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Best chapter in the entire series?


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What do you guys think a chapter needs in order for it to be good in your eyes?

Give me options. The more creativity I can exercise, the better.

Oh, and no idiot NPCs (Chapter 17 Conquest I am looking at you).

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I think a chapter should feel epic in some way for it to be truly great. Take Chapter 10 of Conquest, for example. In that, you're stopping a massive Hoshidan amphibious invasion of Nohr. A chapter could be really well designed, but chances are I'm going to like it more if you're doing something like that, rather than fighting some bandits. There's also the RD Part Three endgame; literally a massive battle with the entire Daein Army. Generally speaking, I also like chapters with something unique to them, something memorable. It could be a curveball thrown midway through, it could be a unique objective, or unique terrain, but it's things like these that really stick in my mind.

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A chapter, to be only good, in my opinion, needs to be fun.

However, if a chapter wants to be great, It needs a great atmosphere, to be satisfying to complete and have something that make them absolutely memorable, like chapter 14 from Fe5 and Chapter 10 from Conquest have.

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Chapter 10 of conquest is mine personally. Its a defence chapter where every move matters. It was one of the first chapters ever that made me use my head so much to dwvise pro strats in a fun way. Every unit you get up to this point is useful too. Close contenders are the endgame of shadow dragon and chapter 21 of fire emblem 6

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Personally, the "Defend X turns" are -by far- my fav objectives.

- Conquest 10 is pretty awesome. The map concept is great (map design , turret...), heavy pressure (thx pegasus + DV) etc etc.Very hard, but amazingly fun. (And Selena. Selena FTW)

- Elincia's gambit. Less fun than Conquest 10 IMO, but this chapter is just too badass. + Bearer of Hope.

- RD 3-13. I am currently at 3-4 but i heard about this chap. Same reasons as above.

- Conquest 22. Different objectif, but i love this chap too. Sakura is one of my fav siblings since the beginning, and her determination to fight Corrin is really cool. Pretty fun and hard map.

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The Kauku Caves in RD, no contest! I loved fighting here because of how intense it was! It was fiery hot place with flaming rocks falling down on both your units and the enemy ones if they're not careful! It added a nice bit of extra challenge to it. ^^

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Conquest Ch.10, no question. Brilliantly designed, requires you to use EVERYONE, and the sense of urgency you get from it is amazing. This chapter almost makes up for every flaw in Fates. Almost

Honorable mentions to FE5 Ch.14 and FE10 3-13.

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I haven't played the whole series, so I'll just give my favourite chapter of those games I have played.

That has to be chapter 21 of fire emblem 6, the Sealed Sword.

Everything about it is just so epic. Tons of wyverns, paladins, dragons, the two strongest warriors of Bern, Murdock and Gale, togheder fighting off the Etrurian army in the bloodiest day of the history of Elibe. Heck, Murdock beats Zephiel himself in some areas. Why isn't he the king? Zephiel doesn't have strenght capped!

Gameplay wise, it's a really fun chapter to play. Lots of stuff to take into account, very nice difficulty while keeping it fair, two legendary weapons, courtesy of Yoda, and the best secret shop in the series, period.

Then you go to Bern keep and kill Zephiel because he's the king and Bern won't be officially defeated until he goes down, even if his main force and generals are dead.

Fun fact, the shrine of seals was copy-pasted into Cog of Destiny in fire emblem 7, except this time around you're marching towards it from the south instead of the north. And Cog of Destiny is also my second favourite map from the game (Victory or death being my favourite). And Murdock also makes a cameo in that map, giving Eliwood and Co. a warp staff for protecting Zephiel! That's... kind of twisted, him helping the father of his future murderer (well leader of the murderer, I doubt any normal Roy would be able to kill Murdock Ahue Ahue Ahue predictable Roy is bad joke) in the very place where he'd fall 20 years later.

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Can't specifically remember many chapters I liked more than others. Here's a list of ones that stuck in my head.

FE6: Chapter 24 is probably my favorite because the whole, "run and gun" play style is my favorite and is essential in this chapter, as well as the boss explaining the truth of a particular event in the game. On top of that this chapter made my team feel like the second coming of the heroes of the scouring. Chapter 14 was actually a fun chapter to me, as long as you know the position of the wyverns and make effective use of torches and thieves this chapter was perfectly feasible, considering I always train up my mages and fliers, especially Miledy.

FE7: All of the chapters, not a single one stands out in my mind as mediocre, my favorite being the chapter when you are in a pirate town, that chapter had so many side objectives, and it was fun trying to see if I can take out all those fighters with silver axes.

FE9: BK va Ike, nuff said

FE 10 and 13: meh

FE14: Chapter 10, the chapter was brutal and punishing, in a sadisticly fun way. XD tons of side objectives, alternate and optional routes, bunch of new characters and villages with very useful items. And the difficulty spike is one that is manageable if you can eliminate any enemies before Takumi's dragon vein.

Edited by Valkarian
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Had to pick a choice for best chapter in the series since I would have to play all games to give a full answer.

FE7: Pale Flower of Darkness (perferable Jermes version), it may have terrain effects with the snow, but they offer you so many ways to go around this and I love how variable this map can be. Not only does the map have two version depending on levels in your team but you get pre promotes who are actually very good.

FE8: Last Hope, A very fun defense map, it's like Conquest chapter 10 but less tough and cruel. The reinforcements are strong but are well balanced, it ironical feels like defending a castle from a zombie invasion as you kill so many unit at the chokepoints. Only thing I don't like is that the NPC units are too weak, it's actually really sad to watch.

Birthright: Chapter 13, to me this was when the developers put effort into making this game challenging at the earliest. A easy yet dangerous boss if you're not careful and the mini bosses are fun.

Conquest: Tie between chapter 10, 18 and 24. Cool designs and gimmicks

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Honestly it's part 3 endgame in RD for me. It may not be the most complex map ever but the atmosphere and story bits blew me away the first time I played it. The whole time it feels like a desperate, huge battle that can't possibly end well.

Part 2 endgame and 3-13 are also great.

I really like chapters 13 and 21 of Binding Blade for capturing the "hectic battle" feel as well. And of course Conquest chapter 10.

Edited by Book Bro
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Throughout the series there's been many chapters that stood out from the rest be it for gameplay or story reasons. Anyways, I thought I'd ask you guys what you thought was the best in the series for you.

Can I talk about more than one? Say... 4 or 5? Because It's difficult for me to choose just one.

EDIT: Nevermind. Seen some other posts, I'll give a few answers.

1 - The first chapter. Ever. Like, FE 1 style. Now, why do I say that this is the best chapter for me? It isn't. I personally think it's the best "first" chapter in FE history. It explains the basics in swift jabs and house visits. It tells you to visit villages without telling you - it SHOWS you. You are forced to make simple, yet hasty decisions about what to do with the advancing enemy, coming from multiple sides. (one side, but multiple angles) Lastly, it gives you a boss fight that isn't too challenging or unique. It gives you the basic situation, and if you learn all there is to learn from this one chapter, you won't need to look for a strategy guide or have a real head scratching moment for most of the game. You will apply what you learned.

2 - Conquest chapter 10. Everyone has already said everything there is to say. It is a brilliantly designed defense chapter, and probably the only thing to beat it or is on par is Chapter 14 from FE 5. (Still Love blood contract)

3 - Chapter 6, from FE 5 (Thracia 776). This is another escape misson, yet, there are a few different ways to go about it. Your actions from earlier effect the loot you get, and if you want the chapter to go by easily, you can have Karen ferry your team to safety. It's optional difficulty with high risk/reward. And I'd love to see more chapters like it in FE. Yes, FE 9's Prison break chapter was like this too, but I think that the stealth works more in an outdoor environment IMO.

4 - Lastly, there's Chapter 10 (Ephraim route) from Sacred stones. It's the "Reinforcement rush" chapter. Basically, much like the chapters of 5 in FE 1/3/11, Late Chapter 3 of FE4, and FE 5's chapter 8. You have two factions: You and the guys you are trying to rescue/back up. The game's enemies are put in the way to stop you from advancing. You need to rush to save the guy you want to save (plus get awesome rewards) while fending off your own set of enemy walls. The reason I put Sacred stones's version of the "Reinforcement Rush" is because the bunch of sacred stones is super easy and has "meh" map design. It deserves some credit where it's due. The others I mentioned are probably better chapters, because you control the guys you are trying to rescue, like half a defense map. I thought SS needed some acknowledgement, is all.

Edited by Lord Tullus
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I forgot to mention chapter 22 in FE5.

This one is really challenging.

The enemies have 18 authority stars (Idr) in total.

But with good strategies like killing the main in first turn with warp-rescue and taking Rinehart's weapons with the thief stave, this chapter will become more bearable but still challenging because you still fight tons of enemies with powerful weapons and ballistas.

Chapter 5 and 14 are also excellent.

Chapter 20 is good too but it's kinda dumb in the beginning with the issue you're not allowed to place your units in the battle preparations like you want.

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Let see...I have a few actually.

* Conquest Chapter 15. I loved the idea of cloning your team and going on a rampage on the upper and lower halves at the same time. Same goes for the return to this map on Revelation chapter 19.

* As cliched as it is, Conquest Chapter 20, otherwise known as Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride. I actually hate that chapter because of the wind, but I felt it was a good design for a level because of the wind. It forced you to play carefully instead of blind aggro.

* The late game chapters of Radiant Stones where I crush everything with Myrth. Because Dragons Are Awesome. Capitals needed.

* Conquest Chapter 25. It has the infamous Death Corridor, and while it was the Hard version and therefore not as insane as Lunatic, it was difficult and forced me to think of a way out which is something I enjoy. I actually soft reset after I beat it the first time and thus had to do it again.

* The Last Endgame of Radiant Dawn. It was trilling going up the tower to take down a God, and the climb just gets better and better as you go up. From finally giving those Senators what they deserve, to the duel between Ike w/out hammer while the rest of the team mows down his army, to the army of dragons (that curiously don't actually attack your dragons. Love that little detail), to finally the battle against Ashera (Lehran's battle wasn't that amazing). My favorite part was where Yune blessed your weapons and made them unbreakable. That was awesome.

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I'm going to have to throw my lot into the titular Chapter 21 of Sword of Seals. It might not be the most complex map in the series but it's still really solidly designed (which is something that is true of FE6 as a whole. Not complex but built very well) with multiple paths, plenty of terrain cover and good use of fliars for both sides. And unlike many chapters in the series it actually felt like I was fighting a real war. The chapter gives you a tonne of deployment slots and, more importantly, gives you a dozens of enemies to fight. Sure a lot of them are Lv10 first tier units who can barely scratch your promoted units, but their numbers do mean that scratch damage builds. It really gives me the impression that Bern is going all out at this point and throwing everyone they have at you, even the raw barely trained new recruits. It's not all weak units though, it still throws a few manaketes at you and paladins are abundant. It also has perhaps the most challenging boss in the game. The thing that really ties it together though is the time limit for the Gaiden. I don't know about anyone else but I'm usually rushing to meet it even though 30 turns seems more than generous. Those unending stream of enemies and Murdock's difficulty makes it hard to just blitzkrieg straight through. Overall it just felt like a really big deal and for my capability and playstyle, an excellent level of difficulty. Only shame is that your reward for beating it quickly is perhaps the most undesirable chapter in the game. After fighting a veritable army, dealing with traps and fog of war so late in the game just seems like too much bullshit.

Edited by Jotari
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Got a few more

Chapter 1 FE1, How the fuck did I forget this? With the exception of FE6, which was TRYING to imitate this, no other first map prepares you for better than this one imo.

Chapter 1 FE6 for literally the same reasons I like FE1's first chapter

I'm going to have to throw my lot into the titular Chapter 21 of Sword of Seals. It might not be the most complex map in the series but it's still really solidly designed (which is something that is true of FE6 as a whole. Not complex but built very well) with multiple paths, plenty of terrain cover and good use of fliars for both sides. And unlike many chapters in the series it actually felt like I was fighting a real war. The chapter gives you a tonne of deployment slots and, more importantly, gives you a dozens of enemies to fight. Sure a lot of them are Lv10 first tier units who can barely scratch your promoted units, but there their numbers do mean that scratch damage builds. It really gives me the impression that Bern is going all out at this point and throwing everyone they have at you, even the raw barely trained new recruits. It's not all weak units though, it still throws a few manaketes at you and paladins are abundant. It also has perhaps the most challenging boss in the game. The thing that really ties it together though is the time limit for the Gaiden. I don't know about anyone else but I'm usually rushing to meet it even though 30 turns seems more than generous. Those unending stream of enemies and Murdock's difficulty makes it hard to just blitzkrieg straight through. Overall it just felt like a really big and for my capability and playstyle, an excellent level of difficulty. Only shame is that your reward for beating it quickly is perhaps the most undesirable chapter in the game. After fighting a veritable army, dealing with traps and fog of war so late in the game just seems like too much bullshit.

Couldn't of explained it better, so I'm not going to

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I'm actually also going to add Conquest Chaoter 25 because it's the only storm the castle level that actually felt real. For once the enemy AI is playing DEFENSIVELY, for example when the paired up swordmasters don't come after you. If actually feels like the enemy are making a last stand, and it feels awesome to finally be entirely on the offensive. The music really adds to the atmosphere, too. Not as good as Chapter Ten, but a great chapter that adds a nice gameplay change nonetheless.

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Radiant Dawn part 2 endgame; Elincia's Gambit

I adore having the yellow team around, not having full control but having a larger army really makes you feel the civil war. Having multiple ways to win a map is always a good thing, and Geoffrey's team showing up near the end gives a nice twist. And if I may add, the ending of part 2, with Lucia at the gallows, Queen Elincia's decision, and the entrance of the Greil Mercenaries makes this my favorite chapter in all of Fire Emblem

Yeee. Very fond of this one.

Cog of Destiny from FE7 is also hella good. So many enemies, so intense, i love it.

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