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Favorite Lord.



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  1. 1. LORD TIME.

    • Eliwood
    • Lyn
    • Hector

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Because Lyn has the strength of a string bean and Hector is a brick F'ing wall.

That statment was what ended this topic.

Hector > Lyn. That's just a fact of life, I'm sorry. It all boils down to the fact that Hector was desgined to be a semi-tank, taking hits and dealing damage. Lyn was designed like a Swordmaster, relying on crits for damage, and dodge for defense. Lyn can crit all she want on hector, but if she's only doing one damage on a NORMAL hit, a crit is only going to do 3 damage. And if Hector has a 53% to hit and does 35ish damage, Lyn can dodge, but the odds are MUCH more in Hector's favor.

Though Lyn still wins in terms of hawtness.

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Hector>Lyn does not equal fact it equals opinion. Look it up. Who cares who would win if Lyn and Hecotr fought? They can only do that in the link arena and no one uses that anyway. You have to compare them in game. While Hector can kill more often, Lyn can live more often, and that's why I like her better because it means I restart less.

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That's why I'm calling it opinion. People have different experiences. I have had many more better experiences with Lyn than with Hector. Maybe I'm just lucky all the time, who knows. I have heard people say that Serra kicks serious ass, but Serra always sucks serious ass for me.

For the last freakin' time, it doesn't freakin' matter "who would win, Lyn or Hector" because they don't fight! Well, they fight verbally, but not physically.

Edited by Redfoxoffire
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Hey, I'll settle with liking both the same. I end up using both, and they both have their pros and cons.

Hector is just plain beast, and Lyn is a skillful swordmaster! I like Hector for his personality :). Lyn for her leadership :)

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  • 1 month later...
Lyn made it to Brawl as an assist trophy. Someone up there likes her the best.

and i'm standing right next to him/her/them

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Brawl overdose.

Strange, I thought only Manhunt and Grand Theft Auto was capable of turning someone into a killer. Brawl must really kick ass then.

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Strange, I thought only Manhunt and Grand Theft Auto was capable of turning someone into a killer. Brawl must really kick ass then.

oh it does, it certainly does

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  • 1 month later...

Hector! Because he was the best lord I've ever commanded. Although Ike might steal some thunder away from him.

Another reason is that he's a lord that primarily uses axes. We have few of those. And I like axes. Plus, on the last boss he did more damage than any other lords did.

And why no Eliwood love?

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