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4 hours ago, Suichimo said:

Honestly, I think the art style is a natural evolution of the GBA art style, when directed towards this kind of game. It also helps avoid the massively bloated character sprites that you see in stuff like Brave Frontier.


Oh give me a break. Look at this pic here....this from the GBA games.

Related image

There is some depth of the character design here during the combat. The characters are properly proportioned, the animation are crisp and sharp and add a sense of realism. Sure maybe Heroes throwing their shields high up and dunking their weapons straight at the units head might not look so real but its still cool to look at nonetheless. On top of all this, the health bar and the unit name shake when they are struck.


Now look at Fire Emblem Heroes here.....



I can't find a gif file anywhere here so pardon me for that but look at the pic here. The forms all nerfed, the combat is more on the whimsical side rather than on the epic side and the unit just stays there and doesn't take a step back.....and this is suppose to be better than the GBA ones?

3 hours ago, Quintessence said:

If you hate Mobile games, fair enough. But I think it's a good and needed move for Nintendo to follow trends and being modern rather than making gaming on console on a sort of obscure setting. What will they win if they abstain from going mobile? They're most likely missing opportunities there. Mobile gaming surely won't be their forte but will be a means to welcome new players to console gaming, which is a plus.

Players will probably download it, try it and leave it, or there may be a dedicated group of players willing to play it everyday. The idea of mobile gaming is to have fun on the go and play it by bursts, secs, minutes or a short free time where it'll be wasted time on handhelds or won't be worth it.

Then why bother making such a game in the first place? Obviously Nintendo didn't get enough revenue for Super Mario Run even though that game outdid Pokemon Go. And more over, its not like they couldn't do the effort into fleshing out stuff here and there.

As for luring mobile gamers to consoles....buddy, Nintendo managed to make a huge profit by simply selling the Amiibo itself with little effort alongside the NES classic Edition. How will mobile ever come to that par on units I have no clue on but the fact remains that Nintendo can do stuff without mobile. Its as you said though, they probably want to get into the modern times and for that reason alone, they are doing it. Otherwise, there's no reason for them not to and that's what I'm bummed up about.


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I have places to go and things to do, and I'm getting quite annoyed.

WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH INFORMATION ON HOW PAYMENT WORKS, so bringing up fears of the unknown doesn't help.  Art style is a matter of taste - if it isn't your thing, it isn't your thing (I'm not thrilled with the "injured" artwork, but I'm not going to write a thesis on why, because it's a waste of time).  And if this mobile game isn't your thing, it isn't your thing.

I can understand actual concerns, which I will allow, as long as it doesn't go too far.  If anyone else comes in here solely to bitch, that's grounds for a warning - if you're not going to download the game and give it an honest shot, then you have better things to do with your time than complain about it.  If I see any complaints about this stance in public, that's also grounds for a warning - the PM system exists for a reason.  Do I make myself clear?

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I wonder if this game will have actual writing in it, while i do expect the main story to be a gigantic excuse as to why we can summon heroes from the entire series, i wonder if there will be anything more than that, will there be character interactions between characters of different games? I feel like it would be a huge missed opportunity if there weren't.

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1 hour ago, Elieson said:

This is correct. All maps will be 8x6 (or smaller, due to Terrain limitations and infantry units being unable to cross walls/mountains/etc.


For 4 v 4s, it's not bad IMO.

For 4 vs 4s it sounds good, but I think it would be neat to feature bigger maps, specially on the final nodes/stages of each chapter. For instance, Phantom of the Kill has big maps by the end of the chapters, so I think why wouldn't Heroes have it as well.

34 minutes ago, OakTree said:

I wonder if this game will have actual writing in it, while i do expect the main story to be a gigantic excuse as to why we can summon heroes from the entire series, i wonder if there will be anything more than that, will there be character interactions between characters of different games? I feel like it would be a huge missed opportunity if there weren't.

I'm pretty positive they'll add support bonuses as well, dunno about support dialogues in itself. Let's see. In a similar fashion, PotK (lol my only close reference) has support bonuses as well, and when you place one unit next to the other it gets hit, avoid, crt and dodge bonuses after building high friendship with another unit. They even have rally skills which have cooldowns so I'm pretty positive, if not confident about it.

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5 hours ago, Quintessence said:

I find the visuals refreshing, and of good quality. I think it is a smart move to opt for 2D/chibi designs rather than 3D because making 3D models with all the details and precision it needs would end up as a hard and large task, and there's no guarantee that they will be beautiful or of high quality. For instance, PotK has 3D models and imo they look horrible; and they're not doing high def models ala Mobius FF. So I think it was a safe and smart move for more than 200 characters.

Adding to this, I'm not convinced most smart devices could even run a game with a 3D models for a cast of I-don't-even-know-how many without some major issues. That said I could easily be wrong about this too, not an expert on the topic.

Anyways, the art in this kind of mobile games is usually surprisingly good ignoring fanservice grievances (I admit I might be biased since I tend to like what I call "anime art" and prefer 2d models to 3d most of the time).


The small size of the maps is a bit of an concern for me, but I prefer that to PotK's massive maps that took way too long to complete. Heck I feel like I could clear maps in Heroes in the time it would take me to scroll through a map in PotK sometimes... I could see them releasing bigger maps in future, but not by much. Something like 10x8 should definitely be possible at the very least.


As for supports, I could definitely see support conversations happening. Maybe not in same scale as in the main games, but some of these mobile RPG have surprising amount of writing in them. From my own experience, Granblue Fantasy gives all characters at least 2 short stories. Though the length varies, a single short story could be around similar length as a support conversation. Most similar to support conversations would be GBF's "cross-fate episodes", which are extra short stories you get if you have the two involved characters, usually giving permanent stat increase to both (sadly these require a specific version of a character that has several, and the stat increases aren't applied to the other versions).

Obviously it's too early to say how Heroes will do things, but at the very least other mobile games show it's possible to do.

Edited by Sylphid
typo be gone
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@Sylphid Well yeah you have a good point on the bigger maps, apart from PotK running somewhat slow when scrolling through the map.

Anyways, there are some mobile games with high def qualitity visuals, but it would be really tedious to pull that for FE. Mobius has beautiful visuals for a Mobile game but it only cares about the main character wearing different robes/jobs and a couple or two extra characters, plus generic monsters with different colors.

Also, rewatching the opening, I find pretty awesome, specially Camilla's, Chrom's and Lissa's entrance. So classy and heroic at the same time!!

= EDIT =

On another note, what team do you guys are planning to build? I'd love to build teams according to each game of the series. But Camilla looks really sexy on that intro I want to pull her already!

Edited by Quintessence
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@Quintessence Just to clarify, my scrolling grievances with PotK maps were more about me just hating / sucking at scrolling on a touch screen :P: (also it's been ages since I touched PotK so I might have outdated info about the speed of things)


Speaking of quality art, stupid design choices aside Granblue Fantasy has some amazing artworks and nice 2d sprites.

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More importantly, how will they handle healers? Will they be able to fight or only use staves and gain exp through them?

For reference PotK has also healers but they have 1-2 ranged attacks that work as Nosferatu (with terrible hit rates), it hits the enemies and drains HP equal to dmg dealt iirc.

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6 hours ago, Harvey said:

and this is suppose to be better than the GBA ones?

Never said better, just a natural evolution to that of a Gacha title.

4 hours ago, Quintessence said:

On another note, what team do you guys are planning to build? I'd love to build teams according to each game of the series. But Camilla looks really sexy on that intro I want to pull her already!

I mentioned it earlier, but I plan on Roy, Severa/Celica(depending on if I need magic and how weapon switching will work), Nephenee, and Miledy.


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4 hours ago, Quintessence said:

On another note, what team do you guys are planning to build? I'd love to build teams according to each game of the series. But Camilla looks really sexy on that intro I want to pull her already!

I make no such plans. If I get a character I like, I'll use them, but otherwise I'll just work with what I'm given. Planning your team in a gatcha game seems akin to planning your team in a randomised Pokemon game, unless you're willing to shell out the money to ensure you get the characters you want, which I am not.

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Well for teams I'm going to be doing like in the trailer (Chrom, Lucina, Xander and Camilla) how there was 2 characters that originated from different games so I'm going to love having a team of my favorites like Ephraim, Joshua, Charlotte and Niles (Sacred Stones + Conquest), but there are going to be some exceptions here and there like... Marth fighting alongside Awakening Tiki.

I happen to support the theory of Robin being the tactician Lyn knew so them fighting together would be quite nostalgic.

Also teams of characters who would have stuff in common with like say for example Ike and Ephraim who both are impulsive and enjoy the thrill of battle along with Eirika and Elincia both of whom were sheltered, but grow as they witness the outside world.

Edited by AbsoluteZer0Nova
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Excuse me if this was mentioned earlier, but how do we know that side-ish characters are going to get in, like Nepheenee? I can expect the entire cast of Fates and Awakening to get in for just the newer players, but what about Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and the Jugdral games? There was no characters seen for the games so far. How do we know Intelligent Systems isn't going to pull a fast one on us and only give us about 10 characters from each of those games?

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2 minutes ago, Don't Blame Takumi said:

Excuse me if this was mentioned earlier, but how do we know that side-ish characters are going to get in, like Nepheenee? I can expect the entire cast of Fates and Awakening to get in for just the newer players, but what about Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and the Jugdral games? There was no characters seen for the games so far. How do we know Intelligent Systems isn't going to pull a fast one on us and only give us about 10 characters from each of those games?

Because that isn't how Gacha games work. Gacha is basically a slot machine to get characters, some rarer and some more common, and this model doesn't work without an extensive selection of characters, and we know they aren't going the Final Fantasy Record Keeper route. I am absolutely confident that each and every named character will eventually be available as a usable unit.

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I am not sure what team i would build. I of course would be having Ryoma and Hawkeye on my team, and probably Ike and Male!Corrin too (assuming i can get my hands on them.)

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53 minutes ago, Don't Blame Takumi said:

Excuse me if this was mentioned earlier, but how do we know that side-ish characters are going to get in, like Nepheenee? I can expect the entire cast of Fates and Awakening to get in for just the newer players, but what about Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, and the Jugdral games? There was no characters seen for the games so far. How do we know Intelligent Systems isn't going to pull a fast one on us and only give us about 10 characters from each of those games?

*cough* Also Sacred Stones *cough*

I wouldn't worry too much about it. There's likely to be updates for expanding on characters too as the game goes on with story missions and so forth.

This seems to be the listing so far of what characters have been been seen excluding the mentioned games.

Archanea Series
Young Tiki

Fire Emblem: Binding Blade

Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword

Fire Emblem Awakening
Robin (Male)
Robin (Female)
Adult Tiki

Fire Emblem Fates
Corrin (Male)
Corrin (Female)

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My wife was disappointed with the lack of Sacred Stones rep.

Regarding Veronica.... Her outfit is kinda cool, but I kinda... already hate her?? IDK why exactly there's just something like... WTF is this young teen girl doing trying to conquer shit, go home and drink your nappies, hoe

Nah but in all seriousness, if she gets any characterization whatsoever, that'll probably change haha. Lissa, Elise, and Maribelle were all characters that I also thought I'd hate by virtue of their designs, and ended up liking a lot... so maybe she'll be fine by me, we'll see. 

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11 hours ago, OakTree said:

I wonder if this game will have actual writing in it, while i do expect the main story to be a gigantic excuse as to why we can summon heroes from the entire series, i wonder if there will be anything more than that, will there be character interactions between characters of different games? I feel like it would be a huge missed opportunity if there weren't.

I think trying to organize THAT MANY characters into a cohesive story would be a bit of a nightmare!  It looks like the entire series will be represented, and that is a gigantic cast!

10 hours ago, Quintessence said:

= EDIT =

On another note, what team do you guys are planning to build? I'd love to build teams according to each game of the series. But Camilla looks really sexy on that intro I want to pull her already!

I'm going to go for weapon balance over anything else.  Though making a team full of Skittles/cute green-haired guys would be hilarious. . .

1 hour ago, falcione said:

Hey guys.


Not quite sure where to post this  but i cant see some text in the buttons nor i can see the artwork of the characters.


Am i just being dumb or there something i can do to fix this?




Try fiddling with your extensions.  Stuff like Privacy Badger might interfere.  If you don't have extensions, maybe try switching browsers.  I have a notoriously PITA browser, and it managed to display everything just fine.

EDIT: Right, English Twitter.  Since I can't tell whether or not that's official, and there's no link on the Heroes home page, I'm going to leave it off of the list for now.  If there's any confirmation that it is the Heroes official Twitter account, I'll link it.

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11 hours ago, Quintessence said:

On another note, what team do you guys are planning to build? I'd love to build teams according to each game of the series. But Camilla looks really sexy on that intro I want to pull her already!

I don't want to have any exact team building in mind bcos you'll be most likely disappointed with what you get from your first summoning with that in mind:P:

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11 hours ago, Quintessence said:

More importantly, how will they handle healers? Will they be able to fight or only use staves and gain exp through them?

For reference PotK has also healers but they have 1-2 ranged attacks that work as Nosferatu (with terrible hit rates), it hits the enemies and drains HP equal to dmg dealt iirc.

Going the PotK route could work (though hopefully with less terrible hit rates). I could also see RD style melee attacks for healers, though hopefully with actual damage. Because honestly if healers can't do combat, unless the player side ends up taking ridiculous amounts of damage they'll probably end up fairly pointless with the small teams Heroes seems to have.


This makes me wonder though, what will they do with hybrid classes from Fates and Awakening, considering they seem to be going for a more simplified class style?


EDIT: oh and about teams: I agree what the game gives me is going to affect it a lot, but something like Titania, Nephenee, Lyon, Maribelle, Takumi (Maribelle if healers are good, Takumi if they aren't) would be pretty close to my ideal team. With some others of my favorites thrown in as replacements depending on my need of swords, fliers, more horses or how magic triangle works.

That said, if healers can do combat I want to do Maribelle, Wrys, L'Arachel and Moulder.

Edited by Sylphid
team building talk
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Now sure if this has been brought up before or if it's the thread for it, but according to this post on Reddit , the top 10 male and female characters in the Fire Emblem Heroes poll will be featured in a calendar wallpaper. I didn't know that, but that's pretty neat - I wonder if the characters will interact. Would be fun seeing some really unusual combinations of characters.

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4 hours ago, eclipse said:

I think trying to organize THAT MANY characters into a cohesive story would be a bit of a nightmare!  It looks like the entire series will be represented, and that is a gigantic cast!

From what i've seen, most of the mobage games with actual stories mostly have a main story which is itself composed of smaller, self-contained stories, each with their own cast, the one i play the most for example, F/GO, has a small cast of NPCs each chapter and the story of said chapter focused on said NPCs, for example, during the Camelot chapter of that game, the main NPC who you're helping out is Bedivere while other characters like the Hashashin, the Pharaohs and the Buddhists show up as allies, and the Knights of the Round Table serve as the main antagonists. With that method, you can have character interaction and development without having to shove every character in.

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With regards to story, I think it's probably a safe bet to say that it'll mainly address the original characters made for this game, and that characters from other games will likely have little to no place in it. And I mean... I think that's fine, that's about what you expect from something like this, I think. Writing will probably be pretty barebones, but who knows, maybe we'll get something more out of it and the characters could actually be interesting haha. 

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Actually, I think some Heroes might influence the main plot, or support the player not as in game units but rather as sub cast or something. For instance, I'd love if the heroes at the opening have a role or a few lines in the story.

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