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Do you like the personal skill system?


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I like personal skills! I think it's pretty clever and neat.

Yes! I think it is really a nice addition to the series! Peri's personal skill is my fav because its really good

I feel the same way. I think personal skills are a good way of making sure each unit feels unique!

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I like the flavor they add to characters and think they fit a niche as a nice situational boost. If it comes back in future games, I hope they put more thought into the balance of those skills. Some are so situational that you are likely to never see them in action (Selena's personal). We need more skills like Beruka's or Kana's. Ones that give the character a slight edge in a certain play style.

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I favor the skill system in FE10:

  • default class skills
  • removable personal skills
  • removable obtainable skills

Each character should have an own personal skill (like in FE14) because of fairness. But it should be possible to swap them around at cost of capacity though (like in FE10).

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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Its a good idea, but too many of them are super situational or just not helpful in the slightest, only about I'd say 10% of them are even good.

But its nice to have every character with something more to stick out with, that relates to them.

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Personal skills were probably one of the things that I appreciated the most, since they make sure the units are more different between each other in battle.

However, just like Nekoknight said, in future games IS must balance them more, in order to make sure that, in a way or another, they are all useful.

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I like them! I prefer them over class skills for the most part, it gives characters uniqueness! That is why characters like Noish and Alec feel different....

Now regarding Fates specifically, I like that every character has a skill that no one else has. Unfortunately, skills like Sakura's will always feel useful while skills like Dwyer's will be useless during the main game

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I have some ideas of personal skills...though I'm not sure how many are useless/broken or how many have been done before. Anyways, here they are!

1. Vampire-drains (user level/4) hp off of foes with each attack. Added to your overall damage output. e.g. damage dealt is now (strength+weapon might)+(user level/4).
2. Cannibal-restores 20% of hp when you kill an enemy
3. Potency- all health and stat boosting potions work 30% better
4. Weapon efficiency- all weapons used by this unit last 40% longer
5. Banker-replaces critical attacks with a normal attack so you can save them for later when you really need them. Each critical fills your bank by 1 point (capped at 3) and can be used at any time.
6. Thorn skinned- each direct attack also harms the enemy by 5 hp.
7. Poisoned arrows- attacks now have a chance to poison the enemy (skill%)
8. Fortunate- when an enemy is killed with this character, there's a chance (luck%) that 100 gold with be deposited into your inventory.
9. Bloodthirsty- Can allow the character to attack again (strength/2=%)
10. Pride- when facing a higher leveled enemy, this character gains +2 to all stats
11. Budding- lowers exp gained by 30% but raises growth rates by 30%
12. Glare- lowers an enemy's skill and speed by 5 (luck/2=%)

Should I keep going or am I not allowed to go off topic on my own thread?

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Yes. The only real issue I have is that some personals actively hurt the user (*coughARTHURhack*).

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I like the idea, but as said by others some more work could have been to them.

I don't mind some them being weaker than others though, as long as they fit the character, aren't too copy pasta and don't feel outright useless.

Poor Dwyer and some Hoshido kids. Too many "when paired up with the Avatar" personals and capture as personal skill was pretty eh.

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I favor the skill system in FE10:

  • default class skills
  • removable personal skills
  • removable obtainable skills

Each character should have an own personal skill (like in FE14) because of fairness. But it should be possible to swap them around at cost of capacity though (like in FE10).

But then they won't be personal because they can be managed at will.
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But then they won't be personal because they can be managed at will.

Then I take back the word personal skill.

(I called them personal skills in FE10.)

Anyways I like that everyone in FE14 comes with a skill.

However it should be possible to swap them at the cost of skill capacity though.

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I actually don't really like the way personal skills are handled in the last games. They are all unique, so it's so hard to keep up with them, and while some difference between characters is nice, the personal skills alone can make two characters of the same class play completely differently, and for me that's just too much.

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I actually don't really like the way personal skills are handled in the last games. They are all unique, so it's so hard to keep up with them, and while some difference between characters is nice, the personal skills alone can make two characters of the same class play completely differently, and for me that's just too much.

This isn't true at all and even if it were, that would be a good thing. Why wouldn't you want each character to have a unique play style?

What makes units of the same class different is their bases/growths, not their personal skill. Saizo has high magic growth, Suzukaze is super fast and Kagerou can LIFT. If you think their personal skills in any way define their usage, I think you are over-emphasizing their value. I can't think of any two characters sharing a class that are completely different just by a personal skill.

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Nope. It feels like the developers trying too hard to make all the characters super special snowflake-y.

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I don't like them solely because they, like many other things in the game, create too many incentives to use the royals. Ryoma's being a particular offender.

Isn't that just execution vs. concept?

Royals and the personal skill system co-existing doesn't make the latter bad. It's like saying "Swordmasters shouldn't exist because Ryoma".

I think they're a good addition. Just keep in mind that each unit is a sum of its parts. They don't need to be balanced so long as units with weaker or more situational skills make up for it in other ways.

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