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Throughout the FE series, there's a ton of characters with swords with built-in 1-2 range. It makes sense that they'd want to change things up for a few of them, so that they can have different effects on their weapons rather than just repeating the same one and so that the game doesn't get too overloaded on Distant Counter sword users. And the fact that he doesn't use a sword explains why Hector could have Distant Counter even when there wasn't really room for Roy and Zephiel to.

As for Takumi, he does actually have the ability to attack in melee in his later appearances as a boss on the Conquest route, so him being the character to have Close Counter is appropriate.

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Close Counter is pretty much the Point Blank DLC skill that you can get from the Heirs of Fates DLC as a reward. Also as Othin said, a Takumi enemy skill in Conquest

Still a very annoying skill to face but it at least makes Archer bosses a proper challenge

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36 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

What was in the new sudden download? 

Actually, I wonder if Ike missions will have new defense missions?

Likely the assets needed for the World of Radiance banner coming tonight.


20 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

Still a very annoying skill to face but it at least makes Archer bosses a proper challenge

Memories of surrounding Denning to avoid letting him attack...

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59 minutes ago, mcsilas said:

What was in the new sudden download? 

Actually, I wonder if Ike missions will have new defense missions?

Some text fixes, such as the arena ranks and S!Camilla's live for bounty were also included.

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4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

As someone who does like Tellius, I do think it is a tad overrated. Then again, I think Awakening is overrated too. (Fates ... seems pretty divisive from my observation, so I cannot in good conscience call it overrated.)

It's very overrated.  Especially the Wii one.  But even the Gamecube one was rather meh compared to 7 and 8, and that's coming from someone who probably played through it a good... half dozen times just because the idea of playing Fire Emblem on a big screen was amazing.  Awakening has the same issue where it's the game that brought a lot of people in, so they look at it with the most reverence.  But comparably, I'd say it has more reason to like it than 9/10, since it at least brought in stuff from other games (given that it was the "send off" title), so even if there's things you don't like, you're also likely to find something you DO like.


5 hours ago, Dandee Leone said:

As excited as I am for Ike, i think this was an incredibly stupid move on Nintendo/IS/DeNA's part from the perspective of this game's longevity. Like, Ike is a HUGE pull for players to get back into the game, to revive the game in the future. And why would they put him in so soon after Alm, and only 3 weeks before Echoes launches in the US and Europe? There is still a lot of interest in the game, and Echoes only bolsters it.

Because this upcoming week is literally the second most profitable period of time a year for gacha games in Japan: Golden Week.  The only time more profitable based solely on time of year is New Year's.  They're trying to ensure that THEY get that Golden Week money and not any other gacha game that the players may be playing.

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11 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Because this upcoming week is literally the second most profitable period of time a year for gacha games in Japan: Golden Week.  The only time more profitable based solely on time of year is New Year's.  They're trying to ensure that THEY get that Golden Week money and not any other gacha game that the players may be playing.

So what's Golden Week? I ask because it still is ANZAC Day here in Australia, and that's not exactly a holiday that screams 'profits'.

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5 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

So what's Golden Week? I ask because it still is ANZAC Day here in Australia, and that's not exactly a holiday that screams 'profits'.

Approximately a week from the end of April to the beginning of May that contains multiple concurring holidays (such as Emperor Showa's birthday, Memorial Day, and Children's Day).  Many people have off of work during this time, and because of Children's Day kids get money (like they do on New Year's).

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22 minutes ago, GinRei said:

It's very overrated.  Especially the Wii one.  But even the Gamecube one was rather meh compared to 7 and 8, and that's coming from someone who probably played through it a good... half dozen times just because the idea of playing Fire Emblem on a big screen was amazing.

FE9 had the return of the skills system, which is something I really missed having in the GBA games after playing FE4.

FE10 made skills almost fully customizable. It also had the most diverse set of generic weapons, a full roster of magic weapons, and decent distribution of characters using each weapon type. My only real complaint about FE10 was that character availability was incredibly spotty.


10 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

So what's Golden Week? I ask because it still is ANZAC Day here in Australia, and that's not exactly a holiday that screams 'profits'.

Three consecutive national holidays that result in schools being out for an entire week.

Edited by Ice Dragon
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Just now, GinRei said:

Approximately a week from the end of April to the beginning of May that contains multiple concurring holidays (such as Emperor Showa's birthday, Memorial Day, and Children's Day).  Many people have off of work during this time, and because of Children's Day kids get money (like they do on New Year's).

...Which makes my previous sentence sound dumb because ANZAC Day is basically an Australian Memorial Day.

Though yes, this is fair. As a kid who struggled to buy things online, though, the kid one sounds super modern.

1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

Three consecutive national holidays that result in schools being out for an entire week.

Australia has four terms with two week breaks in between each, and a five-to-six week break for the summer/Christmas period. Is this significantly different elsewhere?

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

FE9 had the return of the skills system, which is something I really missed having in the GBA games after playing FE4.

Was that 9?  For some reason I was thinking that was 8.  My bad then.


2 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

My only real complaint about FE10 was that character availability was incredibly spotty.

This, combined with character balance, is what really made me hate it.  Story too, but that's not really something you can quantify like the other two issues.


1 minute ago, phineas81707 said:

Australia has four terms with two week breaks in between each, and a five-to-six week break for the summer/Christmas period. Is this significantly different elsewhere?

The main difference here is that the parents often have off of work as well.

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2 minutes ago, GinRei said:

Was that 9?  For some reason I was thinking that was 8.  My bad then.

The main difference here is that the parents often have off of work as well.

8 had rudimentary skills, but really, if you're counting them, you're basically counting Lethality, and then Skills never disappeared.

And that makes a lot more sense, thank you.

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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Australia has four terms with two week breaks in between each, and a five-to-six week break for the summer/Christmas period. Is this significantly different elsewhere?

Schools in the U.S. usually have 1 week of spring break, 2 months or so of summer break, and 2 weeks of winter break. At least for me, there was no break between first and second quarters (August through December).

Breaks during college differ by school, but tend to be between terms and are usually longer than breaks in elementary through high school.


Just now, GinRei said:

Was that 9?  For some reason I was thinking that was 8.  My bad then.

FE8 had a few class-specific skills which I don't count.


Just now, GinRei said:

The main difference here is that the parents often have off of work as well.


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3 minutes ago, phineas81707 said:

Australia has four terms with two week breaks in between each, and a five-to-six week break for the summer/Christmas period. Is this significantly different elsewhere?

In Russia, there's four terms with one to two week breaks inbetween, called quarters: 1st quarter, September through October, followed by a week-long autumn break; 2nd quarter, November through December, followed by two-week-long winter/New Year break; 3rd quarter—the longest one—January through March, followed by a week-long spring break; and the 4th quarter is April through May, with classes usually ending by the 25th.

That's it for the primary and secondary school.

High schools have two terms (September through December; February through May) with two-week-long exam sessions in January and June.

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What's wrong about FE10's story? Honestly Telius games have the best story, they showed a lot from the characters, you get to like them. There is a lot of mystery in PoR, then on Radiant Down you get some really nice plot twists, and solve the mystery that had in PoR. It's just not like the gameboy ones were they throw you a bunch names and countries and explain thinking you will remember all the details , this has been a problem since the SNES games( although the games had manuals showing more of the story) . Only FE7 was likable, because the lord trio was likable! And we had a pretty awesome vilain with a deep backstory with another character. Also, the GBA games lacked complexity. They were good, but only as a standard Fire Emblem game, that is mostly suited for newcommers. I really missed the skill, though I liked them and the new classes in Sacred Stones. Overall, Radiant Down is my favorite. It's a definitive improvement over PoR, more balanced classes, more diversity, huge chapters, parts (wich means you had to use pretty much everyone at some point), huge maps with huge yellow command troops, it felt like  a war. The complex maps, the ledgue , makes some maps really unique. Sad they ditched a lot of stuff in the 3DS games.

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FE9 is bland and overrated, FE10 is alright and I'm biased for it because it was the first FE I played (it's my fourth favorite overall after 6/7/8).

Though the games themselves aren't as overrated as Ike is.  

18 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

What's wrong about FE10's story?

Part I was okay, Part II was pretty good character development for Elincia, Part III on was annoying Ike worship up the wazoo.

Also Blood Pacts are a stupid way of trying to get your protagonists to fight each other.

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16 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

It's just not like the gameboy ones were they throw you a bunch names and countries and explain thinking you will remember all the details , this has been a problem since the SNES games( although the games had manuals showing more of the story) .

To be entirely fair, the newer games have none of the severe data storage limitations of the older cartridge games. GBA games were limited to 16 MB of ROM data for most of the system's lifetime (later games could go up to 32 MB), and SNES games were even smaller.

For comparison, I believe the limit for a 3DS game card is 4 GB, which is equivalent to 256 copies of a GBA Fire Emblem cartridge.

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1 minute ago, Ice Dragon said:

To be entirely fair, the newer games have none of the severe data storage limitations of the older cartridge games. GBA games were limited to 16 MB of ROM data for most of the system's lifetime (later games could go up to 32 MB), and SNES games were even smaller.

For comparison, I believe the limit for a 3DS game card is 4 GB, which is equivalent to 256 copies of a GBA Fire Emblem cartridge.

That makes sense then. The cutscenes and long dialogues in the Tellius games helped a lot. Would be nice to see that on remakes.

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12 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

FE9 is bland and overrated, FE10 is alright and I'm biased for it because it was the first FE I played (it's my fourth favorite overall after 6/7/8).

Though the games themselves aren't as overrated as Ike is.  

Part I was okay, Part II was pretty good character development for Elincia, Part III on was annoying Ike worship up the wazoo.

Also Blood Pacts are a stupid way of trying to get your protagonists to fight each other.

I respectfuly disagree about the blood pact, I thought it was pretty deep and dark. And yes, the Ike relation with the laguz is a worship lol. I can't manage to like Ranulf in both games. He appeared from anywhere in PoR and suddelny is important, while all of the grail mercenaries wich had charisma are forgotten( due to possible permanent death, wich sucks, I think that is a problem in all Fire Emblem games). Then on Radiant Down he comes as a best frind and is showed everywhere, when you actualy want to see the other characters. Yup, part III was not so good, but that's just it.

Edited by Rapha666br
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FE9 and especially FE10 have some of the best map designs if not the best design of the franchise, with varied victory conditions and a lot of interesting dynamics (I miss ledges. I will forever miss ledges).

Story wise FE9 is boring but well executed; and FE10 is overly ambitious and therefore flawed, but still has an amazing epic scope and complexity.

And skills are cool, yeah.

Edited by salinea
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I'm on the side that liked the blood pact too, but I do think it could've been written a little bit better. I like the idea and concept, but it didn't come with much explanation on how exactly they work and how they came to be. What makes the contract able to actually kill people just like that if its terms are not followed? Who made them? With how deep Tellius's world-building is, I'm surprised all that was left out.

Also, at least RD Ike's "worship" made sense since he'd already earned a ton of respect from his deeds in PoR. At this point he's become rather famous for commanding the liberation of Crimea and royals from a few different countries became friends with him (Tibarn, Reyson, Sanaki, Caineghis, and of course Elincia). It's not like it came out of nowhere like certain light mages or Avatars. Micaiah is the one who is blindly worshipped and the Daeins constantly praising her when she did nothing at all to earn it always annoyed me and this is why I hate her. Sure, they think of her as their "savior" but what did she do to earn that title? She has a unique hair color and can heal wounds without a staff? That's it? lol. These abilities came off as a bit sueish to me too, because not even other Branded have such extraordinary abilities. Micaiah is the one overrated and bland, imo.

But we'll have differing opinions and no opinion is right or wrong. This is just my two cents.

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Just now, Anacybele said:

I'm on the side that liked the blood pact too, but I do think it could've been written a little bit better. I like the idea and concept, but it didn't come with much explanation on how exactly they work and how they came to be. What makes the contract able to actually kill people just like that if its terms are not followed? Who made them? With how deep Tellius's world-building is, I'm surprised all that was left out.

Also, at least RD Ike's "worship" made sense since he'd already earned a ton of respect from his deeds in PoR. At this point he's become rather famous for commanding the liberation of Crimea and royals from a few different countries became friends with him (Tibarn, Reyson, Sanaki, Caineghis, and of course Elincia). It's not like it came out of nowhere like certain light mages or Avatars. Micaiah is the one who is blindly worshipped and the Daeins constantly praising her when she did nothing at all to earn it always annoyed me and this is why I hate her. Sure, they think of her as their "savior" but what did she do to earn that title? She has a unique hair color and can heal wounds without a staff? That's it? lol. These abilities came off as a bit sueish to me too, because not even other Branded have such extraordinary abilities. Micaiah is the one overrated and bland, imo.

But we'll have differing opinions and no opinion is right or wrong. This is just my two cents.

Isn't the reason behind Michaia kinda obvious? She cared for the poor. Yes , she came out of anywhere, but it was her sacrifice skill that called everyone's atention, and then it became a rumor that spread and she got famous. She is just the kind one like many FE lords, but she did without anyone trusting her at first with no royal blood, it was decently executed. I don't think she is amazing or anything, she felt really weak as a unit, but that was never her point to begin with. Really wish her endgame class could be much more powerful though. Come on, she is being blessed by a godess. Overall, I think she is ok, but wasted potential and didn't develop much.


4 minutes ago, salinea said:

FE9 and especially FE10 have some of the best map designs if not the best design of the franchise, with varied victory conditions and a lot of interesting dynamics (I miss ledges. I will forever miss ledges).

Story wise FE9 is boring but well executed; and FE10 is overly ambitious and therefore flawed, but still has an amazing epic scope and complexity.

And skills are cool, yeah.

Honestly, I can agree about it being flawed and ambitious (the ambitious is the best thing about the game imo). But I think people are way too harsh with it. I mean, when compared to other games, there isn't much they have done worse with the Telius games.I think the flaws are easily ignored, although that's just me being a little bias as they are my favorite game, and are the only games where I actualy remember all characters and the story( mostly)

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4 minutes ago, Rapha666br said:

Isn't the reason behind Michaia kinda obvious? She cared for the poor. Yes , she came out of anywhere, but it was her sacrifice skill that called everyone's atention, and then it became a rumor that spread and she got famous. She is just the kind one like many FE lords, but she did without anyone trusting her at first with no royal blood, it was decently executed. I don't think she is amazing or anything, she felt really weak as a unit, but that was never her point to begin with. Really wish her endgame class could be much more powerful though. Come on, she is being blessed by a godess. Overall, I think she is ok, but wasted potential and didn't develop much.

Actually, no, it wasn't her Sacrifice ability, because she was supposed to be hiding that. I just remembered Sothe told her to hide it because it could put her in danger. So no, the reason is NOT obvious. The soldiers who catch her call her a fortune teller and that they'd be heroes for getting her. That's not much of a reason either. Not every fortune teller becomes super famous just like that simply for fortune telling.

But I agree, she's wasted potential and had little development. And I agree, she sucked as a unit. Couldn't stop dying to everything and the only time she could do a lot of damage is when she would Thani armors to death. Always hated that a unit like her was forced and I wish she could've been benched. Her final promotion time is also as bad as Roy's. Too late to be of good use.

Edited by Anacybele
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