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Philippines president overseeing killing of drug addicts/dealers


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Why don't you answer the question?

Let's up the ante a bit:

If Lord Raven's question isn't answered directly in this thread in your next reply (whether it be right now or two weeks later), you get a trolling warning. If you (not you Lord Raven, you're cool) can't make a direct point without worrying about a warn, then maybe it's something that shouldn't be said.

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American Immigrant to the Philippines here. Currently taking political science in a Cebu University.

I'm laughing because it's obvious there's something lost in translation here.

Filipino languages have many nuances depended in the region and Duterte never said anything of the like to advocate extrajudicial killings. In fact he's even spoken out against it.

This could mean the difference between understanding it as-

"Fuck, I'm going to do it anyways" and "Fuck you, I'm going to do it anyways".

I mean there have been student protests against extra-judicial killings and then the average citizen just tries to claim that "Duterte's approving all of this and will remove due process from the constitution" and then they get the label of "Dutertard" for fucking taking the heavy anti-crime/drugs stance to a ridiculous extreme. I mean for fuck's sake, Manny Pacquaio wants to suspend the powers of habeas corpus (he's a congressman) and that's fucking ridiculous.

Hell, some of these rabid supporters keep talking about supporting martial law.

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Filipino languages have many nuances depended in the region and Duterte never said anything of the like to advocate extrajudicial killings. In fact he's even spoken out against it.

“These sons of whores are destroying our children. I warn you, don’t go into that, even if you’re a policeman, because I will really kill you,” the head of state told the audience.

“If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”

He is absolutely advocating vigilante justice without due process. If you say otherwise, I think you are lying.

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He said two words. There's hardly any way to get tone from that. Nobody here knows which country you are talking about; which country are you talking about?

I don't even know which country you are talking about.

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He said two words. There's hardly any way to get tone from that. Nobody here knows which country you are talking about; which country are you talking about?

I don't even know which country you are talking about.

He said only two words.

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Duterte Says He Wants to Kill 3 Million Addicts in Philippines

“Now there is three million, there’s three million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”

Well, Hitler got more fans than you think.

There is a Hitler shop


A brand of Hitler ice cream


A Hero Hitler In Love movie


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I feel like he has a bet with someone where every week he has to somehow make himself look like even more of a fuckwad. Hell, he even seems to subscribe to Irving's 3,000,000 theory.

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This is insane. He basically wants to kill 3% of his country's population. Does anyone know how the Philippine opposition reacts to Duterte and whether or not he tries to suppress them?

He said only two words.

What's the problem with asking a question with only two words if it's completely intelligible and its intent is clear? Just answer the question already, because no one here has any idea which country you're talking about and we want to know what country would support Duterte's terrible decisions. Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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Just answer the question already, because no one here has any idea which country you're talking about and we want to know what country would support Duterte's terrible decisions.

I think I know which one she's talking about, and sadly, there is a possibility they might because of the War on Drugs (spoiler alert: It's the US).

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Filipino languages have many nuances depended in the region and Duterte never said anything of the like to advocate extrajudicial killings. In fact he's even spoken out against it.

This could mean the difference between understanding it as-

"Fuck, I'm going to do it anyways" and "Fuck you, I'm going to do it anyways".

Both of the examples you gave would roughly advocate for the killings (or whatever these examples would otherwise refer to). The first roughly would mean "I'm going to end up doing it whether I like it or not" and the second would roughly mean "I'm going to do it regardless of whatever you say or do."

The former isn't really strongly advocating, but it's still pretty much saying "it's pretty much necessary for me/us to do it, so I'm going to go ahead and do it." Honestly, a politician saying "fuck, I'm going to kill a bunch of drug dealers and users anyway, so I might as well...", if not strongly advocating for it, is still giving a culture of permissiveness. It's pretty much like looking at a problem and shrugging your shoulders.

If you give me some actual analysis of some things Duerte's said recently that show more ambiguity on the subject (preferably tagalog or spanish if duerte's use of english doesn't express him quite right in the US), that's fine, but it seems like he's happy to give off the cuff approval of killing people involved in drug crime in english ("I'd be happy to slaughter them"), and it also seems like these killings are actually going on.

Honestly if the government is killing hundreds of people and the president has given some statements against killing them and some statements in favor of killing them, I'm inclined to pay a bit more attention to the fact that a bunch of people are actually getting killed, and consider statements duerte's made that lean towards killing people as more representative of him than any he's made against killing people extrajudicially.

Because I dont like his tone of voice.

You're the one with the tone problem here. You make an unclear post, and nobody asked you to make it clear. Now you've spent a few posts acting like he needs to get on his knees and beg.

A two word question is perfectly polite in many instances. For instance, if someone tells me "I went a great restaurant last night," they don't start acting like you have been when I ask them "what restaurant?"

(I know you're probably talking about the US but learn to answer a simple question simply)

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I don't see how the USA would profit from Duterte's actions. He's very anti american, wants to end many American deals with the Philippines, which is traditionally an ally of the USA, and I don't see how his strong anti drug stance would be good in any way for the USA either. I think the USA would much rather the Philippines had an american friendly government. Considering how anti west Magical CC comes across in his posts (not the ones in this thread, but generally), I'd also expect him to be talking about the USA, but it just doesn't make any sense. Like, i can't think of a single reason for that.

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I normally think CC spends 99% of their time in SD talking (shit) about the US but somehow I don't think they mean the US here.

It still doesn't excuse them from being unnecessarily vague. A two word question does not a bad tone make; it's petulant to think so.

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I normally think CC spends 99% of their time in SD talking (shit) about the US but somehow I don't think they mean the US here.

It still doesn't excuse them from being unnecessarily vague. A two word question does not a bad tone make; it's petulant to think so.

The other option is that CC knows that his opinion is at serious odds with this subforum, in which case he shouldn't have posted anything at all. BUT, what do I know?

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lmao he actually likened himself to Hitler voluntarily

who even does that

This is insane. He basically wants to kill 3% of his country's population. Does anyone know how the Philippine opposition reacts to Duterte and whether or not he tries to suppress them?



There is some, but it's still worth noting that the majority of people seem to support Duterte and what's he's doing.

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lmao he actually likened himself to Hitler voluntarily

who even does that

There's this one forum I go on called Serenes Forest. There's this moderator there. I think he goes by the name Integrity. He's a lot like Hitler, and he acknowledges it at times himself. A SJW Hitler Senpai. In a way I like to think we all have a little hitler in us, sort of like how we're made of stardust.

It's totally legit if CC talks shit about the US, or anything or anyone else, but if someone asks him to clarify something about his post that's ambiguous, he shouldn't act like he's being imposed upon.

I don't see how the USA would profit from Duterte's actions. He's very anti american, wants to end many American deals with the Philippines, which is traditionally an ally of the USA, and I don't see how his strong anti drug stance would be good in any way for the USA either. I think the USA would much rather the Philippines had an american friendly government. Considering how anti west Magical CC comes across in his posts (not the ones in this thread, but generally), I'd also expect him to be talking about the USA, but it just doesn't make any sense. Like, i can't think of a single reason for that.

Using the best interests of any actor is never an ironclad argument for predicting their actions, because actors do not always act in their best interest. The US is no exception to this.

I think what you've said probably is a pretty sound argument in this case, but if CC thinks the US is dumb, you can't necessarily expect him to predict the US's actions based on what would profit them in every instance.

You have to remember that in political discussion, outlandish hedging is discussed all the time. A good example will be that during election years in the US (such as this one), you'll sometimes hear people propose an idea such as: "maybe it'd be better if trump won, because then he'll do poorly and people will favor either a more liberal or more sane candidate in the next elections." I can easily imagine some random person, whether it be CC or someone else, thinking that Duerte might damage US relations, consequentially hurt the Phillipines, and then lead to further concessions to the US in the future. I'd like to say that's such a convoluted idea that it would never be pursued in favor of something more direct and understandable (seek better relations with phillipines now rather than hurt them now in hopes of taking more advantage later) but the truth is that even powerful people seem to engage in fairly convoluted and absurd plots and schemes at times.

I don't really think that's going to be an angle the US takes, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone out there who thinks it (don't really think it's CC though).

EDIT-So his name is Duterte and not Duerte...

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Look at that, he actually backpaddled.

There's this one forum I go on called Serenes Forest. There's this moderator there. I think he goes by the name Integrity. He's a lot like Hitler, and he acknowledges it at times himself. A SJW Hitler Senpai. In a way I like to think we all have a little hitler in us, sort of like how we're made of stardust.

There might be a slight difference between a mod in some internet forum about a series and the president of a nation. Also, I like to think of myself of someone who doesn't aspire to genozide a whole religion or any other population group. Sharing traits with Hitler or any other dictator or extremist does not mean I have "a little of them in me". That's just a lazy way to 'prove' that the leftist are actually the same as the right (or that {group I dislike} is a bunch of Nazis/Commies/...).

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