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Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War 2017 Tier List - Day 39: The support kids (Corple, Lene, Sharlow and Laylea)


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johalva: crabwalking axeman that goons probably single digit enemies over the entire game. 1/10

johan: mounted axeman that can't hit anything but goons more enemies than his bro. 2/10

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That wouldn't even help them all that much - enemy units will just stop attacking them because of the defensive bonuses they get from the Swanchika. So for the most part it'd nullify their enemy phase performance and only slightly improve their player phase :/

Bummer. Not even that can save these chumps. ;/

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Bummer. Not even that can save these chumps. ;/

Actually, that would still make them more useful than units like Aira. If they're not being attacked, that also means they have free reign to attack whoever they want on Player Phase. It'd be like deploying Jamka if Jamka was as hard to kill as Levin :) .

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Actually, that would still make them more useful than units like Aira. If they're not being attacked, that also means they have free reign to attack whoever they want on Player Phase. It'd be like deploying Jamka if Jamka was as hard to kill as Levin :) .

Indeed, but Johalva still would have foot issues and Johan has a lack of Pursuit.

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Even with the legendary axe they will be doing more damage with with the brave axe. All it would do is give them a slightly less bad 2 range option or a defensive option on tough enemy phases. It wouldn't improve them significantly at all.

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The Super Axe Brothers got a 4.63/10 (Johan) and a 3.53/10 (Johalva). That is a big fall, considering that they are still related to Lex in some way...

Now that we are done with Chapter 6, its time to move on with the first fixed unit in Chapter 7, which I decided to be Shanan! :D

Class: Swordmaster (Level 12)
Holy Blood: Major Odo
Personal Skills: Astra

Class Skills: Continue, Pursuit
38 HP (120%)
18 Strength (30%)
0 Magic (5%)
22 Skill (80%)
23 Speed (30%)
13 Defense (40%)
4 Resistance (5%)
10 Luck (20%)

My thoughts: If he wasn't a special case, he would've been the weakest of the Odo swordfighters trio: While his bases are really good, his growth rates (except in HP and Skill) are pretty bad for G2 standards, which would've been quite detrimential to his performance. And while his skillset is very good on its own, especially if he's in a sub run, Larcei and Ulster will most likely have more than that as a bonus (Elite, Critical, etc.) which makes it suddenly not as impressive, even with the god-blessed Astra. All of that, plus the fact that he's a foot unit, would've made him useful in the beginning, but made him fall quite hard afterwards.

But then, why am I so conditional? Well, Shanan's a special case. Sure, he's the weakest of the Odo trio, but he's got a special weapon on him, both figuratively and literally: the holy BALMUNG.

Sure, when you look at it, it's basically just a 1-range and physical version of Holsety, but its still a 30-might weapon that gives you 10 Skill (useful for Astra!) and 20 Speed (useful for Continue!), and THAT what makes him carry through the whole game without much difficulties despite everything mentionned above. He's now an efficient bosskiller and enemy-phase soloer, and probably even more! Really, I don't have much to say...
I'll still give him ''only'' a 8.5/10, despite him being a bro to Seliph, because he still has problems stat-wise, but it barely even matters with the Balmung in hand...

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Shanan's really bro. His bases are insanely good that even if he had 0% growths everywhere, he'd still be useful from beginning to end. What makes his performance even greater is the fact that he has the Balmung, which is one of the best swords in the game.

But sadly, he's a footie. But one of the more useful ones so he's worth dragging along. 6/10

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As a wise member once said

You can't solo endgame with base Shanan unless you're really unlucky with his level ups.

6/10, for being a good footie who has ridiculous power, even without any levels or investment

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He's a foot unit with ridiculous offence. I actually like having him marry patty/daisy so he can help them pass around gold since even with Balmung he has loads to spare, since he never has to buy anything. I'll give him a 5.5/10 with 0.5 bias because he's a cool cucumber.

Edited by General Horace
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Shanan! 9/10

Dude has good bases, what else can you ask? Sure, his growths aren't great, but it doesn't matter once he gets the Balmung, with its awesome bonuses. Basically, with the Balmung, Shanan can stay in his game of fighting off enemies and ORKOing millions of them, and thus can keep with the kids. He's especially useful in a substitute run. Sure, he's not as great as Ayra's kids, but he's still pretty good. And he has Astra as well, and Astra is awesome no matter what. He also has Pursuit and Continue, two skills which are also useful.

In the end, Shanan's practically the handsome devil who can easily ORKO enemies with his special sword, and is really useful like Oifey, being that he serves his purpose of being backup help if your screwed kids or subs aren't doing well at all.

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Shanan is great but as far as G2's potential legendary weapon wielders go he's probably the least impressive (except maybe for Alteena for her late join time) because his growths just aren't that great and sometimes puzzling (why is his defense higher than speed? Especially with such a low def cap :Y ). Balmung however is his one true saving grace and boy does it shine. While it lacks a tertiary skill like critical or prayer, it makes up for it with its obscene speed buff, low weight, and high accuracy. The thing is basically an instant kill for anyone Shanan runs into short of another holy weapon user, and that makes him invaluable. The only other problem he may have is its incredibly RNG based how well he and Patty/Daisy can escape the dark mages when they first enter the story. Balmung gives him some great avoid, but it isn't perfect.... either way, Shanan gets a 7.5/10 for me, hes a great help but he does sorta fall in to a support role later into G2 like Oifey does. I think he probably should've had Awareness like Ayra so he could deal better with trickier enemy encounters but eh!

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His stats are enough to function even if he never procs anything and Balmung is ridiculous enough to supplement his already swanky bases. Again, the only criticism is that he's a foot unit, but unless you're actively trying to kill him, he's likely to survive most encounters and murder anyone who looks at him funny.


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Wow those are some surprisingly low scores for a unit that's starts amazing and stays that way. Is lacking a pony really that damming in part 2? It certainly is in the first part where the footies are in the minority but a lot more gen 2 characters are on foot.

I'm giving Shanan a solid 9/10. Its hard to find a character who is more consistently useful. With the Balmung Shanan dodges everything and kills everything. WITHOUT the Balmung Shanan dodges and kills anything too.

Send him against any mook? The mooks all die.

Send him against Blume? He dodges Thorhammer and astra's Blume.

Send him against Ishtar? He kills her as well. The first time at least.

In later chapters he's not as obviously broken as Sety but he still reliably deals with almost any problem you might have.

His only real downside is that he isn't one of your two units(Seliph and Ares) who has decent resistance.

Edited by Etrurian emperor
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Wow those are some surprisingly low scores. Is lacking a pony really that damming in part 2? It certainly is in the first part where the footies are in the minority but most gen 2 characters are on foot.

It's more than what Shanan can do can be mostly replicated by a mounted unit, who can also do it faster. Celice and friends can deal with the same enemies, and get there faster too. There has to be a benchmark for a 10 somewhere! If gen 2 were significantly harder, Shanan's combat ability would be more highly valued. However, since the game's not terribly difficult relative to the units you get, there's a point where combat ability becomes superfluous.

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