 2 Pokemon are released to do much with the Oddish).

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You can.

Nickname it before you evolve it:

Pyro = Flareon

Sparky = Jolteon

Rainer = Vaporeon

Restart the app.


Then change the nickname to whatever you want.


this guy is real

Is this Pokémon Black and Blue all over again?

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That guy is an idiot. Does he know what dog fighting actually is? It's bloody, like he says, but it's making dogs fight to the literal death and their owners typically have no concern for their health or well-being.

Pokemon battling doesn't kill the Pokemon, nor is it bloody. It's a much friendlier sport. And most trainers would care about their Pokemon.

And there was no way I would've discovered that nickname thing on my own, but wow, neat! I hope there's a similar method for other branched evolutions (having to give a certain nickname).

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