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26 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Actually, I think some Heroes might influence the main plot, or support the player not as in game units but rather as sub cast or something. For instance, I'd love if the heroes at the opening have a role or a few lines in the story.

If certain heroes are scripted to join the party via story progression or something, then I can see this happening. If ALL heroes aside from the characters specific to the game are random, though, then there'd be little reason for that. Scripted hero joinings seems fairly plausible, though. 

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4 minutes ago, Blade_of_Light said:




I do believe that is Erika, no? XD.

Did you spot any other SS characters throughout the direct, trailers, or gameplay though? :\ smartass... it's a relative/comparative lack

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Just now, BANRYU said:

Did you spot any other SS characters throughout the direct, trailers, or gameplay though? :\ smartass



I don't remember all of them that well.

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23 minutes ago, BANRYU said:

Did you spot any other SS characters throughout the direct, trailers, or gameplay though? :\ smartass... it's a relative/comparative lack

Didn't notice them.  However, the same can also be said of FE5 and Tellius, IIRC (FE4 is randomly shown in the Heroes voting select thing).  Thus, I think that the Direct limited which games would be shown (sticking to Archanea/Elibe/Ylisse/FatesWorld).

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5 minutes ago, eclipse said:

Didn't notice them.  However, the same can also be said of FE5 and Tellius, IIRC (FE4 is randomly shown in the Heroes voting select thing).  Thus, I think that the Direct limited which games would be shown (sticking to Archanea/Elibe/Ylisse/FatesWorld).

That's definitely a possibility. Another, as I suggested to my wife, is that characters from other games might be added or released in future promos/events/expansions, and might only not be in the game to start with. Either way, I don't think fans of the games not showcased need to worry too badly. 

Edited by BANRYU
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I'm fully convinced that Heroes will see more characters added to its roster after release, so I wouldn't be worried even if not the whole cast makes it to base game.

1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

If certain heroes are scripted to join the party via story progression or something, then I can see this happening. If ALL heroes aside from the characters specific to the game are random, though, then there'd be little reason for that. Scripted hero joinings seems fairly plausible, though. 

There's also the option of having established FE characters take part in the plot but not join you officially until you actually get them yourself. As annoying as that could be in most situations (though masked marth / Lucina making cryptic appearances would be a funny reference in my opinion), it's not entirely new concept.

Also it was mentioned that your enemies could be old characters as well, though it's anyone's guess if that will actually have story signifigance outside "summoned by the enemy nation"

6 hours ago, Thane said:

Now sure if this has been brought up before or if it's the thread for it, but according to this post on Reddit , the top 10 male and female characters in the Fire Emblem Heroes poll will be featured in a calendar wallpaper. I didn't know that, but that's pretty neat - I wonder if the characters will interact. Would be fun seeing some really unusual combinations of characters.

All the more reason to hope more obscure characters like Lyon, or heck Oliver, win lol (for the record Elieson pointed this out earlier in this thread). I would feel a bit sad if we just get more Xander/Ryoma interaction or whatever.

Though I must say stuff like Ike x Ike interaction like @Anacybele suggested somewhere could be equally hilarious

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5 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

I'm fully convinced that Heroes will see more characters added to its roster after release, so I wouldn't be worried even if not the whole cast makes it to base game.

There's also the option of having established FE characters take part in the plot but not join you officially until you actually get them yourself. As annoying as that could be in most situations (though masked marth / Lucina making cryptic appearances would be a funny reference in my opinion), it's not entirely new concept.

Also it was mentioned that your enemies could be old characters as well, though it's anyone's guess if that will actually have story signifigance outside "summoned by the enemy nation"

All the more reason to hope more obscure characters like Lyon, or heck Oliver, win lol (for the record Elieson pointed this out earlier in this thread). I would feel a bit sad if we just get more Xander/Ryoma interaction or whatever.

Though I must say stuff like Ike x Ike interaction like @Anacybele suggested somewhere could be equally hilarious

Hmm I don't think dual character interactions would be possible. At least, I never saw that in PotK despite me having a playable unit that appeared in-game later, as Laevatainn (Male), which never interacted with Zero (story name). It will mostly be Alfonse/Sharena/Anna interacting with Veronica and enemy Heroes. Btw, I think among the enemy heroes we have Hawkeye, Cherche, Florina and such; or at least that was the impression the trailer gave me when the narrator exposed enemy heroes summoned by Veronica and the Master dude with the Mask.

On another funny note, did anyone felt the avatar like a Bayonetta vibe? More specifically, as the Lumen Sage, masked Balder? I found that pretty amazing!!

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1 hour ago, Sylphid said:

All the more reason to hope more obscure characters like Lyon, or heck Oliver, win lol (for the record Elieson pointed this out earlier in this thread). I would feel a bit sad if we just get more Xander/Ryoma interaction or whatever.

Agreed. I've also been wondering if I should try to convince everyone to vote for Alvis just to show we're interested in Genealogy of the Holy War, now that they're remaking Gaiden and all. 

However, if they do interact, wouldn't it be one male and one female character? I don't see Ryouma and Xander appearing on the same calendar, even if they've got a good chance of winning. 

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1 minute ago, Thane said:

Agreed. I've also been wondering if I should try to convince everyone to vote for Alvis just to show we're interested in Genealogy of the Holy War, now that they're remaking Gaiden and all. 

However, if they do interact, wouldn't it be one male and one female character? I don't see Ryouma and Xander appearing on the same calendar, even if they've got a good chance of winning. 

I'm trying to convince everyone to vote for Midir instead! :P:

Though if you really want a FE4 push, I think you'd have better luck with Sigurd/Seliph.

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Just now, eclipse said:

I'm trying to convince everyone to vote for Midir instead! :P:


Should they vote for Midir before or after they vote for Canas?

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1 minute ago, Elieson said:

Should they vote for Midir before or after they vote for Canas?

Yes. :P:

On a more serious note, depends on the person!  If y'all really want to see (insert character here), then go vote them!  My plan is as many green-haired dudes that I recognize, just to show that the older games deserve some support!

(except Alec, he annoys me)

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I'm trying to convince everyone to vote for Midir instead! :P:

Though if you really want a FE4 push, I think you'd have better luck with Sigurd/Seliph.

What, that guy who loves his horse a little bit too much? No thank you, I'll go with the manipulative barbecue master!

No but seriously, it might be a good idea to just try and make people vote for the same character just to give them a chance - I suspect a lot of people are voting for the newer games anyway, so might as well show our support for one oldie. Still, it might be a bit much to ask of people, rather than letting them just vote for whatever they want. I mean, I've voted for Lyon and Cynthia so far, and was considering Reyson next.

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@Quintessence I was talking about potential interactions in calendar artwork with Thane lol. That said I don't think more obscure character interactions between other characters would be outright impossible. But if they do happen they would likely be more like side-stories. Gaidens/Paralogues basically. I mean Granblue Fantasy has at least two side stories you get by owning two different versions of a certain character

@Thane the Xander/Ryoma was just the first example I thought of for "same old new" interactions. A better one would have been Robin/Tharja or Corrin/Ryoma or something.


I don't care enough to go on a campaign personally (I would probably campaign for Nephenee myself) or even vote for the same character multiple times. Just throwing my votes at characters I like while not expecting them to matter a whole lot.

(Incidentally, I'll be giving Midir and Alvis a vote for you two :P:)


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3 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

OH lol my bad.

Also no! Vote for Silver Hair! Which is Micaiah and Pent off the top of my head.

Don't worry about Miccy, she's planned as my 6th vote just after Julia.

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I'm quite disappointed by the game TBH. I'll give it a try of course, but I don't see 6x8 working when mages still attack at 2 tiles. Bigger maps would've worked on smartphone too, even with one hand... Maybe I just had too high expectations and thought we'd get a "full scale" FE experience on smartphone with better graphics, gameplay adapted to a mobile (seems good on this point though), etc. I'm not a fan of the global design either (too "heavenly"). Maybe a cross story will be interesting, or leveling my favorite heroes from different games will be fun.

The game system however isn't that far of that I expected, buying characters with real money and all. I'm extremely curious about the balance though.

Anyway, voted like 10 times since yesterday; my browser has weird settings, so I can close it and vote again.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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So I've noticed the the people who use stones to fight aren't really represented in the triangle. It's safe to say that both Tikis and Nowi are represented because dragons(not named Corrin or Kanna) mainly use breath attacks, which are often represented by a swirly thing which also represents magic in this game. Will the Laguz and other beast dudes get their own attribute later or will they added in the known triangle when they're added?

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6 minutes ago, Brand_Of_The_Exalt said:

I'm quite disappointed by the game TBH. I'll give it a try of course, but I don't see 6x8 working when mages still attack at 2 tiles. Bigger maps would've worked on smartphone too, even with one hand... Maybe I just had too high expectations and thought we'd get a "full scale" FE experience on smartphone with better graphics, gameplay adapted to a mobile (seems good on this point though), etc. I'm not a fan of the global design either (too "heavenly"). Maybe a cross story will be interesting, or leveling my favorite heroes from different games will be fun.

The game system however isn't that far of that I expected, buying characters with real money and all. I'm extremely curious about the balance though.

Anyway, voted like 10 times since yesterday; my browser has weird settings, so I can close it and vote again.

Don't really agree with you. Playing a map of the standard size for this series on an iPhone 5 would be hell. Same goes for any phone that is not absurdly huge, really. Also if they wanted graphics then you'd need a high end phone or tablet in order to play this game, which would suck for a lot of players. In order to make the standard map size work, you'd need virtual buttons, which are an absolute pain in any mobile game. Otherwise the squares would be far too small on a lot of phones.

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Just now, Emeraldfox said:

So I've noticed the the people who use stones to fight aren't really represented in the triangle. It's safe to say that both Tikis and Nowi are represented because dragons(not named Corrin or Kanna) mainly use breath attacks, which are often represented by a swirly thing which also represents magic in this game. Will the Laguz and other beast dudes get their own attribute later or will they added in the known triangle when they're added?




Swirly Things are indeed handlers for identifying Dragon/Laguz/whatever. Check Corrin/Tiki/Tiki out for Blue/Red/Red swirlies

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6 minutes ago, Emeraldfox said:

So I've noticed the the people who use stones to fight aren't really represented in the triangle. It's safe to say that both Tikis and Nowi are represented because dragons(not named Corrin or Kanna) mainly use breath attacks, which are often represented by a swirly thing which also represents magic in this game. Will the Laguz and other beast dudes get their own attribute later or will they added in the known triangle when they're added?

Go check Elie's post for a pretty pic.

It looks like both magic and stone users get attributes. Someone else had a green magic book, and I believe Fa had a red swirly thingy (different pic).

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Oh yeah I meant to point that out to you @Elieson after I read your analysis on the main site. Forgot, oops :P:

Incidentally, I would expect laguz, taguel and so on to either fit with the "breath" icon, or, more horrifyingly, not be in the base game.

I also wonder how dark and light magic will be handled, it would be really weird to remove them from a game essentially representing the whole series. Dark more so than light because of Gharnef, Lyon, Nerghal and so on.

Edited by Sylphid
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3 minutes ago, eclipse said:

and I believe Fa had a red swirly thingy (different pic).



Green swirly thing* This is from the official site, but it's so tiny, that it's easy to overlook.


2 minutes ago, Sylphid said:

I also wonder how dark and light magic will be handled, it would be really weird to remove them from a game essentially representing the whole game. Dark more so than light because of Gharnef, Lyon, Nerghal and so on.

Gharnef didn't have dark-type magic. Imhullu was just a tome.

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1 minute ago, Elieson said:

Gharnef didn't have dark-type magic. Imhullu was just a tome.

Gharnef didn't have dark-type magic, but since he is a dark mage he most likely would in this game.

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Fazilla cares not for your colors :P:

For tomes, the last time we had a proper magic split was Tellius (I don't count Nosferatu in the 3DS games as a separate type).  Assuming we get the villains, I can see their signature tomes being non-elemental, at best.

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