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I find it depressing that

Suikoden series has ended and stopped since bankruptcy or something?

Rune Factory series has stopped due to the company filing Bankruptcy

Luminous Arc wont port 3 and PSVITA version "Luminous Arc Infinity" to english subs.


Seems like not much available RPG games nowadays .-.

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Remember the good times, and find other things to make great memories out of. Start with Stella Glow. And then Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC/SC.

Edited by eggclipse
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Remember the good times, and find other things to make great memories out of. Start with Stella Glow. And then Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC/SC.

The Legend of Heroes Tears of Vermillion

The Legend of Heroes Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch

The Legend of Heroes Songs of the Ocean

best trilogy for PSP.

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As much as I like Rune Factory, there will be games to take its place. Marvelous is still around and their Story of Seasons series might just branch back into fantasy action RPGs after exploring their spinoff options more and more.

Konami owns Suikoden and Konami hates fun, so RIP.

But honestly it's fine to try new things. Radiant Historia and Undertale will probably never be followed up but they are great standalone games. Baten Kaitos got its one prequel and that is all it ever needs. Xenoblade is a budding new franchise and while Chronicles X is not perfect it was certainly some of the most fulfilling exploration I've ever experienced in a game ever.

My favourite RPG of 2015-2016 is Final Fantasy XIV and the living world aspect is going to keep me hooked for years to come, probably. So while the rest of the FF franchise flails around and salts its fields at least something quality still remains under that IP.

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There will never be any Live a Live remake. But the original is still great, and we have a great, if unofficial, translation

Same thing with Mother 3 and tales of Innocence (though we'll never get R. I'd rather have it than Hearts.)

​And once aagain, EU gets even less things than the rest fo the world.

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I don't play a ton of RPGs recently but I'm pretty sure there are plenty of good ones still out there.

What happened to Suikoden is disappointing, though. I don't know how to explain it, but in general that game has one of the most appealing and likable worlds. I wanted to see more of the suikoverse! Tierkries is, honestly, an acceptably good game, but it didn't really make much use of the prior suiko legacy. I don't think I'll ever learn much about the PSP game, since it didn't make it over here and it doesn't seem like many people talk about its plot.

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...that there's just little ongoing signature titles that aren't Mario or Pokémon. Even Zelda's been taking a back seat recently.

...that (as some of our members seem to agree in here) Mr Miyamoto's acting way too much of a dinosaur and refusing allow further development of existing titles, and to especially develop an actually serious story that more would have been there in Mario Galaxy, and has this obstinate insistence on simple stories.

Edited by henrymidfields
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Remember the good times, and find other things to make great memories out of. Start with Stella Glow. And then Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC/SC.

You. I like you.

On topic: I think its depressing that some excellent game series just don't get the recognition they deserve, especially when it comes to RPGs, the above two being major examples.

I also think its depressing how shallow and soulless recent major Nintendo games have gotten.

Mario 3D World had no soul to it like Mario Galaxy or 64 did, Zelda has had some interesting ideas gameplay-wise but whenever they make an interesting villain (Zant, Girahim, Cia), Ganon(dorf) snatches the spotlight every. single. damn. time, which gets really old really fast (I didn't play any of the handheld or 2D Zeldas, mind you, so I don't know how it is there), Pokémon lost its soul and charm to me with the transition to 3DS; Sun and Moon's promotional materials were the final nail in the coffin to let me drop that franchise altogether, after X and Y and especially ORAS started to build said coffin with the tacked on and honestly completely senseless Mega Evolution (though you can't explain the concept of Digivolution in the Digimon anime better than X and Y did, so there's that). And lest we forget: Star Fox Zero, which might very well be Nintendo's greatest flop yet.

(Keep in mind, these are all opinions)

On a more positive note: The Tales of Zestiria anime is flippin' amazing!

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Mario 3D World had no soul to it like Mario Galaxy or 64 did,

You mean 3D Land, right? Because 3D World is so much better, I'd say it's one of the best Mario games yet.

Edited by Zera
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Remember the good times, and find other things to make great memories out of. Start with Stella Glow. And then Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC/SC.

It was the best of times (TitS =)), it was the worst of times (Suikoden =().

EDIT Having no soul is a buzz word. You need to explain your position further if you want people to understand where you're coming from.


But honestly it's fine to try new things. Radiant Historia and Undertale will probably never be followed up but they are great standalone games. Baten Kaitos got its one prequel and that is all it ever needs. Xenoblade is a budding new franchise and while Chronicles X is not perfect it was certainly some of the most fulfilling exploration I've ever experienced in a game ever.

Radiant Historia and Undertale were fantastic, yeah. Still need to try out Baten Kaitos (and its prequel) and Xenoblade but they're so expensive which makes an impulse buy hard. =(

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Remember the old time. That's something I can get.
The kokoro itch still, but remembering how good those game were... it doesn't hurt anymore.

Rip Rune Factory... though I only really loved 3 and 4. Especially 4.

Rip Golden Sun... or not. the series was so good, I just can't miss it strangely enough.

Rip Suikoden because Konami. II, you will be always in my heart.

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Konami owns Suikoden and Konami hates fun, so RIP.

They bought Bomberman just to leave it dying, apparently.

I mean, I don't play Bomberman much but I do find it enjoyable. I'd love to play an adventure game like the GBA Bombermans, a Bomberman MMO or a classic Bomberman game with characters using special abilities (like in the battle mode). It has a good formula that just needs to be improved for modern times, but Konami lacks the ambition and competence for that.

Edited by Rapier
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