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The Golden Age. Act 1: Discoveries.


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Chapter 1: A Quest Begins

With the group of ten all set, they started off towards their destination- the rumored "enchanted maze". Uvara Forest was teeming with wildlife and infrequently travelled, and even made for the least visited area amongst the three proposed best locations for the missing Gift. But it wasn't long before the group's first adversity- in fact, not even an hour before a hand axe from behind a tree whizzed past Telmara's face. "Dammit!"

The voice was familiar- sure enough, Haley moved out from behind the tree, gesturing with a sword after her axe missed. "Ha! Fortune smiles upon us. Just when the time to get rid of some competition comes, we get you guys. So a free bonus of the satisfaction of beating you after before. Get ready, everyone! We've got the numbers- it should be smooth sailing." Haley backed off, several foes with her moving out from their own cover within this area of the woods.

"Well, talking things over seems out of the question," Aria muttered timidly.

Objective: Rout all enemies.

It is Turn 1.





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"Dammit! Of all the luck, we would run into her. Right then. Naylen, Aaron, you two be our front line. With your armor, they'll be hard pressed to break through you two. Mages, pick them off as best you can while staying behind the front line fighters. Mika, Kolmar, Itzal, I'll leave you three to determine how best to use your skills. Aria, you're with me as the healers. And Telmara, be careful. She has a particular hatred for you. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to gang up on you because of that."

Kaya quickly pulled the longer of her two staffs off her back and kept it held loosely in her right hand. She also subtly slid a dagger out of the sheath she had hidden inside her jacket sleeve, hoping that anyone who attacked her wouldn't notice that she wasn't as easy of a target as they might expect.

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Well, that was an invitation party if there was any. So we were not the only ones, but for that woman to be here is something else. "Guess the dragons wanted us to settle this dispute first and foremost." Raz spoke softly, brandishing a small smile. I know what to do.

"Sure, but I'll go first." Raz retorted to Kaya's first battle command, dusting off the hard cover of her light tome. "There's quite a bit that this spell can do to an able fighter. I'm sure the others will appreciate." And with a quick dash Raz was off, a speck of light already forming at her fingertip. She wasn't the strongest mage, but she had cards up her sleeve still.

Raz to D11, smite Brigand D with illuminate!

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What a lovely slither... No, really. Most times, dragging around all nine feet of tail was a task that left her feeling empty, but with purpose in her slide and people to fight beside, Telmara was happy to drag around that extra weight. She'd been getting used to moving it. As expected, left and right patterns worked best for movement. Sliding along in a straight line proved rather difficult. The trick was getting the rest of the tail to follow the cross pattern as the front gently swayed, instead of swerving harshly left and right. It had been difficult, but she was getting the hang of it quickly. She'd have to, since she didn't know for how long she was going to have this body.

Still, the travel was nice... Almost too ni-- Ah, there it was. She flinched, nearly losing her balance as the axe flew past her head. She glared daggers in the direction it came from. Guess who? Haley. And a band of merry fuckers. "You wretched..." Telmara felt her gut roll, spirit burning up. She'd have launched a massive fireball back her way if she'd had a modicum of the power she used to have... Dammit! Why can't this stupid body do what I used to be able to!? I already have it hard enough as it is! And now I'm stuck without my magic, a dull sword, and struggling to cast a breeze... Ugh! No time like the present, is there!? I'll have to practice on this woman's corpse!

"I can see that..." she spit out, as Kaya warned her. She didn't hold it against the woman, especially if this was her first leadership role; the obvious would get pointed out, a lot at first. She readied her magics, taking extra care that things were working. They had better be working... If there's anything left of my old self in this body, you listen to me right now... I'm not letting this bigot live. She wants to claim me a freak? A demon? A MONSTER!? I'll show her just how monstrous I can be! Telmara grit her teeth, nearly digging her fangs into her lips.

She was not happy.

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Joviana shook her head as she assessed the situation that she had got herself into. Not only was she not very cordial with the group, everyone having just met each other less than an hour ago, but she had also got herself tangled in the group's squabble with the lady from earlier. I just HAD to get into this mess, huh? If these guys don't handle themselves well, I'm making a run for it. I doubt those bandit goons are witty and fast enough to catch me.

As Kaya gave orders to the group, Joviana smiled. I could get used to this, she doesn't seem like the kind who knows how to manipulate people well. Those kind of leaders...I can deal with them. No pressure on me, heh. I wonder if the others would listen, though...

Joviana merely nodded at Kaya's words as she ran towards the bandit that Raz was attacking, thinking of tag teaming on the bandit.

Joviana moves to (E10) and attacks bandit D with gust.

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Kaya gave the woman a look that could almost be called a glare but not quite. "I meant don't be an idiot. Anyone can tell you're furious right now. Suck it up and don't let it cloud your judgement."

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Aaron was not terribly amused by the fact they'd been ambushed. Luckily, their attackers seemed to have terrible aim and their battle formations were nothing to write home about either. With this in mind, he trotted forwards and faced the opposing armour knight. "Come and face me then, if you have the steel." If he could divert attention away from his frailer companions, then their difference in numbers wouldn't matter.

Aaron to G9.

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It seems that the stars had aligned this day, the loudmouth from earlier appearing with a gaggle of brigands at her side. How obnoxious... at least they would be through with her soon enough. Seeing one of the nearby axemen quickly pummeled with magic, Mikhaila swooped in to finish the man off with her blade.

"May your spirit rest, in haste find the afterlife, and not linger in this realm."

Mikhaila to D12, Iron sword Bandit D

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Suck it up? Suck it up!? Don't you speak to me like you know what this feels like, dragon girl! This isn't someone calling me stupid and laughing, this idiot woman is trying to kill me because I exist; I'll suck it up when she's good and gone! Telmara didn't feel like Kaya deserved a verbal response, so she didn't give her one, simply scowling at her for a moment before moving off. The brush provided little issue for her to maneuver around, staring at the corpse-- or soon to be --of the brigand in Haley's party, already having been blasted by magic from Raz and Joviana. I didn't know they were both mages... Though the younger girl's powers are fairly weak. Perhaps I could give her some instruction at a later date, when I'm not absolutely livid. Raz had been friendly, and promised to try, so Telmara was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt; people didn't readily accept her in the face of a group, if they even did, coming to see her after initial introductions had been made. Since Raz had been so open, Telmara would be too, and telling her how better to cast her magic would be a good start.

Until then, bandits had to die.

Telmara to C12

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Upon seeing the enemies, Kolmar threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh. "You guys are both cowards and dumbasses! You'll be one less group looking for the treasure, and I don't have to watch my backs for the sorry lot of you. Now, WHO WANTS TO DIE FIRST?"

Kolmar moves to E11, and equips the Javelin

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The audacity of Haley honestly surprised Naylen. It was one thing to put down someone for being a demihuman, but to actually try and kill someone just for being different? 'Unbelievable, absolutely unbelievable...' She was more than willing to take the front line against such people. But she would not fight them with her steel. If they wanted to kill monsters then monsters they would fight.

Naylen moves to F10, ensure Tearing Claws are equipped.

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He'd seen this coming--but already! Would this have happened so soon had he been traveling on his own? It was not something he considered out of second thoughts, but rather... if they truly targeted them because of the demihumans in tow? He was... not used to discrimination of this degree. People would throw their lives away over... that?

He took another look towards the group that took him in. He was thinking too much. He would make something new of this. This was entirely his experience now, with new people, and a new purpose.

Itzal to E9

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Enemy phase begins.


Mercenary B -> F8, attack Kaya.

Knight A -> E8, attack Itzal.

Soldier A-> G11, attack Naylen.

Archer A-> D14, attack Mikhaila.

Bandit A -> L7

Bandit B -> K14

Bandit E -> N13

Bandit F -> I15

Archer C -> N7

Mage A -> M6


"A healer... easy pickings," one of the mercenaries commented. Kaya turned out to be anything but.

Mercenary attacks (33, 10): hit, 5 damage. (20/25)

Kaya activates Dragon's Rage for 4 damage! (18/22)

Kaya counters (61, 5): hit, 5 damage. (13/22)

Mercenary follows up (99, 21): miss.

Kaya gains 10 exp.

"Ow! You're some sort of freak too!"

"Idiot! This is how it's done," the armored knight commented at the swordfighter's mistake. Ignoring Naylen's positioning, he moved to a more vulnerable target.

Knight attacks (25, 53): hit, 14 damage. (8/22)

Itzal counters (43, 6): hit, 3 damage. (23/26)

Itzal pursues (9, 7): hit, 1 damage. (22/26)

Itzal gains 10 exp. Ouch.

Soldier attacks (16, 89): hit, 6 damage. (19/25)

Naylen gains 1 exp.

Aracher attacks (44, 39): hit, 9 damage (10/9)

Mikhaila gains 1 exp.

It is Turn 2. Player phase begins.




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Kaya twisted as the mercenary lunged in at her. There was a brilliant flash of golden light that cleared to reveal Kaya covered in what appeared to be a pale gold second skin made up of small overlapping scales. She grinned slightly as she raised both arms towards the mercenary. "Dragons have more than scales you know. Their fire is what you should really fear." Two bursts of fire, one purple and one red, shaped like dragons twirled around her arms before slamming into the mercenary. The magical attack was followed up by a significantly more mundane dagger, leaving the man too distracted to land his second attack.

Kaya started to move out of the way only to notice that the blast had left the forearms of her jacket in burnt tatters, exposing the bright tattoos wrapped around her arms to the world. Letting out a disgruntled sigh, she pulled back, lightly tapping Itzal with her staff as she did. Once she was out of the way, she quickly stripped herself of the jacket, leaving herself dressed in only a tight fitting halter neck top that was cropped to end above her stomach. Removing the jacket revealed an additional three tattoos with a fourth being exposed as she absentmindedly pushed her bangs out of her face. "Damn, should have practiced that with that jacket on at some point," she mumbled.

Kaya to D-9, heal Itzal

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(3, 99) and (77, 58) mean Joviana deals 12 total damage to the Knight and gains 10 exp

Itzal is also healed. 11 exp for Kaya

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Kolmar whistled to himself as Kaya stripped her jacket. "You ain't no ordinary staff chick, that's for sure! Bet your legs would look a lot nicer out in the open, too! But I suppose the real introductions can wait, until after that eyesore with the axe is removed!" he shouted, glaring at Haley.

EDIT: Whoops, forgot something.

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Of course they'd ignored him. Kaya had came far too close for her own safety, and the swordfighter had bypassed Aaron and then... he didn't really know. Kaya glowed, in a very literal sense, and shot some kind of magic out of her hands while talking about dragons that he didn't really understand. Kolmar was right though, an explanation for this strangeness could wait until they were all safe. "Fine then." He turned on one of the enemy spearmen, who had rudely ignored his challenge, brandishing the Lionheart. "I never thought much of you anyway."

Aaron to G10, Lionheart the Soldier

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The group was doing rather well, by the looks of it. With the nearest axeman pelted by her and another mage, and ended by Mikhaila's sword, Raz felt safe enough to let her eyes wander. What a sight she caught.

Light? Purple fire? Wait, that's Kaya! Raz gasped, placing a hand over her mouth. What's that supposed to mean? It was rather unlike anything Raz knew about: Kaya didn't seem to have a tome on her person, and the way she shielded herself from the blow was rather unique even if she did. I need to ask her about that... It was rather unfortunate that they were amidst a battle, the whirr of another wind spell through the air woke Raz's senses again. Right.

This time, she strapped the combat tome back to the side of he belt and took out the bow she was carrying on her back. Much better. Drawing an arrow from her quiver, Raz took a few brave steps towards one of the enemy sellswords, taking hasty aim. There!

Raz to D8, fire at Merc B with her bow.

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Aaron hits hard for 12 (10, 31), and the soldier whiffs his counter (74, 39).

Soldier A 10/22

razzle dazzle almost missing once again (72, 76)

but she deals 8. Merc B 5/22

such exp

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Kolmar was bored. The enemies ignored him (somehow), and there wasn't much in range of him. One of the group hit the mercenary with a bow. As the target stumbled a bit, Kolmar went after him.

Kolmar to F9, stabs Mercenary with Iron Lance

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