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why are people so phobic of fanservice

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I do see people's points honestly. Obviously there's a time and a place for fanservice.

I do want people's opinions on optional outfits though. Are those still an issue if they are something you have to go out of your way to use?

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it's bad if it's DLC tho

jk costume DLC is a lesser sin but having hundreds of costume DLCs is just terrible if it outweighs the amount you get in game by uh, a lot

looking at you idolmaster (the issue here isn't the fanservice but the fanDISservice who the FUCK wants to buy DLC they could have included DAY 1)

Edited by Chegg
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it's just skin people, calm down

i'm legitimately asking what's so horrible about showing skin. it's not that big a deal

people seem to literally devour any fanservice that's dedicated to references to older games in a series, but skimpy clothes suddenly are bad

Showing skin is one thing... as people are going to show skin in various ways. It's the sexualized and objectifying aspect that bothers some people.

You can create a design with skin showing without sexualizing it, or objectifying the character, case in point Mowgli from Disney's the Jungle Book. Only wears a loincloth, is only little boy, is not objectifind or sexualized whatsoever.(as that would be hugely innappropriate, due to age and story reasons) There is no need for a sexualized identity for this character as it does not fit their story.(well, till the end... but anyways)

Compare that however to Nowi. She is designed to look like a sexualized little girl, for fetish purposes. Now the kicker is... she isn't REALLY a young aged girl... she's old as balls. She just looks that way cause blah blah blah... and plot wise there is some interesting tragic back story stuff going on. If they delved into that it would be fascinating... I may be ignorant if they do though as I have not finished Awakening yet.

But she remains in the sexualized outfit she comes to your party in. The question is... if this outfit was something she was forced to wear, is something that objectifies her, why does she keep wearing it? Does it make sense to the story? If it can be explained and seems relevant then it is not just purely pandering fanservice. If it is never mentioned again, and completely irrelevant to the character and their arc... or not consistent to them... it's almost pure pandering fanservice. Objectificaton, fetoshization for the sake of trying to sucks someone in.

I have a problem with that, as I find it to be a manipulative and disrespectful form of marketing/advertising. Especially when applied to actual human beings, because if we are constantly objectifying women, or men, then we are not treating them as fellow human beings.

It's a little silly in a sense to treat computer/video game characters as human, as they clearly are not... but I dunno, it's kinda practice in a sense for avoiding falling into that dehumanizing trap in the real world?

Hope that makes sense. That's my two cents at least.

Edited by ErrantShepherd
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I do see people's points honestly. Obviously there's a time and a place for fanservice.

I do want people's opinions on optional outfits though. Are those still an issue if they are something you have to go out of your way to use?

Again, really depends on the context.

If it's like, a sidequest without fighting, I could see it.

But I view practicality while still being appealing to look at as being important.

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When it comes to outfits, it really depends on the game.

For example: You could have "best equipment" in whatever game be very fanservice-geared, like the aforementioned Divine Bustier from DQ8 or something, so it's not really much choice(unless you like the handicap), still, doesn't mean they can't dislike it.

But if it's something entirely optional, it's a nonissue, people who don't like it or aren't interested wouldn't willingly do it... Or so I think.

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Because it's the internet, and people complain on the internet, it's what the internet seems to be for now.

Granted, one fanservice design DOES bother me, F!Corrin's, tho the rest never concerned me because it's a fucking fantasy world, these pixels have the right to wear revealing outfits because for all we know, that is the norm in their world, and if it is, is it really wrong for them to follow their culture?

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I'm honestly fine with a bit of skin while also being indifferent enough to it to be completely fine with the skin being covered up as well. I just don't care very much.

I think there are much more important and damaging pieces of fanservices to focus on. Like the cowardly way how Fates premise was damaged just so you could romance your totally not blood siblings. Its not that you could romance them because they weren't your siblings but that they weren't your siblings so you could romance them. And if it came at the cost of the games premise, the big bloodline vs loyalty choice and Ryoma's character then that was a hit the writers were willing to take.

I'm also not overly fond of the writers cynically taking a look at a popularity poll, one that only focused on their preferred country at that, and just pick out the highest ranking characters to make clones off and put in the game regardless of how deserving those characters actually are.

The marriage system returning was most likely also a form of fanservice and the result was that several great characters like Forrest or Siegbert only really work if you consider their presence in the game to be non canon.

And skinship speaks for itself of course.

"But she's over a thousand years old so that makes it ok--"

I never really got that argument about Nowi. With characters like Lissa and Ricken the problem will solve itself quite easily because one day those characters will be adults. Ricken even says he's going to wait until he has come of age. With that and the kids being time travelers we can assume pairings with the younger characters aren't to awkward.

Nowi doesn't have that. The very excuse some people use for her means that marrying her will never really be okay and that its only going to get worse in the future. Her husband will keep growing up and she will stay a little girl forever. Even if you pair Nowi with Ricken because it would be oncomfortabele to pair her with an adult then its just delaying the problem.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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When it comes to outfits, it really depends on the game.

For example: You could have "best equipment" in whatever game be very fanservice-geared, like the aforementioned Divine Bustier from DQ8 or something, so it's not really much choice(unless you like the handicap), still, doesn't mean they can't dislike it.

But if it's something entirely optional, it's a nonissue, people who don't like it or aren't interested wouldn't willingly do it... Or so I think.

To elaborate on the Divine Bustier, Jessica is made of wet paper, with poor HP, Strength and Resilience but good MP, Wisdom and Agility. The Divine Bustier has the third highest Defense Boost in the game, 105, with the top two being the Hero Exclusive Dragovian Armor and the Metal King Gear, which requires a piece of Orichalcum and a Slime Crown (read: rare stuff) to make. However, the Divine Bustier also gives an Avoid boost, which coupled with Jessica's naturally high Agility (Which in DQ8 affects dodging) makes her far less vurnerable to physical attacks.

The main downside is the lack of an added element resistance, though Jessica learns Insulatle and Magic Barrier to help with this.

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sexualizing little girls like nowi is not okay at all and idk how that got past the censors

But she's older than most of the army so that makes it okay

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I remember hearing this in a Awakening character video:

Nowi: There's a Loli but she's 1000 years old so it's ok

Ricken: There's also a Loli but he's male so it's okay

Nah: Here's an actual Loli so it's not okay at all

Edited by Nym
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I saw this thread earlier and made a note to look, and it's 3 pages already.

I'm not against Fan Service per se, and can be guilty of it myself, but there's good fan service and bad fan service.

Fan service is very subjective, but my opinion is it has to fit the character and/or be practical at least. The example of Camilla, Sophie, and Effie's battle panties has been brought up. There's also Fem Corrins hi-cut brief panties for all to see. I don't like it when it looks like something's missing for no apparent reason in the armor set. They could at least have a short skirt and boots or something, sort of like Eirika. I don't mind Charlotte because Fighters have always gone for the minimal clothing look.

Fem Corrin bothers me, since it's supposed to be our self-insert character. I don't mind having battle panties as an option, but give me the ability to cover up. Make it look like something someone would actually wear. A low cut top and a mini skirt is okay sometimes, but no one pours acid over the crotch of their pants to give everyone a sneak peak at what color panties they decided to wear today. And I can't imagine what kind of friction goes on riding a saddle with only a thin layer of microfiber between the tough leather saddle and your perineum.

I also don't really mind optional or DLC alternate "sexy" clothing. The Tales series has a long tradition of alternate costumes that you can get from side quests and there's usually a swim suit set, but it's not a canon garb. There's also some fan disservice, like Malik from Tales of Graces swim suit.

I'm not a fan of lolis to begin with, and sexualizing them is terrible. Nowi may be 1000 years old, but she acts like a 10 year old. It's like she's mentally deficient or something.

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Fanservice is very much a context-based thing. But to me it almost never stops to feel like a device for selling the product, at which point I have to question the quality of the product, and while many times the product itself may be of very highly quality, I then have to wonder if the use of fanservice was necessary at all. While I have become accustomed to this to the point it nearly doesn't come to my attention at all any more, I do have to take a step back when it's too obvious or the character being used for this purpose is not a good fit with it.

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We're not. It's called context, and FE never disrespected itself to lower it's standards to appeal to a casual minority the way it does now.

To answer your actual question, it simply tends to degrade the actual uality of the product. If you're constantly flashing tits, it's easy to handwave it but another lame series/whatever.


Fanservice is very much a context-based thing. But to me it almost never stops to feel like a device for selling the product, at which point I have to question the quality of the product, and while many times the product itself may be of very highly quality, I then have to wonder if the use of fanservice was necessary at all. While I have become accustomed to this to the point it nearly doesn't come to my attention at all any more, I do have to take a step back when it's too obvious or the character being used for this purpose is not a good fit with it.

Wait, this was right above my post? +1, dude. Edited by Soul~!
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Oh right, also personally believe that like, in an RPG or whatever? the same piece of armour should show the same amount of skin on either sex.

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