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The Golden Age. Act 1: Discoveries.


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Naylen makes him a goner (12, 21). 33 exp for her

Kolmar works in kind. (52, 74). 33 for him too.

Aria -> C8, Contaminate Knight

A trio of successes marks the turn (38, 49). 33 for her too.

"Begone, evildoer!" Aria shouted as she cast her spell, though her voice still wasn't terribly loud. It had taken five hits, but the Knight crumpled over, defeated. "I did it... thank goodness."

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That arrow stung, but Mikhaila was confident that she could handle another, if it came to it. Not pleasantly, but she should manage if it was strictly necessary. A much better idea was surely to simply take the archer out, Mikhaila closing in to avoid the man firing off another shot in response. Pulling several talismans from her robe and loosing them to the winds, the enchanted scrolls began to fly of their own accord under Mikhaila's magic, encircling the archer as the text upon them to glow an eerie pink, before each one launched a beam of light in the same colour, crashing into the bowman and searing through his clothes and light armour, to burn the flesh underneath. The assault only lasted a few moments, the talismans re-positioning themselves around the man, repeatedly pelting him with searing beams.

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There was some commotion over near Kaya, but the bandits were falling like flies around them all. Whatever it was, it must've been a good thing for them. She could find out later. At any rate, this Mikhaila girl had some incredibly interesting magic. The talismans, glowing and then firing what appeared to be magical beams, searing through the archer. "What the...!?" This is amazing! I've never seen such magic! "Y-You, mask girl... What is that magic?" She was almost too impressed to see that the archer hadn't died. That could be fixed, easily.

Telmara whipped up a gust spell, sending two blades of wind slicing towards the archer, hoping to cut him into ribbons after his armor had been weakened by Mikhaila's beams.

Telmara to C,14, Gust Archer A

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Kaya rolled her eyes at Kolmar's comments, though she was impressed when he easily dealt with the mercenary she and Raz had weakened. And Aria too was doing an admirable job. She spotted a magical attack out of the corner of her eye and turned to see Mika doing some sort of attack using some sort of floating objects. Whatever it was, Kaya was impressed. She'd have to talk to the masked girl at some point about it. No one had commented on her own magic show beyond Kolmar's comment about her legs which was good. She'd explain at some point, but this was not the time. She would have liked to wait a little bit longer, but with her tattoos exposed and the light show she had put on, it seemed unlikely people would let this pass.

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"My name is Mikhaila." The exorcist corrected, as the snake woman, Telmara, promptly addressed her as 'mask-girl' before inquiring of her talismans and dispatching the bowman with a gust of anima magic. With him out of the way and the other enemies needing some amount of time to approach, she supposed she had a moment to answer.

"They are talismans imbued with my spiritual energy. They are intended to dissipate and exorcise evil spirits... however, my grandfather passed down a technique to overflow talismans with energy, allowing them to manifest enough power to damage and injure living flesh and bone."

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The archer was swiftly cut in half, toppling over into bits, Telmara not feeling the least bit of regret. "Sorry then... Mikhaila." That's an odd name, but she seems like an odd person, so it fits... She explained her talismans, which left Telmara further astonished. "I've never heard of something like this... You'll have to show me how they work once we're done the battle. I'm more than interested in them." She didn't think it was something that had cropped up over her time missing, since Mikhaila had said grandfather, but it was still unfortunate that she'd missed it at all.

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"Apology accepted, Telmara. If we make it through this all in one piece, then I see no issue in showing you, when we set up camp for the night." Mikhaila replied, as the talismans she had sent out soon returned to her, the exorcist placing them within her robe, where they had been stored before she had unleashed them.

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[im finishing the rp flavor from before and tehn tonight but it's going to take forever so posting move here]

Itzal moves to E12

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"Hey, those guys didn't fare too well charging in," the lone remaining sword fighter mentioned to the others near him. "Let's group up, play cautious. That'll work out better."

Of course, not all of the others were close enough to hear. Two axe fighters in the south opted to rush right in.


Bandit F -> G12, Hand Axe Itzal

Bandit C -> F12, Iron Axe Itzal

Bandit A -> K9

Bandit B -> I12

Bandit E -> I13

Archer B -> N10

Archer C -> K8

Archer D -> M11

Mercenary A -> J8

Mage A -> K7

Mage B -> N11

"That'll show 'em. Surely they can't take us all at once!"


Bandit F attacks (1, 60): Hit. Itzal takes 12 damage (10/22).

Very unlucky. He gets 1 exp.

Bandit C attacks (85, 65): Itzal dodges easily.

Itzal counters (84, 91): Hit, Itzal deals 7 damage.

Itzal follows up (76, 26): Hit, Itzal deals 3 damage.

Bandit C (17/27). 10 exp for Itzal.

It is Turn 3.





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Kaya moved over to Mikhaila and sent a rush of healing magic into the woman with a light tap of her healing staff. "Was that the exorcism magic you mentioned earlier? If so, quite impressive. It wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. I'm certainly glad we managed to nab you into our group if that's the sort of thing you'll be bringing to our skill set." Glancing over at Telmara, she smiled at the demihuman. "Your skill in magic seems to be quite good as well. Both of you keep up the good work."

E-13, heal Mikhaila

Edited by scorri
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"So that's..." Kaya had come over, sporting... Intricate dragon tattoos all over her body. Whatever had happened to her clothes had happened, they were gone, and on top of her rippl-- h-her muscles, were these designs in all sorts of different colored inks. It was... Another thing that Telmara hadn't seen before. And something else she had to know about. "Tell me about your tattoos after the fight," she muttered in response to the compliment. It didn't help that 'sun's out guns out' seemed to be how Kaya felt like dressing underneath her jacket. Too distracting... Take your dragons elsewhere. With a mildly red face, Telmara moved through the trees and launched more of her magic at the approaching brigands.

Telmara to F14, gust Bandit C o3o!

Edited by Narmaya
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"Huh..." Raz continued to observe Kaya from the side, starting to realize the tattoos she once hid under that jacket. Most likely related to the dragons, huh? There's a lot I should ask her about that... As it were, the pressing matter of bandits closing in from multiple directions was a tad more important. Well, I'm sure we can have extended introductions after we're no longer in danger. And then they'd start the woods exploration proper, sounded good to Raz!

With the opportunity to follow up a magical attack, Raz quickly drew another arrow and closed the distance towards another of the cutthroats.

Raz to E11, shoot an arrow at Bandit C.

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(27, 49) nice one razberry.

33 exp

Aria approached Itzal after he took another unfortunate hit. "Here, I'll help! You should feel better in no time."

Aria -> D12, heals itzal

Edited by Reinfleche
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"Ah... hey, thanks." That last hit was... terrible. Cheating, almost, he'd have to say. Itzal was irritated at the burly guys targeting him now. He probably seemed like easy pickings compared to the rest of the group--his garb must have appeared to them as underwhelming, perhaps as if he were soft, or even new to this... scouting in a group thing--it all came completely unexpected to him. But he preferred traveling light, fighting light. He'd have to at least prove to them why.

There was a flame in his eye as he turned. He felt it rushing through him. "Hey, asshole! Think fast!"

Itzal to F12, attacks Bandit F

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(cutlass used at request for plans)

Itzal starts off strong for 12 damage (47, 88).

Somehow he manages to hit back again! (19, 57). Itzal takes 12 too.

But ultimately he was not quick thinking enough (95, 5). Itzal scores a crit for 18.

30 exp for him!

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It seemed that Kaya was quite literally covered in... strange tattoos. Well, Telmara had already asked of them, and much like when she had asked Mikhaila herself, had been told she'd get an explanation later on. It seemed that their group was even more diverse than originally thought... not that Mikhaila had thought her own exorcism skills were all that rare, surely they had such things outside of Rathuum? Perhaps her grandfather's approach was more unique than she had thought.

"For now, we should focus on making it to the end of this. Don't get too complacent." Mikhaila noted, as her mask's malicious purple glow began to intensify, this time less obscured by the crowd and commotion than the previous instance. Both eyes aglow, her frame convulsed slightly, Mikhaila spitting out a glob of blood as she appeared to bulk up within a matter of seconds, wholly unnaturally. Arms, legs, even her neck and collar expanded as the glow from her mask sharpened, veins visibly pulsing beneath her suddenly taut skin. Moving out from the cover of the brushes, she tossed her talismans forward, the enchanted sheets springing to life with a heightened glow, beams of searing light coming down upon a nearby brigand, striking at him from every angle, burning flesh, cloth, and leather alike, the molten hide adhering itself to his skin with an abhorrent sizzle and pungent odour.

Mikhaila to G13, Activate Curse of the Mask, and attack Brigand E with Assault Talisman(Iron Sword)

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Naylen looked down coldly at the man she had slain with her claws, trying to flick the blood off them. Certainly not the first use of her claws for something akin to hunting prey, but definitely the first time she'd used them on a human. It was a bit surprising at how easily they had cut through the man's armor and flesh; she could see why some would call her a monster. However, there wasn't much time to mull it over in the middle of a fight. As she moved onto her next target she drew her sword, not really wanting literally more blood on her claws.

Naylen to H13, stab Bandit E with Iron Sword.

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Commotion a bit further away caught Kolmar's attention. Just WHAT was that on that girl's hands, and WHAT was that glow? The hell have I gotten myself into this time? Glad they're on my side, but still, this is a little weird.

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