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[Spoilers] Don't you think Rhajat,Asugi and Caeldori...


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Don't you think that their personalities are stronger than their reincarnations in Awakening. I mean it feels as though their traits are even more stronger.

For example: Rhajat is a lot more attracted to darkness than Tharja, I also feel as though useless emotions like her lust only shown by Tharja towards Robin rather than Rhajat who just find Corrin interesting like all the characters who think Corrin is a legendary hero, the only difference is that she is a stalker.

Again to elaborate on that you have to admit that Rhajat is a lot more evil than Tharja since Rhajat tests her new spells on innocent poor souls by pure anger and whatnot. On in the other hand Tharja actually uses her spells to help her friends more than to test them on them she helped Lon'qu with his fear of women. The only person who she tested her spells really in Awakening were her husband and Noire but you could consider the possibility that she finds them strong enough to handle the shock or that is to toy with them.

Caeldori seems a lot more perfect than Cordelia and keeps being humble about it. Although she is a secondary character her weaknesses are not seen unlike Cordelia who is shown to be clumsy when flustered, at times, to feel pressure when she thinks about her fellow pegasus riders who died to save her etc...

Anyways that's my personal take on it, what do you think ?

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As much as I hate him I do think his relation with his father does add something to Asugi that Gaius lacked.


But I do have to agree with the OP, at least in Caeldori's case. The whole 'perfection' thing was ramped up to eleven so much that it made me loathe her with a burning passion.

Cordelia at least had some humanity to her, that she was actually just a hard worker who happened to be naturally talented, so her being humble and insecure about it made sense.

With Caeldori, however, the whole 'humble' act seems just like that, an act. It feels like she's flat out lying when she always says 'Oh, I'm not that perfect' when she had clearly proven otherwise beforehand. It makes her feel hypocritcal.

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Rhajat was shown to be a good person though, her supports with her mother and the supports with Shigure show her good intent.

You probably right I've unlocked her yesterday and she directly gave me those vibes.

Anyways it would have been funny if on some random dlc they reveal that Niles is actually Basillo's long lost ancestor

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You probably right I've unlocked her yesterday and she directly gave me those vibes.

Anyways it would have been funny if on some random dlc they reveal that Niles is actually Basillo's long lost ancestor

Or insist on similarities between other characters like Shiro and Ephraim

That would've been hilarious if that was true. And I only now see the similarities between Shiro and Ephraim. I feel stupid again...

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Caeldori seems a lot more perfect than Cordelia and keeps being humble about it. Although she is a secondary character her weaknesses are not seen unlike Cordelia who is shown to be clumsy when flustered, at times, to feel pressure when she thinks about her fellow pegasus riders who died to save her etc...

Anyways that's my personal take on it, what do you think ?

Caeldori pretty much exaggerates Cordelia's main character traits (being perceived as perfect by others, being humble, and having unrequited crushes).

Caeldori does a lot of things perfectly according to her peers and even her father and obsessively strives for perfection (see her support with male avatar), humble (this can be seen with her obsession with achieving perfection and in her interaction with Sophie in the ending dialogue of Heirs of Fates 5 with Caeldori intending to copy Sophie's strategy of stripping down her opponents' armor during combat). Her having unrequited crushes is taken up further as shown in her S-support conversation with male avatar; before she fell for him, she had fallen for her caretaker in the Deeprealm whom is in fact already married and has children and for another man whom she found out was engaged to another woman -- in the same conversation she worries that the avatar might reject her.

In the Japanese version, Matoi has A-cup angst which is shown with her support with Syalla and in one 4koma comic.

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Rhajat actually seem more nice and less grim than Tharja from what I've read. I also like the fact that she actually has a reason to be obsessed with the Avatar since (s)he actually saved her life.

Asugi seems the same, but he has a nice support with Shiro and his parents.

I honestly don't know about Caeldori.

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They're all a bit different. Asugi has his thing with the Saizo family and Rhajat is "nicer" and more likable than Tharja in my opinion.

Caeldori is just bleh. She just doesn't have anything to make her better than Cords.

Edited by TrueEm
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I've grown to like Rhajat and Caeldori more than Tharja and Cordelia.

For Rhajat, she fixed a lot of problems I had with Tharja. She seems genuinely nicer (while still preferring to be alone) actually going out of her way at times to be helpful, her reasons for crushing on Corrin are more believable than Thara's crush on Robin, she actually wants her parents to be proud of her (compared to Tharja basically committing child abuse). I could go on.

As for Caeldori, I actually kind of like how perfection is something she actually wants and strives for. As opposed to Cordelia who kind of resented that very fact about her. As a result, Caeldori really comes off as more enthusiastic and I like that about her.

As for Asugi....honestly I never cared for Gaius or him. However, I do like his attitude a bit more than Gaius' more reserved one (though that's likely because Gaius has seen more than Asugi has).

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Rhajat is the only one of that group that I remotely like, mostly because she seems more socially awkward (an understandable trait, having been raised away from society in a deeprealm(!)) rather than outright malicious, as Tharja always seemed to me. As for the other two, well...

Asugi: A one dimensional Gaius. Outside of eating more candy, his only other trait is trying to live up to his father. While interesting, it doesn't make up for the many other traits I felt that Gaius had, whether it was his desire to show sheltered royals like Chrom the reality outside of their glittering towers, helping people get over their troubles, e.c.t. Yeah, Gaius is more reserved than Asugi, but that is because Gaius has been doing his job for far longer, and has likely seen a lot of dark things.

Caeldori: I've said it before and I will say it again. Caeldori (and her father for that matter) take what made Cordelia and interesting and engaging character to me, her struggle with PTSD brought on by her entire squad sacrificing themselves for her sake, and threw that out the window in exchange for exaggerating her two (minor in my view) traits involving her apparent perfection and inability to find a lover. Cordelia constantly wrestled with her self doubt because of this incident! Always wondering if she could have saved her squad mates, or if her getting involved would simply gotten herself killed alongside them, and if the latter would have been the better choice. What has Caeldori done? Nothing, just like her arrogant *$&% of a father. (rant over)

Hrmm, perhaps I was a little too venomous there. Sorry, I just can't stand the Cordelia expies.

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Caeldori: I've said it before and I will say it again. Caeldori (and her father for that matter) take what made Cordelia and interesting and engaging character to me, her struggle with PTSD brought on by her entire squad sacrificing themselves for her sake, and threw that out the window in exchange for exaggerating her two (minor in my view) traits involving her apparent perfection and inability to find a lover. Cordelia constantly wrestled with her self doubt because of this incident! Always wondering if she could have saved her squad mates, or if her getting involved would simply gotten herself killed alongside them, and if the latter would have been the better choice. What has Caeldori done? Nothing, just like her arrogant *$&% of a father. (rant over)

Hrmm, perhaps I was a little too venomous there. Sorry, I just can't stand the Cordelia expies.

I absolutely agree with you there.

Shara (Rhajat) actually feels human instead of a literal manifestation of the Japanese fetish.

Yup, agreed.

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With Caeldori, however, the whole 'humble' act seems just like that, an act. It feels like she's flat out lying when she always says 'Oh, I'm not that perfect' when she had clearly proven otherwise beforehand. It makes her feel hypocritcal.

Well, given that she is under the erroneous belief that her father Subaki is the perfect one (she's wrong, but she still thinks that), she HONESTLY DOES think she isn't that perfect, because she's put her father on this pedestal and thinks that HE is the perfect one. Therefore, under her misevaluation of her father, Caeldori herself CANNOT be perfect, from her own point of view, as she believes her "perfect" father to be better than her… and thus she thinks that she herself is less than perfect.

Caeldori: I've said it before and I will say it again. Caeldori (and her father for that matter) take what made Cordelia and interesting and engaging character to me, her struggle with PTSD brought on by her entire squad sacrificing themselves for her sake, and threw that out the window in exchange for exaggerating her two (minor in my view) traits involving her apparent perfection and inability to find a lover. Cordelia constantly wrestled with her self doubt because of this incident! Always wondering if she could have saved her squad mates, or if her getting involved would simply gotten herself killed alongside them, and if the latter would have been the better choice. What has Caeldori done? Nothing, just like her arrogant *$&% of a father. (rant over)

Hrmm, perhaps I was a little too venomous there. Sorry, I just can't stand the Cordelia expies.

Despite liking both Cordelia and Caeldori, I will actually agree with you that Cordelia is a much more interesting character than Caeldori.

I have a soft spot for the Avatar x Caeldori support because Corrin acting as a tutor in the B-S ranks reminds me of my own experiences as a tutor (its been one of my main jobs throughout my life, whether as actually a tutor or as a teaching assistant), so I "connect" with what Corrin is doing for Caeldori in that support. I like that support for that reason .

But Cordelia is the stronger character.

In summary: Cordelia is a stronger character; Caeldori has an S-support in which I feel a "connection" with my Avatar's role in said support due to my past experiences in teaching and that the Avatar is also taking up the role of a teacher.

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The only one i find a little better than their Awakening self, is Rhajat. Rhaj really plays up the "im actually just really fucking socially awkward" bit a lot more and delves into her psychology more than Tharja does.

The other two are basically paper bags. Caeldori actually being MORE annoying that Cordelia because the former is GODDAMN PUSHY. Its like they put some Severa in there for good measure. Oh gods no please make it stop.

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