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The lack of skill stat kind of worries me, as there is no hit/avo, plus I haven't seen crt either. This means def/res are the stats that matter to handle enemy phases and spd will only be used to determine whether you double or not. What stat will determine skill activations in this case?

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12 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

The lack of skill stat kind of worries me, as there is no hit/avo, plus I haven't seen crt either. This means def/res are the stats that matter to handle enemy phases and spd will only be used to determine whether you double or not. What stat will determine skill activations in this case?

I have a feeling that Skills are being replaced with Specials, so the answer would be SP.

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1 hour ago, Gima said:

I have a feeling that Skills are being replaced with Specials, so the answer would be SP.

But will they always proc? So far they have featured them in the trailer but there's no guarantee that they are 100% procs. SP, as far as I can tell, is used to unlock them as well as new weapons, acting like a stamina bar.

On another curiosities, unit portraits have a "+" symbol, what will they have on that plus symbol? More detailed stats or just a profile/description of the character?

The panel has two swords in red meaning the weapon slot, a green shield that I don't know? Sakura has Mend and Marth has Pivot, perhaps a support ability? And it also has the purple crescent moon icon meaning special skills. I'm curious about this green shield icon and what effect it has.

Thinking about PotK, I remembered that each unit had a Leader skill that could be triggered if said unit was in the first/leading slot of the party. These skills were basically an extra boost to some units, strictly related to the weapon of the leader (there was a leader that granted +10 attck +10 def/res to sword units). Will they apply something similar here?

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Just now, Quintessence said:

But will they always proc? So far they have featured them in the trailer but there's no guarantee that they are 100% procs. SP, as far as I can tell, is used to unlock them as well as new weapons, acting like a stamina bar.

If Specials are like their equivalent in other games, then it will be a Limit Break system, not "you have a chance of activating this Special whenever you attack."

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I think at this stage there's no way to know how the specials will or might work, that's probably gonna be one of the things we'll just need to wait and see on... But hey, only 'bout a week or so left.

Edited by BANRYU
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33 minutes ago, Gima said:

If Specials are like their equivalent in other games, then it will be a Limit Break system, not "you have a chance of activating this Special whenever you attack."


28 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

I think at this stage there's no way to know how the specials will or might work, that's probably gonna be one of the things we'll just need to wait and see on... But hey, only 'bout a week or so left.

Don't wait for stuff when you have the chance to do them now! :p

I think I found out the stuff about Specials. First off, lemme correct me, it's not a crescent moon symbol lol, it's a slash with a star or something haha. Anyways, I did note something interesting, and it's that units have 3 icons/symbols in the map:

1. The weapon icon that identifies them as sword/axe/lance/bow unit, or the triangle they use.

2. A blue number that represents the current HP of the unit.

3. A purple number at the left side of the unit, which is none other than the Special Skill cooldown.

I'm sure a out this because each time a unit attacks, the cooldown is reduced: note that during the animation, each unit has the same purple number on its panel, that is reduced each time the unit hits the enemy. For instance, Lon'qu begins combat with purple 3, strikes once and we have purple 2, strikes again and we have purple 1. If it strikes again, the cooldown ends and the number is replaced with the same purple slash symbol, meaning one can trigger said special. Once it is used, the cooldown begins again, 3 for Lon'qu, 4 for Alfonse by using Daylight and so on. It will probably depend on the special itself or the weapon/passive skills the unit has. For reference, Killing Edge is worth 200 SP and its ability is that it accelerates special cooldown by -1. So I'm pretty confident about this. The question is whether the special works as a command skill or it is automatically triggered after the cooldown ends.

Another curiousity are the A B and C slots on each character, it makes me think it is a Passive Skill slot since Skill List is displayed below them on the unit menu.

Argh, so hyped!!! Can't wait! and colombia isn't even on the planned release

= EDIT =

Info comes from Direct observations.

Edited by Quintessence
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6 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

@QuintessenceEhh, I'm not SUPER intent on finding out as much as possible before it comes out, I don't mind waiting to see haha =w= I def applaud your observational efforts though! Nice points!

Lawl thanks!!!

Btw, has anyone pointed out the possibility of there being a same character in different outfits? I saw both FE11 Tiki and FE13 Tiki on the roster they showed on the direct. maybe ana can get her slim and buffed versions of ike separately

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3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Lawl thanks!!!

Btw, has anyone pointed out the possibility of there being a same character in different outfits? I saw both FE11 Tiki and FE13 Tiki on the roster they showed on the direct. maybe ana can get her slim and buffed versions of ike separately

I noticed that too, yeah. Different versions of characters like Ike and maybe the Awakening trio from Fates seem somewhat plausible; in general I think the more different a character's look is between two appearances, the higher their chances. Bartre and most of the Jugdral/Tellius characters, for instance, I don't see having much likelihood of having multiple looks; if there's any other character that does, it might be Sothe due to his significance in RD. 

As for Anna....? I don't want to make assumptions, but I get the impression that her front-and-center role in the game's story might mean that other Annas won't be present .3. I'm not at all certain of that and hope for the Anna fans' sake that it's not the case, but... call it a hunch, I guess. (Then again there IS Awakening where Anna is like Nurse Joy so I might be WAY off lol.)

Edited by BANRYU
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SP is only used for purchasing unit based skills/attack boosts (buying a steel sword on LonQu basically is like StrengthBoost+1 for instance). Its like SkillEXP

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47 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Ok quick question.

I heard Beyond the distant skies during the direct...is it a remixed one or is it the exact same one that is used in the GBA? I can't tell but I want to listen to it more!


Do you remember where in the Direct this occurred?  I might be able to figure it out, if I knew where to look!

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26 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Do you remember where in the Direct this occurred?  I might be able to figure it out, if I knew where to look!

Its found in the part where they show Robin having different stats in Fire Emblem Heroes....


Ok I'll show the proper timing as well... at 15:02!


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8 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Its found in the part where they show Robin having different stats in Fire Emblem Heroes....


Ok I'll show the proper timing as well... at 15:02!


In my highly uneducated opinion, this sounds like the original Beyond the Distant Skies.

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42 minutes ago, eclipse said:

In my highly uneducated opinion, this sounds like the original Beyond the Distant Skies.

Really? You sure about that? Because you can really tell that's the GBA one the minute the GBA's synthesizer is used....oh well.

But what about the other songs played. Are those the exact same ones or are they remixed/remastered?


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Just now, Harvey said:

Really? You sure about that? Because you can really tell that's the GBA one the minute the GBA's synthesizer is used....oh well.

But what about the other songs played. Are those the exact same ones or are they remixed/remastered?


I'm honestly not sure.  I know the pieces by sound, not by title, and half the time, my system is on mute!

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Honestly having all attacks be guaranteed to hit would make total sense because generally mobile games are meant for quick fun during your commute, between lectures, on a break or whatever. If that's the route they go for I hope def and res don't end up too OP.

That said, with passive skills confirmed they could introduce avoid that way.

8 hours ago, BANRYU said:

I noticed that too, yeah. Different versions of characters like Ike and maybe the Awakening trio from Fates seem somewhat plausible; in general I think the more different a character's look is between two appearances, the higher their chances. Bartre and most of the Jugdral/Tellius characters, for instance, I don't see having much likelihood of having multiple looks; if there's any other character that does, it might be Sothe due to his significance in RD. 

As for Anna....? I don't want to make assumptions, but I get the impression that her front-and-center role in the game's story might mean that other Annas won't be present .3. I'm not at all certain of that and hope for the Anna fans' sake that it's not the case, but... call it a hunch, I guess. (Then again there IS Awakening where Anna is like Nurse Joy so I might be WAY off lol.)

There is also the option to make (hopefully free) skins for characters with slight but not significant differences in their appearances. I honestly don't expect this to happen however (for that particular reason at least), since they are creating new artwork for the characters anyways so something like PoR Titania with new artwork getting RD Titania skin with new artwork would be incredibly silly.

Speaking of different versions though, I could see for instance Mist getting two versions, one a staff-user and the other a sword-user. Also Garon and Gooron should totally be different characters :P:

Also I could see Anna going either way due to the canon nurse Joy thing of hers. I would be game for an Anna of each weapon type!

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I honestly doubt that we will see things like different versions of Marth or Ike. The different games that each of them starred in are only a few years apart. I expect things to be more in line with the two Tikis. Say, Eliwood and old Eliwood, maybe? And Camus, Zeke and Sirius will probably be different characters. Same with Brigid and Eyvel, Severa and the Fates Selena, ect. Maybe not the two Oifeys, though. We only ever got to control the older one, right?

Edited by RedEyedDrake
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Great, this game is only releasing on few countries...and its not in my area. 

You know, Nintendo may be doing well on mobile right now but they are terrible when it comes to releasing their mobile games. Why oh why is it so hard to release mobile games globally? When you consider how cheap it is to make mobile games, you be stupid if you can't release them globally. Atleast consoles it makes sense why specific games are released on specific regions but this?


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37 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Great, this game is only releasing on few countries...and its not in my area. 

You know, Nintendo may be doing well on mobile right now but they are terrible when it comes to releasing their mobile games. Why oh why is it so hard to release mobile games globally? When you consider how cheap it is to make mobile games, you be stupid if you can't release them globally. Atleast consoles it makes sense why specific games are released on specific regions but this?


What country are you from?

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41 minutes ago, Harvey said:

Great, this game is only releasing on few countries...and its not in my area. 

You know, Nintendo may be doing well on mobile right now but they are terrible when it comes to releasing their mobile games. Why oh why is it so hard to release mobile games globally? When you consider how cheap it is to make mobile games, you be stupid if you can't release them globally. Atleast consoles it makes sense why specific games are released on specific regions but this?

I created a US-based iOS account so I can download these games Day 1, then when they get the worldwide release happens I re-download it on my proper account based in Chile (your saves are all kept since these mobile games aren't really region-locked). It happened like this with Miitomo and Pokemon GO, although Super Mario Run got released in every country right off the bat.

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1 minute ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

In fact, are Tellius characters in the game ? I didn't notice any of them, maybe I missed them, but most of the characters that were shown are from Archanea, Awakening and Fates.

They'll probably make a special Tellius event with a Rate-Up Gacha and everything, which is a smart move, putting too many fan-favorites like Marth, Ike, Lyn and Chrom at right at launch would not be the smartest of moves.

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