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Least Favorite thing about your favorite FE


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I think there was a thread like this already, actually.

Path of Radiance:

Chapter 11, specifically the point when the Black Knight steps in. He appears before the enemy phase starts, and I can never remember what turn he appears on.

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Well, I thought the thread I linked to in the OP already had one like it, so we're two for two

I know I made one of those threads a long time ago, but it is dead.

Path of Radiance: the animations are slow, even the map animations.

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For FE6, can I be a cop-out and list my two least-favorite things?

If so, same-turn enemy reinforcements and FUCKING ARCADIA.


It was bad enough that it was a Desert map to begin with, but did it HAVE to have Fog of War, too? Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick.

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Arcadia. Not just because of desert FoW but because of desert FoW with a time limit, having to baby a terrible shaman, and the fact that there are mamkutes waiting to maul you when you go for treasure. Like wtf, bad enough to have the time limit for the gaiden but throwing in the rest?

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Blazing Sword

Whoever thought it was a good idea to put some of the juiciest story details in extremely hard to unlock gaiden chapters should step on a Lego.

Bonus: The method of unlocking supports is tedious.

Edited by NekoKnight
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Blazing Sword: The game's insistence on mandating the tutorials if there's no record of the game being cleared before. As a little kid struggling to beat the game on a cartridge with a gradually-decaying ability to hold a save, this was actually a significant problem for me. Edited by Topaz Light
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Binding Blade's balance issues are pretty prevalent on HM, but at least NM generally everyone is usable, but thats my biggest issue along with no Thief Promotions.

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Not enough people appreciate Shadow Dragon. :(:But seriously, it's the in-game graphics. Animations stay off, forever.

Shadow Dragon is my third favorite, and I'd pick the same thing. Battle animations are just ugly. (For the record PoR is second favourite, and I'd pick the very slow gameplay. I can ignore it due to how good it looks though)

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Radiant Dawn: Lucia having her hair cut (unfortunately, not her decision I know). I didn't like how Lucia had her hair cut, made me see her in another viewpoint, and not in a good way.

...I can't be the only one who thinks this, right

EDIT: Also the lack of availability that some characters get treated with


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Radiant Dawn: Lucia having her hair cut (unfortunately, not her decision I know). I didn't like how Lucia had her hair cut, made me see her in another light, and not a good light.

...I can't be the only one who thinks this, right

Yeah that's unfortunate, and her not being very active in the plot after that is kind of sad too.

Fun fact, if you somehow promote her before that scene happens (I think you can pull it off on like easy mode) her promoted class just insta cuts her hair lol.

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Since Conquest's story being shit is already well known, my second least favorite thing about Conquest is that if you lose in the endgame you also have to do Chapter 27 over again. I like difficult games, but I hate punishing games, and that is needlessly punishing.

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Shadow Dragon: Good game, has bad stuff.

Least Favorite thing: Enemies on Higher difficulties have weapons that you yourself cannot access, and some are forged. It's Bullshit, and is slightly unfair. However, If it is unfair, what would I compare it to?

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Path of Radiance

I absolutely loathed the fact that Elincia joins so late - especially since she is one of my favourite characters in Radiant Dawn. I maintain she should have joined as soon as the invasion of Daein began (along with Rayson)

Those Slow animations

The fact its pretty easy even on the hardest difficulty without BEXP.

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Binding Blade

It's probably a tie between ambush spawns, and unbalanced units in HM. I don't even hate Arcadia that much, but the "surprises" the game throws at you when you don't know are infuriating.

Honorable mention goes to Gaiden with their ridiculously slow animations.

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