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22 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

Right now I'm thinking on saving a bunch to do consecutive summons on a go, but things may change depending on how the game works.

Also, what's Gacha?

The Gacha is the place where the Premium currency is used to get new characters in a lot of Japanese mobages. The name comes from Gachapon, these japanese toy machines where you put money in, and you get a random capsule with a toy in it. With some toys being rarer to incentive kids who wanted a full collection to spend more money in hopes of getting the rare toy.

Usually, in the Gacha, whichever character you obtain is random and there are tiers of rarity, with certain characters being rarer than others and thus, the chances of obtaining them randomly being lower, for example, in the trailer of FE Heroes, we could see that Lon'Qu was a 3-Star unit, which implies that he is easier to obtain than Takumi, who is a 5-Star.

Rate-Ups are when the chances of obtaining a specific character are temporarily increased.

Edited by OakTree
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Ah thanks for elaborating.

I wonder if each character will have a personal unique weapon, upgradable or will there be a big stock of weapons? I saw Takumi with the Fujin Yumi.

= EDIT =

Nevermind, I figured it out. Each character has a set of skills AND weapons to learn via Skill Points.

And characters are ranked up with white/silver feather and an item that is the logo in  red color. For instance, Lon'qu requires 2K feathers and 20 red fire emblems (?) to be 4*'d.

Edited by Quintessence
Figured stuff out.
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Nice! It should be linked to the OP to keep an eye on it.

Also, raising stars works the same way as in PotK. As a unit evolves to a next star level, its level and stats reset to base, which means that if you have a lv. 30 Lon'que with 30 attck and 40 Spd, once it reaches 4* it'll go back to lv. 1 with, say, 16attck and 14 spd, meaning you'll need to train it more to reach higher caps, weapons and skills.

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6 hours ago, Florete said:

Here's something: On the main site there's a list of characters ranging from Alfonse to Takumi, but with some url editing I found these Camilla images as well. Just wanted to share it. Couldn't find any others.

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Haha okay wow, good to know that they're still intent on ignoring anything to do with Camilla having a wyvern. (My bitterness at that aside, nice find!)

4 hours ago, OakTree said:

So, to all people who plan to be F2P players in this game, do you plan on saving up all of whatever-the-Premium-currency-is that you can get and wait for a rate-Up Gacha of your favorite character or are you just going to roll on the Gacha whenever you feel like it?

As someone who's fairly experienced at playing F2P games FOR free, I can attest that the best way to play it freely is to be as cheap as humanly possible. Scrounge and save and scrooge like there's no tomorrow, then blow it all when something you're sure you want comes along hahaha. The way these games are structured, they usually try to tempt you into spending the currency-du-jour on more frivolous things, so when the more desirables come along you're tempted to drop some cash on it. My policy is to save until I'm familiar enough with the game to figure out what I NEED, then save toward that as a goal (or otherwise wait for limited time events to come along). 

Being that this is a Fire Emblem game though and I'm a freakin' sucker for FE, I may actually end up dropping some money on this one. Not much certainly, esp if I can find a way to be content with how I play like I have with Pokemon Shuffle and Digimon Heroes, but.... yeah.

Edited by BANRYU
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1 hour ago, BANRYU said:

Haha okay wow, good to know that they're still intent on ignoring anything to do with Camilla having a wyvern. (My bitterness at that aside, nice find!)

she rides the wyvern on the homepage so it is not gone

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I'm gonna rant on Fire Emblem Heroes since well its on mobile and I hate mobile games in general and I still don't see how Nintendo going mobile is helping them in the long run.

Not sure if I can express it here but what the heck.

So I saw FE Heroes and its like how I expected it to be. Somehow using microtransactions to get the most fun out of it and just not being able to play it fun in the long run. I can just picture this as something that will just be in interest for a few weeks and then just fade out typical for mobile games in general.

Then there's the problem of its visuals. It uses graphics that are typical for games on mobile and lacks on using vibrant colors that the main FE games always have. While I don't mind it too much, the fact that the units are in chibi form and aren't in their original forms just makes this a cheap effort.

Some can argue that phones can't have big characters and all but if Project X Zone was able to do Chrom and Lucina nicely on Pixel art, why not do that same style here? It helps in making the characters look real. Even the GBA games helped make the characters look real.

Then there's the third problem...story. What kind of Story are we expecting here? Is it something like a traditional FE game where stories are to be expected and its gonna be done in a manner based on how stories are told in mobile games that you need to pay X to progress to Y or will game progression be free and you can play it like a traditional FE game with no adds and whatnot?

And lastly, objectives. So far there's only 1 and since maps look short in this game, that doesn't seem to offer much of variety. Where's the dragon veins? What about other objectives like Defend, Escape or press switches?

Infact, where's the weapon durability in this game? Infinite or is it screwed up by microtransactions?

And lastly, unit stats....how are they going to be implemented here? Are they going to do it based on the games that the units appeared or are they gonna Nerf them to make nearly every single unit identical enough that it doesn't matter who you choose unless...you guessed it, microtransactions?

yeah this all sounds pessimistic but its mobile gaming and that market is mostly pessimistic to begin with so I don't care about that part. I'll get the game and try it out if only because I want Nintendo to make some profit out of it but that's just it.

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3 minutes ago, King of all Swordmasters said:

she rides the wyvern on the homepage so it is not gone

IDK man, it's just nitpicking obviously, but I was always annoyed by the fact that her wyvern was NEVER mentioned once, not a single time, throughout the entirety of Fates lol. (at least... her support convos. Maybe they dropped a mention in Revelations but I doubt it) It's just... IDK, that seemed like the only relevant worldbuilding opportunity for the existence of Malig Knights and what their deal is and they did literally nothing with it lol. 

But yeah, there is that, at least. =3= I assume it'll be in her sprite as well so. At least it's there. Being a glorified chair lol. 

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38 minutes ago, Harvey said:


I'm gonna rant on Fire Emblem Heroes since well its on mobile and I hate mobile games in general and I still don't see how Nintendo going mobile is helping them in the long run.

Not sure if I can express it here but what the heck.

So I saw FE Heroes and its like how I expected it to be. Somehow using microtransactions to get the most fun out of it and just not being able to play it fun in the long run. I can just picture this as something that will just be in interest for a few weeks and then just fade out typical for mobile games in general.

Then there's the problem of its visuals. It uses graphics that are typical for games on mobile and lacks on using vibrant colors that the main FE games always have. While I don't mind it too much, the fact that the units are in chibi form and aren't in their original forms just makes this a cheap effort.

Some can argue that phones can't have big characters and all but if Project X Zone was able to do Chrom and Lucina nicely on Pixel art, why not do that same style here? It helps in making the characters look real. Even the GBA games helped make the characters look real.

Then there's the third problem...story. What kind of Story are we expecting here? Is it something like a traditional FE game where stories are to be expected and its gonna be done in a manner based on how stories are told in mobile games that you need to pay X to progress to Y or will game progression be free and you can play it like a traditional FE game with no adds and whatnot?

And lastly, objectives. So far there's only 1 and since maps look short in this game, that doesn't seem to offer much of variety. Where's the dragon veins? What about other objectives like Defend, Escape or press switches?

Infact, where's the weapon durability in this game? Infinite or is it screwed up by microtransactions?

And lastly, unit stats....how are they going to be implemented here? Are they going to do it based on the games that the units appeared or are they gonna Nerf them to make nearly every single unit identical enough that it doesn't matter who you choose unless...you guessed it, microtransactions?

yeah this all sounds pessimistic but its mobile gaming and that market is mostly pessimistic to begin with so I don't care about that part. I'll get the game and try it out if only because I want Nintendo to make some profit out of it but that's just it.

You are free to wait for other people to try it and post about it.  If mobile gaming isn't your thing, then it's not your thing.  But right now, there's VERY little on the actual transactions, or how they'll impact the game (if at all).  You are free to ignore this subforum, and find something that you DO like.

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8 hours ago, Moondrag said:

Hmm...as some who has played Mobile games before, I'm quite interested. Although I'm unsure about how rare the Quartz-I mean, Orb costs. (At the least, they allow you to try and tip the random odds slightly in your favor with the selecting orbs thing.) Will it be like Fate/Grand Order the amount of free Quartz you get is rather limited or like Star Ocean Anamnesis which is very generous. (At the least, despite the game using the same character multiple rarity system, you can upgrade their rarity. I'm looking at you Tales of Link)

As long as the desire sensor is not as strong as Fate/GO The first Scathach gatcha was really painful on my wallet... and I didn't got her.

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30 minutes ago, eclipse said:

You are free to wait for other people to try it and post about it.  If mobile gaming isn't your thing, then it's not your thing.  But right now, there's VERY little on the actual transactions, or how they'll impact the game (if at all).  You are free to ignore this subforum, and find something that you DO like.

Well I did what the thread was about. Posting thoughts about FE heroes where it doesn't fit anywhere else so where else do you think it could be posted on?

Also again, like I said, I wasn't sure where else to post it but oh well, now I know.


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Just now, Harvey said:

Well I did what the thread was about. Posting thoughts about FE heroes where it doesn't fit anywhere else so where else do you think it could be posted on?

Also again, like I said, I wasn't sure where else to post it but oh well, now I know.


Keep it to yourself.

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My main concern is how duplicates will be handled. Will they be a free level up or will you have multiple versions of characters running around? Yeah, the image in the Polygon article had one of each character, but still.


Ah, just realized the '70/200' in the image. That might be the entire first wave.

Edited by Emeraldfox
What are numbers
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So, with it looking like we'll have a team of four, what is everyone's planned "main" party? I'm thinking Roy, Severa/Celica, Nephenee, and Miledy.


4 hours ago, Harvey said:


I'm gonna rant on Fire Emblem Heroes since well its on mobile and I hate mobile games in general and I still don't see how Nintendo going mobile is helping them in the long run.

Not sure if I can express it here but what the heck.

So I saw FE Heroes and its like how I expected it to be. Somehow using microtransactions to get the most fun out of it and just not being able to play it fun in the long run. I can just picture this as something that will just be in interest for a few weeks and then just fade out typical for mobile games in general.

Then there's the problem of its visuals. It uses graphics that are typical for games on mobile and lacks on using vibrant colors that the main FE games always have. While I don't mind it too much, the fact that the units are in chibi form and aren't in their original forms just makes this a cheap effort.

Some can argue that phones can't have big characters and all but if Project X Zone was able to do Chrom and Lucina nicely on Pixel art, why not do that same style here? It helps in making the characters look real. Even the GBA games helped make the characters look real.

Then there's the third problem...story. What kind of Story are we expecting here? Is it something like a traditional FE game where stories are to be expected and its gonna be done in a manner based on how stories are told in mobile games that you need to pay X to progress to Y or will game progression be free and you can play it like a traditional FE game with no adds and whatnot?

And lastly, objectives. So far there's only 1 and since maps look short in this game, that doesn't seem to offer much of variety. Where's the dragon veins? What about other objectives like Defend, Escape or press switches?

Infact, where's the weapon durability in this game? Infinite or is it screwed up by microtransactions?

And lastly, unit stats....how are they going to be implemented here? Are they going to do it based on the games that the units appeared or are they gonna Nerf them to make nearly every single unit identical enough that it doesn't matter who you choose unless...you guessed it, microtransactions?

yeah this all sounds pessimistic but its mobile gaming and that market is mostly pessimistic to begin with so I don't care about that part. I'll get the game and try it out if only because I want Nintendo to make some profit out of it but that's just it.

Honestly, I think the art style is a natural evolution of the GBA art style, when directed towards this kind of game. It also helps avoid the massively bloated character sprites that you see in stuff like Brave Frontier.

For the story, there is definitely going to be an overarching story line, Emblian vs Askr, but I also hope they will do what Final Fantasy Record Keeper did, small dungeons based on pieces of the games.

Objectives? Route is obviously going to be the main one, but I can see capture/escape being doable. Fatality seems to be pretty high in this so, unless there is no permadeath, I doubt defend will be a thing.

I'll wait and see with weapons in general. We don't even know how classes with multiple weapon types are going to work yet.

Stats seem like they'll be set for any given character, i.e. no growth rates. As for stats between characters, obviously there will have to be rebalancing across the board. FE1 characters simply can't exist in the same world as FE13 characters. Stat buffers maybe working like the frogs in Brave Frontier?

3 hours ago, eclipse said:

Keep it to yourself.

I, personally, think it's fine for him to voice some very valid concerns, that are true for most gacha games.

16 minutes ago, Emeraldfox said:

My main concern is how duplicates will be handled. Will they be a free level up or will you have multiple versions of characters running around? Yeah, the image in the Polygon article had one of each character, but still.


I also wonder about the roster size. Will there be a set limit until we either level up or increase it ourselves with paid items or will it be 'unlimited'?

That we're summoning characters and not equipment, like I wish they would have gone with, I imagine there will be a set limit that we can then increase with gems.

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5 hours ago, Harvey said:

Then there's the third problem...story. What kind of Story are we expecting here? Is it something like a traditional FE game where stories are to be expected and its gonna be done in a manner based on how stories are told in mobile games that you need to pay X to progress to Y or will game progression be free and you can play it like a traditional FE game with no adds and whatnot?

I hope it's free like in granblue fantasy. if there'll be any limitation, it'll probably be some kind of energy or action point (AP) costs needed for each map which normally will increase the longer you go in the story (can't imagine any mobile game without AP system nowadays)


also I literally just made a new account here because I've been having my fair share of joy and salt in mobile game since I played granblue fantasy back from last year, and having similar situation in fire emblem franchise game will be a hillarious experience for me personally


btw, I don't know if this is real or not but I find the english twitter for FE heroes


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Nice, they pushed an English twitter feed! Can't tell 100% if it is fanmade or not...a few terms suggest it but dont confirm it


I have a hunch that the Stamina meter covers that, like a "limited battles per X hours" sort of thing

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@Harvey If you hate Mobile games, fair enough. But I think it's a good and needed move for Nintendo to follow trends and being modern rather than making gaming on console on a sort of obscure setting. What will they win if they abstain from going mobile? They're most likely missing opportunities there. Mobile gaming surely won't be their forte but will be a means to welcome new players to console gaming, which is a plus.

Players will probably download it, try it and leave it, or there may be a dedicated group of players willing to play it everyday. The idea of mobile gaming is to have fun on the go and play it by bursts, secs, minutes or a short free time where it'll be wasted time on handhelds or won't be worth it.

I find the visuals refreshing, and of good quality. I think it is a smart move to opt for 2D/chibi designs rather than 3D because making 3D models with all the details and precision it needs would end up as a hard and large task, and there's no guarantee that they will be beautiful or of high quality. For instance, PotK has 3D models and imo they look horrible; and they're not doing high def models ala Mobius FF. So I think it was a safe and smart move for more than 200 characters.

Regarding story, it'll be imo Fates 2.0 or similar, a clash of two kingdoms. They won't be giving us the complete story, they'll be giving us chapter by chapter recreating and/or elonging plot points or something. And imo story on mobile games is not the point, the point is to play daily, play fast and have fun. And so far, Heroes screams fun everywhere.

The worst that can be said about the game might be how they handle microtransactions and whether the game is easy/beatable without paying or making big purchases.

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If Pokemon Shuffle is any indication, I'm not actually THAT worried about Nintendo's move to mobile; the F2P model was actually handled pretty well in that game (with actual viable methods of saving/farming currencies that you otherwise have to buy and decent gameplay otherwise, if you can stomach only being able to play 5 stages every 2.5 hours), so I'm not TOO skeptical about how they'll handle it.

At the very least, I don't expect that it will be WORSE than any other mobile game I've played... Most RPG-esque games of this fashion that I've seen literally just have you clicking through menus and nothing else, with pretty art to distract from the lack of (what I consider to be) actual gameplay... But in this case, we see that there is actually SOME layer of Fire Emblem gameplay to it, however simplified, with the little grid maps characteristic of the series. So already, it has a leg up on any other mobile RPG that I've played lol (not gonna pretend I've played them all either, I'm sure there are some good ones I simply don't know or haven't bothered with, so it's not like it will necessarily be the best by default either... just passable, at least by the looks of things). 

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18 minutes ago, Quintessence said:

EVERY map is 8 x 6

This is correct. All maps will be 8x6 (or smaller, due to Terrain limitations and infantry units being unable to cross walls/mountains/etc.


For 4 v 4s, it's not bad IMO.

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4 hours ago, Suichimo said:

I, personally, think it's fine for him to voice some very valid concerns, that are true for most gacha games

The issue is that we have no idea how the gacha part works yet. Perhaps it'll be Pokemon Go levels, where I completely forget that a shop exists.  Or maybe it'll be "pay $75 for access to this character", which will be annoying, but I can still do maps without having to tear my hair out.  Or perhaps they'll pull what Unchained just did, and release some horribly unbalanced crap that would be doable if you spent half of my rent on the game in the past week.  We probably won't see this information until release, or shortly after it.  Until then, it's just whining about a probability with little basis, which is why I don't want it in here.

While the same can also be said for the people who are excited about the game, they, at the very least, are a lot more likely to actually download the game and give it a shot.

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